What's even the point of this league?


Attached: 1200px-Major_League_Baseball_logo.svg_.png (1200x652, 30K)

To play beisbol. That's all.

One of the biggest borecuck fans is Warren buffet. Pause and think about how boomer that is.


to cheat

To watch the Cubbies! :D

But why do you care? Those Cubs players don't give a fuck about you

Buffet is older than boomers, and baseball has been going since the 1800s so how about you shut the fuck up and get back to sucking

Cubbie make ya seethe?

I love the Cubbies

Cubbies own your sorry ass

yeah, I'm not a borecuck fan. /NFLNBAMMA/ here.


It's the best radio sport for long rcar rdes

Getting comfy

Holy fucking cringe

Who else here would rather have a longer NBA season?

To baseball, you numpty.


fuck no

Why are you asking this about baseball specifically?

The NBA is literally the future of sports in the US, next to soccer. Ratings prove it

No one actually likes boreball


Attached: mls-cup-final-tv-ratings.jpg (1200x612, 65K)

the us turning into a fag country does not make basketball or soccer even close to bearable you faggot

Now compare NBA finals ratings WORLDWIDE to boreball World Series ratings

nah basketball has already peaked. the future will be E sports and funko pops

Still way better than Boreball

>future of sports in the US
>says worldwide in next post
nobody watches the nba in the us outside of the finals, it basically gets the same ratings as fucking college basketball during the regular season
