When Spain won in 2010 that almost completed the game. They're the last country that will win it for the first time, for a long time. The Netherlands are the last country left that haven't won it that can win it. And judging by their squad, they're not going to win it any time soon. So, besides the Netherlands, no other winless country has the passion, the size, the dedication and the respect for the game to win it.
When Spain won in 2010 that almost completed the game. They're the last country that will win it for the first time...
Whatthe fuck are you on about. Dopey yank cunt
Maybe Belgium and Colombia, but I wouldn't put my money in it
croatia almost won the last tournament m8
>no other winless country has the passion, the size, the dedication and the respect for the game to win it.
the only thing we have here is the size and that was enough to win it twice (plus 2 euros)
Portugal won the euros so it is possible
Belgium are the number 1 ranked team currently
Croatia got to the last final
Portugal just won the Euros
Show your workings chief, I just don't agree
besides Netherlands:
Belgium still has potential for it
Portugal will have a small chance as long as Ronaldo keeps playing
Croatia is gonna be too old for the next WC
also, I don't see any SA country winning for the next 50 years at least
Vai-te fuder gordo do caralho, aborto, betoneira, dinossauro,pé grande , cagalhão andante, cuco, gigalo á borla,devorador de pila,achavascado,alimária,estroso,gurdurento,cheché,abominável,aborto adante,alarve,analfabruto,anão,fardola,snifa pirocas,ignorante, imaturo,papalvo, paranóico, parasita,unhas de fome,camelo,burro,vadio, vagabundo,zé-ninguém,marreco,lambão do cagão,embirrento,cigano,borra-botas,balofo, banana, bandalho,aselha, asno, asqueroso,doidivanas, doido varrido,fodido,Gordo do caralho filha da puta, Baleia encalhada,pudim flan, cabrão cagão,barril de merda,bigmac,bola de canhão,botijão de bosta,corpo celeste,dieta zero,duas voltas na balança,gordozilla,hipopótamo,monstro das bolachas,comilão de bosta,saco de banha,comilão de culhão, treme chão,presunto,porcob nojento,mancebo,sacripanta,otário, piroso,bandido, pirata, trapaceiro, piolhoso,embusteiro, farsante,gatuno, aldrabão,besta quadrada, barrigudo, manguloide,embusteiro,trabeculoso,imbecil,estupido,nódoa,aborto e estrabislabio.
Pls no the celebrations would destroy the country
A little too much little bro
Croatia came from the weak side of the bracket. As soon as they played a team from the other side they were done.
Ronaldo will be too old for the next WC.
I'd be shocked if Belgium won anything, and this is the best team they've ever had by a distance.
It would be worth it, only once in my life I hsve felt happier than when Spain won the WC.
what an absolute unit!
With americans, its never enough.
Belgium's chance has passed. The golden generation will be past it by 2022 and they don't have that many true top-level young talents coming through.
Belguim already peaked. Look at Hazard now. Look at the Spurs defenders. It's over. I think Chile could win WC before Belgium. We'll need over 50 years to find out.
Belgium never had a chance and idk how anyone rated them so highly.
Trips and quads of truth, Lelgium BTFO