This will surely be cancelled now, right?

This will surely be cancelled now, right?

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Yes. Without a doubt.

Too much money invested in it to cancel it
Maybe they can play it without public

There's way too much money on it to cancel it. At most it will be moved to next year.

Good luck convincing the athletes to travel to coronoa infested place.

Good luck convincing the athletes NOT to travel to the event they've worked all their lives towards, just because there is a stronger version of a flu which kills only the old, the frail and diabetics

fucking retard.

this. I'd take my chances if I were an athlete.

why not japanese public only in the stadium ?

I'll take that Gold Medal off your virginity cave, happeningbro.

Literally a nothing burger. The flu kills more people. CNN told me so. Take your meds.

Japan = China

t. Yea Forums

all look same

There's also risk of them bringing the disease back to their homes.

So no, Olympics will be cancelled for sure.

Sorry, health comes first over stupid sports.

like Chilean and Peruvian

There are 1000 confirmed infected people in Japan. They've been hit very hard.

Of course
I love my peruvian brothers and we are very much alike

There's 600% more cases in EU than Japan. If anything Japan should start banning travel from EU.

I almost went and was sad it turned out i wouldn't.

Now i'm glad.


>Country is full of pussies
>Refuses to compete in the big competition
>Wins no medals

Third world shitters will get the medals now.

100 yard hazmat suit race.


Most of them are from that Cruise ship docked and quarantined in Yokohama from what I've heard.