To save you scrolling through the whole thing, the list is
>Di Maria
>Hameur Bouazza
>Scott Chipperfield (token baldcel)
>Hector Herrera
>Jairo Patiño
>Daniel Ludueña
>William Chiroque
>Héctor Reynoso
>Ivan Campo
>Ruy Cabeçao
Attached: the-20-most-ugly-footballers-in-the-world.jpg (670x400, 100K)
>no Iain Dowie
>no Peter Beardsley
>no David Wheater
>No Messoy
Attached: hobomessi.jpg (1080x1062, 497K)
>David Wheater
Bloody hell, there's a name i haven't heard in a while
>3 argies in the top 20
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only remembered him because he got sent off a few weeks back and it came up on GSS
those redcar genetics in full flow
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What happened to the guy in the middle?
oh shut up he has like 4-5 whitioids on the list
Being ugly or good looking aren't races, you stupid fucking bitch.
shit list no creatures like dele ali, sane, witsel and el goblino lingard
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how did ribery look like before his face got rekt
The Hour Concours
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He was two years old when that happened, so, who knows.
wtf ronaldinho is argentino??
the mexican players just look like all poor mexicans lmao
For me, it is
Attached: troy deeney.jpg (659x856, 115K)
He looks like the average French desu
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why are you picking retired players, it is not fun to do that.
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>er tendina
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he looks like an american president desu
Looks like a fatter Mustafi.
How the effin jeff are you gonna call me racist for pointing out this man has a mouth like a chimpanzee?
exactly, how is that ugly?
if he covers his forehead then he's sexy as fuck but if he don't then he drops from 9,5/10 to 2/10
these spanish+italian genes are not good,argie bro
Why they gotta do my boi Chippers like that?