Imagine being this guy. I just looked at his instagram and so many young women and MILFS just leave drooling emojis and heart eye emojis to him. His life will be 10x greater than everyone else's. All because he is 6'3, white, and had the greatest season a QB in college could have.
Imagine being this guy...
Other urls found in this thread:
he'll die with the bengals just like palmer
The amount of pussy he must get is insane.
people in Louisiana think hes a God.
he makes fragile brown/blackcels seethe irrationally, to the point where they try and claim Tua is better lol
>wanting white trash swamp pussy
l m a o
I am OP and am ethniccel. It just amazes me what it takes to be a High Value Male in America. Just be tall, ehite, good looking, charismatic, and seemingly blessed by god
Go to tiktok if you want to see real lucky guys
every single popular guy has a bunch of drooling or pregnant emojis in their comments, and they don't have to do anything but move their arms for 10 seconds
Sex dolls can't come soon enough
>90% white guys and black guys saying LET'S FUCKING GO
Imagine being such a Chad you end racism without trying
>that face
>I just looked at his instagram and so many young women and MILFS just leave drooling emojis and heart eye emojis to him
isn't this the case of every famous athlete ever?
Life isn't all about women in instagram and money, find Jesus and fix your brain, you're desiring the wrong stuff.
He is my god
why are girls like this
They are the spawn of Lilith, first wife of Adam.
I've had it all, I just want to COOOM
Based Dan making moves
I didn't know Gendo browsed Yea Forums
It's even more nuts seeing sorority girls wanting to be his wife so bad by plastering it all over social media
t. Current LSU student
>just like palmer
>made millions of dollars
>made playoffs
>had good career
yeah, must suck really bad.
It is because Sorority thots, especially ones in SEC country are all Mrs. Degrees
>cleat chasers
>too scared to run combine drills
He’s gonna bust.
Based Ohioans
What a surprise
she's perfect
LSU student here, he had weekly checkups scheduled at the student health center for STDs. He usually had a few different women each week.
Stop bullshitting
Women need to be stoned again desu
Explain yourselves Americans
soon brother...
99% chance that nog is a poof
not even defending that slag but the look is uncanny, he takes it up the arse
marshallah, brother
Yikes. Jealous much, incels? Let people live their lives.
nobody cares
His life will be better if he stays single, but he'll get married and fuck it all up.