
Attached: Dabres.png (400x280, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for canada

early and *sips*

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i like both threads but shall support this one because its made by a canaGOAT

Attached: gila.jpg (640x464, 55K)

it's okay
go knights

I'm thinking hockey is back on the menu boys. Bummer!


Do any of you guys play EA's NHL Series? I'm having this problem while trying to play on the most realistic setting in the be a pro mode. My character is currently playing for the Vegas Golden Knights, but every time I try to play a home game the crowd isn't a bunch of crackwhores and obese mexicans. I have the realism set all the way to maximum but it doesnt change. Anyone have a similar problem?


thread was created after the 499th post


Attached: cargo camo shorts.png (506x630, 110K)

>1 post early
still early

Attached: 4784065.png (761x761, 763K)

je ne sais pas parler francais!

Attached: Isles blue.png (270x270, 10K)

Honestly don't give a shit when the thread was posted if I'm being completely honest because I don't have autism.

the thread would have reached bump limit upon linking the thread

I don't play it because I'm not retarded.

why are you bothering to respond then
seems incredibly autistic to draw attention to yourself in this situation

New thread links should be post 501, fag

I regret having made or done anything to encourage the weeb.

Attached: hi.png (949x762, 280K)

Just putting my opinion out there. Free country and all.

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and it was

Say what you want but Points contract is excellent cap management

le "fisherman" jersey est tres beau

Cool let's spend the next 20 or so posts arguing what constitutes early. Fine by me.

BUF @ PHI, 7 pm
MTL @ DET, 7:30
MIN @ WPG, 8 pm (7 pm Central)
FLA @ ARZ, 9 pm (7 pm Mountain)
DAL @ VGK, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)

No it wasn't, it was post 500. Go look again. 501 was the other thread that we're not using

Having some tomato soup and grilled cheese my lads


new thread has always been at 500 retard

the problem with this post count discrepancy seems to be whether you count the OP as post 1 or post 0

4chanx considers op post as post 1

Gas all francos

Ottawa is playing Canucks

>weeb island + gaybeck
What an unholy alliance.

i know my french because I studied it. but fuck quebec they never getting a team

nah they updated the schedule

Had two Marners today, with bits of corn in them too

Honestly wheat is still the best grain.

If you don't count the OP post as post 1, then it was linked on post 499. Still early

quebec has a team user

NOT In the QMJHL user.

this discussion has already happened before. 4chanx is off by one or some shit.
Any thread at 500 or after is not early

QC is getting a team whether this weeboo faggot likes it or not

Quebec has had a team for the last 100 years you stupid faggot. Specify Quebec CITY if you don't want to make yourself out to be an absolute retard

what day are you posting?

the telling factor would be to find out when the bump limit is reached relative to op post being 1 or 0

since its the bump limit we are concerned with, not post 500 specifically

lmao Point got fucked in the ass by tampa's gm.


Attached: source.jpg (166x84, 4K)

yeah but it isnt the islanders or canes. You'll get ottawa prolly because they are fucked
fine quebec CITY because jesus fuck you frenchies get your titties twisted

Salut M. Bonhomme, comment-allez vous aujourd'hui? Je vous souhaites bon match ce soir!

right, they have one in the nhl
you might be familiar with it

Attached: habs_26.jpg (417x523, 96K)

No he didn't. He just made Kyle Dubas out to be a complete retard for signing Matthews to $11.634M and Marner for $10.893M

The only way for him not to look like a retard was if the other RFAs signed for exorbitant deals

didnt get a response with your first one, eh

until he signs an eldercontract in 3 years

I hope everyone is enjoying the THIRD day of autumn :)

>The only way for him not to look like a retard was if the other RFAs signed for exorbitant deals
why are you completely ignored contract length

I'm not even a frenchie, I just can't stand your stupidity

I stand with Quebec and no, you're not whiter than me nigger

Attached: 20190923_211528.jpg (4128x3096, 1.24M)

thinking about poutine

>that asiatic gremlin hand
you're not white ingmar

thinking about knekkebrod

thinking about benis

Skyrim is for the Nords

Wrong again nigger

Attached: me.jpg (526x528, 186K)

thinking about Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout mode

>Boomer Shannon acknowledges Lags are screwed
Hahahahaha, all that's left for Canada's great hope are Flim Flams and Laffers




It's actually pretty good deal for both sides. If Point continues to make points he is looking 9m$ QO for year 4. Considering that he would be looking big extension at that time, could well be 13-14m aav deal. If he fails, TB is off the hook.


the grunge era called they want their style back

why are you so dirty?


Ostie de calice

yes I am, you mutt

Attached: IMG_0433.jpg (640x480, 50K)

TB has more to lose. If they want to re-sign Point in 3 years and Point stays at his current production then the Lightning will either have to gut their team to keep him or let him go in a trade. Cap crunch gets every good team eventually

now that's what I call a whiteboi


Thinking if I quit my new job of moving on past /hoc/ and trying to take on an undercard board on my own

That's a fat hand.

Does TB rebound after those playoffs last season?

its fucking 90F/32C here today of the first day of autumn. WTF? I want pic related already

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lookin good m8

not with cooper at the helm

Do some manual labour sometime jesus christ what a woman's hand.

>Americans calling anyone else fat

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what did he mean by this

Get to know gummi

Which part confused, Shannon or the Jest?

they will continue to dominate in the regular season and get blown the fuck out of the playoffs because they are all soft manlets.

Oh they're going far far into the first round and then *sad trumpet*

depends who they get matched up with and the health of both teams

When you get off a plane, the worst part is Jet LAG.

Lets do an experiment. Anyone who can't skate isn't allowed to post for this whole thread.

>more than half the team is over 6'

too many russians.

they are captained by a soft manlet
he represents the team

Cope, tubby

What constitutes an "indian summer"

Like the Flames?

Stamkos is 6'1

One of my favourite genres actually.
If 510 is manlet I guess I am. I don't care.
Nope fatty. Lose weight
Thx fren

Attached: 20190923_212925.jpg (4128x3096, 3.77M)

used to be a brand of apple juice

Cheap whiskey and pinners

in his fucking dreams

Attached: Martin+St+Louis+Steven+Stamkos+NHL+Awards+FCFXMJAVCXtl.jpg (594x413, 77K)

most of the players /hoc/ refers to as manlets are often 6'+ under180lb twinklets

a late long term heat wave in Oct?? Not sure the exact definition, but all I know is i want the cooler weather

Nordiques vs Canadiens games were some of the best rivalry matches of the 80s


another example

Attached: Steven+Stamkos+2010+NHL+Awards+Portraits+-9NpmlTuMFAl.jpg (594x395, 47K)

Funny considering I can almost guarantee the majority of posters here are under 6'

No wonder this cuck is always seething

Technically its 4 years contract since he is still rfa in the end. QO has to be atleast 9m, so this is actually 7.3m x 4 , thats if TB makes that QO. Not looking so cheap anymore.

>forgot spezza was still in the league
>he's on the leafs now


Another example of him being 2 inches taller than a man who's 5'11

/hoc/'s average is 6'4", don't discredit us.

crosby is closer to 5'9 lad
any heights listed on wikipedia are embellished



oh no an outdated article, you sure got me

Damn it feels good to be 6'1.5", /fit/, and white as fuck.

its the same shit
msl is listed as 5'8" on nhl.com
ive met him irl, hes 5'6"

best era of hockey honestly, jelly of my parents generation who were around to witness that

Not gonna make it

I, too, wish that I was alive during the days when Canadian hockey teams actually won things


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Toronto's getting flushed tonight lads

oh hey

/hawk/ or /hokk/


>that line brawl 5 minute into the video
lol even the backup goalies are fighting eachother

for me it's 80s gothic rock, post-punk, and generally underground rock

/hack/ as in hackey



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i torrented wc3 and got an angry letter from activision

What did the Mexican say when a house fell on him?
>get off me homes

SOmeone post a /hoc/ logo, i need to make a meme

Attached: usa_dog_fuckers.png (2350x1524, 648K)

Original, or onion ring version?

doesn't matter, original I guess.

Ok m8 go ahead and provide a source that says tampa isn't one of the shortest teams in the league, since you don't like mine from last year.

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based idaho not allowing moral degeneracy

thanks, friend.

Here fren.

Attached: Hoc-designstyle-jungle-m.png (274x200, 10K)


Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 3.53M)

woah haha xD


i have to buy a new laptop before reforged is released. Mine is overheating as soon as I start wc3


Attached: 0E820B62-B34B-4DB3-A1EA-D136BC9AB2AD.jpg (4032x3024, 3.55M)

reforge is gonna be chink produced garbage

these ones remind me of the golden knights too much. the royal blue jerseys are going to look nicer

FunnyWarcraft3 is an alright youtuber too, although his channel name is aids

no timestamp
no care

>wearing a jewish manlet’s name on your back

Attached: 1CE380F2-2061-43FD-86CA-69B57888794F.jpg (639x424, 41K)

very gay

do any of you lads ladder in wc3?

ngl, that's pretty aesthetic.

Here is meme

Attached: meme.jpg (780x520, 113K)

pretty fucking based desu lad

kill it with fire

That'll only work on people who've bothered to follow that creepy puppet, which I bet is fewer and fewer of us these days.

I was always a custom map player. Might try to play ladder though if I get reforged.

Probably, but I still wanna show blizzard there's wc3 fans out there and there will be an upswing in the numbers of players when it's released.

here ya go lad

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.51M)

she's all over the news right now, it's impossible not to know about her


Big fan of the knights so I don't mind.

She just said those words at the UN a few hours ago


you faggots play world of warcraft?
am I the only normal person on /hoc/

What's for dinner lads?

Attached: 20190923_215249.jpg (4128x3096, 1.2M)

>she's all over the news right now
Not the news that I look at. Just circlejerks in activist bubbles that you catch glimpses of every now and then.
Maybe the networks are fawning over her, but it feels like the "mainstream news" isn't even mainstream anymore.


the only vidya I play is chel 12

not quite colorful enough if i'm being honest with you norge

Dunno, I forgot to take anything out.

you fail to understand the intent of a timestamp

just about to eat lunch

finna order some sweet and sour pork from the local Canucks fan bar it’s in the same plaza as the anaheim Duck fan bar

>fewer and fewer

>the autistic puppet had yet another histrionic fit
Why should anyone care?

Why single them out?

for the memes ya cretin

what news do you look at


Attached: IMG_0543.jpg (3264x2448, 1.6M)

what race are you thinking of going with? i play orc

It's only you and me fren. Rest of these fuckers are creeps.

I do understand the intent of a timestamp and I was just messing with you. What are you worried about though?

Daily reminder that leftists are sick and perverse individuals who hate everything that is normal.
If you can wrench people's confidence enough that they eat insects and other humans, you ultimately have power over them and can get them to do anything. THIS is the red thread in all forms of leftism, Just like gender roles and sexuality where all kinds of perverse variations is being glorified while everything that is normal is being demonized, men should be like women and women should be like men and the more twisted sexuality you have the better. Heterosexuality is oppressive, and every heterosexual intercourse is rape. To have feelings within your own group and prioritize people who are like yourself are natural, healthy and important mechanisms to help people organize and make communities flourish, but of course leftists condemns it and instead demand that people only love what is maximum foreign.
On the same subject, it is also very trendy to pretend that natural shifts in weather and climate are unnatural and catastrophic, instead of accepting the outside world, adapt and being part of these cycles, the entire human existence must be turned in and out to appease the weather gods.
An economic example of this is Marsixm. According to Marxism, it is unacceptable for economic operators to be compensated in proportion to the value they produce, instead leftists have to invent a psychotic fantasy world in which production and economics function completely differently than in reality. Where those who create companies are in fact parasites that exploit the companies and those who have the most simplistic tasks, they are the ones who in fact create the most value.
At every point, the left must invert what is true and natural in order to isolate themselves from the fact that they themselves are not in harmony with reality and nature

Probably gets his >news from meltzer like a simp

>What are you worried about though?
why i should give a fuck about these images

Well, not TV. And not any of the TV channels' websites.

fuck off, i subscribe

Well stop worrying, there's no reason to give a fuck about them. Commence doing whatever you were doing before you saw my posts. :)

its literally front page on reuters/bbc/bloomberg right now. sounds like you are only getting news from hipster blogs or circlejerks.

those jeans are suspectly tight

Va i helvete har du på?



have sex

I didn't ask where you don't get your news from, i asked where you get your news from.

ordered by how fun the races are;
orc > human >= undead >> night elf

Sorry user - Plans change

I don't care enough to catalogue it for you.

we all play for canada bros

too many subreddits to list, huh?

räk och rostad lök, förstås

ser ut som rostad lök och någon form av creme fraiche

Skin tight pants and well stretched groin muscles

wtf is wrong with her?

embarrassing m8

ebin maymay

the most trustworthy of media, tmz.com and worldstarhiphop.com

speak english I don’t like feeling left out

Attached: 7132E23B-6275-4CFF-A9AC-D89F7E916B3D.jpg (450x337, 19K)

absolutely based

hey i know this is a hockey genny but i wanted to let everyone know that as of today i am launching a DICK STRIKE FOR GRETA in which I WILL NOT BE HAVING SEX until /ourgurl/ gets laid

Attached: p07nl1hp.jpg (720x405, 27K)

shes all over the >mainstream news right now so i dont know what other websites you are getting news from.

I never thought I’d live to see the day I want to heem an autistic Swedish teenage girl but we are here

daily stormer

>reeeeeeeee why aren't you watching mainstream news channels on your TV right now, user?

Attached: w.png (500x501, 47K)

That's a little girl no?


Severe autism and brainwashing from a young age by a sick and perverse leftist mom.

Attached: greta thunberg's mom.jpg (630x421, 43K)

I belive Johan has shrimp flavored paste and crispy fried onion flakes on his hot dog

sorry lads even though the season is only a week away just thought back to july 1st and how all of the subhuman islels fans were talking about how they were going to sign panarin and bob and started kekking uncontrollably. lmao what a SHIT franchise.

Attached: 1556928197466.jpg (1730x1830, 296K)


No one is suggesting user watch CNN. He's repeatedly stated he doesn't get his news from mainstream sources, yet can't name a single source where he does get his news from.

I just want to know where he gets his news, so I have another source. It's a very simple request that user doesn't seem capable of providing an answer for.

that user is trying to convince people that the mainstream news isnt talking about her, when literally every international news agency is running a front page story about her.

Greta's gonna be full blown Nazi by 22

she looks SUSPICIOUSLY like our prime minister. wouldnt be surprised if they are both plants by the global jewish elite

He doesn't have a well stretched groin


Attached: hoc.png (1364x843, 2.35M)

>1/8th of your cap on yashin 2.0
not my fault you gonna be shit again and the isles dab on you lardasses again

Attached: Gay.jpg (600x524, 36K)

feel bad for her to be honest. 16 year old should be doing stupid shit with her friends and not be being used by adults.

>that user is trying to convince people that the mainstream news isnt talking about her
I don't recall anyone having done that.

These are the two best Swede posts ever

Wonder what Point gets paid when his bridge is up.

Let's all pray that she never reaches 22.

fuck her dreams tbqh

this. islel fans should hang themselves.

Attached: 1426429272560.png (455x401, 309K)

nah. ranger fans are plastic faggots who are casuals as fuck who only care when they are good

>lol U watch mainstreeem news
Ok, what are some other sources

How come Marner is getting paid so much more, they had the same amount of points.

Based in good ole Akron, OH! Ted runs your shit

right here
>>she's all over the news right now
>Not the news that I look at. Just circlejerks in activist bubbles that you catch glimpses of every now and then.

Theres a rumour they are signing Greta for mascot

nice, the beer is here
that will last us till first week of November I think

are you autistic?

I don't care about this FUCKING FAGGOT SHIT
Talk about something else you fucking losers

Yet they've sold out every game for the last 2 seasons despite being shit

lamestream media

do her dreams involve hockey??

/hoc/ mass suicide when


Attached: rags1.jpg (848x1204, 520K)

there are people at ranger games? its so fucking quiet there its like nobody is there!

What are some other news sources?
What a complete retard.

Nearly Toronto’d my pants today but I got my pants down and blasted liquid Marner into the bowl


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Attached: blues_10.jpg (801x799, 264K)

How much can you drink? We're probably going to need a couple of those 100 packs.

Attached: arnold-100-pack-of-beer.jpg (480x480, 61K)

QO has to be atleast 9m for 1 year, so it's infact 4 year deal created in hell by lawyer sorcery.

wow satan poops money

Less years, greater chance to sign for a long deal in his prime when the cap may go up. You want more money they will offer more but you are trapped for 7-8 years and your next offer at 30 will not be nearly as sweet unless you are a generational talent.

I think you're both trying to say the same thing here

as opposed to isleshits fans who don't even show up when they're good.

#4 is shooped, there's no way

st.louis has a special sort of autism with their fans
except they do show up you fucking mongol

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I just don't think this zoomer is very smart.

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how did tavares get convinced by this twink?

thats pretty much how a bridge deal works. mcavoy and boeser signed similarly structured contracts this offseason as well.

kek. KEK.

Attached: 1.jpg (2048x1536, 610K)

toronta maple laffs pjs as a signing bonus

10 million reasons

Wouldn't want to watch those 2 shit teams either.

>1 game
that was a tuesday also and who cares? I can, however post the many times MSG looked empty as fuck

he didnt get convinced he just had dreams

Pajamaboy just wanted to go home to mommy

>I can, however post the many times MSG looked empty as fuck
id like to see these images

Oh also the Islanders got kicked out of Barclays for another 7 games this season on top of what they are already playing in Nassau

that photographer really needs to adjust the brightness

Attached: håll västerbotten rent.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

yeah because the fans like nassau more instead of the dump called barclays.

come on m8 they were in first place and in the playoff hunt when that pic was taken not to mention one of the nights they went back to play to their loyal Nassau mutants. best fans in hockey #RockTheBarn

Actually it's because it holds less people so doesn't look as empty when it's only a quarter full

Canada was a mistake

wanna hangout I'm in buffalo too

suggestion, stop taking everything so personally and learn to laugh at yourself and your team

>"Durrrrrr size"
they gimped the arena to try and get them to stay at barclays but when barclays is absolute shit for hockey they had to play in that smaller sized nassau. They still sell it out and one game against fucking ottawa on a tuesday in february is so big for every fan!

based buffalo brojob bro

Glad to see you are learning, Finland

No thanks

Attached: 1568660329978.jpg (1080x691, 47K)

>they still sell it out

okay retard

Isnt Boeser walking directly to UFA with his contract ? Point's contract is actually pretty smart way to circumvent about 1 million yearly cap hit for next 3 years.

no brock ends as rfa

he will only have played 5 pro years according to the cba and will be 26 when its ends. so hes still a rfa that will need a large QO.

that pic is how I show up to the party

how many fans does honky count for

I think fair allocation per poster is 2 US gallons every game day and 6 pack on days your team is not playing

gotta drink responsibly

think benis'

The guy who played Murphy on entourage is an islander fan but I think he’s the only one

because I live here


i hurt my shoulder lifting



I take nothing on /hoc/ seriously

especially the Islanders

no one except the weeb takes the Islanders seriously

and I dont think that kakko is good :)

Attached: Kristian Huselius.jpg (1100x1464, 104K)

islenders will miss the playoffs by 6 million points

Attached: 5a55233e40d8579d70ca47c1ddb71a76.jpg (600x594, 69K)

with trotz at the helm i doubt so. Thats cute though to think that

Attached: haha.jpg (480x480, 39K)

trotz is a sham who had to abandon the very system he is using with the islels to win a cup

pass the chapstick bro

Thanks I am very cute

>Former Flame Kristian Huselius ‘lucky to be alive’ after fireplace accident
live by the sword die by the sword

what the fuck, i thought rags/islanders was tonight, but it's tomorrow

sad, what happened

HeatoN has seen better days

He beat his wife one too many times

>A flash of light, followed by intense pain and confusion, sent Kristian Huselius running for water.
Seconds after adding fuel to the fireplace in his Stockholm apartment, the retired Calgary Flames winger was horrified by what he saw in his bathroom mirror.
“My face was a mess and my shoulder was on fire,” said the 40-year-old Swede of a perilous incident Saturday that left the majority of his face, right shoulder and right hand with extensive burns. “My fireplace exploded and I ran to my bathroom to get some water on my face and when I did that I realized my shoulder was burning. I had fire on it. When I got the fire to stop I panicked.
“I called 911 in Sweden and told them my address and that they had to hurry up because I was on fire. I opened my door and I think I passed out because after a while they came and I was lying on the floor.”
Huselius was rushed to hospital where he remained in the intensive care unit for several days before returning home for the first time Wednesday.

sounds pretty similar to the tabletop fireplace incident at Cody Ceci's party where their friend got 3rd degree burns

bedtime for me

Attached: 7ff44051.jpg (640x458, 36K)

I actually had his Teds Jersey, it was autographed too. Won it in as a doorprize in a golf tourney.


my Whalies :)

Attached: w.png (1180x1444, 3.8M)

acknowledge their whole history instead of picking the parts that suit you

do the islels realistically have a shot at the ploffs? i know we meme on them a lot but i just don't see how they actually make it this year.

>posting a photo proving you're fat

so with boeser signing 3x5.875 and point 3x6.75 how long until laine signs 3x6.5??

Can't think of any reason why it would... Canada is just as if not more racist than the USA

Attached: Screenshot_5.png (339x382, 269K)

yes. They still are a solid team with a small change at 3C with brassard instead of filpula, and a goalie swap with varlamov instead of lehner. They should make it really given how trotz coaches and the defensive core getting stronger

Attached: biku.png (382x360, 180K)

wasn't asking you faggot

Nah, every other team in the division got better, except columbus. No chance in hell they are winning the division again. They might fight for a wildcard.


calling attention to racism is racist

He is a grade A swine. Cheated on his wife in a gangbang with two former Red Wing Andreas Lilja and former Saber and Devil Henrik Tallinder, while she was pregnant. Beat his wife a bunch of times too.

funny but also kinda messed up

Attached: retro.png (270x270, 10K)

Sounds pretty based desu

they'll only make it because the metro is dogshit desu

>white people don't care about racism
Wow! Hockey!

Women use hot grits over here. What do his wife use?

Those pads are kinda nice

Darling's were even nicer.
Shame he never got a chance to use them.

Attached: blocker.png (229x229, 55K)

One more weekend without hockey.
And no, preseason doesn't count.

Don't everyone post all at once now.

I'm thinking it might be bedtime.

I don’t post when relocanes >fans are posting

Excuse me, friend. It's spelled "Hurricanes."

Canes Nation ww@

Attached: poopa rash.jpg (1086x736, 57K)

what product do you lads use for your hair?

Hurricanes won't make a deep push in the ploffs this upcoming season and even if they did they'd lose the Knights

I get all my news from The Score, buzzfeed, and whatever I come up with on my own

Same shit your mom uses

Attached: canes blue (2019, white).png (270x270, 12K)

Thinking about making a couple of seetheposts.

my natural hair oil and grease

I watched a scary movie last night, but that wasn't the scariest thing though.

getzlaf special

>tfw hot sips on the first day of autumn on the patio

Would really rather you didn't, but I worry that saying that will just encourage you.

Then why did you say it dumb dumb?

Attached: 0103necharlotte.cold_-622x408.jpg (622x408, 39K)

Holding out hope.

What does the city of the 2019 Calder Cup Champions have to do with this, though?

Next thread better be a shannon/anime/sunbelt/hurricanes/long island/quebec/knights/marinara edition

stop trying to force the marinara meme

>What does the city of the 2019 Calder Cup Champions have to do with this, though?
Everything and nothing

Attached: aho-muh-dick.webm (320x240, 2.83M)

i don't get the marinara meme lads.

Vegas going to the finals this year. Deep down you all know it in your hearts

What is this a webm for ants?

Attached: foegle dangles.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Dove 2 in 1 shampoo+conditioner with caffeine and mint

Quit policing my posts

Attached: take warning.webm (500x278, 1.18M)

there’s some non-white girl name marina and some user called her marinara that’s all you have to know

Such is the nature of forced memes. There is no appeal, just the forcing of them.

Maybe maybe maybe but no

Attached: hatty for k man.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

why wouldn't the retards turn off the fountains.

>these other retarded memes are ok tho

>some of my fellow caniacs might be marinara spammers
disavow disavow disavow

Probably didn't expect them to freeze or something. I don't know.

Attached: cast turn undead.webm (960x540, 3M)

Just because I post webms of your team doesn't make me a caniac dumb dumb

Attached: flossing boomer.webm (480x480, 134K)

I'm sure you've got plenty of those Paco

exactly my point, we don't need any more forced retard memes

I’m thinking about that marina dip for my onion rings

More like I'm a caniac and its blow time because sunbelters kiss tip haha

Did you know that most rock is underground.

The more you know /hoc/

i wash my hair every three days or so

Need some new webms tee bee hon

Attached: ror scores first on bruins.webm (1920x1080, 2.44M)


Get working on it cuck

Attached: divine intervention.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Anyway so like I was saying, jets don't really need laine at all.

Attached: scheifele.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Fuck You Pay Me

Attached: DC7AAFB3-1D81-4DDD-917A-41385D8C2482.jpg (1080x1440, 180K)


Attached: 4dnamUd.png (483x664, 768K)

Well he deserved every bit of what happened to him then

>gayolina faggocanes

forced meme

Attached: bulju skar karpat.webm (1278x720, 2.58M)


Attached: 1567629902229.png (454x520, 11K)

I'm not sure how I feel about finns


1 max on team, any more is asking for trouble

Haven't seen Sweden this mad since ____.

Attached: greta.webm (538x298, 676K)

Finland's more over in IIHF play than any nation on earth atm

why do all swedes have hero complexes?

who is this slut?

Attached: johannson whiffs on open net.webm (1920x1080, 2.72M)

i love how mad and horny boomers get at Gretta

Kill yourself and I will, fatty.

Finland more like Dimesland

>projecting your own fatness
Exceedingly grim

Attached: sweden ohnonono.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Kill yourself, fatty.

they are incredibly powerful and incredibly hard to control

the only one to utilize a Finn to the truest potential was Gretzky with Kurri

You seem upset

Attached: O'Reilly, Lehner lead Sabres to 5-0 shutout victory.webm (1280x720, 762K)

Um sweetie everyone knows Tikkanen was the best Finn on that team.

Messier+Tikkanen > Gretzky+Kurri

drinking kombucha for gut health

smart lad

Attached: winnipeg defense.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

>it's another webm episode
I love webm /hoc/

delete this

Attached: Eberle2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Don't worry, this webm happened before you were a fan of the winnipeg jets.

Attached: hellebuyck takes a load to the face.webm (1280x720, 877K)

nothing like a cross check to the ribs to open up the ice

Attached: 1568872474338.webm (704x528, 2.79M)

Selanne scored 76 goals in 1993 with the jets

who was 2nd in scoring on the 1993 Jets and how many goals did they score?

do not google its not fun when you do that

We cut the jet in half alright

How’s your morning going user

as i said, metro is dogshit

ive been /lifelong/ since the days of jets legend ondrej pavelec

>hastily scrambled team
>already the best team in The Desert three weeks in the season
>Already the best team 6 months in our first season
>Dabbing on literally everyone by April
Too fucking easy. Why doesn't every team just get good?

out of curiosity, what year were you born? i can't imagine anyone thinking that's a penalty unironically

Shane Doan with 7

fat lot of good it did in the end


Attached: based1.jpg (960x819, 126K)

Vegas got away with all kinds of nasty shit that year.

phil housley with 18 goals

quite nice thank you for asking i had a very restful sleep

i was born in the 80s
so much for your rhetoric

For me it's Georgia Thrashers legend Danny Heatley

You would make a fascinating case study

Attached: pongs5.webm (1280x720, 913K)

cope you fucking shorks faggot

Wrong, try again.

Attached: Marchessault.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

A veteran then.

your lucky gary changed the expansion draft rules

why, because i understand your stick belongs on the ice?

that's a 10/10 jersey holy shit

Ristolainen traded to winterpeg when?

Reminder that you GIFTED the series the shorks are fucking trash and shouldn't have even made the playoffs

Lucky or just flat out good? I think we are just too good.

what's in the ziploc

Sure let's go with that.

Attached: perfetti.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

because you grew up watching the game being played as it should and now you're advocating for this pussified hugbox that liberal cocksuckers like Ken Campbell whined about in the media and stuck us with.

>cant even defeat a "fucking trash team that shouldnt have even made the playoffs"
talk about regression

Not sure what you are trying to say with this post exactly.

Attached: speedy aho.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

lucky that you got to draft actual players and weren't stuck with a team full of shitters that had to build from the ground up like every single team prior to yours had

Someone should get that gal a proper length stick

>h-help me refs

she wants Donny T's dick so bad

reminder garth snow fleeced the knights :)

>Sure let's go with that.
well its obvious there is no rebuttal


Attached: finnish slavic relations.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

Even a broken clock is right once every 10 years

that is quite the leap user

unironically garth had his rights in drafting and trading at moments. His issue was contracts

Elite goal scoring Finns and Winnipeg go together like Monday night's and Raw

czechs > finns

wish we had more czechs

hockey is supposed to be violent, my man

his skating looks weird

Thinking about that vegas queer that was too afraid to come down to northtown and get stabbed by me.

Attached: Matt Grzelcyk Injured After Questionable Hit By Oskar Sundqvist.webm (1280x720, 996K)

and slovaks.

they should reunite their countries for the sake of hockey.

absolute state of #18

Aren't Slovene's just mountain Italians?

thats cole perfetti
2020 draft prospect

>of a beaner trany

Never hated the blues before this series. I thought the talk of them being dirty was nonsense

clean hit

wait holy fuck thats Dubois lmao
holy fuck what a bust

I know, what a pussy right?

Attached: scf g7 intro.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

dirtiest team in the national hockey league my dude and its no coincidence that it happened as soon as they hired a savage redskin as head coach

Miss him already

Attached: Dustin Byfuglien photobombs Michael Hutchinson.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Why are bombston fans such crybaby bitches?

they didnt get handed a championship

Attached: 1569029473360.jpg (1000x1000, 71K)

your Zadinas, your Zborils, your Zachas

St Louis' game plan for playing Chicago in the playoffs was "lets just try and injure every single player they have"

Just for you


OH shit, sorry that was NOT the webm I meant to post. Please don't take this personally.

guess who won that series

Theres forechecking and then theres Backes trying to end players careers

>he's all wide and shit

I don't need to guess.

Attached: bad finnish goalie.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

I posted some last night but I haven't made many new ones. I'll try tonight to get some made of the games

what a day

Attached: 1536371036334.jpg (1024x788, 68K)

Attached: 1541303510700.png (468x352, 145K)

You are a truly based and redpilled individual

Attached: feeding yous.webm (640x640, 2.81M)

Attached: 1545363854729.jpg (611x610, 70K)

Alright boys, let's make some threads.

Attached: jack autism.png (1424x792, 976K)

500 already?
Where did the time go?

haha i got your 500 for you right here

New thread is in the catalog

fuck he got me! lmao!

Byfuglien looks like a big ol' brown bear. How can anyone hate him?

Who are you?


How did people genuinely think the Isles of all teams would get relocated? That's more up the Yotes' alley