March 2020...I am forgotten

>march 2020...I am forgotten...

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ulgy as bale

That's just wh*te people. Look like imbred albino chimps

What race are greeks?



the wisdom of a white man with the face of a black

truly the ultimate sporting specimen

Honourable defenders of European borders is who

Could not say the same thing about you. You know most of the brown people in Norway speak broken Swedish?

Well we're literally living in a soviet state that's brainwashing the population into suicide.

>0 goals all month
He's done

It's just social darwinism. Strong and adaptive societies will survive, weak and non-adaptive socities will perish. It's clearly what will happen to the Swedish Caliphate, but don't cry søta bror. Greater civilizations than you have been laid in ruins.

He doesn't have any black features.

Civil war is coming ever closer.

pay debnts

Nose? Lips?

implying all of you wont shit your pants and get raped and replaced instantly

whites can have large lips and flat noses, yes.

>not a choker in CL/big games
>big lad with workrate & not stupid
There's literally no way he busts while he's young, stop being contrarian grekas spergoulis.

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I was the first on Yea Forums to expose Erling Fraud Laaland.

is he finnish?

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Obviously you’re a Mutt