What went wrong Yea Forums?
What went wrong Yea Forums?
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fuck politics
fuck niggers
fuck jews
fuck trump
fuck conservatives
fuck capitalism
i like sports
bernie bros seething, you fags just got btfo by nigs
fuck poltics
get this faggot shit off our board
seethin lol
maybe your fat fingers clicked the wrong board to post this on
or are you fucking retarded
anyone else see Biden mix up his wife and his sister?
boiling bernie bro.
blacks are with trump now sorry sweetie.
Bernie wins the black vote too, just not in southern states where blacks are religious, older and conservative.
In states he wins, he overwhelmingly wins black and minority votes.
Bernie had a slim but clear lead for tuesday overall, and it changed when 3 people dropped out of the race last few days, and they endorsed biden, and also a few other high profile players endorsing biden.
With all their votes combined, and Warren siphoning off a good chunk of progressive votes even though shes not winning anywhere or even 2nd, Sanders is losing.
The moderate Dems combined their votes basically for biden while Bernies votes are being cut in half by warren staying in despite having no shot at even getting 2nd place.
dude bernie literally only won even one state because bloomjew took votes away from Biden, its over.
Dude, he won 2 states, and came at a virtual tie for a 3rd (a state pete whos out won).
And was polling ahead than biden everywhere.
Also bloombergs votes second choice are split between biden sanders and warren, it's not just free biden votes lol.
you would know that if you actually paid attention, You don't even remember the other states bernie won.
That's what went wrong.
Bernie bros don't think its over yet but im seriously worried about how they will cope come july
>calling social programs socialism
that's what went wrong.
people that don't know the difference between socialism and communism .
sanders is not platforming or endorsed making the vast majority of businesses in the USA into government owned entities...
Shouldn’t you guys be worrying about your new PM or something?
you misunderstood what I said, im saying bernie wouldn't have even won one state if Bloomberg dropped out and I mean it.
>Also bloombergs votes second choice are split between biden sanders and warren, it's not just free biden votes lol.
the fucking delusion, do you really believe this? Biden would overwhelmingly take bloomberg's votes.
Niggers happpened
they ruin everything
It all depends on who drops out and where their voters go at this point.
Biden is the front runner but sanders still in striking distance, that's where the hope comes from.
neither side is going to cope well if they lose. Establishment dems vs progressive anti establishment
They hate each other, and whoever wins, the other is just voting for trump and trump wins.
Dems primary actually don't matter right now. It all results in trump winning.
elections shouldnt be decided along state lines. states shouldnt exist period. its 2020.
states are not democratic. they don't reflect the will of the country. electing to national office should only be a popular vote nationwide.
if people think you cannot reflect american without the distorted prism of these "states" and their utterly arbitary centuries-old boundaries, and their wildly differing population counts, we will continue to not be democratic. our representation will always be skewed more right than what the people are actually asking for.
also abolish first past the post.
he would of won because like I said, Bloombergs voters second choice are split between candidates, it's not just biden shills.
i fucking believe this because You know exit polls? they show secondary choices and stuff. Actual data, not just a want to see sanders fail because trump
provide a source
I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Super Tuesday. Does not having the lead at Super Tuesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie is still playing right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's playing one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of nigger boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Get the fuck off my board.
honestly thats true, and bernie will still have the delegate lead by the end of the votes all being counted from this week, but its tough seeing bernie getting a majority if he doesnt get texas, he needs to get new york and pennsylvania at the very least either way
t. california fag
can someone give a rundown of the American political elections lately? Is this for the final candidate to represent the Democrats? If so, who stands a better chance to beat/lose to Trump?
Should voting for an 85 year old commie with heart problems for president be considered attempted homicide?
> Is this for the final candidate to represent the Democrats?
yes and Joe Biden is winning after today
>If so, who stands a better chance to beat/lose to Trump?
Its hard to say, Bernie supporters are seething because they believe Biden will get crushed against trump and they may very well be right.
Why is it always that American politics are filled with crooked and corrupted people? Can some amerishart elaborate on why this is the case?
They're going to be tied by the end of the night
DNC is corrupt to shit
saw him sucking on some lady's finger at a rally
/r/ing the webm
why do people *really* hate Bernie? I know there's >communism memes, but is there anything more to it? He's not a communist, he's a socialist, do people equate the two?
Voter suppression
They specifically close polling places in areas where young people vote and where people of color vote
I wonder why american politicians are corrupt so strange
is an politician from burgerfatland a athlete?
I also wonder that.
theres no true left in america so yes we hate socialism too
democratic candidates are both way too old, nobody wants a 80 year old boomer as president
but blacks overwhelmingly prefer biden so how does this hurt Bernie?
Barack is still running shit. Trump's just out there to take the blame.
Because he's trying to make america a first world country and the elites don't want to give up control of their mindless wageslaves
minorities are retards and will always vote establishment, bernie wont win shit lmao
shutup spic
the oddsmakers seem to think none of them have a chance, they think Trump is a lock. They have Trump as more of a lock for reelection than they did Obama for his 2nd term and Romney got uttery BTFO by Obama
Spics and young people vote bernie
Biden is the darkhorse to win it all and beat Trump.
Screencap this.
>brexit happen
>then trump happen
>socialists in britain get absolutely BTFO
>GE coming up...
It's only logical to dump the left winger.
I wanted Bloomberg to win last night just so the primaries would get more interesting. But he is out of touch with the electorate, and boomers and blacks like clean white bread like Biden more anyway.
I expect Trump to get the popular vote this time.
Im literally a fucking trump supporter now. These "democrat" faggots are cancer and will not be supported by me
>faggot opinion
>"its 2020"
every. single. time.
welcome to the darkside brotha, you better get used to winning
It's gonna be a landslide isn't it
Both have comfortable polling leads, Biden slightly more than Sanders, something like +5% vs +4%. I'd make the case that Bernie will drop the most if he gets the nom since he's yet to face sustained attack from the right like Biden.
>4 more years of drumpf
Two Genders
Two scoops
Two Terms
Deal with it!
>nobody knows what communism is
>nobody knows what socialism is
>nobody knows that their vote literally doesn't matter
>people voting based on a candidates race, gender, sexuality etc.
Why are people so retarded and why are retards allowed to participate in politics at all? Just drop the theatrics and admit we live in an oligarchy already