Anybody else hoping for the Olympics to get cancelled?

Anybody else hoping for the Olympics to get cancelled?

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fuck the olympics

>mfw it does
>mfw Russians dont miss out on anything because of their ban

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Fuck no. We're gonna top the medals table this time. The universe wills it.

lol delusional


Because I'm petty because the Olympics in Tokyo sounds fun as hell but I won't be there so I don't want anyone else to have fun.

What's the difference between this olympics and the previous one except the fact that you're a weeb?

l mean a billion people will enjoy watching it on tv who cant be there.

i hate weebs so goddamn much

Fair enough. Fuck em

...becauseI'm a weeb. Why would I give a shit about the Olympics in Brazil?


fuck the whichevergovernmentburnsthemostmoneywinslolpics

I was excited for the rugby sevens everything else can go fuck off

2008 - 4th place
2012 - 3rd place
2016 - 2nd place

It's literally inevitable, boyo.

they held the huezil world cup during the zika outbreak I recall

Business idea: euthanise all weebs, ship the bodies to china, and convince them to eat that instead of bats and sharks

You know what else is really funny? All of those years the olympics were held you were a virgin just like you’ll be for this one

Chinese are like the bottom feeders of humanity. If they aren’t eating bats then they’re eating hubcaps and crushed glass. There’s so satiating their appetite. Remember, this is the culture that produced the wonderful delicacy known as Virgin Boy Egg

Not only is that not funny, it's also a heinous lie. Are you proud of yourself? Peddling deceit on the internet?

For shame.


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Don't care at all.
Who the fuck watches the olympic besides practicioner of the irrelevant sport being played there ?
Might just watch some boxing if i can, checking if there's worthwhile prospect.

refreshingly honest post. based

tell spee what you got in 2000 before you started pouring government funds into it like some commie shithole trying to save face