
Attached: what it's like.png (468x759, 318K)

Other urls found in this thread:


go knights

Attached: 1577869650468.jpg (834x469, 54K)

pierre is /ourguy/

Attached: 1534297153897.jpg (789x750, 94K)

>they are overflowing with adrenaline
MY Addies :) are gonna win at least one (1) game this season!

Attached: adrenaline blue.png (270x270, 11K)


i don't really mind islesweeb desu


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Shannon Skane is the Abraham Lincoln of youtube hockey gurus

theyre pulling a 2007 mets arent they?

Attached: Tyler...jpg (500x470, 29K)

nice try, islesweeb and/or copey

Attached: 1569959801042.gif (300x169, 498K)

>poo york calenders

How so?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Until then, thanks for your concession bud!

Gonna win tonight.

no one understands this reference, you arcane faggot
this is /hoc/

by believing that vegas having a higher point percentage means that vegas with 21 points was ranked higher than colorado with 23 points


knights are gonna get BLACKEDwood tonight

they blew a big season lead

Just die Pierre

this is his containment space so he doesnt ruin anymore wjc's for us


Attached: 1469766788168.gif (320x240, 1.56M)

Where was it implied that 23 points is less than 21 points?

The argument, that is shown by objective facts, is that an 80.1 is a higher percentage number than 76.7.

Thanks for your concession though bud!

>patreese burgermoron

rather i think we come down to earth in this stretch against better teams coming up

gonna make mac n cheese for dinner tonight

Why did Nashville hire John Hynes again?

better than blowing big loads err leads

>Tampa took a penalty already
And game over.

How so?

>it was 2-0

You slicing sausages to mix it in too?

is it the jews¿

There were no claims made in the post, so your question is meaningless.

Thanks for your concession though bud! It's been a few days since you gave me some!

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with refpuck. Refs are part of the game.

probably the heavy pinching his system employs. figured it would play up with their defense group.

no im gonna put bacon

which has no influence over the argument of who was the best team in the month of february, the colorado avalanche

La plus dangereuse des avances.

How so?

They objectively had a worse point percentage than the Golden Knights.

Thanks for your concession though bud!

theyre fine this isles team is shit and I've accepted it because when you lose cizikas it all falls apart for no fucking reason

Lmao that no call on Cirelli

>The most dangerous lead
>With Carey Price in net

Thinking about betting on the Islanders comeback lads

i feel the need... the need... for CONCEDE

He has in his possession, some extremely embarrassing photos of David Poile



>There were no claims made in the post, so your question is meaningless.
How so?


Attached: 1552898556438.jpg (1658x625, 127K)

>doubles down on retardation
Go ahead and try again bud.

Thanks for your concession though!

you gonna need a stand for all that concession bud

>They objectively had a worse point percentage than the Golden Knights.
but more total points, the method the nhl uses to determine the standings

What the fuck is the sound quality in the Tampa Boston game? Sounds like the mic is underwater

How'd that work out for the Sharks in the playoffs?

Surely they won the cup right?

How's it working for them now?

Surely they're gonna make the playoffs right?

Don't worry, I'll wait!


Thanks for your concession though bud!
Thanks bud, I'll chalk that up as a concession of your own.
Ahh yes, they played more games, but accrued less points per game than the Golden Knights.

Got it! Thanks for your concession bud!

marchands enormous jew nose is affecting the mics

They have the best heat lamp in the league for his comfort

>Ahh yes, they played more games, but accrued less points per game than the Golden Knights.
are you suggesting that the nhl ranks teams via point percentage?

We've been over this for the past two days.

It's an objective fact the President's Trophy winner will objectively have the best point percentage.

Thanks for your concession though bud!

Lesson 1 never lose to the oilers or the tornados will get you

Attached: empty.png (892x1242, 742K)

Attached: Oh My.gif (426x426, 3.19M)

>It's an objective fact the President's Trophy winner will objectively have the best point percentage.
what does the president's trophy winner have to do with ranking the best team in the month of february?
these are not the same things

hit the showers, gary

Attached: 1569303288369.jpg (1018x563, 358K)

>doubles down on retardation
How so?

Are you implying we're fighting rent free in your head?

On behalf of both of us, thanks for your concession bud!
The fact that the winner of both have the best point percentage in the league.

Thanks for your concession bud!

I appreciate the effort! :)
>triples down on retardation
I appreciate your concession bud! Got some more for me?

Jeez, what a shitty day to be a Predators fan

Daily reminder that if you aren't reporting copey's consistent rule violations to the proper authorities, you're letting everyone in /hoc/ down.

Attached: tunes.jpg (297x297, 26K)

jokes on you i dont shower

fucking based

And how has that ever worked for ya bud?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Thanks for your concession though!

>The fact that the winner of both have the best point percentage in the league.
the winner of both has the highest total points accrued in the season or month respectively
thank you for conceding the argument

seattle super tuesdays

lmao fuck you got me good
have an earnest concession from me

Attached: 1557702992182.jpg (615x783, 42K)

Seattle Super Thursdays

replace it with "most concessions given out"

Reminder fans concessions are closed after the second intermission.

the Theattle Thurper Thurtuesdays

If anyone’s going out please get me some Dr. Pepper have a craving

Seattle Shitdicks

>varly in
just fucking make it 6-0 for fucks sake and embarrass them

>greiss gets sandbagged

seattle skittlebraus

That'd be the case if they played the same amount of games huh bud.

Yet not all teams play the same amount of games in a month do they?

They don't?


Oh yeaaah that is right! Therefore the best point percentage team would be the most successful in the month.

Thanks for your concession though bud!
Based. Thanks bud.
How long did that take ya bud, nice job! Don't quit ya dayjob lmao.


How'd that work out for the Sharks in the playoffs?

Surely they won the cup right?

How's it working for them now?

Surely they're gonna make the playoffs right?

Don't worry, I'll wait!


Thanks for your concession though bud!

Attached: miracle on ice v2.png (462x206, 23K)

Cheerwine > Dr. Pepper

should of started greiss
oh wait, shit

Tampa’s faceoff win percentage is so shit without Stamkos


Your listening to KWAB, the /ice/, next up, it's Steely Dan followed by Crocus
Keep listening to KWAB, the Hit List

>I appreciate your concession bud!
How so?

fuck off you starting this made it happen

>quadruples down on retardation
Thanks for your concession bud! I appreciate it!

>October - February

>March - April
>soooo... anybody want these last playoff spots?
>come ooonnnnn... somebody take them...

Attached: shoot 2.png (1390x507, 894K)

sorry islesbro, my intentions were pure, I promise

>That'd be the case if they played the same amount of games huh bud.
right there would be no games to change the point percentage
>Yet not all teams play the same amount of games in a month do they?
they do not
>Therefore the best point percentage team would be the most successful in the month
based upon the idea that they could theoretically gain more points if they played more games
why are you ranking teams based upon ideas?

fuck off

>should of

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the most polite carnival goer of all time ladies n gentlemen

/hoc/ follows its local AHL team, right?

Attached: very fast polar bear moving at incredible high speed.gif (200x200, 91K)

>St Louis needs more forecheck
Great commentary there Pierre

>right there would be no games to change the point percentage
Yup, good job bud! Thanks for helping my argument! :)
>they do not
Yup, good job bud! Thanks for helping my argument! :)
>based upon the idea that they could theoretically gain more points if they played more games
How so?

Are you saying that 80.1% is lesser than 76.7%?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

In the mean time, thanks for your concession bud!
Not until next year bud. :)

i mean, its true but thats like saying the sky is blue
t. blooz fag

please don’t be mad with me :(

Weeb absolutely BOILING

Alberta is something else.

Attached: alberta.jpg (936x768, 145K)

Your watching KWAB, the KWAB TV
next up, Bob Ross smokes a pound and paints of Salvador Dali nipples

Attached: 1564163395699.png (708x897, 57K)

>Are you saying that 80.1% is lesser than 76.7%?
>muh theoretical points

>I appreciate it!
How so?

Yeah, based

she's probably kinky af

mommy tulsi won a delegate from american samoa lads

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Tyler Johnson you useless putz

who is the best hockey fella?

Attached: vomit88350.gif (280x258, 1007K)

didn’t know hoc was full of pedophiles
actually yes i did

So the fact that 80.1% is greater than 76.7% is theoretical in your view?

Got it! I appreciate your concession bud!
>quintuples down on retardation
Yup, there's another one (concession). Thanks bud!

seek therapy

How do we convince her that Pulju is a super environmentalist and get her to fall in love with him?

Attached: evo.jpg (1080x1076, 136K)

I’m not wrong though, oh wait, yes I am.

Attached: 1583032143779.jpg (410x598, 40K)


Simple, they can bond over Bonaqua



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Murray going on about the goal like it’s some marvel of play making. In reality it just bounced in off Marchand.

Fuckin a brother

Attached: download (8).jpg (220x219, 10K)

>bottled water

How dare you!



this image is going in every future Flames and Oilers collage

They all ran out of freebies from Detroit, what did you think was gonna happen when they played the good teams?

what would Pulju's and Greta's child look like??

Attached: 1563873613782.gif (226x224, 142K)

Isn’t she 17 now? That’s legal in most of the US

when using these numbers to rank teams they are

yeah actually

some sort of woodland elf probably

>How dares you? :DDDDDDD
>Perkele :DDDD

t. pedo

I've got a mosquito bite on my left nut. Halp.

Attached: helper sad.jpg (619x453, 47K)

Kek, well I guess when you put it that way

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The savior of mankind

that would mean pre-pubescent, which greta is not

Please explain to me how 80.1% being greater than 76.7% is theoretical in your view,

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Thanks for your concession though bud!

Attached: 1553724641494.png (611x558, 374K)

>roasties in my /hoc/
Get the fuck out.

do we need to send a welfare check over to isleweeb's studio apartment?

he lives in a dorm

>rags fans unironically begging the refs for help

imagine getting BTFO by the

>rags vs blues has no right being this good a game


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If you want my concession you're gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hand.


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bullshit that there was no call.

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*dabs on incels*

Boy that fiala granlund trade last year doesn't look it was a good one for Nashville

more or less accurate

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that's what the messiah will look like? to be honest, this is precisely what I expected

unironically yes

Does anyone need a refill?

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mikko in net :(

yeah I'll uh take some nachos and a tall boy of coors banquet thanks

What position would he play?

jesus h murphy

je perdre........

looks like that /pol/tard girl


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all the stands sell skittlebrau, lad.. think they got a contract

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Does Boston have any injuries right now?

which am i?

There used to be some good Swedish posters here, sad

What did the priest say?

Thank you for your confession.

Hockey is NOT for everyone


Yes, it is


oiler time

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>Please explain to me how 80.1% being greater than 76.7% is theoretical in your view,
its the fact that in order for the greater number to generate more points you would require theoretical games

salt or meme

That’s too close to overturn.


Classic Boston. Get a goal overturned and then get a PP.

>the bay of Tampa

Why do so many Bruins fans live in Tampa?

I feel like Khaira is only in the line-up tonight over Hass for some kind of bullshit diversity reasoning. He's fucking useless and is a detriment to the team because he takes dumb penalties like the one he just did.

Yamamoto and Draisaitl on the Axis Line

How so? The number are objective.

So once again, how is 80.1% a lesser number than 76.7% except for in a theoretical context?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Thanks for your concession though bud!

retirement state

that wasnt a choice but okay

He skated onto his stick, what the fuck

You weren't a choice

Do the Oilers have any Italian prospects coming up?
There seem to be a bunch of people in BC and Ontario with Italian last names. There's gotta be somebody.


All these Bruins fans in Tampa are all boomers?

don't put any italians on there or they'll lose

Fine, they can substitute in an Austrian.

trouba is always falling


Florida in general is full of Boston/New York transplants. Because we have no state tax and its pretty much summer year round. Its hard to find people who were born and raised here.

Little known fact. In the 80s and 90s, Florida was known as the "Second Chance State" because jobs and housing didnt need background checks. So criminals and ex-cons would come to Florida for a second chance. Which is probably a good reason as to why it's so Ass-backwards. We're a combination. Of every bad thing every state has to offer as a population.

how is the concept of a "snowbird" foreign to a ice hockey enthusiast?

A Czech would also be technically acceptable

All hockey fans are boomers

wow a goal.......wow

so thats the power of lgbtning defending, huh?

>Puck bounces right to him
Fucking Boston niggers


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Back on the menu, boys

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>so desperate to score
>kick the puck in
what has become of this stupid team
just give it to Quebec already

Attached: isles blue (2011).png (270x270, 10K)

yea shes 17 and still considerably ugly

Bruins dabbing on the tampons.

theyre not

>Boston scores
>Crowd goes crazy

Attached: 1467488488194.jpg (297x411, 48K)

Do you live in Florida?

This makes a surprising amount of sense

Will Draisaitl extend his point lead tonight?
I'm thinking so.

>NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

People retire to Florida. News at 11.

Bruins fans who love Boston but refuse to live there

I wonder when theyll finally get busted for cheating

>How so? The number are objective.
only if you believe 23 is a bigger number than 21

i truly hate kakko

You'd have to have a sub 80iq to want to make a life in Terrace BC

for five years, active duty at Tyndall AFB near Panama City

bitches ass fuck anal fuck and dick in ass (tomorrow)

just get islesweeb to mettie jetties

Where was it implied that 23 points is less than 21 points?

The argument, that is shown by objective facts, is that an 80.1 is a higher percentage number than 76.7.

Thanks for your concession though bud!

i just dabbed the tip of my dick on the inner rim of the toilet bowl
>feels bad man


>a Czech
>not trading for Zemgus Girgensons to have a Latvian volunteer SS unit anchoring your center ice position

I know. I just get mocked by Tampa fags all the time when it happens to >my team eventhouhh it happens to them too.

So why do so many people in their 30's and 40's live in Tampa?

Who’s your team?

this is what I get for trusting the rags

Attached: 1537913783071.jpg (651x451, 86K)

>Islanders have been outscored 8-0 in their last 7 periods

>Where was it implied that 23 points is less than 21 points?
when you suggested that 80.1 is better than 76.7 for determining how a team ranks


Attached: DuPmTNYUwAAtzRr.jpg (680x521, 44K)

wow you scored for once

cucko faggo is a bust

>Slap a guy with the flat of your blade
Only this nigger officials

myyy panties!

dunno, lad

Attached: 1564555059529.gif (266x200, 2.56M)

Your English is pretty good, Carlos

nooo not my mettie jettie islies nooooooooooooooo

Attached: mji.png (792x792, 419K)


give back Wally please

Attached: wally.png (312x233, 150K)

>It was 5-1

Well their attendance is pretty miserable.

How so?

Link a post where I outright stated that 23 is less than 21.

Also, are you still denying the objective fact that 80.1% is a greater number than 76.7%?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Thanks for your concession though bud!

>white sport in cuboid town
The Cats are a good team that deserves a fanbase

don't respond to it

they haven't won a playoff series in 23 years

Would help if the organization wasn’t so poorly run.

Any Flyers fans in Tampa going to the game on Pride night?
Can you do me a favor and be proper Philly fans?

I can't speak on the Cats organization, but I hear this about the Rays and dismiss it as cope

rip boychuk's career

RIP Boychuk

>are you still denying the objective fact that 80.1% is a greater number than 76.7%
no, but i wouldnt use these values to rank teams since they rely on theory to determine the value

I never asked for this shit

hopefully boychucks okay, but that has to hurt

Attached: Lily.png (180x170, 51K)

literally who

Rays are probably trash but they also made a World Series and the Panthers haven’t won a playoff series this century.

this is the post

has anyone stopped to ponder just how large islesweeb's weeb folder actually is?

instant karma
maybe don't shove someone from behind when they're not even anywhere near the puck

Good job bud!
>they rely on theory to determine the value
Bad job bud.

How can you both admit that the numbers are objective, but then refute it in the same sentence?

Don't worry, I'll wait!

Thanks for your concession!

don't respond to it

Hopefully Tim Thomas is doing worse than his family is saying publicly

At least the Bolts won't be shut out tonight

Yes, but when the Rays made that Series run they were getting 20,000 fans a night
Now they're getting maybe 2,000
Some people give personal anecdotes about moving to the other side of Bay and find it hard to get to games and say it's in a shit neighborhood
But it's been in the same ghetto 12 years ago
The Rays aren't a bad team and they deserve a town that would appreciate a baseball team

I never think about her.

I won't.. thanks

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Post players you not only want to see get a career ending injury, but the kind of injury that will effect them for the rest of their lives

Attached: 1554268188443.png (600x436, 250K)

Samuel Pahlsson

Shittsburgh really sharpening their embellishment game for the playoffs tonight.

seems uncalled for

Attached: kakko vainio.png (1667x720, 2.08M)

Travis Roy

The Rays are in a terrible location in a shitty city.


take it easy, lad
pace yourself
your Ragsies :) weren't making the playoffs this year anyway
just build toward next year

Fuck you. Tim Thomas is based


The Trop is just a few blocks away from Central Ave, bars, restaurants, clubs, concert halls
Yes, St. Pete is a shitty city because of the color and homos

>build around a megabust and a cripple

With all the expansion in sports leagues, I think it has to be kept in mind that some of these cities probably can't support the full suite of leagues. There's only so many New Yorks.

build around the car crash tendie, breadman, and all of the various Hurricanes / Checkers prospects that they've picked up

Kakko really does need to be in the AHL for a while


12 years to lose 18,000 fans in attendance should be a little more than worrying

one more loss and i sacrifice dolan to moloch

I think the main point is that it's on the other side of a bridge from Tampa and apparently the traffic is awful at the time someone would be heading there.

has any player ever did a fight with a referee?

poo peeland

no, not today...

>It was 5-1

There's a possibility that the city just prefers hockey as a spectator sport now. I think the football team has seen a bit of a dip, too, or as much as NFL dips. Relative for sure.

I would also mention that the public transport system in the Bay area is absolute shit to the point of being non-existent
I would say a lot of Tampa fans are fairweather
You'll see lots of Rays hats and shirts bopping around town, but they sure as shit ain't filling seats
Bolts have good attendance mostly due to the team being good


Attached: Poo Hughes.png (1234x183, 13K)

Supposedly the Rays get fairly strong television ratings.

>he's so close
>he tries so hard
>he's so disappointed in himself
>he just fucking sucks and anyone who bought his jersey is a retard
>muh draisaitl only had 12 goals when he was 19
>muh hughes
>muh dach
>just having a tough break

I can't speak on that, but I'm sure eyes on the TV don't pay the bills like asses in seats with $16 beers

i saw a vid on twitter last year of some youth hockey kid slashing a ref and the parents beating the shit out of him kek

>it was a great play by binnington

Remember when the weeb was praising the Islanders' defensive system?
Remember when the weeb was defending letting Lehner go?
Remember when the weeb said that Sorokin would sign with them?
Remember when the weeb was telling us all that the Islanders had a bunch of prospects and young guys who were developing well, and that scoring was right around the corner?
Remember when the weeb told us that players weren't avoiding Long Island as a place to sign?

Attached: beer.png (543x839, 144K)

Ok, so which one (if either) still has a chance to pull his career out of the shitter, Kakko or Hughes?

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with the arena being used for evac shelter, what are the chances they cancel the Dallas game on Thurs??

Attached: 1582924718201.jpg (500x375, 62K)

What happened to Boychuk?

bryan rust make ya seethe

>first all female tv crew
Thanks. I know what game to skip now.

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every save is a great play by binnington

kakko is the softest bitch in the league

took a skate to the face

Boychuk is kill. Where were you?

Paid the price for taking away the canuck championship

shoved a Montreal player from behind (nowhere near the puck)
that guy fell forward
his skate came up
caught Boychuk in the left eye
he was kicking his legs against the ice in pain and screaming, then ran off down the tunnel before the trainer could even get to him, so the guy had to just run down the tunnel after him

if they havent by now, they probably should. that place will be disgusting

Kakko. The >rags at least look to have the pieces for a semi decent future. What do the Devils have?

in the EYE??? fucking hell

he got caught sleeping and kakko fucked up the play


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If Boychuk loses an eye or something the NHL is going to implement faggy full face cages, isn’t it?

>losing to the whold

how do i get a new haircut

Situation is grim in NJ. Have to hope they knock this draft out of the park because they need to have leverage on guys with ELC and RFA.


run your head under a lawnmower

it's perfectly legal

I think so. But he ran off immediately, and I haven't seen any news come out about it since.

Attached: instant karma.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

really doesn't look like much of a shove from this clip

but that's my old haircut

buy clippers for 15 bucks and never pay for a haircut again

weeb with the damage control already

rusty hatty

Attached: 13731452048.jpg (430x340, 24K)

No youtube.com/watch?v=jHiYMvnVyXc

ive been silent the entire time besides hoping hes okay

blackhawks might have the worst third jerseys in the game.

>perfectly legal

Attached: 1569544075911.jpg (625x469, 112K)

My sister’s Irish step dancing teacher used to cut my hair. Try that

Can the Oilers fucking score already
Fucking 0-0 lullaby game

the absolute state of new york

It's last year's stadium abortion.

Attached: hawks blue (2019 WC).png (270x270, 13K)

gonna shave my head and go back to my slim shady phase, lads

LOVE that fucking jersey
and I hate the Hawks

Attached: the real Slim Shanny.jpg (516x526, 73K)

the monochrome is a massive downgrade from their standard home, which is really richly colored.

Attached: 1582678511158.jpg (587x587, 93K)

Are the good guys winning

what the fuck I thought ______ were supposed to be good??

No it's a 0-0 cancer game

They should've let Gustavsson have some ice time tonight. Game was a shit show anyway. Fuck Shittsburgh.

the good guys don't play again until Thursday

Goddamn this guy on NBC butchered Aguero's name

We going to get custom face masks.

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Who are good guys for tonight then?

no, please cheer a bit louder we can all hear it


how hard is it to learn to cut your own hair

simple as

nah, man, they canceled Thursday so they can shovel out Bridgestone

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wrong team
the good guys have been idle since Saturday


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how do you check for convergence in an SOR scheme lads?

shut up nerd

I just buzz it, so not hard at all. It is easy to miss some hairs on the back of the neck though

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all the bad guys won


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>yfw this the Oilers 3rd (third) 5x3 all season

ah, what I actually meant was how to check if the current solution i have has converged yet or not, rather than will it converge at all.

I have two methods but they are giving me weird behavior

Attached: 5x5grid.png (640x480, 7K)

its not over yet you pussy

Attached: Broon juice.png (377x330, 9K)

>tfw knight time

Who's had the most?

this one was deserved

You'll be eating those words in 7 minutes, transplant

Attached: last stan lee was a long time ago.png (686x452, 72K)

west coast start times suck. start the games at 4pm local you commie fags.

the purple method always converges but on closer inspection the 'solutions' aren't actually 100% correct but with the green method sometimes it blows up and never converges before the iteration limit is reached. When the green method does work, the solutions are actually correct.

i hope hes okay


Nashville with 14 followed by Vancouver with 12

I just think it's strange that a PP that is so effective doesn't draw more penalties.

just stay up, wagie


Attached: 52RvQu2.jpg (214x278, 46K)

Don't. Real men keep the same haircut their entire life.

for me, it's an audible "FUCK" from the ice

We makin da ploffs boys

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Tampa is full of transplants from the commie parts of the country and they are constantly trying to fucking make it commie like their homes

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are the matrices small numbers? it looks like a floating point problem, I don't really know much about numerical linear algebra but I have ran into similar problems in stats where the equation isn't stable close to 0.

that's a hook?

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sounds awful


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for real
got a buzzcut when I was young; tried all kinds of dumb fuck things when was a teenager; what do I wear now?
buzzcut.. easy

What is Mr Skanes thinkign about right now. Maybe the deep void


even when you're not thinking about the void... the void thinks about you


refs seem to be awarding calls to dallas anytime they complain tonight. they are giving edmonton powerplays as well, but not on request like they seem to be for dallas

Should the boog kick off transplants and snowbirds get lit up until they go home

I like a one and half for the whole thing and a fade in the back, hon.. easy on the after shave

*ends your season*

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>refs seem to be awarding calls to dallas anytime they complain tonight
I almost never see Dallas because >my team's in the east, but both of the times that >we played them, they dove all night. They would take dirty cheap shots, tons of little slashes and even blatant trips, but then the moment you brushed against them they went down like a soccer player.
I guess this is just how they always are and I hadn't noticed before.

its over isnt it?

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i would normally do this because i don't like change but the haircut i have now is like a childs haircut.

stop talking to me about your fucking haircut, I don't care

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After last night, this season is good as over for the perds


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Eating a baked potato, on one side I have fajita toppigns and melted raclette cheese. On the other, taco bell hot sauce from packets I had laying around.

Publix is shit

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Don't worry bro. You have Craig Smith, he's more valuable than Draisaitl according to analytics.

gg bolts

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christ I hate TBG

Not that bad for a game with an overturned goal, blatantly uncalled penalties against Boston and in which Ruuta, McDonagh, and Stamkos are still gone.

Standings my boys, standings, You may want to check the standings

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do NOT do this

Did the good guys win yet?
I rest my case

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its a false flag, ignore it

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I did, and my head is spinning... I need aspirin

ever since that fucking faggot copey went buddy buddy with my team theyve been shit. fuck you copey

What if coronachan cancels the season, lads? I barely made it through the last lockout without killing myself...

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based and introspectivepilled

Nah, won't happen

Coronavirus is just 5G radiation desu

sponfulls of franks red hot settles your stomach and fights corona

how are you so fucking stupid that you don't know better than to acknowledge it
how is everything about you so fucking stupid

You know I have ignored him but the fucking moment that faggot latched on he ruined this teams mojo.

it's very likely that is part of the problem, but not all of it. I'm probably going to ask a question on the relevant stackexchange tomorrow because there is some question as to which method is actually valid as well. They both sort of work but they are completely different mathematically. One converges when the ratio of the current and previous state becomes very close to 1 and the other is when the average of all elemental changes is smaller than a small but finite value.

Imagine being the Ducks atm

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corona is just a social experiential set up by the cia, fbi, mi6 and jeff bezos.

RIP Predators fans times are tough

Ready to start being swept by California.

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actually, it was an japanese biological ordinance from WWII that failed to detonate but then was forgotton about until some punk kid in Wuhan tripped over it on his way to school

actually it's a virus that's spreading because chinks don't wash their hands

Coronavirus was just a roundabout way to take out the Iranian political class.

It hurts bro


Hope they all get coofed on

It's what happens when you place teams in Tornado Alley

jeff bezos is literally making millions of dollars fooling people into buying those masks thinking they will protect you from corona. the proof is in the pudding.

>evil billionaire does evil thing to make more money
I'm shocked

he makes millions selling everything

do they need to announce to the vegas crowd what a power play is?

>Joe Biden

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gg sunbelt scum

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based alzhie joe

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I'm Michael Bloomberg and I approve this post

Anthanisiou is getting on my nerves already. Wish the oilers never picked him up tbqh

oh boy time for >laffs


that will be two 2nd round picks plus tip please

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is gary ever going to show us more of the ice making process?


If a female is making it, you'll be seeing it

What a stunning and brave advertisement, NHL.

how the fuck is zack kassian still in the nhl while cody hodgson busted out like a decade ago lmao

I forgot that you had to watch Sharks home games from the fucking Hubble telescope.

i don't mind the angle

how so?

Which game was the ad just played? Didn't see anything stunning and brave on the oilers vs stars broadcast

if they film it from any further back, it's just going to look like the drawings on a coach's whiteboard during a timeout

Worst arena in the league too.

>watchu say, fokker?

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What three fuck

well they have to constantly remind the fans which team they are supposed to root for


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the announcer was yelling at the top of his lungs "that means your golden knights are on the power play!!!!" after announcing the penalty.

>stadium is literally named after Spanish language broadcasting

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he does that every time

>dat facial hair

I think most arenas do that. Because it's a sponsorship opportunity.
They usually partner with some power or energy company, because puns.
So then they'll announce it with "...that means your (team) is on the (NV energy, XCEL energy, etc.) power play!"

I'm all for dabbing on copey, but I'd rather be fair, too.

just found out there's no such thing as the real world

The Bruins don't do shit like that WOOOO!!!

its just you and a bunch of ai simulations

The Hurricanes don't, either.
I know for sure that Vegas and Minnesota do. I know that I've heard it with other teams, but I can't say for sure who else does it.

Wrong. Everyone else is real and you are the only simulation. That is why you such an autistic sperglord

They probably do it because the fans in the stadium don’t know the rules


there was no highstick at all. that was a good clean hit.

Why are the refs trying to hand the game to dallas?

>the Stars get ANOTHER power play

no idea why or how the refs pick their favorites, but they clearly have


I think it's just sharpie lol

imagine being a guy and listening to John Mayer

Stars broadcast

because FUCK the >oilels

i fucking hate kakko with every fiber of my being

it's not tilted against the Oilers, it's tilted for the Stars

sit down connor

>80 points
>36 wins
>has to resort to points per game stats
to live as a v*gas fan must truly be hellish

Stars vs Oilers: the Quest for the Gary Point

Must have missed it. What was stunning and brave? Something about stronk womyn?

do not respond to it


getting it ready, cuck?

what about kappo, what do you think of him?

Acceptable if it leads to sex (with a female)


fucking switch marner and kapanen.

a fucking bust hyped up by none other than the finnish retards in these threads


i like to believe it is the same diligent user who posts this in every thread

oil money