What is the funniest moment in sports history?

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>"hardest puncher in the history of boxing"
>doesn't even make a fat man flinch
>gets dropped by the fat man

Biggest fraud in boxing and it's the funniest moment because his stock went from 100 to 0 in the space of 25 minutes.

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Deontay was never KO'd on the canvas like was. Fury's punching power and durability is shit compared to the Bronze Bomber. Keep seething and coping.

No. Instead he took serious damage that, if continued, likely would've ended his career. Meanwhile the fat gypsy who did it to him got up from the canvas and still arguably won that fight.

Deontay lost thought retard

Your fat gypsy was knocked out on the ground for a while. Deontay got up instantly from all of Fury's punches. Power and durability go to Wilder. Cope more.

Deontay was never KO'd. Mark Breland threw in the towel. It's not like Fury who was legit knocked out like a bitch.

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>Is furious that white flag Wilder let his nation down
Kek what a bitch

Wilder folds like wet toilet paper the moment he gets pressured, and he got a perforated ear drum from a glancing right hand from a man who has "pillow hands".


He was taking so much damage his corner had to throw the towel in which is unheard of in massive title fights of this scale. If it went any longer he would have been laid flat out on the canvas with brain damage. He's lucky his team saved him.

Wilder didn't give up, Mark Breland did. Also blatant samefagging means you're desperate.

Yes durability. Fury was knocked out cold on the canvas for a long time. Meanwhile Deontay gets back up from all of Fury's hardest blows. It's proof that Wilder is tougher and stronger, it's not really a subjective thing you can argue against. It's facts.

>Says I'm samefagging when I'm somebody entirely new to the thread
The cope is so hard that it's taking a physical form here, lads.

Fury boxed rings around him and got touched once, that decision was worse than either Canelo/GGG fights

i'm still shock da fooker ga oop

The state of negros

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based t-shirt head with the body kick


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what's funny is, he is 100% serious, this isn't bants or anything like that

>whites are the drug heads
>99.9% of drug dealers are black
>99.9% of drug related crime is committed by blacks
>what is the 90s crack epidemic

Oh yeah, blacks. I normally don't care for this race bullshit but this ticked me off. Black people who support wilder need to be castrated and sent to the gas chamber.

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You know we can see your flag and the IP count right? Stop samefagging already.

>punches you in the back of the head
Nothin' personal, kid

Spotted the nigger

Your tears are delicious.

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zoomies don't even remember

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Cope harder.

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Did he ever explain how that happened?? Like did he think a lane was going to open up?

Wow you are so mad hahahA

Wilder lost and got the FUCK beaten out of him. It was embarrassing. Stop doing your mental gymnastics for everyone to see

>Deontay gets up from all of Fury's weak ass punches
>Fury was knocked out for a long time laying there like a fag
Keep crying, don't ever stop.

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>hitsfury with his one and only trick that knocks down everybody it hits
>fury gets up and does a little dance

Honestly take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so delusional

Accept reality. Be your own person. If you werent so obsessed with race (while being the race with the fewest achievements) you wouldnt have to be so personally pained everytime a black man loses a sporting event.

Who's the one with the L on their record from a KO/TKO again? Wilder or Fury. Simple question I'm sure that pea brain can handle it.

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He should have kept it on, might have mitigated the brain damage

>Fury repeatedly punches Wilder
>Wilder never stays on the canvas like Fury did
Reality is reality. And reality is, Fury is a weaker human being.

>still samefagging
>calling people delusional when facts are presented to his face
Facts: Fury's punches never knocked Wilder down for as long as that famous 12th round knockdown in their first fight. Fury is nowhere near as powerful or tough as Wilder, objectively. It's not up for debate, we've seen it. Cope.

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legit knocked out

gets up strong cope you fat burger nigger


>Reality is reality. And reality is, Fury is a weaker human being.
>boxing is just about knocking one another out
Fury was bulling wilder for the entire fight, exposed him and made him look like he didnt even belong in that ring
Wilder is a one trick pony, thats why his punch is so famous, its the only thing he's got going for him
well he had the undefeated thing too but then Fury happened

Switzerland Albania?

This is the real answer.

>still samefagging and crying
>no comeback to the facts
Woops, I broke this one too easily. lmao. Next.

>exposed him
Everyone knows Wilder is all about the alabama slamma. Even the guy never said he's the best at footwork or combinations. No one exposed anything, Deontay was all about the right hand from the start. The difference is, Deontay is a lot more powerful and durable than Fury. Something we have witnessed and not up for debate.

What does any of that have to do with Fury being a cocaine and steroid user?

we meet again, iceland

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>Like did he think a lane was going to open up?
Yes, a lane right up the lineman's ass.

>Deontay was all about the right hand from the start.
Prolly shouldn’t have been then eh? Might not have gotten his shit rocked

>this guy can only turn his car left, but he survived his crash and Senna didnt, so he's the better F1 driver

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Retard. The side of the head is not the back of the head.

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I thought this guy was joking/baiting at first, but it seems he's actually serious.

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all the nomies at work were talking about that back of the head strike the next day
Fucking retards, how does no one know that behind the ear is and always has been a legal punch

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It was funnier when Wilders corner threw in the towel because he was getting beat back to the slave age

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>Wilder hits harder, thus he is the better boxer
Basketball American logic. If that fight would have went the full length, Wilder would be sitting at around 20 IQ instead of his usual 40.

Unironically era

jesus americans you are salties


Sebia - Swtizerland

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rent free. keep thinking about americans all day please. we never think of you

you are right now dummy

context? Wtf is happening here