Who are the hottest cheerleaders?

Who are the hottest cheerleaders?

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None. They are all degenerate whores


Wrong actually. I’m a Christian.


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No you aren’t bro. You are a larper. If you were a good christian you wouldn’t be a judgemental fuck. Jesus literally hung around with a prostitute and criminals. He forgave them because they were just lost sheep. You are a bitter faggot who thinks he’s better than other people

Laker Girls > Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders

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red pilled and based

pretty bad take on the bible


>muh Jesus was a progressive liberal freak
kys blasphemer




(literally) holy based

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Pretty sexual for a sporting event. Never really noticed how far things have gone.

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>Checks flag

It's cuck island embarrassing me again

based and forgivenesspilled

He’s right you know. Religion is based on brotherhood and unity. Treating it like some cringey club and symbol, another logo to attach to yourself is just commodifying it like everything else in this era.

okay grandpa

lotta redpills ITT

>Treating it like some cringey club and symbol
that started with the church 2000 years ago

Fair but to claim it's a "family event" is a facade. That goes for pricing too.

Most of the "thot Buster's" on this corner of the Internet just get off on demeaning women, they're actively finding these women who are being slutty for attention or money. If that type of sexual content bothers you, just go somewhere else. If your little peepee gets hard from telling women they're ugly sluts, fork over some money for private camshows and get your weird kink the fuck out of the blue boards.

thread unfortunately reformcucked

t. coomer

please stop posting big fat beautiful brown asses it's making me wanna COOOOM

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>plebbit: the post

Why did the slagposting stop ?

sauce pls

Can you even satisfy a grill like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick BREHS . . .

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>Jesus literally hung around with a prostitute and criminals. He forgave them because they were just lost sheep
And he told them to sin no more. Period. People need to stop acting as if he gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted when that was the case. It's a blatant misteaching of Jesus' grace. Yes he gave them grace but it wasn't like he was enabling them in their sin.

based BREHS . . .poster

cringe but redpilled
Every ""Christian"" on the internet is just using religion to mask their inceldom. If you can't get laid, pretend you don't even want to and are saving yourself for marriage. Same applies to fags who love spouting "muh degeneracy."
The reality is, if they were capable of partaking in said degeneracy, they'd drop the act in a heartbeat.

i wish i transitioned early so i could have been a cheerleader :(

That’s not what online nosexers are doing though, they just scream at people. I’m sure jesus didn’t approve of that behaviour (although he was a public nuisance and criminal himself, but for based reasons) but he didn’t just want to shame and condemn people. The key thing is he was understanding of human nature and wanted to help people be better rather than belittle them. And what do you know that approach actually worked

>tfw wanna look but can't

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this might be the most based post i've ever seen coming from a british flag

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poop comes from there

Burn and die heretic faggot nigger

Nothing to see here folks just a regular leaf

jesus was the first progressive hippie
if he was alive today he would try to protect trannies and shit

Based Brazilian.

caralho que rabeta boa, quem é essa?

cope more "christian"

Hes probably just a pr*testant


t. cucktholic
go lick some nigger feet faggot

>bro I’m a christian
>fuck you die die die for disagreeing with me
what would jesus say

Upvote this post if you are a proud Born Again Christian who has accepted Jesus into their heart as their own personal Savior.


low iq post

Chrissy best girl

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he'd say someone get this stinky macaco out of my face and into the trash bin

Hell yeah brother

lose weight and get shot
that you should burn in hell


holy shit neymar looks like that?

how can one get a gf like that