

Attached: 1569289016318.jpg (321x335, 15K)

>puts down my knife and fork
>ceases conversation with my dinner companions
>gives Mourinho my full attention

This should be interesting. Wonder what he's gonna say lads...

"So there is an american, an arab and a french in a plane...."

He's so hot

bit gay m8. although he does look more than a little bit like george clooney

Fuck N...


*taps microphone*

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You lazy cunts

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so Jose, what do you sink?

What is the best way to pronounce "th" if I can't do it right anyway?

literally just put the tip of your tongue between your teeth and blow lmao

just do it like this or act like a negro and pronounce all “th”s like “d”s

Attached: 6F458D44-F9B1-4D48-9F9E-7C45A59356CE.png (248x127, 36K)

just replace it with f like a true norf chad.

thought becomes fort, health becomes helf etc


“its simple really. the memewars go on for eterneties already
the memes are how the elite stayed in power. Since the pharaohs and probably before the rulers memed how they are all powerfull with the might of god aiding them. For that reason they let themselves get carried around, built huge castles, have huge military parades, all to meme they have power to vanquish everything opposing them. That goes on until the invention of the nukes. From then on deterrence became control as the nuke, the ultimate deterrence, could be memed by the enemies too and not be surpassed so far. They now meme how they controll media, letter agencies, education, economy, when in reality its the memes upholding their power. There are only so few with actual ill intent, the rest just follow because the memes work and they feel like they cant change anything either way since they controll everything. If the memes stop working all of the establishment would collapse as even those inside of it mostly only support it out of lack of alternatives or obliviousness. What changed is that after millenia of the memewarfare we finaly learned how the war is fought and can fight back

we produced memes that were more effective than (((their))) memes since we didnt have to care about credibillity and could focus on the bantz and fun which people were attracted to. the media realized it and tried to copy our memes, but in doing so they sacrificed the one thing they had going for them, credibillity and reputation as unbiased and factual correct source of information. now they may be able to copy our style (poorly), but what they didnt take into account is another of our adventages. we spread the truth while they try to distort it and implement a fictional narrative which gets more and more holes while trying to preserve their reputation. by doing so they halfass their stuff on both ends: effectiveness and reputation

war has changed”

is he referring to the percentage of Englishman in the Premier League?

When you play a match, it is statistically proven that players actually have the ball 3 minutes on average … So, the most important thing is: what do you do during those 87 minutes when you do not have the ball. That is what determines wether you’re a good player or not.

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...Yea Forums's quality is like making omelletes. No eggs, no omelettes. And it depends on the quality of the eggs in the supermarket. They are class one, two or three and some are more expensive than others and some give you better omelettes.

Don't think so, that number seems too high for it.




If Parliament is anything to go by, the new system of British Supreme Court confirmation hearings is gonna be LIT.


replace the TH of Thunder with an F
and the TH of Without with a D

you can replace the 2nd one with an f too. becomes wiffout

They make up 40% of pacy wingers population

You mean v. Wivvout instead of wiffout

Boris knew he wouldn't get away with it but that was never the point. I hate to be Tolio Smith-Wassa-Ombinglo in 2110 where they have to learn about the Great Racist Schism 2016-20XX.

Boris legit doesn't know shit
but yeah, hope for the people who've been happily fucked over by the elites for hundreds of years to finally rise up this time
I'm sure the fat bastards with collections of Diana plates and a picture of the Queen on their mantle is gonna take up arms

Samoan fans seem VERY unlikeable. Hope they get heemed next game.

great post

had a drink with other fans after watching internationals with them. Always a good laugh. Samoans don't seem like fun to drink with.