>Wins the Champions League
Wins the Champions League
>having a wheelchair as your emblem
It's a dolly, symbolising how they are caring NT on their own with their talent
This is what happens when you dont buy talents from Dinamo.
granate na hrvate
Somebody asked for a Dynamo Pepe last night, here it is
would've loved to see a Dinamo variant of Croyper
Didn't know it was called Groyper
meant specifically this variant with a Dinamo home kit, but thank you nonetheless
Ehh this one didn't come out that good
can they actually do it croat bros?
Baseado Portobro
I asked for it, thanks so much
>Spanish players dumping the rotting dilapidated farmhouse of La Masía to join the Croatian prospect factory
>spanish players are becoming croatian talents
smart spaniards
it's literally just Olmo
although his elder brother joined Dinamo this season to play for their 3rd team or something kek
Yeah, I think you're based
Imaš s žujom?
Can you make a Willem II pepe mate? Muito obrigado.
I've been to albufeira btw
Bump for a fellow Catholic
Man city 1 - 1 Dinamo Zagreb
Screencap this.