What could he do that De Bruyne can't?
What could he do that De Bruyne can't?
Win the world cup then years later trick everyone into thinking you are a good manager THEN use the media to make them think you were as good as xavi or iniesta
>sebbo commenting on football again
Win relevant trophies
Dab on Brazil. De bruyne only scored a goal then vanished meanwhile Zidane was beating brazil at their own game whole match.
Zidane is a soulful player meanwhile de bruyne plays like a robot
He was better at heading
Terrorize the opposition.
win the cl, win the wc
>Natural born leader
>Natural born albino autist
>poisoning ronaldo counts as beating brazil at their own game
Didn't play in a statpadding league in a team that could field two competitive XI
Let's face it, everyone who has played for City is going to be forgotten about in 10 years.
Except Aguero for the AGUEROOOOO
Bald at a young age.
Letting the ball roll over his shoulder then bounce from the ground in his ass, then pass it backwards 5 meters with the sole of his foot.
win the ec, win ballon d'or, reach another wc final,scoring 3 goal in wc final.
Fuck it Henry down there somewhere vs Fuck it Augero down there somewhere
Smoke a pack a day and still perform
Win a ballon d'or, a WC, an Euro, a liga, a serie a and basically every relevant trophy.
Is there seriously people who don't rate Zidane?
>premiere league
>not relevant
Actually be a masculine authoritative figure rather than a twinky faggot
KDB would win laliga or Serie A easily if he played there but he dont since hes not a coward who hide in shit leagues
zidane was objectively meh in 98 except in the final and cost France 2006 because hes low iq
Not a better footballer
I don't even know who is De Bruyne.
t. boomer who stopped watching that shit sport 10 years ago
Okay, Kevin. Whatever you say.
How many games did he miss last season?