Attached: hallo.jpg (480x270, 39K)
Jordan Martinez
Other urls found in this thread:
Nathaniel Morales
Anthony Jenkins
Wtf was going on with the banners and shit? Cokeheads don't like billionaires?
Sebastian Wright
just typical hypocrite leftists
Aaron Hughes
I feel sorry for Dietmar Hopp tbqh. I understand he was about to do what 50+1 was trying to prevent, but it's kind of endearing that he played for their little league team and grew up to be a tech millionaire and decided to use his money to make his tiny hometown club not only a professional team, but a top flight champions league contender. I bet that's something kids fantasize about all the time with their irrelevant hometown clubs.
Elijah Nelson
Ultras of different teams keep showing up with "Hopp you son of a whore" banners and banners where Hopp is shown behind a crosshair. Dortmund fans already got banned from visiting Hoffenheim's stadium the next two seasons.
Chase Stewart
hopp isnt arab, so his money is racist
Isaac Garcia
hot take that autistic armchair "fans" in /bundes/ won't like: if Hopp can't handle the heat he should get out of the kitchen
David Howard
>Bei Rassismus, Antisemitismus, Sexismus etc. hat man die Notwendigkeit nie gesehen
Und sollte man bei Hopp auch nicht sehen. Betonung auf "auch".
Lucas Johnson
Jaxon Miller
I don't feel sorry for any criminal.
Noah Morris
Stop bullying billionaires, lads. They're very vulnerable.
Justin Brown
Took the bundes spot away from a legitmate club
Lincoln Perez
Ryder Bennett
this thread is shit and you should delete it
Carter Hughes
Calling him a sonofabitch isn't reason to stop the game then, when the banner is taken down, hold hands for 15 minutes
Mason Ramirez
>a legitimate club
you mean a loser club? an absolute shitter of a club?
Xavier Bell
Nolan Rogers
>Timo Werner Hurensohn
Nothing happend. DFB is a bunch of clowns
Oliver White
Holy shit i just watched the Sportschau what the fuck hahahaha
Nathaniel Barnes
Timo isn't a billionaire funding the DFB, though.
Jason Mitchell
yeah, what i said, absolute loser club
Hunter Rodriguez
This was the most based thing that has ever happened in the bundes.
/r/soccer traditionalist luddites will be FOREVER mad.
John Green
So this is how you white-wash match fixing. Interesting.
Asher Sullivan
Kek, Köln joining in on the banter
Jaxon Harris
what promise?
Jaxon Thomas
it might be "Kollektivbestrafung"
it was promised to stop it and now all Dortmund fans can't go to hoffenheim for two years
Gavin Garcia
Brayden King
Football fans are THE lowest form of human on the planet. Rapists and terrorists are less pathetic than "ultras".
Xavier Stewart
oh no!!!! :o
kollektivbestrafung is based and the only thing those faggots understand
Jaxson Green
terrorists are based
Luis Parker
tbf, after being on probation for the millionth time and not doing anything to stop those banners you deserve your ban
Levi Wright
>noooo!! not muh performatively inferior but heckin traditional clubberinos!!
Gabriel Jenkins
>poor traditional clubs like Wolfsburg and Leverkusencan't compete with Hopp :(
Sebastian Ward
Aiden Phillips
first time i agree with this chigaco >muh heritage cringe monster....
what a time to be alive
Ryan Sanders
Fuck I missed Sportschau can I still rewatch it somewhere? Really wanted to see what the propagandastation had to say about the bayern game
Xavier Thomas
>visiting a stadium during corona outbreak
literally a stupid idea. why risk it?
Jeremiah Williams
Evan Campbell
Adrian Allen
Risk exactly what? I can't even imagine how many people have the Corona virus and think it's just a flu. Nobody should give a fuck unless an old fuck 60+.
Caleb Nelson
Kayden Davis
Mason Powell
reddit is trying their hardest to defend the banners lmao
fucking germanboo americans. truly the worst
Jose Foster
übel kübel
Asher Allen
infecting yourself with a rapid spreading flu and spreading it to your beloved grandparents
Andrew Sullivan
Carson Baker
You can rewind for two hours. :)
Owen Williams
gib proof
Luis Nelson
Dont have them anymore, dont care
Ian Green
i’m 67, asshole
Jose Sanders
>rapid spreading flu
>less than 100 cases after 4 weeks
Evan Harris
>off topic
>not even funny
show yourself out pls
Jack Howard
Aldi is based
Germany = good
German humor = bad
Coronavirus = bad
Puma = good
Cooper Roberts
racism, antisemitism and antihoppism has no place in bundes stadiums.
Hudson Butler
Death to USA.
Julian Thomas
is this really what bundes has come to these days? zoomers unironically complaining about "off topic"?
Jack Taylor
Wagner OUT
Kovac IN
Matthew Reed
>muh zoomer
im 67, you millenial faggot
Brandon Ross
>here's your goalkeeper bro
Anthony Sullivan
Nübel is the next Neuer la
Bentley Price
Talent of a century
Julian Parker
Jason Diaz
Peinliche Chaoten entlarven sich selbst
>Ultras sehen sich als gern als Gralshüter des wahren Fußballs. Doch die dämliche Aktion einiger Bayern-Fans beim Spiel in Sinsheim offenbart, dass sie nur an der Selbstinszenierung interessiert sind. Verband und Liga müssen nun handeln.
>In ihrer Selbstbeschreibung klingen Ultras oft wie Romantiker. Die eingefleischten Fans sehen sich als Gralshüter des wahren Fußballs, Gegner ausgeprägter Kommerzbewegungen und künstlich hochgezüchteter Gebilde wie etwa RB Leipzig – und leiten daraus offenbar ein Anrecht auf jede noch so dämliche Aktion beim Stadionbesuch ab. Was sich am Samstagnachmittag allerdings in Sinsheim zugetragen hat, ist eine neue Dimension.
>Zweimal musste Schiedsrichter Christian Dingert die Partie zwischen Hoffenheim und dem FC Bayern unterbrechen, weil so genannte Anhänger der Gästemannschaft massive Beleidigungen gegen Dietmar Hopp kundgetan hatten. Auf einem Plakat wurde der Mäzen der Hausherren übel verunglimpft. Und das bei einem Stand von 6:0 für die Münchner, nach einer beeindruckenden Gala des Rekordmeisters.
>Die unsägliche Aktion auf den Rängen entlarvte die beteiligten Ultras indes als das, was sie wirklich sind: Dummköpfe, denen es nur um Selbstdarstellung geht – und nicht um die Unterstützung ihres Teams. Dass nicht einmal der erste Gang der Bayern-Delegation in die Kurve Ruhe brachte, sondern zwei Anläufe nötig waren, verstärkt diesen Eindruck.
>Während die 22 Spieler auf dem Feld mit ihrem stillen Protest und einem 13 Minuten andauernden Ballgeschiebe das richtige Signal an die Chaoten sendeten, sind in den nächsten Tagen Verband und Liga gefordert. Es gilt, die Unverbesserlichen ausfindig zu machen und sie hart zu bestrafen. Bundesweit geltende Stadionverbote reichen dabei längst nicht mehr aus, die Übeltäter sollten sich in Zukunft vor strafrechtlichen Sanktionen fürchten müssen.
Ja hallo, ist dort das Basiert-Amt?
Jackson Johnson
Chase King
>rewatch Sportschau
>The entireity of the media and both clubs combined act like there have been niggers hanging in the stands and jews gassed in the cabins
I am so fucking tired of this clowns world what the fuck all that happened was some guys expressing their pretty mild opinion that the dude is a son of a whore, sure its not nice but stop acting as if thats anything new or even anything completely over the top
If there were some banners saying
>Hopp we're gonna kill you and your entire family when you least expect it in the most gruesome way
Yes, that would warrant that reaction. But "You're a son of a whore", what the fuck man.
Brayden Carter
its dünnreich
Robert Edwards
i literally can here the s o i rushing through your veins
Chase Wright
>Die unsägliche Aktion auf den Rängen entlarvte die beteiligten Ultras indes als das, was sie wirklich sind: Dummköpfe
Das war eine top Möglichkeit um
>Die unsägliche Aktion auf den Rängen entlarvte die beteiligten Ultras indes als das, was sie wirklich sind: Hurensöhne
zu schreiben. Lahm.
Leo Butler
what has the old lady done to you??
Jordan Taylor
Aaron Hall
The opposite of my opinion would be soi you stupid nigger
Jose Adams
sure thing, s o i baby, sure thing
Alexander Wilson
>Auf „“, der Homepage eines Zusammenschlusses verschiedener Fan-Klubs, heißt es: „An dieser Stelle muss man auch festhalten, dass wir unsere Kritik hieran bisher immer auf eine andere Art und Weise artikuliert haben. Herr Hopp hat unter anderem durch das verwenden Störgeräuschen, die bei einigen BVB-Anhängern Schmerzen hervorrufen, allerdings die Spirale selbst erheblich weitergedreht und einen Privatkrieg mit verschiedenen Fanszenen angezettelt.“
>Und weiter: „Dies führte über mehrere Eskalationsstufen dazu, dass das DFB-Sportgericht den Fans des BVB für zwei Spiele den Besuch der Auswärtsbegegnung bei Hoffenheim verbat. Damit hat der DFB sein Wort, zukünftig von Kollektivstrafen abzusehen gebrochen. Auch wenn uns die Strafe nicht betrifft und das Thema Hopp für uns nicht so eine starke Relevanz hat, sehen wir hierin einen Angriff auf Fanrechte im allgemeinen. Es für uns ein Affront, den wir nicht unbeantwortet lassen können.“
lmao, holy cringe batman
Caleb Parker
§185 StGB motherfucker, either abide by the rules or fuck off
Henry Nguyen
this is the most cucked thing I have ever read and by that I mean your post
Jason Lopez
Imagine making your entire life revolve around football FOR FREE
Benjamin Smith
why do you hate white people?
Lincoln Foster
t. little sissy faggot
Colton Campbell
>nooooo you can't just use the law to punish people
Easton Brown
Die hässliche Fratze des achso feinen FC Bayern...
jeder bauern sympathisant und bandwagoner sollte sich schämen.
am besten selbstanzeige.
Nathaniel Brooks
>muh 50+1
>bayernwinslol needs to stay as it is in the name of tradition
Matthew Martin
Nora is based.
Kevin Turner
god can you imagine what the german government will look like in 2050? now imagine 2100. you are finished. all you know to do is order hamburger and cola anyway.
Isaiah Lopez
anyone who uses the h-word doesn't deserve to live
it immediately exposes you as total human trash
Dylan Rodriguez
>t.imo Werner
Colton Wright
Jordan Rodriguez
>In dem Statement heißt es: „Das ist normalerweise nicht unser Sprachgebrauch, wäre per se aber auch nicht erwähnenswert. Während eines Fußballspiel fallen solche und ähnliche Worte nämlich recht häufig.“
>Und weiter: „Man muss den Wortlaut nicht gut heißen, aber es gab für uns hierzu keine Alternative. Will man zukünftig immer wenn solche Beleidigungen auf der Zuschauertribüne geäußert werden, Fußballspiele ab- oder unterbrechen, wird man keine Partie mehr über 90 Minuten spielen können. Die Unterbrechung heute war einfach nur überzogen und absurd.“
wtf??? bayern ultras literally defending racism in th stands.... what kind of sick fucks
Xavier Long
ok mustafa
William Robinson
They are unironically right and everybody knows it.
Jason Campbell
>Die Gruppierung schließt dann mit einem geschmacklose Schlusssatz: „Fußball bleibt dreckig – Fans bleiben rebellisch – Gegen Kollektivstrafen – F**k dich DFB!“
these fucking people. how can you spend more than twenty years on this planet and still be this much of a child?
Nathan Brown
>"Dietmar Hopp ist ein tadelloser EHRENMANN"
t. rummenigger
Jonathan Sanchez
>meanwhile, in Italy it jumped from 20 to 400 in like a week
Parker Reyes
non-whites are less resistant
Eli Watson
fucking shitalians will ruin us again
Lucas Lewis
makes sense. Italy is over 1k now
Italians "infected" 16 countries by now
Daniel Clark
They are right though.
Ian Allen
>nooo dont have principles how dare you
Aaron Lewis
careful with talking so much german. (((some people))) here dont like that lmao
Anthony Green
Jesus fucking christ, all of this post-match reports on Hopp running on sky are driving me fucking nuts. Im passively listening for over an hour now and i feel like im fucking tripping right now. How the fuck can people go this nuts over calling someone a hurensohn. lmao
Nathaniel Taylor
Why are g*rmans so mean and uncaring?
Zachary Reed
>Neues Denken für ein sauberes Spiel
the cabal isnt even hiding it anymore
Sebastian Powell
>Man sollte allen Ultragruppen die Dauerkarten abnehmen und die entsprechenden Fanclubs aus dem Verein ausschließen. Es gibt genug ECHTE FANS, die ins Stadion wollen. Es braucht keine Ultradeppen. Man muss sich schämen, dass solche Idioten das Vereinswappen tragen dürfen.
Austin Brooks
I disagree with what theyre doing but I still hate him for buying a Club a place in our League
Sebastian Moore
Look up their history, they are cucks and not civilised like western Europe is.
Adrian Powell
That time was different they knew it was true
Tyler Rivera
ultras are fucking cringe
Dominic Sanders
Nolan Foster
why is nübel such a dumbo since he announced his transfer? is he trying to sabotage it himself?
Leo Martin
The pressure is too much for him
Adam Miller
if it's ok to insult Hopp, we can let people make monkeysounds as well
Isaiah Watson
Thats not the same "insulting" (Huhrensohn ist echt nicht so starke Beleidigung) someone and racial abuse is different.
Michael Cook
well the truth is with the one who has money. and if dieter wants to spend 100 bucks at the game with his wife and daughter, then he will be in the right. because arno the ultra only spends roughly 20 bucks per game since he has a season pass. but arno annoys dieter. he is loud, he bangs his drum, he uses curse words, hell, he probably drinks a beer and even smokes! dieter's daughter cant see such brutes. well, arno is expendable in this case and hence the conclusion is: think of the hecking billionairinos. think of the children. #respect
Logan Garcia
>(Huhrensohn ist echt nicht so starke Beleidigung)
Jose Reyes
>insult someone with monkey noises
>insult someone by calling him hurensohn
>heh, deserved it lmao, why are they even discussing this?
you ultra faggots are so inconsistent and heuchlerisch lmao
Jaxson Gutierrez
Willst du jetzt meine Rechtschreibfehler korrigieren oder was ?
Xavier Reyes
>nicht so stark
for you maybe, because you were raised by a single harlot in the ghetto of gelsenkirchen. civilised people see it differently.
Robert Watson
soinsulting white people is ok, but you can't call a black person monkey?
kinda racist
Gabriel Gray
blacks are suffering under their own victimculture. Yes, it is weakness that they victimize themselves because of monkeysounds. It shows a deep-rooted inferiority complex. Footballers should go ahead and react in this way, some have done so, but most react childishly.
So yeah, monkey sounds arent a big issue either.
Joshua Young
Maybe I´m just not a little pussy who is hurt by words
Jordan Adams
No you can call a black guy an asshole just like a white dude I dont give a fuck
Racial abuse and insults are not equal
Camden Peterson
>whiteknighting ultras
>posting unfunny shit thinking you’re witty
Cameron Thompson
no, you’re simply trash.
Ethan Hernandez
Jose Morgan
Nö. Deine Aussage ist einfach völlig weltfremd. Mag sein, dass man mit Hurensohn im Internet um sich wirft als wäre es ein ganz normales Alltagswort, aber draussen in der echten Welt kriegt man dafür schnell eine auf's Maul.
Christian Taylor
Ryan Butler
Sogar wenn das stimmt was sollte es dich interressieren ob jemand dich beleidigt
Ich kann ja noch verstehen das er mit dem Fadenkreuz Probleme hatte
Bentley Barnes
Benjamin Hernandez
funny and witty? if anything you could call it cynical, you brainlet.
Carson Hernandez
not an argument
Christian Diaz
t. absolute retard
apply you’re first sentence on the black players you defended in your original post and see how dumb you are
Nathaniel Parker
If you call ghetto people a Hurensohn you'll get your teeth kicked in. It's mostly middle class kiddies who grew up on Call of Duty shit talking, and who got neglected by their 24/7 working parents, who don't know how the real world operates.
Luke Williams
nah, i call it cringe
Zachary Morgan
thats better.
Luis Anderson
thats a lovely secluded middle class take you have. Ghetto people are calling themselves husos the whole time and it has not deeper meaning. If something like huso leads to aggression then tension was already present.
The anti-hate speech faggots in this thread have apparently never been in a stadium because the tone has always been and will always be rude and aggressive there. Im literally laughing at you castrated cucks.
Go back to ultimate team, faggots.
Josiah Evans
Weil bei Hurensohn als Beleidung auf die Mutter abziehlt, du Schwachkopf.
Jack Murphy
is this some deep erlangen rping going on here, or do these basedtards really feel offended by huso insults?
Ryan Taylor
y do you feel the need to display your retardation so puplicly?
Oliver Watson
i have a süd steher DK, you baby
Samuel King
no u
Elijah Powell
What about trying to refute my statements on the nature of fandom in football stadiums? Are terms like huso not common in your fanblock?
Grayson Gonzalez
>If something like huso leads to aggression then tension was already present
It's actually the opposite, but then you couldn't make your shitty point. Calling someone a huso will absolutely lead to aggression, if you're not friends and you're not actually trying to insult each other.
Eli Phillips
What's so hard for you to understand that you shouldn't just insult someone who is not involved in the problem between you and someone else?
Luis Rodriguez
Ultras are the only cool thing about football.
Elijah Watson
Sie Hurensohn.
John Ortiz
whats so hard to understand that this is clearly asymmetrical warfare against the terrible policies of the dfb regarding fangroups? Its funny how the media degrades these people as unwanted, barbaric, violent, ugly as a definite characteristic, while the bayern fans simply attacked the breach of the dfbs promises and then followed it with a provocation regarding a figure that has actively contributed towards the undermining of traditional football culture in germany
Luke James
i still don't think it's about huso-chants
it's about those crosshair banners that appeared in Gladbach which at least look like a call to murder Hopp. Thanks to all the weirdos that followed similar calls because some other shitheads told them about conspiracies, etc. the public is more sensitive.
And if you come with those dumb banners like the Bauern customers did today, you're the asshole
Jayden Lewis
>billionaires feel the need to back up other billionaires because a few people put up mean banners that might have hurt said billionaires' feeders
>league officials pout and whine when attention is taken away from their pro-Turk bullshit
>they order directives to teams to make a mockery of the sport for 10+ minutes
>all the players go along with it
>everyone starts clapping
What the actual fuck is wrong with Germany?
Dylan Martinez
stop talking like me thats spooky
Carter Bennett
Tyler Perez
>pro-Turk bullshit
Headcanon of yours?
Joshua Garcia
you are right to some degree, but lets not forget that Germany is one of last bastions against full corporate domination in european football. All the over leagues are overrun with club owners while Hopp was even too limited by laws to turn Hoffenheim into an actually rich club.
So yes, we are behaving like pussies here, but in general we are much less pussified than the rest of europe.
Kevin Long
Sie auch.
Everytime I btfo you, you just move the goalpost. It's fucking hilarious lmao.
Jeremiah Diaz
A large part of this shit is that the DFB got buttmad that the Hopp protests were diverting attention from their diversityfest memorial of those Turks killed in the shooting.
Isaac Morgan
It's definitely not "just some mild insult" like user claimed. It's something you'd expect from Muhammad at the corner store. That being said, I would not stop the game because of it and the fallout in the media feels more like someone just murdered another 10 people. It's totally overblown.
Mason King
Luke Peterson
I have explained the logic behind the insults and how dietmar hopp is involved in the beef that the ultras have.
Overreaching beyond your inexistant mental capacities does not equal goalposts.
David Sullivan
>/bundes/ chads tried to rescue this sacred refugue for all that is based and good
>dünnies, sojajungen, tom and now the fucking debate club nerds took over
i am so very sorry for failing all of you..
Parker Sullivan
>"We come out against racism and discrimination before a game -- and then 50 idiots put up a banner like that. It's madness," Gladbach executive Max Eberl said
lmao I cannot believe somebody could be this tone-deaf
Sebastian Harris
>That being said, I would not stop the game because of it and the fallout in the media feels more like someone just murdered another 10 people. It's totally overblown.
>I have explained the logic behind the insults and how dietmar hopp is involved in the beef that the ultras have.
Alright, but I never argued about these two points.
>Overreaching beyond your inexistant mental capacities does not equal goalposts.
Lmao you're fucking ridiculous.
Zachary Sullivan
why is Bayern's team so blacked?
Ryder Nguyen
Same reason your mom is blacked.
because blacks are superior to whites
Juan White
sometimes i forget that even here in /bundes/ there are people like you that unironically base their pathetic identity on the footie club they support. people who have never been exposed to any culture past that of the "ultras" that took them in.
Gavin Wood
Schickeria will be banned
holy based Bayern ultras are getting assfucked
Gavin Jenkins
>It's a "the Ami explains European politics and the /bundes/ to you" episode
Jaxson Davis
You are wrong friend. I'm actually studying art history and philosophy. The archaic and regionalistic nature of german football is a pet peeve of mine though. I like the masculine primitive energies channeled in it, and wish it to be protected as a sacred field of pagan exercise in our society.
Jonathan Rodriguez
>I like the masculine primitive energies channeled in it,
Gernan ultras are a bunch of gay Gender study Sörens who cry about homophobia in football
Elijah Hall
They arent.
They are like the tribal retinue of heroic pagan warriors. Football will always remain a signification of warfare, this is why the fans with their martial chants, insults and whistling, will always remain the core of the sport.
Germany has so far retained its germanistic, tribalistic roots in national football, and it will do well to stop business man from turning the sport into a video game.
Parker Fisher
you must have spent the last 10 years asleep
Carter Reyes
i think this is an ignorant reading. This tribalistic nature of fan culture has been particularly strong in emergence in those last 10 years as well (in germany). It is an interesting aspect to note that there is no past to which the ultra-romantics refer, they are actively constructing their ideal field of football in the present. They are bringing to the surface what was latent in football for decades but never played a large role. Football is much more a religion now than it was 40 years ago, so while the corporate power is increasing, just as well is organization of fan groups, articulation of their ideas and their desired manifestation of football clubs as a romantic foothold of regional pre-modern identity into modern existance. As opposed to the narrative that the media is subconsciously spinning, the battle has not been decided, and identification with these rebels is strong.
Ayden Sanchez
Robert Howard
Sebastian Gonzalez
>lots of words with little content
pretty sure you study some "social science", not art history and philosophy
Lucas Phillips
I actually really rate™ Jonjoe Kenny. He is v good going fwd and gets stuck in when necessary
Yes, this is how I feel about the child that actually reports posts
Julian Morales
The way i articulate myself is independent of my studies. if i could make more concise posts id do it, but i care a lot about linguistic technicalities.
Ryder Hall
the way you "articulate yourself" is exactly how i articulated myself when i was 14 years old getting repeatedly banned from vBulletin forums for posting misogynistic garbage and bullying kids into near suicide.
either you also are 14 years old, or you are not and truly part of the footie ultras culture that revolves around celebrating that eternal immaturity.
Charles Evans
This is not true, i dont post like you when you were 14. That being said, your 14 year old self had much more character and originality than the boring present day version of yourself.
Isaac Wilson
right. character and originality. thats exactly what i thought i had back then.
really i was just following the lead of some of the cool kids that were just as ignorant as me. you are only original as long as you stay in that particular social bubble. once you look past that the illusion falls apart and you realize you are way more of a stereotype yourself than all the people you are stereotyping.
Henry Richardson
you are projecting very hard my friend, and absolutely missing the mark on me.
Noah White
your words are as empty as your soul!!
Alexander Howard
projecting? i'm literally talking about my past self.
anyway whether you are the same as i was or not, we never stop growing up and perspectives change quickly. best of luck to you. :)
Levi Reed
this thread is now /kreis/
Kevin Richardson
so do we want all ultras to die in a terrorist attack?
Benjamin Smith
oh i thought when you switched to "you" you were refering to me.
Logan Martinez
I hope they decide to make a Spieltag where only woman and kids are allowed to enter the stadium
Caleb Parker
Tyler Rodriguez
anyone who thinks this is worth canceling a game over should kys themselves
Hunter Collins
Someone make a pröpper bundes. This aint it
Dominic Cook
Wait did they really stop a match because an owner was insulted? Is there more to this? Are people showing up at his house?
Nicholas James
Anyway, I bet Dieter is gonna buy kalle a nice Rolex
Logan King
Are Bayern the good guys now?
Christopher Foster
Klopp is /ourguy/
Brody Morris
Why is Hopp hated? Is he viewed as a one-man Red Bull?
Because most of the rest of the world would probably view an ex-youth player investing billions into a village club as a good thing.
Jordan Bennett
Commercialization of football and Hoffenheim basically taking the Bundesliga spot away from a traditional team like Kaiserslautern. Bayern ultras doing it seems a bit hypocritical since their club sucks corporate cock instead of Hopp cock but its a bit of banter so its alright. Basically, all sides are faggots in this one
Camden Peterson
Seems like it. Can't imagine fans getting in trouble over here for insulting Jerry Jones or James Dolan.
Also, could this happen in bundes?
Ayden Martin
No, just cause they got something right for one time doesn't make them any better.
They sell themselves to the chinks which is just as bad.
Mason Bennett
For me, it’s still /bundes/
Austin Watson
but the reaction is turbosoy
Joshua Flores
>Es dürfen keine Milliardäre beleidigt werden, es dürfen keine Schwarzen beleidigt werden.
Thanks DoPa.
Brandon Lewis
This banner stuff would solve itself if just everyone pretended to not give a fuck (like anyone actually cares).
But no, not in this day and age of twitter. Everyone and their mother has to immediately switch on the outrage and virtue signaling mode. Dozens of headlines and articles are written and published in all the big media outlets. You would think we dow‘d Poland lmao.
Im so sick of it. What’s the big deal about calling someone a son of a bitch anyway? Get some skin you sissies
Joseph Gomez
>Reporter: Was halten sie von den Protesten gegen Hopp?
>Streich: WiR hAbEn EiNeN ReChTsRuCk iN DeUtScHLaNd in ShIsHa BaRs WerDeN LeUtE eRsChOsSeN dAs InTeRneT DeSeNsIbiLisIeRt DiE MeNsChEn
Michael Hall
cant wait for AfD to be blamed for everything in doppelpass
Daniel Brooks
Isaac Lee
Based Lautern neger
Ryder Fisher
ultras are fags with unwarranted self importance syndrome
Julian Fisher
why does this coronashit spread so god damn wide? i mean i still won't change a thing yet, but this is getting ominous.
Oliver Flores
because globalism
Michael Rogers
we're all going to die, fuck that one nigga who went to Italy and decided to infect everyone
Camden Wood
fuck you hans, you only hate blacks because you think they dont integrate and yet you criticise them when they do
Jackson Cruz
also because some dickhead probably didnt follow the quarantine procedures because they think they are above natural and god's law
Nolan Nelson
no i dont want them to integrate. i want them fuck off out of germany
Christian Edwards
/wundes/ in 30 bings:
Köln 14 : 00 FFC Frankfurt
USV Jena 14 : 00 Wolfsburg
SC Sand 14 : 00 Bayer Leverkusen
MSV Duisburg 14 : 00 Bayern München
Hoffenheim 14 : 00 Freiburg
Noah Roberts
Looking foward for the comfy Union match. Should be doable for them considering Wolfsburg may be a bit tired
Alexander Jackson
The official advice for potential corona cases is for them to isolate themselves and call a hotline, then everything is handled by the authorities.
Yesterday some woman said "fuck this", went to the hospital, gave a sample, then went to work, shopped in a supermarket, went back home again and then when the test turned out positive she was finally isolated. People are too stupid for quarantine.
Angel Miller
Evan Walker
why? if they were born there, speak german fluently, attend german 3rd division games for their local team...they're fine
exactly my point
yet a black dude attending a football game is worse than these kind of unttermensch
Jaxon Phillips
nyet. magentatv for Buyern hunkjøn, wölfinnen tv for Wolfsburg
Easton Russell
you dont decide whats fine for germany, you belgian cuck or nigger
Jonathan Nelson
Um dieses Video sehen zu können, musst Du eingeloggt sein und ein entsprechendes Abo gebucht haben.
Sebastian Price
>Söypauli fan
more likely cuck
Aiden Wood
the fuck is that belgians mission?
John Powell
fucking idiot
Parker Roberts
apparently our hecking hopperino was insulted again at the union game
Tyler Nelson
Now game gets even paused for "fuck you DFB" sign LMAO
Evan Davis
Yessssss. Glad to see ANDERSSON back in form
Julian Perez
haha keep voting for AfD hans, just helps the Green hotties come to power quicker...
Logan Walker
>i rate casteels
Isaac Ortiz
Union :)
James Taylor
thats pretty much the biggest problem with this whole discussion.
They are shifting the line of what can be said/chanted/put on a banner, and will continue to do so.
Im ok with banning racial slures or signs that are a call for violence (like that one Dortmund banner with the crosshair) but they are acting like calling someone a Hurensohn is the same as calling them a Nigger and thats hurting their own cause
Asher Rogers
my side in the bundesliga civil war of 2020? why, the outlels of course. fuck grindel, fuck hopp, fuck st. pauli, and most of all, FUCK FUßBALLMAFIA DFB!
Jonathan Ward
why is the bundesliga protecting some billionaire jew so hard
Ian Jenkins
Connor Foster
Grayson Wood
hes not a jew
Carter Gomez
>aborting a game in the second minute of overtime
why not go into half time??
Connor Morris
Too bad for the wagecucks that splash cash to watch this shit
Luis James
I can't wrap my head around the way the Bundesliga is handing this, why are they stopping matches over a couple signs? I would never know about the signs and the message behind them if they just ignored them and kept playing. All they are doing is amplifying the message of the fans.
Jaxon Cook
They’re virtue signaling
Adam Peterson
the homo armband on the wolfsburg keeper is very fitting for this league
Lincoln Green
>Match suspended due to illicit chants
You got a license for that chant m8?
John Cruz
Xavier Collins
If I was Union I would hold up the sign again so we get the 3points already.
Wyatt Johnson
Oh hey let's come back out for 30 seconds before having to go back in for halftime.
Justin Smith
so peinlich das alles
Austin Bell
Ian Reyes
>Wolfsburg-Taditionsfans chanting against rich owners?
Tyler Davis
in this bizzaro world, everything goes
Samuel Ross
Why aren’t the players passing to each other to protest? :D
Christian Robinson
Inter Miami
Mason Hernandez
Julian Moore
Not arguing people should get their panties in a twist for a simple insult, but as far as single word insults go that pretty much the worst you can say in germany
Ethan Bell
Anyone got a stream for the game?
Mason Morgan
hello, faggot. how often will you ask the same question over and over and over? fuck you and everyone replying to you stupid chicago cretin
Dominic Mitchell
>butthurt cause someone insulted his mom
is Hopp a fucking Turk or something?
Chase Sanders
there was a cross hair sign this time as well, dumbo
Ian Powell
The leftist Ultras-Cucks played a big role in establishing this PC shit in german football and now it eats themselves. Pretty funny. Just annoying that everyone else has to suffer too.
Owen Morales
it was the union muh tradition cucks tho
Nathaniel Sanders
Nolan Anderson
>leftist Ultras-Cucks
Alexander Bennett
daily reminder that ultras are worthless hartzer with unwarranted self importance syndrome, irl losers and simply the worst.
Carson Sanchez
I couldn’t care less about insulting banners
Cross hair banners are utterly retarded though
Benjamin Wilson
Said the guy who has been making the same posts about them on an image board for 3 days now
Evan Bailey
If a ultra grup is left or right usually depends only on the people that have fouded it or those who are in charge now.
Some are leftists, some are borderline neo-nazis.
It's not one homogeneous group
Camden Smith
>3 days
unlike you i dont spend every day on this board, sissy boy
Grayson Gray
Who are Wolfsburgs main rivals
William Hill
in my experience it is rather overcompensating office drones (and actually many guys from bundeswehr lel)
Hudson Gutierrez
No one cares about Wolfsburg
Thomas Morgan
Brandon Murphy
the united states government
Joseph Turner
Is this actually dünni with new buzzwords?
Cameron Rivera
unironically it’s braunschweig, since they are geographically close, some even call it a “derby” when they play each other. but they are in whatever division nowadays
Kevin Sullivan
Sank Pauli are 3 goals up btw /bundes/
Samuel Martin
they’ll never be anything but a mediocre cringe club
Levi Murphy
MTV Gifhorn
Kayden James
i absolutely despise HSV, but when it’s Hamburg derby time i cheer for them.
Brandon Brown
Thats pretty stupid considering that they seem to constantly lose against St. Pauli
Ayden Taylor
>the team i cheer for is determined by that they win more often
lol dummy
or are you some superstitious retard who would cheer for the other team to garantue win by karma for your team?
Joseph Turner
Mmmm seething incels
Asher Gray
Caleb Sullivan
Good football
Jackson Smith
bild posted it but it seems to be gone.
maybe they clickbaited
Jace Turner
Noooooo not a cross-hair thats so mean!!!!!!!!!!
Thomas Johnson
Julian Perry
Gavin Murphy
read the post i replied to you dumb spastic.
he said “waaah waaahh, why unterbrechung because of hurensohn! i could understand if there was a crosshair plakat tho”
Gavin Garcia
>pauli fan
>calling others incel
Kayden Lewis
Anthony Richardson
Just clear the ultra sector next and every time it happens. Nobody needs ultras anyways
Connor Johnson
Wyatt Roberts
First the Coronavirus now that. What is only los here in Germany?
Cooper Russell
the whole auswärtsblock is an ultra sector tho.
simply block auswärtsDK inhaber from buying tickets, lmao
Brayden Sanchez
how on earth does this make me a biggot? This got postet 27 min ago.
i dont check Bild every 2 seconds and im not watching BL atm
obv my argument still holds up since it was regarding yesterday and as far as i know there was non
Henry Hughes
man you seriously got issues
Benjamin Gomez
Hudson Fisher
>the virgin tech billionaire
>the CHAD weekend artist
Gavin Campbell
you’re right bigot was the wrong word, stupid would be the right one. you pretend you argued yesterday’s incident but since you replied to you’re either lying or stupid or both.
Noah Baker
Nobody needs ösis. Follow your own league, scum.
Michael Jackson
oh no :o
Kayden Lewis
piss of dieumerci
Leo Campbell
That's what I am doing. Currently I'm enjoying seeing my local club Loanem Hühnchen win another season
Brandon Evans
did anyone expect bielefeld to cruise 2nd bundes?
Carson Gray
No, fuck off.
Thomas Morris
William Evans
>Imagine still watching fucking football in this day and age
Sebastian Rodriguez
aren’t you watching pauli? isn’t that football?
Lucas Johnson
Get out of our league, farmer. There's 100 other shit teams to replace yours, won't make any difference
Connor Evans
wow you really got me there kid...
his english was shit so i thought he wanted to say that in the future this might happen.
but since the future is apparently now, this just further proves my point
Aaron Thompson
they made it to a cup semi and quarter recently, i'm just glad they finally get something for it
Samuel Sullivan
what do you guys think about kollektivstrafe?
i think it’s based
Mason Miller
Brody Nguyen
i am not that belgian cuck
i only watch cycling
Gabriel Ross
cycling is boring
Thomas Thompson
fundamentally it's not ok, but it seems the ultras don't want to the punishment but can't asked to to anything to prevent to worst things happening in the stands.
They are just lazy and want special treatment for no reason
Jack Foster
>>i only watch cycling
can't imagine anything more exciting than watching some drugged "athletes" ride their bicycle for 2 hours
Benjamin Lopez
low IQ
Jose Mitchell
what makes watching cycling high iq?
Lincoln Stewart
you should try it, it's interesting to look at the strategies that cyclists use and how leads can grow and shrink. Also I derive perverse satisfaction from seeing athletes destroy their bodies in endurance sports while eating unhealthy junk food, same with biathlon.
Parker Mitchell
i bet you watch f1 as well
Xavier Howard
jesus neini your bot army almost made me miss the topspiel with their trite takes on hopp
Lincoln Anderson
It is the thinking man's sport. Not only does it combine team + individual sports. It is one of the only sports where the battle for victory is not only man vis a vis man but also Man versus the elements.
The tactical game of cycling is much more complex compared to footbal, since there are many more teams.
Carter Torres
I only watch biathlon when I'm at my grandma's, you know, the main audience of this shit "sport".
Jason Nelson
>Choking a 2-0 lead
Not ideal but 1 point should be fine. Union does have the tendency to drop off at this point of the season
Jaxon Anderson
Based Union fans
Lucas Kelly
lmao, 8/10
here’s my (you)
Zachary Morris
Noah Hernandez
Good game from Leverkusen so far :)
Brody Walker
what do you mean?
Camden Evans
Juan Jones
Ha what a cuck
Ryder Kelly
i mean you really put a lot of effort in your bait, well done
Henry Gutierrez
-rino posting is pure reddit. Kys you teenage retards
Lincoln Morris
I 100% believe everything i said in that post
Jacob Wright
congrats, you baited yourself
Nicholas King
how do you know?
Carson Kelly
Selfish as fuck from Havertz
Michael Martinez
>he watches leipzig v. leverkusen
Jack Kelly
Jose Evans
If it weren't for francophone money you'd still be digging potatoes for pedopriests
Connor Barnes
Cant believe I'm saying this but...The Ultras are right. There is too much new money in German football. Only West teams should ever win the bundes
Bentley Harris
frigg off jt
Gabriel Scott
>exposing yourself as some seething walloon
Carter Garcia
-roni posting > -rino posting
Nolan Hall
Brayden Wood
cycling and walloons are on the same rung on the cringe and yikes ladder
Ethan Johnson
>era of the lull
Samuel Wilson
oh no döschenbros...
Owen Rivera
Landon Sanders
The Bayer(n) alliance
Jacob Reyes
Brayden Diaz
oh yes döschenbros
Michael Walker
Landon Jenkins
>I feel good
Ayden Johnson
It’s over
These jokesters can’t even keep a lead for 1 minute
Jonathan Perez
Jaxon Scott
I wouldn't be mad if we lose against the bvlss if they win /bundes/
Dominic Gonzalez
leipzig should be awarded the win for not showing anti hopp plakate
Jeremiah Jackson
>Love Peace and Rasenball
Carter Miller
More like cringe cringe and cringe
Bentley Sanchez
Alario is so slow
Nathan Green
Adams has extended his contract until 2025 btw
Adrian Smith
>first confirmed chinaschnupfen case in my hometown now
>it’s sunday so i can’t go panic buy cans and other shit like a retard
Blake Gutierrez
How do you not flag that 10 meters offside?
Jordan Cruz
you are literally the only one watching this match
William Hughes
Holy shit @ Tah literally watching the ball go out for a throw
Hudson Myers
Daniel Johnson
Aaron Butler
Can’t be helped that you lot have shit taste
Dominic Ortiz
Caleb Ward
Landon Richardson
very rude of you to not interact with the frog and answer his questions, then.
also very cringe
Juan Scott
>Mascarell out for the rest of the season
RIP Schalkes dream of playing international
Parker Gomez
Jesus fucking Christ
Samuel Scott
this match is booooooooring
Josiah Mitchell
Where do I shoot lads?
Jacob Garcia
pillar to your right
Kayden Barnes
Sturm Graz : Austria Wien
Blake Gutierrez
not bundes
Ryder Evans
>watching ösi football
Daniel Taylor
where is Olmo tho
Hudson Turner
Levi Ward
it's a fancy way to say 5-3-2
Ian Hughes
>rb choking at home
e-era o-of the bull! :(
Tyler Fisher
Which Austrian has the biggest titties
Elijah Hernandez
>petkokrinsch in ZDF
David Perez
Love, Peace and Rasenball :)
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Nicholas Roberts
Lucas Hill
Samuel Adams
Noah Campbell
Parker Jenkins
no u
Joshua Young
no them
Aiden Brown
>leave Perisic to me
Ryan Green
I meant Schick, ffs
you're a bitch
Bentley Young
jz Sky90 with Max cuck Eberl
David Richardson
Dylan Powell
why do you hate chadiozola so much
Parker Brown
more like leave Bayern II to me
Justin Rogers
Why can you call some people Hurensohn and others not??
Hudson Russell
once again bayern wins
Grayson Perry
what was the deleted one?
Daniel Ross
Because some are billionaires and some aren't
John Gray
Dylan Anderson
german football never benefited from andy möller
Sebastian Ortiz
he attacked my boi Perisic
Bailey, was looking at the goal scorers and typed Bailey instead of Schick
Julian Bennett
Football always was and always will be a dirty working man's sport and you Sörensens will NEVER make it to a family friendly cocksucking event.
Tyler Harris
Joseph Ward
>gets questioned about Hopp
>mixes it up with AfD and rightwing extremism even though that has nothing to do with Hopp
>normies celebrate as if he were the Messias
Literally why? This is brainlet tier what Streich did, can't they see that?
Camden Myers
>talking to footballer about anything but football
>expecting a coherent answer
normies celebrate anything
Levi Lopez
>normies celebrate as if he were the Messias
* journos celebrate as if he were the Messias
i have yet to talk to one person who says streichs reaction was anything but peinlich
(protip: tm are not he average football fan, as are twitter fags)
David Rodriguez
the german michel hates everything that threatens the status quo and everything that might demand effort from him.
Zachary Hall
sounds human to me
Jackson Cooper
Puma a shit
Carter Reyes
all too human
Jordan Ward
Jason Robinson
Christian Young
What do you expect from a guy calls rape and murder a stupid boy prank?
Asher Green
Kek absolutely fucking hilarious. They want to have their cake and eat it too. Yes goy go into the stadium, be lifelong hardcore supporters of a club and always make noise so theres a good atmosphere, but do exactly as we say or we will stop playing. It does not work like that. They gave the utras power, what happens if a team is down 0-2 or whatever and I put up banners like that? Game has to be stopped, momentum changes, maybe even repeated or whatever. A few individuals now have the power to stop multi millions football clubs doing their thing simply because we live in a clown world and a little insult is seen as a crime against humanity itself. Have they ever thought about giving them attention and acting as if they are gassing jews in the stands while shouting heil Hitler is not only dishonest and ridiculous but also completely insane and creates way more problems than it solves? Probably not.
Robert Perez
eh whatever the market will correct itself in due time
William Stewart
>whiteknighting ultras
ultimo cringe
kollektiv sperre for all ultra groups now
David Torres
>good atmosphere
>literally the entire Hoffenheim block and probably some Bayern fans too were booing the ultras out
literally the only thing "telling them what to say" in this case is the Grundgesetz and they were breaking the rules.
Jaxson Barnes
I wasn't whiteknighting ultras.
Bentley Morgan
>clown world
opinion discarded
Brody Nelson
You are a brainlet that did not understand my post.
Colton Lewis
Bill Hicks was right when he said BWL people should just commit seppuku.
Matthew Anderson
Germans are retards
John Gray
Tyler Hughes
Elijah Brown
simply amazing argument there bro.
Kayden Nguyen
Jacob Miller
>"fan kommt ja auch von fanatic nämlich"
wow this woman on sky90 is dumb as shit
Adrian Hill
>watching tv
wow this user is so dumb
Asher Ward
wow you are such a faggot
Hudson Gray
nice comeback
Oliver Howard
you faggot
Isaiah Peterson
morgen arbeiten jungs
Hudson Lewis
>this confuses yugösi
Levi Moore
Kevin Davis
>Sörensens will NEVER make it to a family friendly cocksucking event.
Dylan Miller
>honest, good working man
>spreading messages of hatred while hiding his face
choose uno
David Peterson
Lmao how delusional are you
Colton Morgan
strap in faggots
this is the era of the bvll
Ryder Kelly
>"Sollten am kommenden Dienstag (3.3.) im Pokalspiel gegen den FC Bayern München, beim Spiel gegen die TSG Hoffenheim (7.3.) oder auch bei zukünftigen Spielen derartige Vorkommnisse in der Veltins-Arena sichtbar werden, wird unsere Mannschaft den Platz verlassen - ungeachtet der Spieldauer, des Resultats oder etwaiger Konsequenzen", heißt es in einer Stellungnahme des Vorstands um Alexander Jobst, Peter Peters und Jochen Schneider.
Oh God, I want to see this. Absolute cucks.
Joseph Ortiz
even if the auswärtsfans do it?
Caleb Long
Apparantly. I'd test them every game now. Fucking retards.
Levi Myers
More complex than football? Think not.
It only involves clinging to the peloton and choosing when to attack. Then some lanklet Dutch guys are the best sprinters.
Jackson Phillips
>we didn’t lose against bayern, we walked out, we did the right thing, in fact we are the winners tonight
Josiah Evans
>implying they aren't using it to have an excuse
I bet they will smuggle some banner in themselfes that will be shown if they lose
Jackson Bell
Just ran 5km
Nathan Long
Ian Johnson
I'm trying to not be such a fatty and it's a butifel day
Joshua Adams
>Ich finde das utopisch. Man muss einfach sehen, dass die Männer das Geld hereinbringen. Sie haben viel mehr Zuschauer, sorgen für Merchandising-Umsatz und Sponsoren. Da kann man nicht die gleiche Bezahlung verlangen. Man muss eher den Vergleich mit anderen Frauensportarten suchen – und da geht es uns gut. Ich finde sowieso, dass das Thema Geld viel zu groß gemacht wird. Viel wichtiger ist es, dass man aus Leidenschaft Fußball spielt.
based and redpilled, /ourgirl/
Noah Diaz
press F for the era of the bull
James King
Fuck off tom
Juan Flores
>tfw been called
James Jenkins
>he's a /pol/tard
Didnt see that coming :^)
Aaron Moore
time for the spanish Klassiker
Henry Nelson
just sad how some people twist a racism angle into this
Cooper Campbell
Caleb Clark
would have been 10/10 with a crosshair on dietmar
Thomas Rodriguez
>ter Stegen
Julian Peterson
Why do you green text the best german goalkeeper and midfielder?
Josiah Clark
because ter Stegen did a shit Abstoß and Kroos fucked up the chance that came with it
Kayden Diaz
Jack Turner
Speak English you fag
Elijah Kelly
Jeremiah Morales
Lutsch mein Schwanz
Ian Roberts
In 13 days there is the ruhrpott derby, can't wait for the ban(n)ter(s)
Grayson Bell
>off stroke
why are americans so bad at spotting patterns in language families
Brandon Nelson
Speaking of cycling, today was quite a triumph with a(nother) track world championship and Asgren winning Kuurne.
Jonathan Hughes
Das wird ohne Zuschauer stattfinden wegen weil Coronavirus.
Charles Wright
literally who?
Hudson Smith
Drinking beer at 10pm on a Sunday night at McDonald’s after having a nice Oreo McFlurry.
Living the life. Loving the bundes
Kayden Jenkins
turns out there is literally a full blown war going on between turkey and syria. huh first i hear of that.
Landon Watson
Almost as if the media hates Turkey and does not want to report on it being attacked for shielding civilians
Asher Nelson
>turkey are actually the good guys
Fuck off Mehmet
Just kill every sandnigger desu
All significant pieces of shit
Benjamin Rogers
Michael Mørkøv and Lasse Norman won on the track.
Kasper Asgren won in Belgium.
Jordan King
i'll have to ask again
literally who?
Jose Barnes
yes, football in germany is dead. only bayern and bvb fans left and if someone makes ape noises our insults theit owner its game over. 3rd division is still okay, but not that great
Owen Brooks
same reason as red bull. meanwhile bayern and co take money from arabs, russian oligarchs and still love hoeneß
Jonathan Carter
Famous professional cyclists. Mørkøv was once a teammate of the great Swiss rider Fabian Cancellara.
Tyler Long
>Fabian Cancellara
ah finally a name that i recognize
the others remain literally whos
Tyler Flores
MB on
Logan Cooper
Jayden Lee
Kasper Asgren is literally the new Peter Sagan. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of him.
Zachary Lee
Xavier Brooks
based Kroos with the assist
Hunter Morgan
the goal wasn't mats fault, besides he has already made many saves in the clasico
so i wonder what else mats has to do in order to convince that shithead coach löw?
Jacob Mitchell
play for Bayern or Freiburg
Joshua Gutierrez
i take back what i said before
useless fuck isn't able to cover the short corner
Hudson Howard
Isaiah Phillips
stoß = push, m8
Thomas Turner
When's the best time to visit Austria yugösi?
Jaxson Miller
>the media hates Turkey
fucking kek
the Turks lead an attacking war and Erdoroach gets is ass pampered by our media and politicians
Blake Adams
Easton Nelson
this desu
Dominic Thomas
>I'm actually studying art history and philosophy.
Jaxon Ward
weil ter Stegen nen schlimmen goal kick gemacht hat und danach machte Kroos gar nix mit der folgenden Chance
Liam Ward
Frag mal die spackos bei fuchs schport ob sie mal was auf deutsch bringen können. Kommste rein, kannste raus
Adam Martin
Yes yes, Mahlzeit
Jace Johnson
Its a common formation. Remember juve back in the days with pogba.
Alexander Ross
So where were you when the boomercaust happened?
Jayden Carter