Noooooooooo Not The Coca-Cola® Ranking!!!

Noooooooooo Not The Coca-Cola® Ranking!!!

Attached: EE1E-ZzX4AAeVs8.jpg (366x680, 46K)

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>Anywhere near top 10 quality

how is england still that high up??

Bog standard muttposts

we zijn gewoon de beste punt.

What are we this time, 28?

FUCK zardes, FUCK Gregg, and FUCK SUM

>Germany nowhere in sight
Oh how the mighty have fallen

How is Argentina still that high?

Basic Mohamed reply

wtf >we are 6th?
truly the China Cup adds a lot of points

the netherlands literally haven't qualified for the last euro and world cup

Didn't the ranking change completely fuck up when they started counting friendlies?

I remember Wales meming their way to the top 20 by arranging friendlies with literally whos

>Mexico 12th

We /QuintoPartido/ now

>we're top 10
Nice. Hopefully we will win the Copa America next year to top off the year.

How we are we so high all the time? What is taken in account for these ratings?



watch out bosnia

Attached: hm.png (1158x279, 32K)

>Belgium seethers first


Real Rankings (based on current squads)

1. France
2. Belgium
3. Brazil (though they can't work together to save their life)
4. Portugal
5. Spain
6. England
7. Uruguay
8. Netherlands
9. Germany
10. Italy

Where are Northern Ireland?

Germany is the best team



Why is Bélgica always at the top stop with this > muh potencial meme


>Muh golden generation !
>Fuckin French, they didn't deserve it

Attached: download.jpg (233x217, 9K)


We as in Argentina you fuckface

You now remember the Castrol Performance Index rankings

Attached: castrol rankings.jpg (580x544, 73K)

portugal will win the next world cup

Its true tho France is mediocre considering the players you got, leaving possession to denmark and australia really?
Portugal 2016's run was even worse full of 0-0's and 1-1's, about time we get a real champion

>finish 4th in World Cup
>ranked 4th in the world

Attached: soimutt.jpg (394x350, 37K)



>never able to win anything outside of belgium
>ranked n1

Every fucking time, and it's always the same flag.
You mutts need to shut the fuck up.

because they are BULLIES, they are the man city of international football, they very rarely lose and they BTFO their opponents when they win.

Mediocre but WC champion, something you guys will sadly never achieve


can this meme stop? defenders passing the ball to each others constantly doesn't count, or at least they should include forward passes in stats instead of thinking that all the passes have the same value. ALSO the more you make passes the more likely you are to have the ball intercepted. we have Ngubus who actually can win duels, passes are for manlets who are physically weak, you have to adapt your playstyle to the quality of your players.


They're not wrong though

ye mate
nah tho

hmmm top4 WC, top 3 nations league, constantly win their qualifier games


>mexicongo above neverlands

They've been really, really shit for ages though, so they're having to work their way back up the rankings.

we got raped by argentina's z team

meme nigger players per capita

Yeah but they were so bad they were repeatedly missing out on even qualifying to tournaments.

literally who can stop us

Attached: tfwEC20andWC22winners.jpg (852x480, 48K)

1. France
2. Belgium
3. Spain (or 4th)
4. Netherlands (or 3rd)
5. Brazil (maybe)

>Literally have never won anything at any level
>Best team in the world 5 years running

It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.

It's a Mickey Mouse ranking, which explains how Mexico is so high.

their ranking is consistent with their performances

>Patriots are 3-0 and look unstoppable
>Lakers going to be unstoppable with LeBron and AD
>Mexico is in the top 12
>Yankees going to win the World Series
>Real Madrid will win la liga
>drumpf on pace to get smashed in 2020
Man it feels great to have all of my teams be successful

We as in Argentina you fuckface

Attached: 1557001390592.png (643x1242, 129K)

>It's what we do consistently



>beating us and other concacaf shitters
>top 15 worthy

Imagine being from the Cook Islands.

Attached: cook islands ranking.png (1920x940, 159K)