Final race of the year lads. This year's indycar champion will be crowned today in the revival of the Grand Prix of Monterrey. Josef Newgarden, Alexander Rossi, Simon Pagenaud, and to a lesser extent Scott Dixon are your title contenders (Dixon needs Newgarden to DNF).

Race is at 3:00 Eastern on NBC

>Row 1
1. Colton Herta
2. Scott Dixon
>Row 2
3. Alexander Rossi
4. Josef Newgarden
>Row 3
5. James Hinchcliffe
6. Simon Pagenaud
>Row 4
7. Will Power
8. Graham Rahal
>Row 5
9. Ryan Hunter-Reay
10. Max Chilton
>Row 6
11. Marcus Ericsson
12. Santino Ferrucci
>Row 7
13. Conor Daly
14. Felix Rosenqvist
>Row 8
15. Spencer Pigot
16. Takuma Sato
>Row 9
17. Zach Veach
18. Ed Jones
>Row 10
19. Sebastien Bourdais
20. Charlie Kimball
>Row 11
21. Tony Kanaan
22. Marco Andretti
>Row 12
23. Matheus Leist
24. Jack Harvey

>1. Josef Newgarden
>2. Alexander Rossi -41
>3. Simon Pagenaud -42
>4. Scott Dixon -85
>5. Will Power -124
>6. Takuma Sato -196
>7. Ryan Hunter-Reay -213
>8. Felix Rosenqvist -228 (RotY Leader)
>9. Graham Rahal -240
>10. Santino Ferrucci -254


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Other urls found in this thread:



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All signs indicate an overwhelming victory for Sato

>tfw your friends are all at this race but you can't go because you had to work the weekend
It hurts bros

for me, it's Josef Nicolai Newgarden

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The only thing I want more than a Ganassi win today is to fuck a hot fattie

fisting till the end

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Nickel-Eye Newgarden sounds like one of those old timey nascar guys. Not sure why that came to my head but there it is.


Is Josef a Slav? That would explain his inhuman powers.

being a Rossi fan is the definition of faggot

i could see it, ivan drago-esque

now that you mention it actually explains everything

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Race WHEN???

when you kill yourself faggot
fuck off

the last ever open cockpit race, it hurts so much. fuck safety, fuck halo, fuck everything

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Indy is getting a halo?


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kinda, is a halo with a windscreen, the other design wasn't strong enough apparently

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twitch geo879
twitch besweeet_gaming

>sky sports
caretock.com/race/ (way behind)

Can't wait to watch Hinch drive too aggressive and fuck up a contender's race

Actually Indy Lights is still using the dallara IL15 next season iirc so once they replace all the older equipment in the road to Indy program then the halo will fully take over

If that does happen let it be to his bff Rossi

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>Indy Lights
who cares lol

Freedom 100 is always a good race

[] Lotus not making it through the race
[] Katherine Legge crashing
[] Rahal getting fucked out of the race
[] Shitty D-Lister fucking up the Anthem
[] Hinchcliffe being a bro
[] Fucking up the pre-race show
[] Marco blaming someone
[] Ganassi or Penske winning
[] Unnecessary mention of Danica
[] Kid bathing his mom/Amputee commercial
[] Going to commercial/side by side during on track battle
[] Pagenaud being in contention all race but not winning
[] Tim Cindric whining about something not going Penske's way
[] Someone crashing into the wall at the beginning of the race
[] Mention of Kimball having Diabetes
[] At least one car running a special paint scheme better than the normal one
[] Wheldon montage/in memoriam
[] Kanaan making a good but disappointing run
[] Slide through the pit stall (b-back that car up)
[] Fuel milage race?
[] >Women drivers
[] Sato in the wall
[] Race redflagged or delayed

very based

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>this interview with the NTT executive

also very based jap interview

Hey Indy Lights is how you get drivers like Colton Herta so it’s cool in my book

Just like, don't be fat and eat well

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god fuck rutledge. how did he even get a job


>made when Kansan wasn’t killnaan


he's fat
he has a beard
he speaks like a sóyboy
he's watched in the usa where you all have shit taste


Felix better than Herta who is REDDIT incarnate

Name one good reason why indy can't race the roval

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have sex

Seems boring

isn't Brazil a shithole?

just had
now you lose weight

herta has more poles and wins with less experience


>just had
how big was his cock?

>being such a virgin you don't even know women doesn't have penises
i beg you, fat fuck taking jardiance, have sex and lose weight

Let’s go baby

I’d argue Ferruci is the most impressive rookie this season because he drives for fucking Dale Colyne and might still win ROTY where Felix and Herta drive for the big 3 in Ganassi and Andretti

why would people go see a morning TV show live

Normal people love shit like that for some reason


>the fact that helio wouldn't have had a ride if greg moore didn't die
>the absolute shantytown of brazil

honestly, you should probably kill yourself just like senna did

semens like most of your country is trans.
>how big was his cock?

he (so far) finished ahead of his veteran, multi-champion teammate, so thats something

I agree with you and it pisses me off


faggot just lose weight
i don't care with your reddit shit
then kill yourself

Who is gonna collect the field in turn 1?

Well for USA, normal. Broken brains and wasted on opiates

beats me

Audio shit for anyone else

you keep going back to the same thing.
faggot and weight.
Is that all you know? I'm feeling you're closer to those than you know.

Rosshit or rahal

>Lele Pons
literally who?

>another literal who youtuber in the two seater

When are the people running indycar going to realize that the standing starts are the most exciting part of the race?

The rolling starts are so fucking boring, have they never watched any other single seater series? Standing starts are absolutely the way to go, especially on road tracks/circuits

faggot, lose weight




He finished like 4 races this season

lmao, why didn't this chick do the command? sounds a lot more excited than the dude who did it

Put me in the two seater, they can show me screaming at Mario for not going fast enough


How many laps until Herta chokes and runs out of tires?

For me, its lap 13

and still has more results and highlights than rosenqvist

Lock up first five laps callin it

Almost garaunteed to be behind after the first turn

Warm up lap


looks like good ol' cunt stream is working too

Herta to get passed in the final lap at Corkscrew by Rossi

which contender bins it

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Wow that was clean with no contact I can’t tell if I should be impressed or disappointed


already this spread out...this race is gonna suck

WWE is at

I wish there was a 1080p stream for the race.

it was obvious since they mentioned the high degradation

It's Laguna Seca what were you expecting

Imagine being passed by Foyt cars

>impossible to pass into T1 if the lead car covers the inside

wew this race might be more boring than F1 even was

Shocking that fast single seaters on a meme track like Laguna Seca turns into a total progression train

i already miss sonoma

>watches f1
Literally kill yourself


I thought that was tracy yelling the beginning of Fuel

>90 laps of this

might go to sleep lads

Congrats Newgarden

It was pretty much the same but uglier to look at

I did too

hey there Brazilian homo. How are you today?
I don't mind shit posting to keep you from posting about the race.
You seem super mad and I'm totally kewl with it.

hey, you are fat
don't go outside or you might get shot

well it does look similarily, but sonoma has couple of passing spots and the races were fairly decent, as for laguna seca, there's not too many memorable moments apart from "muh corkscrew pass"

Marco already up to 16th, get the champagne ready

>even homosexual relationships portrayed in American advertisements are BLACKED

Truly special, truly the land of the free

Serious question but are you rich? How do you get coverage and internet in the favela?

I could see him being into Metallica when he was racing.

Its possible to watch (and attend) multiple series when you don’t live in a favela

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you keep bringing up fat. I've seen tons of fat Brazilians. Google earth shows a nice amount of them in those shithole cities.
Keep sucking that tranny cock. You never answered how big his cock was that just fucked you.

implying he isnt now

>chilton actually overtaking
>at this shit track out of any

found the redditor

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ironic for him to make that mothers basement comment when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and did nothing to earn his mansion

>Leigh Stiffey
>Not the 1990’s commentating Supercars


he does have the beard strap.

based dixon cucking rosshit

I support Sato

Holy fucking shit, this thread is garbage

It’s nice to know that people on the internet live rent free in Marcos head and he’s bothered by people telling him he sucks ass in top level equipment. I can’t wait for the day he retires.

Who /ABN/ (Anyone But Newgarden) here?

Of course, redditors and f1 fans everywhere
No one besides me had sex
everyone is fat


lol rossi btfo

Basé Simon

Hope rosshit enjoys his own medicine

p-posse bros...

more like Anyone But Penske

Usually I like him but Rossi is just driving desperate today


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Based pagenaud crushing these wimps

>yfw Pagenaud wins the hip out of nowhere

Based Pagenaud /ourguy/ showing Rossi and Newgarden who’s boss

you're garbage sweetie. Literally garbage.

>newgarden starting to choke
this is gonna be between rossi and pagenaud now


newgarden is choking bros

Wow thought Dixon had that

I wonder if it would bother him even more that I want him to succeed because he's such a disappointment.

What was everyone thinking with those early pitstops?


contenders dont want to be caught out by a yellow

you replying to yourself?

>The state of this broadcast
There's 1 overtake happening and they miss it, filming the scenery instead

Reminder that Felix should have had pole. Fuck boomers and fuck Reddit for ruining this

You know know why nascar sucks

Pride of Brazil, Tony Kanaan, currently running in EIGHTEENTH

The problem with Marco is that he doesn’t really take any risks and just seems to drive to the bare minimum. He’s not aggressive he seems more into the lifestyle of being a racecar driver over actually racing which is the opposite of his father and grandfather.

you fat so fat you shoot a school and end up shooting yourself fat fuck
lose weight

>Replace Sonoma
>With nuSonoma, except with Rich Boomers

He shouldn't have fucked up

Pagenaud is fucking doing it lads

you keep going back to fat. Is that all you have? Its kinda getting dumb at this point. Can you at least try something different?

I miss Fontana

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Fontana would actually be pretty based too.

mad cunt power is closing on possi

The third generation curse?

Come on Fish Lion get Dixie

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Come on Felix!!!

Simon legend come on

Based Sweden
14th to 7th. Needs 6tu for RotY

Just finished football. Miss anything good?
>Go pagenaud

>rooting for the only one whos not really a rookie to win it

Not yet. This track is not conductive to any kind of passing.

just some stupid Brazilian claiming he just had sex

>Rossi chokes his tires harder than a fucking rookie teenager

True champion material

All of them are experienced or they don’t get a ride

You could say that Mario laid the groundwork Michael grew it with his team ownership and Marco is taking advantage of it without any ambition whatsoever

yeah but felix has 8 years of experience on herta and 6 years on ferrucci

FCY please

He really should go do formula e or something just to try to reset his technique and restart his career and come back

Newgarden-Rossi crash incoming


>Felix gets the Corkscrew pass


holy shit newgarden fucking sucks

Kind of cool to watch Newgarden and Rossi choke at exactly the same time

That’s possible since Andretti is in Formula E but honestly he’d be perfect for endurance racing like IMSA because there you don’t need to be fast all the time just drive the car consistently without crashing for long periods of time

>"young guy"
le 27 year old rookie man

Felix would won this race with refs who don't hate Sweden

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josef almost crashed entering pits lol

ESPN tier camera decisions here

b-but muh 24 hour sprint race etc

based dick's son

Dude this is a series where the current champion is 39 fucking years old lol

Half the field are full retirement-tier old.

does pagenaud win the championship as things stand?

Why are Americans so good at choking?


No he needs to win or hope Newgarden finishes like 17th

so what? rosenqvist's ROTY competition are 19 and 21 years old

damn, no Dixon sneak this year.


Reddit Daly spins it

yea but he's like 165cm

RIP to Conor Daly getting a drive for 2020 lol




damn conor you could have taken out marco. fuck

What does this mean for page now

Race Car Drivers are fucking manlets.

Based all set up for aggro Pagenaud shit now

he'll drive for McSchmidt

who ordered smokescreen?

hes going for the fucking lead

if Pags gains two more spots on-track and everybody else stays in lock-step, he'll win the title.

I want that to happen, but I can't see it going down after that boneheaded move. SPAM will probably go with Killnan or somebody like that for the publicity.

>scheduling the race for when the fog bank rolls in
Could anything be more indycar




Definitely a cuck marriage

the championship deciding race at that

Meme drivers

Our guys
>Nouveau Jardin

Looks like Rucci is not gonna be ROTY

Friendship ended with ferrucci

Never EVER fuck with Sato!

>ed jones

>couldnt even cause a yellow

Why doesn't pagenaud just move Dixon outta the way

loool the amount of nepotism in american motorsport

Pagenaud is almost out of push to pass.

>implying yurope is any different when youve got stroll in your top division

That’s not an American motorsport thing that’s a Motorsport thing in general look at Lance Stroll driving with daddy’s cash team in F1

>Canada is Europe now

It’s pretty rediculous. Herta and Daly both get free rides

f1 is european

*Mick Schumacher fast tracked into Ferrari when Vettel retires*

Based NASCAR style driving

if herta was there because of nepotism, wouldnt he be in the car that his dad literally owns?

>Liberty media is European now

>implying Mick will ever get enough superlicense points in F2 to even be eligible for a F1 seat

Dude went full RALF

based leist

Not racist but Herta obviously is good enough for a drive no matter who he knows

These cars are so twitchy and loose, holy fuck

Rossi is oversteering in like every corner, it honestly looks a lot more impressive than F1 cars that are just glued to the ground.

>sanctioning body is based in Paris, France
>not european

It's down to the race track having no grip at all more than anything else.

F1 drivers are shit. They'd be in ARCA over here.

f-formula one i-is international

By that reasoning the FIA Asia-Pacific Rally Championship is European too

>tfw spent the whole weekend drinking
>tfw sober now and probably will have a delirium-tier night of sleep

Gonna be a nice morning at work tomorrow, kill me

but they dont race in europe more than any other continent like f1

Yet their sanctioning body is based in Paris, France, which by your logic makes it a European championship


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Felix might actually ¡Jeb! his way into ROTY with 0 wins vs 2

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obviously its a subjective assessment based on multiple factors

He tried so hard and got so far

close but no cigar for simon

that's the championship for nikolai

Power wrecks Dickson on exit

>fullscreen commercials

Ah damn simon should stayed out an extra lap like will

Yet your assessment is wrong. F1 is an international championship.
You were wrong to use a Canadian driver for a Canadian (formerly Indian) team in an international championship owned by an American company as an example of nepotism in European racing.

There are better examples aplenty


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Why are autists talking about f1

Low IQ most likely

Because muh Indycar open wheel racing and Formula 1 is open wheel duhhhhhhhhh

Fine ill use a european driver (Max verstappen) who got into the sport because of his father. If we are going to complain about nepotism, its the same situation as herta. It happens everywhere in every industry, but especially motorsports because it is its own small world

Will Rossi ever win a ship now that Herta is on the full Andretti team?

That's better

They’d be in 27th in NASCAR trucks

INDYCAR redid the aero kit last year and basically took away all downforce so the cars are always loose. It hurts them in some ways as they’re obviously slower than target were but you don’t have the F1 problem of DRS only passing.

Plusses and minuses. There’s nice video of Felix drifting down the corkscrew that looks like old Monaco qualifying and it’s pretty stunning.


Felix is locked behind a paywall for a few weeks so I can’t post

Welp it's over newgarden wins. Guess I'll go back to football.

because it lives in a certain american user's head rent free

This race was stolen from Felix

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Lmao just realized Colton is going to equal his dad's career win total in year 1

Welp, it's over. I'm just hoping for Power to Zanardize Colton on the corkscrew at this point.

It depends If Herta becomes more consistent(less crashes and mistakes) then things are gonna get very spicy at Andretti because the corpse of Hunter Reay and the other two make Rossi’s life too easy

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I fucking hate that boomer Robin Miller so much. Always cheerleading and arm chair running the series. FUfck him

He's gonna die soon anyways, so just wait until they send RUTLEDGE WOOD into Indycar to represent the soiboi NuMales out there like you are, faggot.

Fuck's sake, all Simon had to do was run another lap before pitting


Hurry up! Fuck Herta

It is a shame because Simon is /ourguy/ but yah it would be nice if Power were to take it away from Herta

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>Felix tyres ded
oh no

>soi bois
Do you even know what that means?

Robin Miller is fucking passionate about the sport he’s more akin to a fan than a stupid journalist which is refreshing to hear unless you want

I deal with them EVERY FUCKING DAY at where I work, so yes I do.

You might as well as replace him with some Youtube fucker like David Land then. Same difference.

Hes jsit got to hold on and RotY is his and Reddit will seethe that the stewards didn’t make him start from the pits for even trying to take pole away from the Meme of the Yar Herta.

Let's fuckin goooo

>we need to win


simon was so close bros

Not gonna lie, I wanted Dixon to win the championship.

>simon passes dixie
>willy p tries a move on the zoomer
>takes him out
>simon passes by and wins

I fell asleep, anything good happen?

But Newgarden would pass the crashers and get 5th

too bad this track sucks and its impossible to get close let alone wreck someone or pass

I hope Power overtakes Herta at the corkscrew for the memes.

power is gonna win this shit


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I hope they wreck there, and then everyone goes full ARCA behind them and cause a massive pileup.

why is the racing line clean in indycar and black and rubbered up in nascar? Wouldn't indycars want rubber on the racing line?


It is black but the marbles are blacker


But there is no grass

Grandma Rasmussen? Is Newgarden Scandi?

Pagenaud really choked this, sorry to say

Less cars also track temp is up

Newgardens mom isn't too bad on the eyes

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>Power choked
welp, Herta won

just looking at the last few turns it seems the racing line is lighter in color similar to off the racing line on the front stretch.

this track is truly dire

Look at him dude lmao, Swedes are so clueless

is that opposite to nascar where cooler temps pull up the rubber?

Based Newgarden

That was pretty boring, desu.

>Power too much of a pussy to send it at the corkscrew and try the overtake

>rosshit couldn't even hold 2nd in the championship
Imagine being his fan

>Herta won both new tracks

Chadgarden 2x champ


Le Championnat pour Nouveau-Jardin !

Welp, too bad for Simon, but it was a good season.
Also, Colton a beast.

I'm not really into a champion winning from 8th place.


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then go watch nascar bub

I can't it was on last night.

Rossi on suicide watch...again

How about 4 wins and 3 other podiums? Sorry this isn't a meme series with a forced championship game format

Just came to tell all of you Rossi Posse faggots to eat my fucking blood stained turds you fucking losers! HAHAHA

if it wasn't for the double points this could have been decided earlier

b-but muh 100th indy 500 winner

podiums? They get to go up on a podium for 2nd and 3rd place?

Was cheering for Simon but congrats to Newgarden and of course the Captain they had a great season

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Do you think Josef will celebrate with a 3some with his fiance and mom?


That's terrible, similar to F1

>newgardens mom


Reminder that Mrs Newgarden is french property

property of simon pagenaud

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>Herta says he want a championship run next season
Man Rossi on a double suicide watch

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I like that interviewer, better than most.

Ca va madam nouveau jardin ?

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Kanaan resigned with AJ Foyt

>3 week suspension
>for this shit race
rather watch paint dry or russian GP, which is basically the same

Rossi should just retire to sportscars at this point. Sad

It was a good season lads, i'm gonna miss Indycar, such a long long long break until the start of next season.


laguna seca is a such a shit finale. hopefully its not around for too long. the only reason its known is because
>muh corkscrew

Unironically tho who’s going to be driving Petit Le Mans?

RHR won last year

Rossi should be there hes part of team penske endurance, right?

>rossi cucked by the PA

he and binch are going to bathurst in a couple of weeks
not sure since he signed with andretti, maybe rahal will join them

It was confirmed a while ago that Rahal was taking Rossi’s place google.com/amp/s/racer.com/2019/09/04/acura-team-penske-confirms-rahal-return-for-petit-le-mans/amp/

Rossi is doing Bathurst

>every race he's won has been a snoozefest except for the 500
yeah sure robin

these last 2 years have been really fun, waking up in a middle of a night and other shit, but it's time to say goodbye, so goodbye frens :)

What is your method?

hope youll be back for next season despite the ugly screen

Same I have to wake up at 3am to watch most of these races on TV before college classes so I understand your pain

>one series already done
dark times ahead

Ill be back for Petit Le Mans and then its good bye til Daytona 24 boys.

1. fuck robin
2. Fuck rossi possi
3. fuck uac

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