Fuck you, Pavard :/

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is argentine, dare I say it, white?

lol that movie sucked so bad.

Argentina is the most based country in North America and south america combined

You should change it to Argentina/France
Rest of our teams don't have that many whites and France has more blacks than any other european team

I find it weird that living next to Brazil there aren't more blacks in Uruguay and Argentina.

just a reminder that by french law everyone in that second pic who was born in france is considered ethnic french and the only racial demographic information they keep is foreign born population vs french born population even though it makes frogs SEETHE

Good one. Audibly kekd.

montevideo is a whiter capital city than any in western europe, but shhh dont tell anyone

they still manage to pull out the ethnic genealogies from hundreds of years back when its a white player to show that he is actually less french than the black player every time

Portugal was a huge slaver country, second only to England.

No such thing as "ethnic French"

Every young "English" player I hear about is black or mixed race now.

only if you count italians and spaniards as white which used to be a given before, but nowadays not so much

Are you implying my boy M'kimbe ISN'T a proud standard-bearer for la République?

and that's a good thing

At this rate nothing will be white and you scandis will be classified as snow mongoloids

This is common knowledge, but I find it odd that after such a long time there hasn't been migration of Brazilians to Argentina or inter mixing between those 2 countries.

Guessing argies just aint that into it.

A coping amerimutt would say that

>italians and spaniards as white
anyone thats not an ugly anglo/pol poster does
have these guys say nigger and see the shitstorm that follows
this was the plan for "X is not white" all along

Attached: Xabi_Alonso_and_Claudio_Marchisio_Euro_2012_final[1].jpg (656x444, 61K)

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he's right though. Note that intense inbreeding may help to define what an ethnic brit would be.

>18 niggers
Mein Fuhrer...

Tell us about Argentina. How based is it there?

Movie is fine, just sad hitler fanboys fail to understand the movie

I thought it was funny


LOL so cucked

none of them are white

>britain cuck shaming

/spol/ in all its glory

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I was watching a traveling video on youtube and there were a ton of blacks in the capital of Chile, they exist, not sure if they were brazilians.

They're haitians and colombians

being more racist than usual taking the piss outta the mutt argie desu

There’s a huge culture barrier between Argentina and Chile. We like each other but we don’t mix very well. Brazilians are happy and party around and are open minded, we’re more conservative, always mad at something, very close minded.
We may be close geographically but culturally we evolved in two pretty much opposite directions. The language also serves as a barrier even if it’s not that hard to pick Spanish or Portuguese knowing the other. And the climate is so different. There’s a huge divide between our countries.

No they’re Africans. We get those two, mostly from Senegal. They live as street sellers here but for some reason Chile’s capital is choke full of them.

Based and Whitepilled

You are a self admitted cuck

I am tho. English Irish German mutt here

2016 called and wants their buzzword back

2016 year of Trump and Brexit ya lil frog cuck.

Not a single Argentinian player in that image is white

If a black person is born in France and only speaks French he should be considered fully French

election tourists at their finest

I you were born and raised in Japan, only spoke japanese and had japanese citizenship, you'd still be polish. You wouldn't turn into a japanese person. A cockroach born in a stapple doesn't make it a horse.

my friend backpacked thru europe for one year and went to every single country in south america (including venezuela) and the only place he got robbed was montevideo
it's apparently still a violent shithole

probably let his guard down because he heard nice things about uruguay

you're french in denial tho

Brazil is way too light on criminals and way too heavy on giving all sorts of social welfare so they don't see any reason to leave this country. Even if the gibsmedat is of low quality and quantity they would rather have it than risking starting from zero and resorting only on themselves.

>if it's able to die for france it's french
cat who adopted puppies is their mother
it is the spirit what is unify yet you'll see brothers killing each other

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The average welfare paycheck here is 190 reais PER FAMILY. You must be retarded if you think anyone can sustain a family by living on welfare and consider that to be WAY TOO HEAVY. Stop repeating bozonaro talkpoints like a monkey toy and go read a book

France is a REPUBLIC not an ethno-state like Japan. If you knew even a single shred of history you'd know the french identity isn't based on ethnicity, just like America

he had the window of his accomodation open at night, it was like the third floor. a guy climbed up there, took his 20+ kg backpack and dropped it to his buddy on the ground and stole his other belongings in the middle of the night
they caught it on the security camera
cant even keep your window open during summer lmao

>Right side beat left side and went on to win the world cup

How does that make you feel?

>you'd still be polish
based on what? m-muh genes? all of you europoors are fucking mutts anyway, your genes dont mean shit. just kill yourself you studid cumskinned niggerfaggot

>hitler bad
wow such unique and original thought

pls stop with that stupid barn analogy