Is it true that he could play anywhere on the pitch?

is it true that he could play anywhere on the pitch?

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Not in zone 12

Why do N'gubus not look like this anymore? This looks way cooler than hoe they look right now.

They have bad taste

he is no n'gubu fucking retard, this is ruud gullit one of the best dutch footballers of all time, have some respect

he's still a nguboid

Stfu Stengs you're a N'gubu aswell

when i was growing up niggers like van bronckhorst, kluivert and edgar davids were just viewed here as 'dutch', as if it was totally normal for coons to be playing for mainland teams.
i know better now

What do you know now better, oh wise man?

that flags, borders or passports have a bearing on determining nationality.
you can choose a passport, where to live, who you pay taxes to and you can hold citizenship anywhere in the world but you can not choose your ancestors, its an inherited kinship that supersedes all tentacles of state control.

And your point is?

niggers are subhuman

Ok thanks now I get it.

ruud gullit isnt dutch even if he has dutch ancestory somewhere, nationality is not judged on a sliding scale, there are no >56% faced people of any nation, you either have one or your have nothing.
by all means call him a citizen, maybe a netherlander? but heisnt dutch

What has this to do with Yea Forumsorts? Let a nigga play for us.

germanoids like you weren't considered natives sometime ago, maybe in a hundred years negroes will be like you

cut and paste where i said he shouldnt play for you?

they wont be like me and theyll never be native, even if they are here in 100 years, theres been dutchmen in south africa for 100+ years who arent native to south africa.

Stop being racist. Have sex sweety.


how can i just 'stop' being racist?
theres nothing that can be said that annuls real life experience, at best you could change my perspective on what i see around me by dulling my instincts with an avalanche of media mush that amounts to little more than dog food for the brain or actual dog food for the brain in the form of sense culling drugs. if that was to be applied i wouldnt react to reality at all or have conviction in anything.
it would take years of work, it would take a combination of isolation from reality and hard drugs to totally rewire neural pathways.

Din't read
Din't ask
Plus you're white

Last good Newcastle manager

Don't think he ever played full back did he?

You really should have sex