/heem/: bj penn

www.bjpenn.com for all your MMA news

Main card (ESPN+ now)

Yair Rodriguez vs. Jeremy Stephens ruled no-contest (eye poke) (live blog)

Carla Esparza def. Alexa Grasso via majority decision (live blog) | Highlights

Brandon Moreno vs. Askar Askarov ends in split draw

Irene Aldana def. Vanessa Melo by unanimous decision (30-26 x3)

Steven Peterson def. Martin Bravo via second-round KO (1:31) | Watch finish


Jose Quinonez def. Carlos Huachin via unanimous decision (30-27 x3)

Kyle Nelson def. Polo Reyes via first-round KO (1:36)

Angela Hill def. Ariane Carnelossi via third-round TKO (doctor’s stoppage) (R3, 1:56)

Sergio Pettis def. Tyson Nam via unanimous decision (30-27 x3)

Paul Craig def. Vinicius Moreira via submission (RNC) (R1, 3:19)

Bethe Correia def. Sijara Eubanks via unanimous decision (29-28 x3)

Claudio Puelles def. Marcos Mariano via unanimous decision (30-25 x3)

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=uruguay people&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS832US832&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNtqCN0ePkAhUOOq0KHY0-DYAQ_AUIEigB&biw=1024&bih=440#imgrc=_

that was gay

Fuck eye poking cheating Mexicans. Start taking a point away for the first offense and watch all eye poking magically stop.

nice card dana

Even dana wouldn't want a bullshit ending like this.

The UFC is finished.

And we were there to witness it.

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Is Yair going to claw his way to a title-shot?

Lads I'm so sure. 4am for this shit man. I was so close to skipping this card but just decided to tune in. Why
Why did it have to be like this. Why didn't I just not bother.

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Where are the picks

Stephens didn’t wanna fight he was shook and found a way out

>I'm so sure
What? I wrote "I'm so hurt"

Is yair a dirty ass fighter?

First all those distractions with KZ. Now a blatant eye poke.

a good boxer ALWAYS beats a good mma artist

smith < payan

boxing is the exclusive sport, second comes nhl then mma third, nba and nfl and soccer can go suck themselves

Apparently it's Dana's fault

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Apologize to wmma right fucking now

I was hoping Jeremy would get heemed but this'll do

Wmma was the main event

Conor will be bmf champion in 2020.

They should use pride gloves, they own the pride gloves. They should just use pride gloves.

Valor bare knuckle boxing is live


lol hope u die in a fire

Gooby will be back on welfare in 2020

we all lost the story tonight.

have they always used a pit?

How many bjpenn.com ads are we going to be subjected to

Until the king is appeased

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Not me. Bellator chad who didn't watch and just saw the results reporting in.

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Video of the spics throwing bottles at Stephens.

lol ken shamrock is in the audience

> be half mexican
> rep it super hard
> mexicans are unaware because all they see is "Stephens" and treat you like shit
will Stephens continue to rep mexico or man up and disavow it.


I fucking hate people, I can't even say Mexicans because I've seen Brits do it, Irish do it, Americans do it. Just fucking scumbags.

wow another shit ending

yeah whats what being mad is

Know who wouldn't succumb to an eyepoke?

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Jeremy is a pretty dirty fighter so maybe that's karma but it should've been a dq win for him. I don't care it was accidental.


/box/ > /heem/

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When Yair climbed on the cage looking really angry, was he trying to pretend he won or was he mad at the crowd for throwing shit? Looked like they held him back.

>Mexican Intellectuals
>These are the model citizens liberal cucks want to so desperately being into our country

I dont think he even knew breh

I am literally unironically getting an advertisement starring Khabib on Yea Forums right now about Toyota and Samsung phones.

I feel like I'm having some weird fever dream and/or having a stroke.

He was mad at the crowd. They showed him chimping out and trying to attack some guy buy they held him well

he has a generational

he joined the anger

The probably with BJ Penn is the fact that he just doesn’t know when to call it quits. Same thing with Chuck Liddell. I feel sympathy for them as a fighter, I hope I never fall into the same boat as they did.

It's just the natural response of an animal when things dont go its way. Lay with dogs, wake up with fleas, dont expect any humanity from these mongrels.

Why did the Mexican poke the other man in the eye then get angry lads?

his eye was out of the sockets

Post screen cap for memes plz

the phantom heem....

how do i fix this feeling.....

No one knows not even him, but it was provocative it got the people going.

no athlete does

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Wtf was that Telemundo shit Yair was throwing up after the fight. One minute he's on his knees bawling then on top of the fence pumping his chest like he KO'd somebody then back to the floor crying and even screaming and swiping at Bisping near the end. The whole thing looked like a soap opera audition.

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Alexa was robbed, Carla looked fucking shook.

fuck they didnt show it in real time. he threw it quickly and accurately like a jab except he used his fucking fingers like a little faggot

not just pawing away but directly striking with the fingers like a fucking crossdressing bitch

Yo does anybody know if the athletic commission even checked for long nails. I barely remember but it seems like they didn't even check for a cup.

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Remember he got eyepoked by Zabit as well?

my sides I don't recall the 2nd one. Seems pretty brainlet to have wheely chairs on a small elevated platform

Paul Krugman claims that mexicans throwing trash everywhere is good for the economy because somebody has to pick it up, thus creating work.

Bro Yair's mexican mom can get it

Based Ngannou

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>My eye was a balloon, my eye was a balloon!

I'm breaking up

and they should

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It's not clear from this one that it's him, but it definitely is. There's a vid with closeups.

I also saw a billboard of him shilling energy drinks in the local supermarket. For all his "le money is haram" bs, he sure loves money.

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eye poked into a dick kicked literally like a combination

leg kicking leads to eye pokes because they put their hand out to balance themselves since they are on one leg

Mexico btfo

>using cringy reddit jokes on heem

>Blind, in the deepest night


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Eddie Guerrero would be proud of that eye poke

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*swipes at your face*

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you got me good

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That is LITERALLY how all socialists unironically think.

Reaching out, grasping for a fleeting eye poke-y

you just KNOW

Based Val exposing the commies.

That fight looked to be fucking Kino from the opening sequences.

Sucks that it ended that way, we were on our way to a brutal KO.

They'll fight again.

>manlet monkeys get angry because his fighter behaves like a monkey so then proceed to sling shit like the monkeys they are
Who could have guessed?

Attached: jeremy stephens leaving ufc mexico.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

*pokes you in the eyeball

if i were a UFC fighter i would simply claw at my opponents eye, resulting in a no contest and saving me from being defeated

Those two chicks holding hands DEFFO fuck on the reg, you can tell. clam-slammin' as we call it in the biz

he's not wrong

eye pokes have been a plauge in ufc because of glove design and no enforcement: there is no penalty for poking someone in the eye.

Extending your fingers is used to gauge distance. This can lead to eye pokes. Jon Jones does this all the time.

All these pokes keep piercing this broken eye

High IQ fighting style



>Mexicans are monkeys
>from Uruguay

they check finger nails before every fight

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Boxing is superior and never forget it.


>literally dragged his entire hand as hard as he could through both his eyes
>oh he was just gauging distance!
Seethe harder Juanito.
Now you share your country ethnic stats, i'll wait.

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>ref breaks them up
>over and over for 40 minutes
great sport

Jon Jones pls go

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reminder its ok when dc and jones does it


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It was the only fight i was looking forward to brehs...

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Kek based

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Was there a single good fight on the card?

>clam-slammin' as we call it in the biz
what biz would that be?

you know its bad when the main events are not getting fotn

"Just to be clear, there never was no return to Mexico"

superman guy spinning backfist was fun
that was it

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Based Hiromoot with an unofficial /heem/ banner

he was going to fuck him as he was KO'd

Only this
I didn't watch prelims

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that fucking hammerfist while out
super necessary ^:)

This guy is as cringy as Colby but no one seems to think so.

I do.

Well they're supposed to but I'm asking if you saw, fuckstick

I would taste Cat Zingano shit

I like Yair I don't think he seems like a bad guy. Wish I knew what he shouted at Bisping though.

Were there riots?

Did Jorge lay any pipe?

Khabib just found his strategy to get out of the Tony fight without a loss

“Show respect man...not cool.”
Something to that extent

I can only assume the retard thought bispings red blazer meant he was an usher and he was pissed off at them for manhandling him earlier and thought they were trying to do it again since bisping tried pulling him in to talk

You know it
Herb Dean gotta bully the manlets

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The khabib tony fight will move for move go exactly like the moreno fight

football hooligans are the fucking worst people in existence mate
i remember reading a story about how a bunch of brazlian fans stormed the field and lynced and quartered a ref, but i think the ref might have stabbed a player to death or something

Damn that was a kino heem

>Dana I did not mean to eye poke him now give me different fight. What time is it Dana? Tell them. It's eye poke time.

Colby was right. And look at London now.

>no-contest (eye poke)
>WMMA majority decision
>split draw

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>But I think the ref might have stabbed a player to death it something
Sounds like a pretty big detail in the story

it was almost 2 draws

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see how this story unfolds


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Can always count on Steven Peterson to bring it and he delivered.

yeah the ref did stab the player to death

Justinian had the right idea purging their sports teams

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Roided scumbag.

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>Lose fight
>Be friends with Khabib
>Judges award you a draw
I’m done with this semen slurping sport

Lot of fucking psychopaths defending the Mexican crowd on Twitter in order to fight racism.

Based Spaniard telling it like it is.

Based Paulo calling out Jeremy for faking and covering up the wrong eye

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Nah. Audience threw a ton of shit at Stephens on his way out though.

It's talf b fer shure but it is what it is.


They did nothing wrong tbqh. The card was absolute shit and they actually paid to go to it instead of streaming it online. People have thrown shit before in every country. They do it in boxing in America when they think a fighter quit. Blaming the fans is siding with (((wme))) for making this shit card in the first place. Worst card of the year by far.

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>using twitter

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Based Borrachina

>Blaming the fans is siding with (((wme)))
nah you're gay they're pieces of shit and they're not sending their best

This was a fix made to make Jeremy look like a victim because people hate him for heeming some rando at a bar and brutally heeming Emmett. They also wanted to protect yair in the process and make sure he doesn't get heemed in Mexico. Picking yair to be the one to do it was obviously because he was Mexican. This is wwmeme now. People are already treating Jeremy like the good guy victim who din du nuffin.

Is no one going to point out he was covering up the eye that WASN'T poked? This whole thing is just fucking weird

>people have thrown shit before in every country
Why do I keep seeing this defense? Who the fuck cares if others have thrown stuff (which isn't even remotely as common as retards like you make it sound). Why is it so hard to admit that the Mexican crowd fucked up?

Glad I didn't take time out of my day for this shit

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Imagine paying for that shit card and not being fucking pissed after seeing that bullshit main event. This was a lellator card with the ufc logo on it. Fans in the south of the US would have done the same because they still have soul. The fact the ufc has never addressed the eye poke problem after all these years is pathetic. Maybe these fans will make them do something.

He yelled you lost the story vs hendo in spanish and bisping replied back "hey hey come on buddeh"

post gouges

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Now that the dust has settled we can all unianimously agree a women's mma main event would have been better suited for the evening.

what a dickhead. i cant wait for him to be picked apart by whittaker or adesanya.

Based roided Brazilian not falling for the basedboy narrative

Because they didn't. That was a shit card. I don't care what country they were from. More fans should do this shit to make the ufc get new gloves and to also stop putting together shit cards. You guys are acting like they rioted all they did was throw shit. Hopefully Dana got hit with something.

Who won the picks?

They should've made Grasso strip naked in the octagon to make up for the main event

>Whittaker or Adesanya
>Whittaker OR


>Fans in the south of the US
you don't know shit, I live in SC and they aren't more likely to throw shit at a foreigner

I'm looking forward to Hermansson
taking him down and embarassing him.

fuck off back to /pol/ you racist dickhead!

I live in the south bud and I would have been proud if they threw shit after that terrible main event and card. It was a (((wme))) cash grab and a pathetic excuse for a main event.

>no beheadings
soulless sport

im really starting to hate the fuck outta masvidal

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do you count florida as the south you backwater dork

>Mexican crowd is the story of the night
Fucking awful card

I always wanted to visit Brazil but everyone just says stay well away from that place.

Has Mini Khabib commented yet?

AL. The capital of the Confederacy was in AL so fuck off.

you can't address it
gloves that prevent eyepokes prevent grappling. The gloves as they are already inhibit the full potential of grappling.

>yair celebrating

Pride gloves.

the capital was in virginia retard. South carolina was the first state to have the balls to succeed and you're a fucking hushpuppy, suck my dick

t. spic

reddit meme
they do not inhibit eyepokes

Southern intellectuals, ladies and gentlemen

You can adres it by stronger enforcement. Eyepoking = immediate point deduction, no warning. Keep your fingers together at all times when near your opponent's face or get got. Simple as.

>South carolina was the first state to have the balls to succeed
oh no

>my bets got fucked tonight

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>Hurr Durr acshully it was in Virginia
It was in Alabama first you fucking dumbass. The first White House of the Confederacy is in Alabama.

Attached: Viva México Cabrones.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

that just proves that I'm a real southern gentleman. Also I live near wonderboy ama

Rugby gloves with the UFC glove over the top.

Rugby gloves are designed for tackling, grappling in rucks so theyd be fine.

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There were much less eye-pokes in pride

You're a savage and should be treated like a savage and exiled from society you fucking mong.

build bridges not walls

Can we all agree that Yair snapping at Bisping was the highlight of the night? Literal fucking child.

how does that stop the finger going knuckle deep in your brain

when the day of the rope comes, spics will not be the first to go, but they may be second or third.

Maybe I was wrong about this guy.

i guess now they know...

dare i say it....

who da fook is that guy?! :^)


Doesn't protect the hands or the wrists for punching

What kind of 'tist wears a bandolier

imagine if bisking gave us the heem at the end of the night we deserve after 155 lb yair chimped out at him

Imagine crying this much about fans throwing bottles. This is cage fighting for fucks sake. Stop acting like a soft pussy.




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High IQ post

americans FUMING

What did yair do? I turned it off right after they stopped the fight lol

1) I saw eyepokes
2) ex-pride fighters didn't start eyepoking when they left pride, indicating that it's the fighter not the glove
3) the fake picture of the pride glove that is too large for the hand would inhibit grappling

Fuck this shit, I would put a loss by DQ on him.

mexican bean dance as he called ellie a whore

On that note, the UFC should have had Colby headline a card in Mexico. That card would have had some good meme foeder.

legit give me your address, let me throw a bottle at your dome and don't cry about it once i do, bitcboi. you can choose monster or modelo

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What's funny is these two are massive ducks.

>Uruguay flag
>"Maybe if I call Mexicans monkeys the others will accept me"

> with the ufc gloves over the top.

can you read, cunt?

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>"Legit give me your address bro"
>Wanting to chimp out over posts on an anonymous anime forum
>Calls me a savage
Bases and Pussyboipilled

why respond to the retard but not the legit responses, double retard

much harder to do without a sharp point on your fingertip.

also no more eye flicks like DC Stipe 1

What the fuck does Pinche gordo mean?

But aren't Europeans muslims??!

really makes me think.

imagine crying and being this scared lmao it's just bottles

Si si lo que digas ahora tráeme un choripan

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God damnit now I may go rewatch the ending kek

should have waited literally 1 more second, princess

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Perry would be gooby levels entertaining at press conferences if he were just given the chance. Fuck i just wish he could go back to heeming niggas.

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>much harder to do without a sharp point on your fingertip.
that's just retarded, triple retard

fat ass

Which fighter got hit in the head with a bottle? But you give me your address first I'll save you the drive.

So U R GAY is the new "Argentina White"!??

google.com/search?q=uruguay people&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS832US832&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNtqCN0ePkAhUOOq0KHY0-DYAQ_AUIEigB&biw=1024&bih=440#imgrc=_

lmao, fucking retard can't take responsibility for his actions.

6045 cahuilla ave

Actually I called you a savage, not that user. Also, you're a faggot.

> t-thats retarded
sounds like you've got nothing

Based Yair working the marks


why are you stuttering

Actually I don't care because you're both just American flags since this is an anonymous forum

That's not a full address bud I'll accept this as your surrender

sounds like you've still got nothing :)

That doesn't even make sense, Stephens isn't even fat...

Aren't Chicanos and Mestizos considered white by FBI standards? Is this not the same thing?

Wtf, I don't wanna be white

He is sort of a cutbabby. He's missed weight by a lot before.

These gloves don't do shit, I used to wear these when I played, all they do is keep your hands clean and kinda keep them warm, they actually made it worse to catch the ball, it would fuck up the grappling more if the fighters got sweaty.

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Alexa Grasso is in dire need of a spanking

This will just make grappling and wrestling harder.

I mean if you look in the categories in the wiki screenshot it's literally only white, black or Asian lol and indigenous. So if you have some white mixed in you and you aren't black or Asian you end up falling into the white category. Mexico has a lot of whites by this way of measuring too.

I honestly really doubt they know that.

>Less ground humping
>Less eye-pokes
>Less cage hugging
Sounds based

good, leghumpers ruin fights

so now we know why ronda vs holly holms was the highest paid fight to watch

Met Schaub tonight.

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good lord, those pants on schaub.

Yeah probably not kek he did look a lot bigger than yair at the stare downs though. But in Spanish fat ass may be more synonymous with lazy ass or something, which would kind of explain it since they think he quit. Idk I'm just trying to figure it out lol.

Dudes fuggin brain got fingered

Because of Hogda?

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good photo :)

Teixeria kept fighting too


You look like a s o i b o i

explain yourself! :^)

That's not you user

I didn't know girls posted here

If you can't defend against wrestling and BJJ you're a shit fighter and deserve to lose. We're not here to watch 2 bums swing wild haymakers, we're here to watch 2 professionals do martial arts.

unironically cazzies just want to watch retards trade blows to the head

We're also not here to watch two bums eye poke. You can still grapple with pride gloves.

>accidental eyepoke

Why does everyone assume it's accidental? It didn't look at all accidental. And why are Mexicans pelting Stephens when it was their boy who fucked the match by fighting dirty?

>We're not here to watch 2 bums swing wild haymakers, we're here to watch 2 professionals do martial arts.

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I wish Yair would have stayed cut after he ducked Zabit

>UFC Signs Michel Pereira

This, he grabbed the eye to stabilize himself.

I 100% believe that Carla was given huge favouritism to win that decision, Alexa was ROBBED.

>if you dont like the outcome you have the right to throw your beer into the octagon
Nice logic, losers.

Sucks for you mane, most cards tend to be on Sundays from the morning to the afternoon for me. Quite ideal imo

Imagine believing the UFC is about competition and not entertainment

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wheres the nip slip?

cringe, respect the based aussie

Robbie never would've done this

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This. There are a bunch of marks on here right now. They probably fall for every promo meme Dana and wme make.

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Based and Heempilled

He's wiping his good eye so he can see, when one eye has a problem both eyes will water

Why wasn't that guy banned for life or even fined? It's not like it was a secret, even the commentators were angry about it while it was happening.

Brazil is only good for one thing, huge dick shemales.


Because it's not his fucking job to not eyepoke his opponent, it's the ref's job to recognize it and take action.

Yeah that was weird I don't see how he couldn't open the eye that looked like it wasn't poked. I keep watching the replay and I don't see him being poked in the eye he couldn't open.

Based Yair giving Stephens the benefit of the doubt. He's truly the bigger man and has now won the story.

>Because it's not his fucking job to not eyepoke
It actually is lol

They have a "Badass Motherfucker" belt, literally a belt dedicated to being a badass, a belt that has no way of determining who a "Badass Motherfucker" is, only going to be for one fight and the belt is gone and they are having Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson present it.

You have to be very very very slow if you still believe the UFC isn't purely for entertainment and not competition.

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Don't let this sorry excuse of a card distract you from the fact that Colby ducked Usman after pretending to be /ourguy/

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What a dumb fucking shit skin. Oh for sure Stephens has fought a roided to the gills Gleison Tibau, but he's 100% terrified of some skinny mexican twink that weighs 90 lbs soaking wet. Build the wall please.

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From the thumbnail I always think this is that deformed girl with two heads.

> fight for free
usman hasn't agreed to any fight, by the way

Dana has been playing fast and loose with these "International" cards, frankly all cards.

An entire event for a single headliner? What happens if they get injured Dana? Or miss weight? Or a freak accident like this?

Cards are already so watered down, you have an entire event based around a single bout, look what happens. Get bottles thrown in the octagon, fighters get trashed, folks are gyped out of hard earned money and probably will never return to another UFC event.

Last year the MSG card had 3 title fights. Now thats a card.

Now MSG card has a single worthwhile bout for a fake belt and a co-main of Ivan Blagoy.

Fucking pathetic. Hope Masvidal or Nate drop out at the last possible moment after Dana reveals the belt so he can look like a fucking idiot.

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>You have to be very very very slow if you still believe the UFC isn't purely for entertainment and not competition.
it's obviously a mix of both and you're a complete tard if you're not trolling.

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It's a fan-pleasing fight for the people, and this is the best way they could make it happen, for the people.

Colby doesn't get to call shots lmao. He'll fight for what the UFC wants to pay him, and if he doesn't want to fight, then he won't. It's hilarious that he unironically thinks he has any worth after setting record low ratings on ESPN.

compare colbys timeslot on ESPN vs. other programs that run at that timeslot instead of other UFC cards at primetime slots. this makes the kumaru shill seethe in self-hating anger.


>"Fight for free"
lol. You and me both know Mark Hunt wouldn't turn down a fight with someone who talked shit to his face. He's a fighter. Yes Hunto gets paid a lot now, but he didn't always get paid a lot. He forced the ufc to respect him by being reliable and always bringing good fights the fans want to see. Colby isn't like that he's more wwmeme inspired. Just fake twitter beef. He doesn't really hate Usman like he pretends.

>purely for entertainment and not competition.
Entertainment and competition aren't mutually exclusive, you bum. At it's core, ignoring the belt, Nate vs Masvidal is a perfectly logical fight to make in the division.

Just how black was Reem's father that he has the same skintone as a full-blooded African? Damn

Who has the picks

he clearly has worth because usman is avoiding and pushing to fight leon scott and WME is not booking it. WME are negotiating, they just pretended that they were not going to as a bluff.

Uhh they have college football on at that time slot now bud. I guarantee he didn't out-draw college football lol. The card was before the season started. If you're comparing a ufc card to shitty espn debate shows to prove he's a draw that's just a massive cope.


noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
"he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"


Masvidal vs Edwards makes much more sense if you look at it from a competition perspective.

>The card was before the season started.
this is how stupid you are. you create an argument and dismantle it before i even get a chance to reply. kumaru shills on suicide watch.

Can we really blame the Mexicans for chimping? They just got their shit pushed in watching their boy get KTFO trying to throw meme spin shit.

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I bet you think Dana doesn't earn enough money to pay fighters better than 20/20 on their contracts. Just a reminder that $31,000 to show vs. Masvidal after fighting Tyron for the title.

The point that everyone is missing is that UFC makes the same amount of money regardless of how many viewers they get or PPVs they sell. The points era is dead

What's your point though? I'm saying it was on during dead time so being the biggest draw during a dead period like that is like being the tallest midget. Plus you haven't even provided any data to prove your statement.

shit card, ded sport

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>compare colbys timeslot on ESPN vs. other programs
>Colbycuck seethes when user brings up other programs

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> everything this kid [Colby] did last fight, trended off the charts
Dana White at the post ufc 241 post fight press conference

Hmm, very interesting. However, I didn't ask for your opinion, so shut the fuck up

Are you saying Till took the Masvidal fight for 31k? Gotta respect him for betting on himself tbqh. He may be flushed, but at least he's not scared. But the ufc obviously spends most their money on marketing so that people believe these are the best fighters in the world.

>Implying cazzie will give them money
Come on my dude, I watch every event and I've never given even 1 (one) dollar to that jew Dana

Do you know what trends are? Creating social media buzz =/= being a needle mover.

my point is obviously that comparing a noon start time ESPN card to an ESPN card that starts at a normal time that UFC cards typically start at is a false-equivalency and makes you look like a fucking retard.

Dana also said he hasn't had this much attention from celebs and sponsors since Mayweather vs McGregor when talking about ufc 244. He's clearly a bullshit artist. He's comparing 244 to Mayweather vs McGregor. Believing anything he says at face value is being a naive mark. He's a promoter. mobile.twitter.com/jedigoodman/status/1174788275925442561?s=21

Ain't nobody know what that means. This is America motherfucker, get it right.

The UFC is still trying to establish itself, they need all power in the forward thrusters. The more money they can keep to invest in growth, the bigger the sport will get and the more money the fighters will make in the long run. Or, they could pay all the fighters however much Luke Thomas believes is fair and go out of business, and fighters can go back to beating the shit out of each other on Indian reservations and bar parking lots, and Luke Thomas can go drive for Uber or something.

Were you not saying it out-drew everything in it's time slot? Did you just make that shit up?

>Were you not saying it out-drew everything in it's time slot?
LMAO please quote where i said this. the takeaway from what i said is that it was perfectly reasonable ratings for it's timeslot, not that it blew everything else out of the water. what a sad brainlet you are.

Bare knuckle brawling is the future of combat sports

See Why is Conor ranked #11 Ranked P4P over Israel and Valentina?
Why is Conor ranked #3 LW even though he's only had 2 fights in 3 years in LW, one of which he lost.
Why was Conor allowed to hold the Lightwieght belt hostage for 511 days when he was doing BOXING matches outside of the UFC and refusing to fight Lightweight contenders.
Why was Michael Bisping allowed to hold the Middleweight belt hostage and fight #11(?) ranked 46 year old Dan Henderson whilst continuing to dodge top contender Yoel Romero for the belt.
Why did a retired GSP come back from a 4 year hiatus and fight for the title at a weight he had never fought at then immediately vacte the title after winning.

Do I need to go on. I can go on.

Was this not you? you said "compare it to other programs on that timeslot" and then provided no data or sources as if we should just trust your word.

Why is that so hard to believe? He's not saying 244 is equal to MayMac, he's just saying it's the biggest response since then. What other card since MayMac has been as popular for cazzies as this one? Maybe 229? Masvidal is an overnight star for flushing Askren, and Nate is known as the first guy to beat McGregor. Of course 244 is going to do big numbers. They're the two biggest names right now besides Conor, Jones, and Khabib.

>the wealth will trickle down

Based. No boring cage hugging and no heemless pillows. Pure just bleed kino.

Attached: just-bleed-guy.jpg (300x300, 20K)

this is absolutely consistent with what i've been saying the entire time. check the ratings, fag.

He was paid 31K (dollars) show money (+1K Reebok bonus) against Masvidal, luckily for him he got fight of the night for his brain damage and got around 100K total.


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>NC eye poke
Mexico was a mistake.

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Lowkey Jared is going to melt Hermansson

229 was MUCH bigger. Conor is way bigger star than Diaz or Masvidal. The only reason Nate is even popular with cazzies is because of Conor. It won't come close to the numbers of 229. He also said the same thing about 229 being the biggest thing since Mayweather McGregor during the lead up to 229. He's clearly bullshitting about 244. Probably to try to prove a point to Usman and Colby. There were way more cazzies here during the lead up to 229, while for 244 there have mostly just been regulars ironically posting about the meme belt.

Lil heemthem will be back

>mfw it's all fake to bolster buzz for msg card

>Man it's been a while since I've heard anything from Kid Yamamoto wonder where he is
>He died from stomach cancer a little over a year ago
Wha.. What?

Fighters are already in the top 1%, why should any normal person give a shit they aren't in the top 0.1% like NFL players? They're all overpaid in reality.

Ratings compared to fucking what. You just said "programs"

If God didn't intend for us to sniff and eat ass, why do they look like this?

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That is how economies work in reality

They don't need to establish themselves, they're the premier MMA organisation in the world. Let the fucking fighters have their own sponsors like they used to. The shit pay for lower-card and mid-card fighters is what will kill the UFC.
If Fox Sports ends up having their own fed, do talent exchange with Rizin and M1, and pumps enough money to pay decent fighters and let them have their own sponsors on prime-time TV, younger guys will move there and the UFC will have to run with washed up fighters.

That looks like a pristine Mexican brapper though. Seems ok to me.

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why don't you do that with your mma org

People have been saying the same about Bellator. Look at what happened to their top prospects in mvp and Pico. It's a tough sport and the ufc nearly has a monopoly on the top talent with their strict contracts.

>White, a father of three, is known to splurge for his kids. He reportedly dished out $2,500 a month for five years to pay homeowners association fines. Why? A lavish backyard pool with waterfalls that the association didn’t approve. White said he’d rather pay the fines than remove the setup and disappoint his kids.

>White purchased his UFC business partner Lorenzo Fertitta’s old home in the exclusive Tournament Hills area of Las Vegas for $1.95 million back in 2006, but not content with that, he’s recently splashed out a total of $6.2 million on three more mansions surrounding it over a six-month period.

>Meanwhile, In the winter of 2013, White spent a small fortune having snow imported onto the long driveway of his Vegas mansion, just so his kids could sled down it on Christmas day.

Just give it some time, let the wealth trickle down, Rory got paid $59,000 (to show) for Rory vs. Robbie 2. When is the wealth gonna trickle down user?

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This. People crying about fighter pay are cucks. You're not getting a penny of what they get so why should you give a fuck. The point is to see people fight.

>pretend to get eyepoked so you can get paid twice for one day's work
uh, yeah I'm thinking this is based

Her name appears to be Cirena Lee

Exactly. You can tell the loudest complainers are the ones with the mcjobs.

when people stop caring about belts
rory should have not fought, but he did because "you want the belt, bro?"
just negotiate

What's the alternative, boxing where fighters can duck fights and pad their records for 20 years. Maybe it's better for the fighters, but the best deal for the fans is a Dana dictatorship. The fans are winning, Dana is winning, and most good fighters are wealthy. The "problem" is just they aren't as rich as they could be? Fuck them, just get in there and bleed punchy!

the wealth trickled down onto ufc performance institutes so dana can infiltrate the mma gym market. probably hates that the top fighters all go to other gyms not under ufc name

Not like anybody is ever going to do shit to establish a maximum wage, they just want to cry about rich people doing rich shit.

Dana White isn't paid by the UFC you fucktard. What, is he supposed to donate his personal funds to the fighters or something? I don't even see any fighters complaining about their pay, it's all soiboi journalists that are whining about it. You do realize they make more than just disclosed pay, right? That's why it's called disclosed pay, you fucking monkey. In reality, you have no idea what fighters are getting paid and you're crying about nothing. Fuck there are some dumb bastards here.

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Except Bellator has been run like fucking shit with gimmicks matches like Kimbo vs Dada-5000, and airs on a channel that could shut down any day. The Bellator name is tainted.

>Fighters are already in the top 1%,


Valor absolutely won the story of the night. Nothing but heems.

he was just trying to measure distance

with a jab

with an open hand jab


Attached: poovin pee playing soy game.webm (480x480, 2.77M)

More money brings in more people, better talent, better fights.

how the fuck does he come to that conclusion, unless he's playing 5D word chess and he means it the other way around

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missed the card
>draw 15 seconds
lmao. guess i dodged a buollet

I thought he was just working heel with an eye rake trying to get some heat.

why dont s.oys like driving? its fun

He's talking about actual ranked fighters, not cherry picked prelims cans that could be cut right now and nobody would notice.

>just negotiate bro

>Kimbo vs Dada-5000
This was one of the most entertaining fights of all time though. The whole point of the "sport" is to answer the boyhood question "who would win if x fought y". Professionals have their place, but there should be room for spectacle fights as well, Justin Bieber vs Francis Ngannou, etc.

Nothing fun about driving in a straight line for hours at a time
t. former truck driver

no he didnt mean that, and youre retarded, fuck off

I was wondering how the hell he was doing the Chael interview when it looked like his car was still moving. Very cool.

Because Stephens bitched out

thats different everything sucks when its your job. going for a drive once a week is fun

Well, that's what's being worked towards.

Do you think it's better for the fighters that it isn't disclosed what they get paid, you don't understand the point I'm trying to draw and I'm not gonna explain it to you.


did the spics riot?

He's probably on a cycle and it got tainted, Jones always used to do this shit on Twitter, still does it a bit.

that's correct

When you drive the same roads or straight roads it gets boring, not fun doing the same thing for hours on end. Gets monotonous.

I don't have a problem with it tbqh I was just pointing out the situation to the other user. The centrality and leverage of the ufc leads to better fights like you said and I tend to like it because the fans are ultimately the winners. Boxing is just can crushing because there aren't any central bodies that has enough leverage to force fights.


Mexico is a shithole

damn he copied joe rogans car too

Bigger GDP than your shithole roflmao

What talent is the ufc missing right now? Mighty manlet and flushed Eddie Alvarez? Or flushed Gegard and flushed Rory? Askren was eager to come to the ufc solely because of the talent level. The amount of talent the ufc has is enough to draw in other fighters.

Fat Latina asses sitting on your face, burritos, tacos, and Coronas all day. It's kind of a paradise. If I wasn't a married wagie I'd be there sniffing brap right now.


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the difference should be much larger than it is though
also wtf countries like india and brazil suddenly aren't shitholes now

I got ghosted lads

Attached: 1509858564519.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

yes, that's correct.

all that and a very high rate of beheadings! what a great country

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Khabib Nurmagamadov is going to embarrass Tony

>face sitting + Mexican food

Attached: 1338861841185.gif (330x186, 1.57M)

per capita mexico gets SHIT ON NIGGA

Fucking BASED

Attached: 1550393224719.jpg (1200x774, 83K)

Based Tony Ferguson - Beat Gleison Tibau
Khabib Namashitcuckov - Lost to Gleison Tibau


Attached: 1559648146772.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

this. where can i get some m*xiCan pussy and not fucking die? i live in north dakota btw

Michael Johnson


Attached: 1562940966117.png (697x459, 357K)

Heavyweight would literally be all Ngannous, LHW wouldn't be flushed city, we'd have a few more Yoel's and Costa's, they'd fight more frequently. More KO's, faster higher paced fights. All with USADA.

michael johnson is two people
>1. good michael johnson, who tony fought
>2. bad michael bumson, who kumar fought

>condoning obesity
>not being vegan
>drinking alcohol

Yeah, I'm think this isn't based.

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Strong virgin walk by the cunt in the white pants. Is she retarded?

Who would you guys pick if GSP and Khabib fought at LW? I feel like it all comes down to the cut for GSP. If he gets there fine I think he wins. If the fight was at 165 or 170 GSP would win easily.

>"he's" a vegan
>"he" brags about it anonymously about it on a Laotian carpet making advice forum

gsp is retired retired though

Anywhere, it's pretty safe if aren't in a cartel. Just carry a fake wallet around with some dummy cards and a little cash to hand over when you get robbed occasionally. And don't try to "man-up" to assholes at "da club", bail as soon as things turn ugly and live another day to plug more Latina ass. The best revenge is leaving their women to raise gringo babies. I've literally got about 40 kids spread across central and south America, these bitches literally never abort.

>running away
>not heeming every there

Attached: heem every here 2.webm (640x360, 1.34M)

Oh for sure Tony and Khabib fought the same Tibau. For sure Tibau wasn't USADA'd my man. One hunnie percent natty bee.

>wearing hells
>having to walk fast

Vegans on average have higher levels of free testosterone than omnivores and vegetarians. Plus I'm morally superior to you so my ego makes me feel pretty cool too.

Absolutely based

A bunch of Ngannous fighting eachother would just be Lewis vs Ngannou all over again and they'd all get wrestlefucked by whoever the champ was. LHW is only flushed because Jon cleaned it out because he's clearly a goat talent. I doubt fighters would fight more often if they're getting paid more. If anything they'd fight less often. Look at Nate disappear for 3 years after getting paid at 202. If you get paid you don't need to fight for awhile. Plus the money wouldn't heal them faster. Give them health insurance or something if you want them to heal faster, but paying them more isn't going to turn them all into genetic freaks.

Yoooo dis nigga eatin grass

>Fighters are already in the top 1%
you believe that if someone is "on tv" they're rich, don't you? adorable.
gsp, brock, and conor have money, not the rest

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Tibau wasn't USADA'd when he fought Tony. Tibau still looked jacked for that fight and the fight was before usada testing was even announced.


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mexico crowd throwing bottles hitting the staff,doctors, fighters, and commentators. Give one reason why they should EVER put a card back in mexico again

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Kevin Lee isn't even a gatekeeper and he's driving a Tesla. Fuck these guys.

based ken shamrock

That's like, totally not cool man.

Over the past 6 hours I ate a punnet of strawberries, a punnet of raspberries, 400 or so grams of chips with a sprinkle of salt, and 6 """sausages"""

to redpill the television audience

Was funny when Yair almost tried to fight Bisping. What would that crowd have done if the natty goat knocked that Mexican dork out cold right then and there?

>mma math
i guess kumar fans have to do this since the real kind is too hard for them

I like the fact that most fighters are poor. If you know that the only way you're going to make a decent living in the sport is by being a top fighter or by putting on entertaining fights, you fight and train harder. If every jobber on the roster was making 6 figures why bother?

Literally had that skinny cuck crying on his cornerman's shoulder because based BisKing refused to take his hand off of him.

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Stephens 100% pussied out. Not opening your eye is not an injury. Force that shit open and have the doctor's confirm the injury; otherwise keep fighting. The whole thing is dubious

>this content is blacked out in your area
fuck the ufc app sometimes. Can't view any ESPN event fights.

never cringed so hard in my life

Post body, fatty

True, and at least they have a path to success. What path does the average office worker have besides suicide?

lol all this mad about mexico
jeremy stephens mom is literally a mexican

ive never even left my state

just wait until fighters buy WME stock at a discount

181cm 75KG

5'11 165lbs to make your life easier. Not fat.

I don't get Bisping, he complained about how trashy it was for Diaz to smoke weed at UFC events, while his gimmick was to sit there drinking beer at press conferences. Then criticized Cheick Kongo for quitting after an eye poke when he knows better than anyone how risky it is to fuck around with damaged eyes.

Forgot to tag

his mom is in the mexican mafia this was all part of the plan since when does jeremy stephens of all fighters quit that easily lmfao

Did I ask for made up stats or did I ask for a pic of your body? Fatty.

Enho would heem every here

I don't know dawg, he quit immediately when Aldo made his tumtum hurt

>Did I ask for made up stats

Weed is disgusting and smells like a nigger. Nobody should be forced to smell that shit while trying to do their job.

Still waiting, fatty

I used to display my stats regularly but I got filtered by a lot of people for being a nuisance I guess so I don't use it anymore, I'm telling you, so you're gonna believe me or you aren't, I'm not lying. I don't need approval from a random person on a Japanese anime discussion board that I'll surrender my anonimity just to send you a pic of my (very well proportioned) body.

He dropped to the floor because his body involuntarily shut down on him. He was still advancing position on the ground.

wow, an athlete over-extending himself financially?!
Say it isn't so:




Attached: whut wut what mfw .gif (250x250, 338K)

Enjoy your role-playing, fatty

>a punnet of raspberries
did you have a muffet of tea, as well?

You can try and bait me, but I'm not that easy.

Attached: 1569105736095.png (573x555, 352K)


noun British
noun: punnet; plural noun: punnets

a small light basket or other container for fruit or vegetables.
"a punnet of strawberries"

Plus, I don't drink tea, only water.

It's ok, I know it would be quite exhausting for a man of your size to get off your bed for a moment. Don't worry, I understand. Fatty.

bunch of manlets in this thread

Attached: manlet2.jpg (1699x1167, 163K)

>me in the middle

How tall are you little man?

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Fuck Mexicans.

Attached: 64991205_2365303093792281_566022241007016322_n.jpg (1440x1440, 187K)

Lol that's what I thought. Enjoy obesity, fatty.

Don't post Jon when talking about veganism. He's not a cringe vegan. Stick to posting Nate or whatever other vegan fighter there is. Jon eats meat like a regular human, drinks like a regular human, and probably enjoys sniffing braps from thicc qt latinas like a patrician.

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>Nobody should be forced to smell that shit while trying to do their job.
i don't mind the smell, but this.

Nah, he has a track record, Stephens is bitch-made

jon jones is a fag

>Plus, I don't drink tea, only water.

Attached: limmysteelisheavierthanfeathers.gif (480x270, 726K)

195 cm 101 kg

Attached: edgward.jpg (924x914, 56K)

what is a liver shot?

Nah, Jones is on record saying he only fucks white and Asian chicks

Thawlts on B12?

Look it up if you're curious. Ever heard of Google?

I would beat the fuck out of any vegan pansy. Know that.

Yeah, whatever you say slugger.

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Very edgy and contrarian

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this is getting really cringy

Attached: Untitled.jpg (580x452, 55K)

Does cringe mean friggen BASED now?

>*Gets KOd by a fat manlet and cries until he gets a rematch*

Yeah, I don't know any vegan fighters, not any male ones that is, only Rashad but he's "retired" obviously, I think Macedo is vegan too. None of them have good reaction images so I'll keep doing what I want.

>Not even attempting to improve your diet
That's pretty low T

Alcoholic beverage, similar to a bloody Mary

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It's not any worse than the belt itself tbqh

Yo jannies, please flair me up with 'this is sucks'.

>I don't know any vegan fighters
I wonder why

FUCK B12, never taken a supplement, never will (I probably will). I just eat fortified foods, didn't track my diet when I ate meat, didn't track it when I was vegetarian, not tracking it now, I just eat when I'm hungry, if I start feeling weird or weak I'll just book a doctors appointment and get a blood test.

Yeah, I'd crush you like a bug.

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>being shorter than 6 feet tall
you should just hang yourself bro

Attached: twigman.jpg (798x1127, 100K)

New vid from Thug Rose and Pat Barry

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Well, I don't follow fighters for their diet, something like 3% of Americans are vegan, I don't think it's over 5% for the whole world, I literally named Macedo and Rashad. I can go and Google it and add more.

>me on the right
>you on the left

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Should I beat off


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Think about Michelle Waterson and make your decision

I’m going to in 5 min, hold up and we will together.

no literally he fucks men

Only thing getting beat off is me beating you until your lights go off. Got it?

Lanklets are truly disgusting. The truth is, in this situation nobody respects the lanklet, who should be twice the weight that he actually is.

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Stop it, you're scaring me

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Yeah... she'd get it.

Imagine the absolute size of Gabi's protein farts

Attached: gabigarciaofficial_25025703_538590046503463_5026111484447424512_n (1).jpg (1080x1094, 162K)

Barb got to smell her

Attached: barb.jpg (716x859, 138K)

Why do you say that? Did he fuck you or something?

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We are all in here

You need to catch up on Rizin

Wanna know something kinda crazy, that guy on the right is 6'8 I believe, weight class, 145 pounds lol. They both made weight btw

I'm jealous

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It's not contrarian when literally nobody likes that nigger. He's an arrogant cokehead nigger and his fights are boring because all he does is try not to lose instead of trying to knock guys out.

Is she saying she's into white guys?

spics are the worst people on Earth. If you've lived in the South West, you know this to be true

The original “el goblino“

He clearly doesn't, you blind retard


>Fat Latina asses
>In Mexico
Beaner bitches are literally shaped like refrigerators

BKFC is the best thing to watch with your bro’s when drinking. 100% testosterone that leds to a full rage of sweaty man buttsex

Mexico is pretty fun. (If you have enough freedom bucks) You can literally do anything and not get in trouble.

>Favela Kombat

Holy shit my sides

fuck off back to plebbit you faggot cuck!

The most hateable thing about Schaub is how much money he spends to look like a complete faggot wigger, especially since he should be homeless sucking tranny dick for nickels.

Reminder: Latinamerican MMA websites and social media groups are an abysmal pit of single digit IQ brainlets. Specially mexicans.

>hating someone because they have money and spend it on nice things

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