Realistically speaking

Who can stop us?

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An injury ridden, set piece plagued Chelsea almost did twice.



Premier League has a mid-season break now.

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great result
chelsea might have had us at the end there, not really sure what those subs were about
cracker of a weekend

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Unfortunately, City



>abl's seething
>raiders losing but I know they suck

Based weekend

Is he wrong?

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Napoli already stopped you 2 times this season and once last year

Lads, it's over. It's finally their year for real. Prepare your rebuttals once the inevitable happens.

>only 1 league title
>same amount as Leicester and Blackburn

The winter break like every single year

Only an extremely bad case of multiple Injuries.
They won't go far in the CL though

A team with experience of winning the league with no pressure.

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>that flag