>ywn have a Yea Forums girlfriend who calls you 'le cum inside man'
how do i cope?
Ywn have a Yea Forums girlfriend who calls you 'le cum inside man'
what is harder?
find a girl on Yea Forums
or find a girl who wants to be our gf
>mfw gf and I met in one of our university's Yea Forumsorts clubs
>mfw i get to coom inside her
im pretty sure Yea Forums has a lot of girls(male)
Go to a stripclub and tip the girl extra to call you that
im a girl (female) but im taken, expecting a black baby in my belly :3
>ywn have a girlfriend
>gf gets period app that tells her when she is or isnt ovulating
>lets me nut in her a couple times a year
feels really good
>what is harder?
my dick.
>couple of times a year
>not every time
I bet she let's Jamal cum inside her whenever he wants.
I bet you're overweight, ugly, nonwhite and made else than $30k last year.
I bet you're ugly, overweight, white, and make more than $30k a year
2 british, 1 german into footy and 1 american into furpuck dunno if they still post probably not
all trannies
>ywn have a girlfriend
I had one until she fell off a cliff and died on impact.
Started talking to this beautiful polish girl on tinder. She wants to meet up, any Poles with advice? I know I'll probably have no issues because I'm black but is there a Polish saying or action I can do to impress her more
nah mate this was before when fun was allowed on Yea Forums and the tranny menace didnt exist
Hispanic "men" confirmed cucks
But if you found one on Yea Forums would you even want her? No one here would ever date Yelissa.
depends on the flag
>implying I'm the only german girl here
>tfw have a gf who calls my dick kino
Feels good man
post dick pls
>texting yourself
say kurwa a lot
pronounced kor-va
What did you say before that?
forgot pic
post the schlong, valentina
Charge your phone, Heinrich.
cringe and mentally ill
I've seen this exact post word for word on other boards. In short: Kys tr00n
mutts law
>tfw no gf
>tfw no prospects
>tfw only had sex once in the past year
I'm pretty sure kurva means whore in all Slavic languages
>tfw unrequited love
>tfw miserable while the woman I love is also in an unrequited love situation
>how many times you've had sex
>last time you had sex
December 2017
Kurwa can literally mean anything desu
my gf knows I browse Yea Forums, she also isn't put off by Yea Forums like your average millenial white womyn though because shes honestly pretty conservative
O hai /spee/
Remember me?
tfw no cgll gf
My gf would not be happy knowing I browse Yea Forums. She’s seen it but I just tell her it’s a Reddit knock off and leave it at that.
anyone have any more cat reaction images?
>she will never call you big guy
>how many times you've had sex
hundreds of times with one woman + two rando broads
>last time you had sex
February 2018
why'd you push her?
>my steam name
Did I play CSGO with you in the last week, bro?
>tfw no Manchester gf
>you now remember yelissa
>5~ hours ago
Really wish I didnt though desu. Post nut clarity is bitch and that chick was busted. Deeply regret it
hundreds to current gf + 2 ex gfs + 4 one night stands
march 1 2020
ive been on Yea Forums since 2010. i just hide my power levels well :^)
>2 weeks ago
All with one girl.
Three weeks ago, fucked a tinder slut in my car.
>dunno, when I had a gf regularly.
>March 2019
>'le cum inside man'
Holy kek
I lost count, but 2-3/week
3 hours ago
idk I don't keep track
December 2019