Which one does Yea Forums prefer?
Which one does Yea Forums prefer?
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Don't listen to either anymore, I can't be bothered with podcasts that last like 50 mins sometimes
I preferred TFS but so many adds
I really like Max Rushden so fw for me.
>it's another "Jonathan Wilson brags about knowing obscure footballing history because he read about it 3 days ago episode"
For me, its athletico mince
>not listening to your podcasts at x1.75 speed
rushden killed weekly and totally football has shit pundits so football ramble
For me, it's still Football weekly. They have the best guests on apart from that tranny
t. Pete Donaldson
i like rushden, i want to hate him but he's just quite funny.
based. the early beardsley stuff absolutely destroyed my sides.
>it's a Philippe Auclair getting made at FIFA and Infantino diatribe episode
to be honest these pundits are lall over the place doing different podcasts so I have a hard time putting names to voices unless they are particularly distinctive like barry glendenning
don't have a particular opinion about any of the guests because I don't pay enough attention to know who is saying what, ever
but honestly i just skip through to when they talk about the mighty reds and then move on to more interesting podcasts
>why yes, i listen to podcasts. what gave it away?
like what?
cope because it's impossible to download podcasts on shit 3rd world internet
whenever you eventually illegally invade our countries, and you are able to download things quickly, you'll understand
very accurate post
quintessential mutt post. good job
World Football on BBC. Interesting to hear about different leagues/players around the world.
also l Had Trials Once
Check this tellhimhespele.com
both shit but the guardian one is the worst, i cant imagine anything more stereotypically guardian, smug, faux intellectual and with just a hint of sarcasm because its only football after-all
and of course they have to bring on some cunt to talk superficially about italian football for 10 minutes every week lmao, just to be 'cultured' and 'european'
>Americ*ns claiming their internet is remotely close to 1st world tier
Bend over for the the cable companies muttboy