
The sinking ship edition

Coppa Italia
20:45 Juventus - Milan

Serie A round 27
15:00 Genoa - Parma
15:00 Torino - Udinese
18:00 Atalanta - Lazio
20:45 SPAL - Cagliari

12:30 Fiorentina - Brescia
15:00 Hellas Verona - Napoli
15:00 Inter - Sassuolo
18:00 Bologna - Juventus
20:45 Roma - Sampdoria

20:45 Lecce - Milan

Reminder to keep it comfy

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The lawyers of Boban and Elliott have already been negotiating the Croatian director's severance package for days. He seems destined to return to FIFA. Paolo Maldini is considering to leave too
Maldini could stay at Milan until the rest of the season. He is currently in Milanello along with Boban to explain to the team what's happening in the club management at the moment

>Stefano Pioli could resign as AC Milan boss after game against Juventus
Tuttosport claims that it is not excluded that Pioli may resign after the match. The Emilian coach has always been supported by the Boban-Maldini-Massara trio and now that he finds himself with a destiny now marked he could decide to step aside. For now there is nothing certain, but they do not exclude this option.

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I feel so bad for Pioli


>Ibrahimovic, Donnarumma and Rebic could leave as Gazidis plots new salary cap

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>Gazidis was the double agent all along

>Ibrahimovic, Donnarumma and Rebic could leave
Fuck it take take Theo and bugger off to Serie B

>take Theo
Don't think he will stay if Maldini leaves

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What the...

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I think literally every paper or website reported that all Raiola's players will leave the club after Gazidis' take over, saying that he doesn't want to extend Jack's contract, Ibra only came back because of Boban and Maldini and dollaroos is too expensive for his FM party, but everyone seems to forget the fact that Romagnoli has switch to Raiola too last year and his contract expires in 2021
Fucking hell.

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Ragnick will last 3 months at best

Give me some TSU images so can I add them to my folder

Walter Zenga > Cagliari Coach

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How come so many bald frauds decide to apply for the coaching job? Is it a requirement?

>Chang seethe over corona edition

You had one job.

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So... The fantacalcio matchday is still active, did the admins get corona'd?

miss me yet? bitch!

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He looks like a funny guy

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so 2mil cap for salary at bbilan?? lmao serie D next, this team is fucking over

Cant some ultras just kill him? Those are the 3 good Milan players.

*Ruins Arsenal*
*Ruins Milan*

>unironical double agent

>ultras stepping up if it means the alternative is Maldini
They would never do that

Less of a double agent than Gobbozidis

Thanks brotha


Gazidis isn't a gobbo he's just retarded bald fraud. Basically the plague that was Monchi to Roma but for Milan this time

but hes anti racism

Since they're going to recover last week's games this weekend it will technically be a continuation of the matchday
This is something fantacalcio.it decided, I got fucked over by it too

>last night I could hear neighbours having sex

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>everyday hear neighbours yell, run around their flat, move furniture, yell more, practice on musical instruments, run on the stairs, yell again, organise an orchestra, have a drunk chats on the stairs
At least sex is 404 in my commieblock

well I guess the alternative is going bankrupt

When my friends ask about how it's going with my roommates they literally ask about 'The roommate with the loud gf'

It's suffering living with someone who fucks like they're in a porno

Your life sounds surreal

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Rejoice, at least it weren't your parents having sex. To this day those memories still haunt me

Germene seems to rate him

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Who's that?

I have no other explanation to the current state of Milan other than unironic curse. As soon as the situation gets more or less stable and people start to get hope it fucking kicks you in the stomache and resets the rebuilding process to zero with a new management. Leonardo had a "shitty" transfer campaign and Gattuso failed to qualify to CL with THAT team? Well fuck them we have Zvone e Maldini now. Just when the new players settled in, they brought in actually decent expirienced players and were preparing to build upon that in the summer you get Gazidis trying to crash this plane with no survivors.
When baldzidis and ragnick will fail next season Elliott will bring in someone else and start from scratch yet again.

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Eleonora "I support Matteo Salvini" Utini

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I wonder what Albania makes of all this fuckery in Milan

Jizzing all over himself and orgasming like a pig because Maldini is literally Satan Incarnate and a gobbo falseflagger

>decades of on and off success thanks to Berlusconi
>Berlusconi's importance in politics plummets
>Lodo Mondadori hits him and freezes a big part of his assets
>Mediaset buys CL rights for a retarded price. They don't make even half of what they spent
>Milan becomes a money sink with Marina Berlusconi hating the sheer thought of the club
>with Silvio desperate and sick they fall for a chink scam
>fraud gets busted and has to leave the club to an investement fund
>instead of cutting costs, Elliott throws money at Milan hoping to make them a good team and to found anybody retarded enough to buy this money blackhole
>Milan never reaches CL and keeps signing retarded contracts
>at this point selling isn't feasible as debts are too high and Elliott wouldn't make enough money from it
>they finally cut costs
but sure it's a curse not retarded choices made over and over.

>it's a curse not retarded choices made over and over
How's that not the same thing

>Nations League group with Italy, Poland, Bosnia and Netherlands
wtf we /seriea/ now

SDVrijz, MLigtz and JKluivz will spill all the beans

It happens almost every night to me too
>hear bed slamming for 30 seconds
>heavy footsteps going back and forth
>completely silent
>wake up a hour later with bed slamming again

>hairy chest

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oh no no no

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holy shit user, can you post more?

>closed doors matches
this is extremely good for Inter and Atalanta
>wanting to play samp Inter before Juve Inter
they're just being retarded for the sake of shitposting

first coronavirus case in Argentina, an Argentine coming back from Italy

>why yes, my goal is to infect the whole world

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>Quante ne dovremo perdere ancora?

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>two dudes calling each other socia

he came from Milano

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Oh poor child...

Careful what you wish for

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>tfw della valle saved Roma from having to pay Mutu's snorting competition
I forgot about that


>slight freckles
>those lips

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Based, fuck Chiellini

i love you /seriea/ bros, hope you dont get coronad

Juve Milan suspended


Jesus fucking christ, make a decision and stick to it


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Oh come on, just make a fucking decision already.
Also, what about the european cups?

Just cancel this stupid Euro in a hundred countries and let Serie A play in the summer

>al vaglio
are you retarded?

News agency Ansa report Govt could cancel ALL sporting events in Italy for a month.

Exactly, "could". In no single conceivable fucking way they will.

>Italians are overreacting, in a week everybody will forget about it

chill, Conte is a lifelong romafag. No way he's stopping the league now that Lazio is first

Exactly, they're fucking overreacting. Just play the goddamn matches behind closed doors already and move on.
I mean, by stopping all the sporting events for AN ENTIRE MONTH, there's a risk Serie A gets cancelled. And if that happens Lazio can say sayonara to their scudetto chances.

I fucking hate this country sometimes, just give me some footy

Absolute state of Italy

It's confirmed


suck my dick orangefag we will fuck you up at the Nation League

>Exactly, they're fucking overreacting
I don't even disagree but man you are wrong if you these niggas won't suspend everything for this glorified chink flu

Are they playing behind closed doors, having a little day trip to Turin or getting fucked ?

As of right now, it's yet to decide. But it's a choice between playing the match behind closed doors or postponing it


stop this madness already

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Okay. Stop.

This is one of the proposals that a committee made of scientists and the likes made to stop the spread of the virus.
>no warm and close greetings
>2 meters distance from individuals at all times

so living like a norwegian? no thanks

>2 meters distance from individuals at all times
How the fuck are they meant to tackle players ?

they don't :)
this is the perfect chance for Ronaldo to score a fk

Why Juventus can’t play a match with closed doors?

They can tomorrow

How the fuck am i supposed to get on the subway to get to work you mean

>gobbi did it again

my fucking sides

is there a bigger fraud than Walter Zenga in Italian coaching?

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Di Biagio

>turin's prefect postponing Juve - Milan

Frank the Farmer

>tfw the season is pretty much done
fucking chinks eating bats

And pangolins, don't forget the poor and innocent pangolins

>30 days without any comfy Italian football

Who gets the scudetto if /seriea/ is canceled?


Legacalcio is a joke

All because jewve doesn't want to play behind closed doors

Not assigned, like in 2005 and another season (maybe 1927)

>Not assigned
that's where you're wrong kiddo

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You're right

How did Italy become the most infected country after China itself again?

it's inda throwing a hissfit and refusing to play on 9th of march and agreeing with the previous postponing

Big orgy in Codogna with an Asian theme

Because virus was there much earlier before the first confirmed case

Yeah i know, but it is impossible to assign it to someone before it has been mathematically won.
Many games still remain and even Milan and Verona could win

Why postpone it in the first place if you're gonna play it next week? Don't see how this is inter fault

The fair option would be to either roll back to the table after 19th fixture ended, use that table for european cups but give the scudetto to nobody or end it with the last full fixture, so 24 and either give a scudetto or not

anything else (unless italy magically cures coronavirus thanks to the argentinian antipope) is likely gonna be a dumpster fire

Imagine being Pancrazio right now

seems like a cool place

Miccoli and Del Piero were better than Ronaldo at that time

I can just imagine the bitching if they don't assign it with Lazio on top

italians can't into pre-planning

Ah yes, the country behind the totally succesful planning, without any delays or missed deadlines, of Brexit

it's unironically due to the fact that >we're the only nation transparent about it, together with S. Korea at least

the point still stands you dumb redditor
the whole postponement thing was fucking retarded

king chad doomed us all with his hyperactive lifestyle

My ex lived in a duplex so I always thrusted extra harder when I knew her neighbors were home.

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Sleep tight CoronaChads

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Because it's one of the main destinations for chinks and we're actually reporting on it. Meanwhile France has a weird number of hospitalized flu cases.

fucking normies, when will they learn?

me ? it's white chocolate sneakers


Vocaroo it

Cant hear it on the phone outside of the bed moving. I'm above them and there's another apartment between me and them (which is always empty). I can only hear when they really get loud.
I swear I've lived here for 5 years and never heard them fuck. Her parents live next to her and maybe they're not here and that's why they're going at it like this.

Report them to the police, sex has been deemed illegal by the government today


They're really going at it because they know the end draws near
*coughs unironically*

Oh for fucks sake

just a flu for old farts, bro

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Ah yes, /pol/. The most legit source on everything out there

Well at least now you realise what menace the Chinese pose to the entire humankind.
I warned you. All the hans should be gassed and replaced by hui chinese.

Reminder that 80,000 (EIGHTY THOUSAND) people die of normal flu every year.

It's the media hyping the fuck out of a disease that will be a meme in a month or two and you retards fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Remember that Canadian faggot who unironically was trying to argue here a few weeks ago that it was a Jewish plot to wipe out the human species and some of you retards were defending him and calling me a shill

>Someone on /pol/ said it, it must be true!

I haven't learned most of these words on Duolingo yet.

If there is no Serie A we might as well all die

Fuck you burger owner.

this desease kills a lot of older people and people with weak systems, so italy has a lot of old people and their are reporting cases, at least they are honest and trying something.

Good morning

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Is this the official Laugh at the Serie A Giants AC Milan thread?

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At some point she sneezed so i hope coronachan runs its course

>Napoli - Inter postponed too
I just wanted some footy

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>tfw Juve created this whole shitshow
I bet Agnelli wasn't expecting FIGC, Lega Calcio and local authorities to start running around like headless chicken and stop every single match for no fucking reason.

What did he mean by this?

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>according to Gazzetta Inter and Napoli are the only two clubs that haven't agreed to shift the schedule

I can understand Inter but why Napoli too?

Apparently Napoli - Inter got postponed because De Laurentiis didn't want to play without fans


>De Laurentiis didn't want to play without fans
The irony of this man has no bounds


no serie a untill april, goddamn

Not official yet, it won't happen

It's just an advice made by a group of scientists to the government.


This no footy bullshit is getting out of hand

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I've never been a man with big pretenses, all I want is to watch some footy and to play some vidya

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>all I want is to watch some footy
>and to play some vidya
cringe, have sex

>play some vidya
What's stopping you


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*coughs at Miriam*

no games to play right now, the point is that half of my main interests is now cucked by corona

>Based Joe won the Super Tuesday last night
Commies BTFO

>three senile geezers fighting for an opportunity to cosplay FDR and die in office
ok. Shame no one's voting for Gabbard

Oh no..... Bernie bro.....

Is anyone here who currently lives in a metropolis but is originally from a smaller city/town/village? Did the metropolis environment changed you drastically?
I have a friend who moved to Moscow two years ago and now he tattoed himself up, wears big round glasses, has a joji haircut and went vegan. I'm really worried about him tbqh

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Many such cases! Sad!


What are you worried about exactly? That he's developing shitty taste?

That he has turned into a faggot.

>Only 9 clubs showed to Lega Serie A meeting
>as 14 is the minimum number required, the meeting has been cancelled
joke of a league

why are italians so lazy?

I've always lived in small towns, everytime I happen to go to a metropolis I hate being sorrounded by a huge crowd, on the other hand I also hate to travel 30-45 minutes everytime I want go to the movies or I need to go shopping.
I'm very conflicted on where I would prefer to live if I could choose, probably 60% city - 40% village

>Agnelli didn't showed up

Paratici was there tho

Inter, Juve, Roma, Lazio, Atalanta, Udinese, Sassuolo, Fiorentina and Milan were the clubs that showed up.

Paratici but what about the culprit Agnelli? again he is a coward

Culprit of what exactly? He was open to play behind closed doors last Sunday

The only presidents that showed up were the ones that were part of the council. Why are you being retarded? Zhang wasn't there either

>He was open to play behind closed doors last Sunday
Because Cellino is notably a trustworthy person and in no absolute way would change his mind behind a big offer for Tonali from Juventus

now you're just pulling speculations out of your ass and selling them as truths

said the guy defending literal mafia

>literal mafia
You're doing it again


>tfw it's the empty house
>tfw it's a young man
>tfw it's probably her nephew
If he came to live here and they end up fucking every night like that I'm gonna finally off myself.

Blast the coomer vocaroo at full volume whenever they fuck to assert dominance

fucking hell it'll be ages before we see any matches at this rate. just want to go back to the comfy ebola days lads

>schools and universities closed from tomorrow till mid March

Imagine the condom sales

/seriea/ will be about everything BUT football for a whole month. Shall we cancel it?

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You're testing people. People here don't give a shit. The only people who are getting tested are people who have been traveling (mainly people who have been to italy).
It's a joke. People here keep parroting whatever number is in the media at the time. "Oh relax we only have 10 cases". Like they're incapable of understanding that it spreads even when it's not showing any symptoms.

>finally a good season
>italiANOS get crushed by virus and futbol gets cancelled

the absolute state of europe

According to Milannews.it the Italian Minister of sports has said the league will resume but games are to be played without a crowd. But I am sure if give it another hour I'm sure this statement will be outdated.

user stop panicking there's going to be matches this weekend. The Minister of Sport just confirmed it.
Behind closed doors but they're not cancelling Serie A. Nobody wants to be that one government that stopped football.

So nothing changes

they will do close doors... probably

A group of 900 Dutch fraternity/sorority people went to ski in northern Italy a week ago lmao

Now people here are saying to leave them all there to rot in case they bring (more of) the virus here

I fond memories of Dutch sluts on skiing trips

How can us nordics compete with the mediterranean chads

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That's a cute boy in the bottom mid

went from living in a 50k city to Warsaw, only thing it influenced is now I smoke weed but that's about it, if anything my views remained pretty much the same or made me hate commies/lefties even more

She's a bottom alright

>posting sinks
Dangerous man, you are


went from somewhat isolated mountain town to Milan, i wouldn't say it changed me but rather it freed parts of my personality that were suffocated in the small town, but were already there
on the other hand i definitely miss the closeness of a small town community where everyone knows everyone
all things considered i'm definitely happier now though



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Thank to Agnelli that is cheating this campionato to keep Inter out

>yes I don't have a minimum Idea of what is a default and I'm not even able to read a financial statement, how could you tell?

>implying Lazio isn't a bigger threat than Inter
stop thinking your team is the center of the world, non vi caga nessuno

Hey, don't you dare insult my favorite boomer Maurì

>Milan with the same red color as all the negative cells
You gotta improve your data visualization fra

The Argentine that got Coronavirus in Milano is a wealthy 43 years old homosexual that lives alone. I wonder how many people he fucked during his vacations in Italy and how much he spread the virus.

keep your CoronAIDS outside of my country Argies

Weren't it for the age I would've guessed it was Dybala

>Marotta now agrees on playing either Sunday or Monday behind locked doors
Is he really so fucking scared of facing the current state of Juventus and Sarri with the support of the gobbi fans? Lmao
I love this drama btw, I wish there were more

More likely Conte is too much of a bitch and he doesn't want to get whistled for 90 minutes if he can avoid it

jus received a letter from the consulate to vote
wtf? I didn't even know there was a constitutional reform in the works. do I put yes or no? with a strictly b&r perspective in mind, of course

What is it about though

If China was predomenantly Hui instead of Han corona wouldn't be a thing and we could've been watching footy without any intuerruptions. FACT!

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top kek

Oh, the Italian referendum I see. It's probably gonna get delayed anyway but who knows.
I'd honestly vote yes

user vote no
The issue is that they did not specify which deputies and senators they'll cut
All we know they could cut the ones for smaller regions and Milano/Roma/Torino keep the same amount as always
If they wanted to "make it more fair" they'd dock half their pay, but NAH SON

>docking half their pay
afraid people these days have no honor for that

Put yes

If I was an Italian deputy/senator I'd dock my pay to 5k max
They don't just get paid by the state, they also keep their private activities which are further source of income
There's no justification to being paid nearly 20k a month
And no, I'm not for that Statuto Albertino "you get no money because it's an honor", that opens the doors for corruption
If anything, mayors of smaller teams should earn more, whilst deputies and senators earn less

Just draw a dick in one of the corners bro

Maybe you are not from the south

Provincia dell'Aquila fra'

thanks might put yes or draw a dick like based user suggests

I have the faint delusion that, by voting in every faggot it*loid thing they send me, I am accumulating Good Boy Points with it*loid gubmint and one day will be eligible for salvinibux or pastabux or some shit to my benefit

Put a dick at that point
>Good Boy Points
I mean... eeeeh... uh... are you any good at something that might lead to Italy claiming you instead of Argentina? If yes, then maybe.

Given the opportunity not many people would go for less money earned while still doing possibly more work than niggers earning 20k doing not much good for the country.

Yeah, on russian wiki they are called "huei", probably because of that. We call them dungan here, there's community of them and in Kazakhstan. They even built a pagoda-mosque in KG near the chinese border ages ago

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Which is why mayors of smaller towns (not villages, I mean towns) should earn more
Deputies and senators do next to nothing all day beyond a restrict few
Mayors, especially in smaller towns, need to be omnipresent AND keep a second job if they want to not go bankrupt because of how little the job pays, leading to uncaring people to run for it
Balancing them out, you'd get less gold diggers in parliament, and you'd open the door for more people running in local elections, which would be a really good thing

I really hope Juve Inter is going to be a blow out. I don't even care for which team.

So do we just switch to serieb at this point?
for me, it's Benisvento


We need to take the redpill and go even deeper to /seried/

Not as kino as church-mosque tho :^)

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I think in London somewhere, there's a mosque that was a synagogue that was a church

For me, it's sporting Lucchese

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Fanculo anglos desu

We can also support Totti and former teammates dabbing on calcio a 8 scrubs

Nah, lets all support our handball teams

>Supporting Juve
But why

Field hockey is the future

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Meh sport but the girls are very cute

Hi guys, I have a flight to shangai.
Literally going to hugh chinks to prove how delusional you all are

Serie san, I want to watch Tomiyasu

For me, it's based desu

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Based, terroni win again

>First place in group
You a busta, Belgianon