If only Chinks eat like a normal human being. FUCK.
>MotoGP cancelled
>F1 cancelled
>Olympic cancelled
If only Chinks eat like a normal human being. FUCK
but indogs are chinks too, just chinks with the correct religion
you are a chink mate
So haram
No, bully pls.
Shit. Wrong punctuation.
Thats the face of a bat that knows he will get the last laugh.
to be fair, we still don't know what was the cause of corona-chan
How come Japanese who live just next to them behave so differently and seem to have souls?
It was me austin
Ok homo kys
sopa de morcego uma delícia
he knew that his vampire overlords will put an unbreakable curse upon all of humanity as retaliation
One bat killing more than died on 9/11, based hero kamikaze bat.
have they tried feeding sick people human blood? that's an obvious solution for a 'cure'
fuck china
THAT"S RAYCIS it's their culture didn't you know? Poor chinese grandmother's who have a sore throat need those critically endangered tiger/rhino body parts for their traditional medicine.
genetically engineered
ah son of a bitch
What if it never dies out and there is no more sport ever again? Except for e-sports
Sopa de perro
> still believing the bat crap
must hurt being that stupid
i'd try eating a bat at least once. top of the food chain you faggots
> still blaming bats
>b-but it's cultural
fuck the chink, if euro or TDF is cancel i blow up the nearest chinese buffet
Trust the brs, they know from eating monkey head soup all the time it is perfectly safe
>tfw neighbors are chink couple
>always making fuckton of noise
>coughing, sneezing, blowing their noses like crazy the past wekk
Well, if you insist. You... bad person. Stupid person. ;D
So you want bully? Okay, here it goes
divine retribution
that looks like a goat bruh
This is the best version of this pic I've seen
>fell for the fake news "bat soup caused corona" bullshit
what is so strange about that? We eat Pigs and Chicken that way.
But it is not about how and what they eat. It is about sanitation.
>corona finally reached our country, thanks to for that nip tout fuck
>the infected, nips' mother and daughter aren't even Indonesians
deport them right fucking NOW
If only Chinese cooks took their food hygiene grade as seriously as their children's maths grades.
fuck, what city? i was in kuta and jakarta last week
>dies in 20°C air
>survives in boiling water
based virus
Coronavirus is just the start. Something far worse is coming.
my bad, theyre actually indonesians
>the infected lives in Depok, south on Jakarta
>i was in jakarta last week
oh noononononoono
*south of
>Implying they properly boil stuff
>t. tide pod eater
Shut up zoomie.
>and seem to have souls
>openly racist country, doesn't have sex and suicidal-tier working hours ingrained in their culture
The consumption of animal products is a problem. This shit poses an existential risk to us in so many ways: climate, pandemics, etc.
holy fuck i met a girl from depok city that i had some intimate relations with and she's literally in the hospital right now
>muh rhinos
>muh tigers
tigers and rhinos are whatever but elephants MUST be protected
They are ugly.
muh humans
So are you but i still want you to live
Get a room, jotos.
I am not an animal.
I see. You prefer fried meat.
fucking chinks ...
Why can't they just use chickens or pigs for that?
They don't even skin them before cooking them?
That's just lazy
This is not what mean when I said Hot Dog.
Pretty sure the torch is only for removing the fur, just like the one on the table.
Too mainstream
>unit 731
>bataan death march
>nanking massacre
Japan is literally THE country with humanless humans, no one come close
fuck bros i dont want to die like this… i thought we're supposed to be immune…
Nothing wrong with killing chinks. If anything they should have done it more. Look what happen today after Allies stopped Japan from doing Kami-sama given job.
>Chinese researchers match 99% of COVID-19 sequence to a strain of Coronavirus found in the Pangolin, “the most illegally trafficked animal in the world”, eaten in China as a delicacy and whose scales are used for traditional Chinese medicine.
yeh, we do know. Its cause gooks eat bats and weird shit like this
Belgium is speaking about humanism. . .
well, at least it's not a bat. good. the Chinese are rehabilitated
why do they love torturing animals. the fuck is wrong with these people.
u n a v e l a . . .
Okay in realistic standpoint what the chances Coronavirus spreads like wildfire and becomes airborne in the next couple months?
Maybe they just don't care?
>implying the Chinese aren't maruta
my favorite channel is indosiar
That's not a good sign isn't it.
friendly reminder this is a manmade virus planned to reduce the worlds over growing population
Chinese are subhuman as fuck.
be careful. they will cut that blue part from your flag
Not caring is one thing, it seems they're going out of their way to make the animal suffer. Why not just kill it before cooking it? Third world mouse dystopia-induced mental illness is my only explanation.
Indonesians are no better. My mom's dog got eaten by other locals in Indonesia. Now we have a dog in the Netherlands but I won't be surprised if I come home one day and my father has put him in the oven.
They unironically believe that the taste is better if animals suffer before they die because of the andrenalin, which is the opposite in truth. Chinks are batshit and I dread the day they replace USA as world hegemon.
That's war, look at today.
Was it confirmed this shit came from Bats?
Caca was never the same after this
I hate the chinks but one positive from that scenario is Iran can finally nuke you and there won't be an American golem you can run to.
They ruin my comfy Serie A.
>The new virus is genetically 96% identical to a known coronavirus in bats and 86-92% identical to a coronavirus in pangolin. Therefore, the transmission of a mutated virus from animals to humans is the most likely cause of the appearance of the new virus.
Who gave them fucking flame throwers.
Why kill it before cooking it? They like their meat the way it is.
they leveled up
i like their women tho they make god tier half breeds
Read somewhere people get infected without physical contact or close proximity with anyone.
No, but they know it stems from the he food market in Wuhan. Bats are known for carrying diseases that can jump to humans.
>stop liking what i don't not like
no one force you. Eat whatever you like to eat and leave other people alone.
lmao dream on delusional faggot
unironically, the world would be a much better place if 3/4 of the chinese population were killed off. they are disgusting.
in before >tftp
fuck off I'm white.
Elephants are as intelligent as human children. If you aren't an animal, then neither are they.
me on the right
t. sinaga
I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it if they didn't literally torture the animals to death
Why can’t we just nuke China?
coom home, white boi
They sometimes torture animals before eating them for a bullshit reason, claiming it makes the meat taste better if the animal suffers
Reported to the FBI. Enjoy a lifetime of jail for being unpatriotic
Why can't we just kill all the Chinese men and use the females as sex slaves and breeding animals (for future sex slaves).
but that's completely unrelated to the virus.
Cause your kids will have small dicks
>lose my virginity
>risk coronavirus
whats the call boys
I hate chinks so fucking much. They are literal subhumans and I pray for the day they get nuked from the map.
>saying openly racist like it's a bad thing
>No source
It's funny because the same is true for canadians
t. Huang Ting Ping
Even the chinese females are trying to get away from their homeland. Chinese females are pretty smart and hate the males for a very long time.
i just dont want to die a virgin
Why. Eat. Bats?
Listen, I know Russians don't understand the sanctity of life and have no empathy but I'll try to explain this to you:
In civilized countries, the ones where we don't sell our daughters to white slavers to buy potato piss water to numb the pain of existence, we think that its bad to cause suffering to other living things if it can be avoided. Its why we kill animals before cooking them or otherwise preparing them. Because we understand that pain is an unpleasant thing and we desire not to inflict it upon others, if possible.
Maybe someday you too will overcome your fetal alcohol syndrome, grow a soul, and understand.
>Why. Eat. Animals?
I ask myself that too all the time when I see other people do it
>Speaking about human rights violations
I hope those congolese hands and rubber shipments are worth it
they taste good and don't carry diseases
>sanctity of life
>its bad to cause suffering to other living things if it can be avoided
>grow a soul
holy reddit
Subhuman nigger
>proceeds to denigrate life, sanctity of life, soul etc... based on skin color
Racism is a bigger issue than corona virus. Stop making fun of China
seems like a plan
Gyppo cunt
switch the dog with a chicken or a pig and you could put that on kids' channel
>if you don't deny that there are differences between niggers and eskimoes and white people you are denigrating the sanctity of life
I don't follow
>racism ok
>eating meat bad
>*throws a living crab into a boiling pot of oil*
Both are natural and good
the word nigger is a denigrating word, sven, it doesn't merely try to bring into consideration the supposed differences between the supposed races, which is why I doubt you wouldn't like to have this post on your resume :)
What is Yea Forums's stance on incest? First cousins are ok, right?
serkumpi on herkumpi
Sister's are okay, too.
WW3 cant come soon enough.
>Falling for the Corona meme
bahhhahhahahhahahhaha, you all right white boy.
>still believing this was caused by bat soup and not a bio weapon breaking out of the Huwan military research facility
Lol I bet you guys think Trump and Obama aren’t on the same team too
>breeding an asian
>either get elliot rodgers hapas that spam blacked shit on spee
>or the ultimate cuck by raising a smoking hot hapa daughter for another man to enjoy
i shiggy diggy
lmao did you not hear Trump, YOUR PRESIDENT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT SNOWFLAKE, saying that this was all a hoax by the democrats and liberal media????
Bat soup is funnier to joke about.
Pretty much nobody actually buys it
Damn demoNRATS!
I’m happy we FINALLY have a president with THE BALLS to worship ISREEL and AID the holy FEDERAL RESERVE
are you a paki by chance?
enjoy your retard kids
>touching and putting your face on the floor just to get a seat
no wonder these gooks are always spreading diseases. nasty subhumans.
based and redpilled brother...
to be fair I'd be pretty disgusted even if it was a great white shark that had eaten 10 orphans
At least let the thing die well, just seems cruel for the sake of being cruel
good banter to be fair
I get boiling them but man the smell of burnt hair would just ruin my appetite
hot dog
stir fried frog
I love bat meat
people do buy it cause chinks eat all kinds of gross shit and are generally nasty fucks.
it's a psyop
When a faggot is confused or cannot continue their argument, they will often mutter "muh reddit".
Even the most cheese encrusted, pants shitting, walmart mobility scooting blob from america wouldn't fucking cook a dog alive. So you may point and laugh but know that they are still better than you, you sausage fueled subhuman automaton.
Where do you think the "This kills the crab" meme came from? Americans tend to kill crabs before cooking them because the idea of boiling one alive makes us uncomfortable.
Is empathy really that foreign of a concept to you fucking "people"? No wonder your countries are a nightmare world of abandoned buildings and drunkards with no future.
Ok here comes the bullying
These yellow niggers let SARS escape from a BSL-3 lab and the world let them have a BSL-4 lab baka desu senpai.
Incels rise up
Corona doesn't even have those symptoms
Can't fool them for eating dogs or bats but honestly they should wash their hands or take a bath sometimes
This is actually in Mexico.
americans are lowest form of human life, period
he cute
Oh I'm sorry, is calling you mean names the same as literally disemboweling and cooking you alive?
>the idea of boiling one alive makes us uncomfortable
>said some from the biggest shithole consumer of fast food (factory farming)
get off your high horse
>is calling you mean names the same as literally disemboweling and cooking you alive?
I never said that. do you need a link to a short introduction to aristotelian logic too?
>>F1 cancelled
thank you based xi
How is it that the lowest form of life is dominating the world? What does that mean about you? Why isn't Serbia a world super power?
Most americans dislike factory farming practices. However, most americans also don't work as farmers so they have no control over how their food is produced. Unlike the Chinese who are personally burning and gutting animals alive.
Please show me the symbolic logic formula for how cooking an animal alive is anywhere near as bad as making fun of something as meaningless as where a person was born. Go on.
man you're from japan so stfu and jump into the chinks-hating happy boat
t. Leopold II
It's a bioweapon you dumb fuck, how normie do you have to be to still peddle the bat theory
>Please show me the symbolic logic formula for how cooking an animal alive is anywhere near as bad as making fun of something as meaningless as where a person was born. Go on.
again, not what i implied. i just observed first your neurotic rant about the sanctity of life and then the swift racism against black people
knowing what chinks are like I wouldn't put someone working in the lab selling infected bats a the local market to make a few quid past them
>bioweapon that only takes out boomers and sickly people
Yes but just for fun not for commitment
Bat meme is bullshit. It was more likely infected sea food only retarded inbreds believe in the bat meme
I never said anything against black people. I said things against Eastern Europs and chinese. And that has nothing to do with their race, it has to do with their culture. Race has basically nothing to do with how you act or your views on the world.
Nice to see that nobody even tried to help.