
>lost mexeles

Why haven't they cancelled sporting events in these areas like Italy? Do they want us to all die?

Attached: ConfirmedUSCoronavirusCases_v02_DP_hpEmbed_8x5_992[1].jpg (992x620, 45K)

>Having GuatemaLA, faveLA or angoLA as options
>try to force in los mexeles
Why user? Why?

you forgot New York and Rhode Island

>Do they want us to all die?

I dunno, why are you such a little bitch?

>Do they want us to all die?

yes that's what the trumptards want, they allow a plague to sweep across all of the continent while uninsured and broke americans are left helpless.

>Live in Renton, WA
>Dude 10 minutes away from me in hospital has the coronavirus
>High school 5 minutes from me is shut down out of abundance of caution
>Walgreens is sold out of face masks
>No one infected was in China or in direct contact with anyone from China
>Confirmed case in postal worker who worked while sick
>Nursing students confirmed have had contact with unknowing virus victim

How many weeks until society breaks down?

Attached: D_oguRlWwAAZCtc.jpg (640x640, 57K)

Oh no no no no

Attached: Coronavirus in NYC.jpg (1079x1584, 638K)

How much money would it cost to an american if they have coronavirus
I imagine they'd get fired right away from their job, pay for their quarantine and the medication would cost them enough money to indebt their family for 3 generations at very least

>Mike Pence in charge
This is fine, everything's fine

oh damn, NYC is pretty much among the worst places in the world to have a virus in, that shit can spread so quickly with all these people roaming the streets there at any point of the day

stay safe New Yorkers, and perhaps refrain from using the subway for the time being desu....

and thats a good thing faggot

>let the virus run rampant and infect your entire population
>80% of the elderly population dies
>all pension schemes that were previously on the brink of bankruptcy are suddenly fine
>no need to pay gibs to the massive elderly population
>anyone below 60 and healthy stays alive
Tell me a single negative to knowingly infecting your entire population with WuFlu.

[spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

I think I had it last week, it's not that bad, not even flu level

Because the black pipo won't be dead

>aids ridden faggots all die too
man corona sure is based

>literally like 6 cases total

Attached: 1583080638192.png (93x141, 8K)

Attached: IMG_20200301_175516.jpg (714x714, 57K)

only a fraction of people suffer enough to recognize they have symptoms, only a fraction of those people go to the hospital

>lefty "memes"


>nooooooo the heckin leftbois cannot use our memerinos against us

Are the Boomers finally getting their comeuppance?

>mfw Rhode islander
I'll let you know when we all die

If they want insurance and money maybe they should get a job instead of being lazy ni

If only obongo was still here he’d save us with his black girl magic

Your people are responsible for these goblin abominations. How do you feel about that?

So you're saying it's so fucking mild that only a fraction of a fraction ever even seek treatment for it because otherwise they can just sweat it out?


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the young men who contract it have testicle damage and those who've been infected can get re-infected and have a higher risk of dying due to the weakened immune system

based serpent magic dabbing on soulless gook viruses. thank you american government i almost trust you. almost

You realize theyre just gonna keep making announcements until its in literally every state?

Or they just die on their own and it gets blamed on pneumonia instead of coronavirus because they never tested for coronavirus.

Will it strike norf?

Attached: norf_corona_chan.png (679x513, 377K)

how could it possibly reach states like alaska, montana, wyoming, etc. when barely anybody lives there?

Aren't those all states that have sanctuary policies?


It's an old map anyways we already know it's in NYC, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Florida now. There were two dozen new cases over the weekend. Florida and Washington issued state emergency declarations over it.

It doesn't kill niggers

There are already 89 cases in the US it's growing exponentially.

all three of those states are in the process of having 10s of thousands of workers working there seasonally from all corners for national parks, ranches, etc

Here's the updated Coronavirus map for the U.S.

Red = Confirmed cases
Blue = Suspected cases currently being tested as of yesterday

Attached: 1920px-COVID-19_Outbreak_Cases_in_the_United_States.svg.png (1920x1187, 223K)

>New Yorkers, Californians, and Chicagoans all die
>I stay comfy in my 3000 person town over 200 miles from any big cities
Damn I love this timeline

based desu
california should be cleansed in righteous hellfire

China should've been levelled with nukes and carpet bombing decades ago. Fuck chinks

>living in a filthy city

Attached: 1505602902908.jpg (288x288, 18K)

I don't think you understand how American healthcare works.

Thank god Joel "Party Animal" Embiid isn't with the Sixers in California right now, we may yet stave off the plague in PA for another week or so.

Can't they just put a travel ban on Italy, Iran and China?

Oh, Medical J is injured again?

Don't worry, this is only phase one. You can't get everything at once. The next phase will be to develop one that eliminates everyone with even a drop of negro blood.

If all old people die Bernie will win the election.

Chinks don't really go to Dodgers or Lakers games so it's A-OK!

>Why haven't they cancelled
Because Pence is in charge. I can assure you he's praying extra hard about it, who are you to question God's will