Attached: Russtled.jpg (477x399, 50K)
Camden Turner
Liam Reed
Jayden Fisher
even darts?
Dylan Allen
Name more JUSTed country than Russia
inb4 Poland
Brody Peterson
Adam Martin
>implying they'll ever actually get punished
This shit is a joke.
Eli Stewart
Do they play darts in Chile?! A cantina in the edges of Santiago will have a darts board as standard? And Chileanos will approach the barkeep and say "Tiennes arrows hombre? Neccesito arrows..."
Thomas Perez
Should have bought our juice Ivan.
Xavier Hall
why would you use flechas to play dardos
John Miller
>Tiennes arrows
>destroys the target
Aaron Price
That's what we call darts in England - arrows. Is a colloquialism...I'm English but live in the US. We love our darts.
Caleb Nguyen
Anyway - you play darts in Chile?
Henry Parker
Isn't it?
Jose Gutierrez
no, we are 2nd
Nathan Lopez
>tiennes arrows hombre? Neccesito arrows...
trips chek'd and kek'd
Aaron Hill
I think the Russia doping stuff is basically a conspiracy theory by the (((media))). There are many Russian players in other European leagues that should be testing properly. Same goes for foreign players in the Russian leagues, do they get juiced as well? Then they couldn't participate in national teams. It just doesn't make sense in such an interconnected sports world.
Caleb Cooper
>I'm English but live in the US
get back to work jeeves, the door won't answer itself
Dominic Bennett
Poor dindu nuffings.
Lucas Hall
Isaac Myers
>"What? You think this is a solely political decision that has nothing to do with sports? Oy vey! That's a crazy conspiracy theory, go-....I mean: my fellow white friend."
Logan Jones
Now we just need the chinese cheats gone and the olympics will by mostly fair
Lucas Harris
Pretty good
Jacob Morris
>all these magapedes whiteknighting
yikes and cringepilled
Logan Phillips
so what does make YOU think that it’s solely a political decision, my retarded friend?
Jonathan Thomas
god I hope it's true, that way we will know for sure which are the major sports once and for all
Adrian Jenkins
wait I misread it, it's about major events, not major sports
Adrian Murphy
el morono
Owen Cooper
Joshua Kelly
You only have a population of only 67 million yet got more gold medals than a Country of 1.4 Billion in the last Olympics, I think we all now who the real drug cheats are
The biggest drug cheats are the zionist terrorist states of america and britain and the number 1 trick they continue to use is to accuse others of the very crime they are committing, its their favourite scam from their zionist handbook
Parker Myers
Good riddance.
Cheating cunts
Nathan Lewis
PikaJew I choose you
Tyler Stewart
Oh no! They'll probably make them play under the Olympic Athletes of Russia flag again that will really teach them
Hunter Gonzalez
Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Venezuela, pretty much all of Africa and in many ways also Iran
Jayden Ramirez
haha yeah
Christian Rivera
no, they just shouldn't have used banned substances and manipulated piss tets