>another game aborted
this league is on lock down ffs
Another game aborted
Eine minuten bitte
Which game now and why ?
Union - Werder
Everyone realized how bad they are and stopped the match
the goyim wake up
Union - Wolfsburg, you idiot
>the crosshair on his head symbolizes our peaceful intents!
absolute fucking brainlets. just deduct 1 point from every club whose ultra groups does this, then the next time 2 points etc.
The DFB should give the league title to Hoffenheim, hurting the feelings of a multibillionaire should be thoroughly punished by law.
>'This is a reminder to all fans that any non-prescribed opinions will result in the cancellation of all football. Thank you for your time and remember, 'Think Correctly!'.
what did they mean by this?
awful translation
he literally said to the ultras "Turn on your heads!"
Hahahahaha I’m enjoying this shit show
based authorities correcting the record. now all that we need is hillary as president.
>RICHANDWHITEBAD not being the prescribed opinion
How hilarious would it be if Leipzig fans would join in the shitshow later on and also show an anti-Hopp banner
Based Union, every ultra group should keep this up week after week until they stop cucking out.
Does this go through in france? Can you just insult people publicly and without repercussions?
Leverkusen fans should do anti Werner chants to see how the DFB react
Nigga, their farmers flood city halls with dung without repercussions.
it's just banter m8
ligue 1 drew the line at anti gay chants recently. hell, PSG ultras shamed their own players for not having balls after the Dortmund game against Bordeaux last week and no one pipped up
Is Hurensohn the most powerful word after Nigger and Holocaust?
Have you ever been to Paris?
Frenchies are hardcore when it comes to protesting things and they find something to protest about every damn week
the french national sport is complaining and protesting. their government wouldnt touch that historical treasure.
Now that the league is bayernwinslol again they might as well protest it to oblivion, whatever. DFB and DFL can go fellate Hopp and each other in empty stadiums for all I care.
mate the BVLLS are only one point behind
just one more proof how bad and forgettable the match is
Protesting is democratically healthy, nothing wrong with it
of whom exactly? Normal people who don't want to be insulted or have calls to violence against you just because some ultretard group doesn't like you?
he's not ultra he's just some leftist fag
"normal people" always dive head first into the next cool autocracy, be it 3rd Reich, GDR or EU. Fuck them.
>comparing 3rd Reich to the EU in terms of how autocratic they are
Yep, I'm going to take your opinion extremely seriously
>being ignorant enough to not see the writings on the wall
enjoy clapping along as the process continues, you normal person
Why are they angry at this guy?
>the nazis turned into a big brother state overnight instead of slowly but steadily doing it over the decade
If you can't see the EU turning more and more authoritarian by the day you are the exact type of useful idiot they rely to vote for their plans
muh billionaire investing into hometown village club bad
muh tradition good
basically ultra brainlet logic
>noooo you cannot insult the millionaire owner of your club for doing shit !
schizos go to
Yeah, you actually cannot. There's a law against insulting people, maybe Romania will at some point get one too
The Nazis would call modern surveillance tech and social engineering 'a bit much'
>sit like a good dog , never critisize any decision your club overlords make , just accept what they do as they destroy your club and take your money
i dont call a lot of peoples cuck , but you are a gigantic one
I can quite literally imagine however the German dyke in charge of the EU is called patting you in the head while calling you a good boy. Stay unaware useful idiot #2160039
tell me, what did my club overlords do which was against my best interests?
>insult = death threat
it's a crosshair, not a pile of shit on his head.
>fatso on vacation in Spain thinks Merkel leads the EU
you can't make this shit up. These are the people explaining politics to you on Yea Forums
It's both, they call him a whoreson as well
clearly not nice but also not a death threat.
I don't mean the unfuckable lardass, I meant the other dyke that's president of the europarliment or however that den of thieves it's called now you monumental bootlicking cuck.
>death threat
it's a meme you dip
What do you think they wanted to imply by the crosshair on his head?
exactly, that IS a death threat and in any civilized country that's not allowed.
Goddamn germcucks became so thin skinned after WW2 it's even embarrassing. Grow a pair you literal cuckolds
David Maria Sassoli?
You'd think /pol/tards would at least know about politicians....
I'm not even a poltard you cuck. Nice deflection tho
>he-he doesn't want a new big brother state so he must a poltard
I honestly hope you are among the dead in the next Muslim terror attack in European soil
>I'm not even a poltard
Why do /pol/tards always say that? If you are so ashamed of browsing that board maybe you should take the hint and stop browsing it. Would improve your mental health as well.
I love this whole drama because you can immediately tell who is a brainlet luddite traditionalist loser and who is part of the intellectual free-thinking red bull elite.
Like clockwork
Funny how you're asking for a creative punishment that by all means should not be legal.
gutmenschen on tv acting distraught is so annoying
it's okay to criticse the language or whatever, but to pretend not liking someone buying a club in a way that isn't really allowed in germany is some sort of radical position is ridiculous
>The whole league grinds to a halt because a billionaire jew got his feelings hurt by a bunch of welfare queens.
Pretty embarrasing stuff Hans
based and bullenpilled
If Hopp was actually a Jew, nobody would dare insulting him in any way, because the media would immediately make inappropriate Holocaust analogies.
OK this one's a bit over the top. Calling him son of a whore is fine, but the crosshair banner is just too much and enter the territory of death threats.
The crosshair is tradition.
These breaks are fucking embarrassing. They should just ignore it just like that Billionaire weakling should have instead of suing which only made things escalate.
we need fans to countersue for the times Hopp called them idiots, pack and scum
Unless it's against muslims and leftists
id rather be gay than have a gf with tits that big
im neutral on all of this but want it to continue regardless
well you already are
the perfidious anglo in a nutshell