What happened after this? I haven't read comics in quite some time and as far ad I can remember, this never got resolved.
What happened after this? I haven't read comics in quite some time and as far ad I can remember...
There's a book by Johns and Fabok supposed to come out sometime, although it's part of the Black Label which could mean trouble thanks to Azzarello's mental illness.
That's Geoff Johns for you. Seriously though, it's yet to be resolved and based on current trajectory won't even matter considering the story that's meant to elaborate on this has been quarantined to DC's dying Black Label imprint.
What mental illness?
We haven't see anything come from this.
Everything from DW was a mistake and the fact that it ended with an unbirthing fetish was the icing on the cake.
Big 2 comicbooks are trash
Working in the comic book industry.
*DC is trash
Being 50 years old and still thinking being an edgelord means he's being "mature".
Nothing, like the 80 other plot points of Darkseid War left over suddenly disappearing.
Darkseid War
And Marvel is even worse.
they realized midway it was a stupid idea and DC is trying to bury it
It's not getting resolved. They abandoned it, like the rest of Rebirth.
What the fuck are comics doing
dying. seriously these are the death throes of an industry.
>Azzarello's mental illness.
You mean his chadhood
Why would you want to read something this stupid? I hope they forget about it.
this was supposed to be resolved in Three Jokers a book that was supposed to come out in November following Doomsday Clock a book that was supposed to be finished by.
but there's a lot of continuity issues going on in DC which has absolutely killed what Johns was building up with DC Rebirth
Boys how can we rewrite batman to make him compelling but not destroy his core character?
I've thought about this, and thought about turning Wayne Industries into a Construction Contractor for Gotham, so the general plot is trying to make Wayne Industries profitable in a crime ridden Gotham where nobody wants to build anything or move into a crime ridden city.
This is where Batman comes into play, with Wayne attempting to retake Gotham from the criminals, while trying to make stop his company from dying, by stopping weapons deals and smuggling, criminal organizations, and terrorists from blowing shit up every sunday to try and make gotham more appealing so more people move in.
that happened already but it was other rich people profiting off of Batman's efforts.
Wasn't that already moved out of Black Label to Johns' imprint?
Marvels worse.
Literally only spics and bangladeshi shills were excited for it.