

>Mon 23 Sep
10.15pm Wales v Georgia, City of Toyota Stadium
>Tues 24 Sep
10.15pm Russia v Samoa, Kumagaya Rugby Stadium
>Wed 25 Sep
5.15pm Fiji v Uruguay, Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium
>Thu 26 Sep
7.45pm Italy v Canada, Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium
10.45pm England v USA, Kobe Misaki Stadium
>Sat 28 Sep
4.45pm Argentina v Tonga, Hanazono Rugby Stadium
7.15pm Japan v Ireland, Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa
9.45pm South Africa v Namibia, City of Toyota Stadium
>Sun 29 Sep
6.15pm Georgia v Uruguay, Kumagaya Rugby Stadium
8.45pm Australia v Wales, Tokyo Stadium
>Mon 30 Sep
11.15pm Scotland v Samoa, Kobe Misaki Stadium
>Wed 2 Oct
8.45pm France v USA, Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium
11.15pm New Zealand v Canada, Oita Stadium
>Thurs 3 Oct
6.15pm Georgia v Fiji, Hanazono Rugby Stadium
11.15pm Ireland v Russia, Kobe Misaki Stadium
>Fri 4 Oct
10.45pm South Africa v Italy, Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa
>Sat 5 Oct
6.15pm Australia v Uruguay, Oita Stadium
9pm England v Argentina, Tokyo Stadium
11.30pm Japan v Samoa, City of Toyota Stadium
>Sun 6 Oct
5.45pm New Zealand v Namibia, Tokyo Stadium
8.45pm France v Tonga, Kumamoto Stadium
>Tues 8 Oct
11.15pm South Africa v Canada, Kobe Misaki Stadium
>Wed 9 Oct
5.45pm Argentina v USA, Kumagaya Rugby Stadium
8.15pm Scotland v Russia, Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa
10.45pm Wales v Fiji, Oita Stadium
>Fri 11 Oct
11.15pm Australia v Georgia, Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa
>Sat 12 Oct
5.45pm New Zealand v Italy, City of Toyota Stadium
9.15pm England v France, International Stadium Yokohama
11.45pm Ireland v Samoa, Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium
>Sun 13 Oct
4.15pm Namibia v Canada, Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium
6.45pm USA v Tonga, Hanazono Rugby Stadium
9.15pm Wales v Uruguay, Kumamoto Stadium
11.45pm Japan v Scotland, International Stadium Yokohama

**all times in official RWCT*


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Other urls found in this thread:



Week 7
>Thu19 Sep

7:35 PM Canterbury v Manawatu Orangetheory Stadium

>Fri 20 Sep

7:35 PM Hawke’s Bay v Taranaki McLean Park, Napier

>Sat 21 Sep

2:35 PM Waikato v Tasman FMG Stadium Waikato, Hamilton

5:05 PM Southland v Counties Manukau Rugby Park, Invercargill

7:35 PM North Harbour v Otago North Harbour Stadium

>Sun 22 Sep

2:05 PM Auckland v Wellington Eden Park, Auckland

4:35 PM Northland v Bay of Plenty Semenoff Stadium


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Super excited for the Wales game. Been a fan of them since I got introduced to rugby in 2016. I think Georgia will be a good tuneup game for them before they go after Australia.


Oops that's a bit reddit-spacey

>v instead of x

For me, it's blue traffic lights

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The fuck they are

Mitre 10 is the reddit of rugby to be fair


Sudaca-Éire is a long established online alliance.

I doubt you've ever watched a M10 game.

It's fairly comfy in the mornings, I find.

go éire my cum

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Great, we have a new thread and its already aids infected

Hue you can make the match threads for the Brazil games.

basado e bom estilo, meu amigo e camarada

Talking on AIDS, a tribute for a musician killed for it

Nice beard AIDS-face

Wales are a dark horse, nobody has been even mentioning them

I'm the only guy I know in my team who likes Wales

Georgian forwards can atropelate gatlandball and win

Guys when is NZ xersus SA?
When is France xs Argies?

Does this intentionally not have the first games for any particular reason?

All the first few days were cancelled due to Godzilla sightings

*blows in*

Final cleanings at WC facilities

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enjoyed that show

fucking hell gareth thomas is on the bbc

that's how he got aids in the first place


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I think you should have gone for a "rim shot" imo

Let me guess, the interviewer is telling him he's so brave and is an inspiration to to everyone?

I swear to fuck, western media is one big social engineering psyop, glad i stopped paying for tv and no longer watch it, and i only just heard today that the fucker had it for 8 years!!!

That means he picked it up in his last year of playing rugby and knowing what gays are like he's more than likely lying and had it longer, if i were a player that was playing against him or on the same side id be off getting tested

The vile fuck should be getting charged with attempted murder not being congratulated on TV

Georgian style is good because it's unique and suits them, if they had just a couple of ball playing forwards and an elite center and an elite goalkicker and a good general play kicker, they'd make the semis.

*infects you*

Nothin personnel boyo

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Time to be a good sport

>Thu 26 Sep
If Canada and USA both somehow win things should be spicy on Yea Forums

Italy will win by more than England will

You going to post that shit in every /rug/ now?

>cazzies not knowing the monkeys autistic tics

No. Only a little vibe before until WC starts


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>home nations

Saving this one. First time I found a meme about my fave team

Ireland will win the rugby world cup

fuck off monkey support your own country

Why shall Aotearoa loss to uMzantsi Afrika this saturday?

It's burnt concrete

>After ITV’s 40 minute montage of Gareth Thomas’ career and on mic hilarious antics
>back to Gabby. “So Gareth, after that beautiful video can you tell the viewers and any children watching how you were diagnosed with HIV?”

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Fuck you nerd I would but Armenia doesn't have its own team

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you know why

C'mon now, thats Estonia' gig

Don't forget to keep youre superbru predictions in boys

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Irish status: still number #1

For me it's yer one in the middle

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He's probably a falseflagging actual bong. The true Welsh would welcome whatever supporters they can get.

Im glad we have multiple channels to watch it here, if they have to blatant stupidity to have him on the WC panel im switching channels

ummm yes they do?

>if they have to blatant stupidity to have him on the WC panel


They are.

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god i wish gabby logan was my bride

sensing a lot of homophobic energy in this thread a friendly reminder that rugby has always been a safe place for people of any sexual orientation

How possible is the qualified teams from group C be Argentina and US of A?


Not homophobiabic m8
Just don’t like aids

t. Sheepshagger


Wouldn't be any Rugby to watch if they all catch aids user

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AIDS containment thread is up

>mfw you can report racism outside of Yea Forums but not homophobia outside of Yea Forums
4channel has a long way to go

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Well, depends where you want it to go. Or you could, you know.

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Is his commentary on rugby that bad or are they just homo bashing?
Because if it's the latter I'll bring the ute and you bring your cricket bat

just homobashing he’s actually very charismatic and has a good understanding of the game the man was no joke as a player

Because of dew? That'll narrow the field in the evenings but the day games will be kino as teams will or won't adapt.

The sooner he gets full blown and dies from it the better, a lesson for the children.

My main gripe with the bloke, if one exists, is that I would question his motivations for coming out
All I'll say is his been in the spotlight far more since he came out than before
Like I'm sure there are loads of gay rugby pros, but what business of ours is their sexuality, why come out publically at all, just do your thing la, bit of decorum like

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This is an actual concern 2bh. Is rugby's blood bin methods sufficient to stop the spread of blood born diseases? You dont here much about any spreading so I would assume it's good enough for now

what's the practical difference between union and league?

I dont think anyone would be comfortable sitting down to watch a WC match with some degenerate hiv infected darling of the (((media)))

>good enough for now
Until super ebola kicks off

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Fucking Holy Based

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union has more emphasis on set piece eg scrums, rucks and lineouts
league also has a phase limit which limits how many times a team can get tackled to the ground before they have to give it to the opponent

scoring is also different

League has a set number of plays you can make with ball in your possension before you have to kick it back to the opposition, and the rucking is different, beyond that I don't really know

ah yes lessons in “morality” from a bunch of backward wife beating alcky terrorists

That's disappointing 2bh

TKB came out once he was dropped from the ABs
I'm sure it's not that uncommon. Though being out and still playing at professional level seems to be almost non existent
I agree it's not our business but how many openly gay lads have been bullied to not play and could have been the next GOAT? I'm sure more openly gay athletes (not just rugby players) could help bring that potential talent into the sports

And better players means better watching for the rest of us
HIV is perfectly livable atm, no longer a matter of how long until death. So he'll probably be round till the next world cup to add commentary to that as well

union has 15 on field players, league has 13.
union has no tackle count (downs), league has 6 tackle sets so they usually kick (punt) on the 5th tackle.
union has lineouts and contested scrums, league doesn't.
Aside from the aesthetics the major difference is in the kind of people (culturally and socio-economically) that generally follow and play the respective codes, and that depends on which country and sometimes region within various countries.

Hit a deer driving home tonight lads
bit grim ngl

no they don't

Sure it was a deer, I've seen enough cop shows to know what looks like a dear can turn out to be a former employee come mid way through the episode

tone it down mate

I understand that the representation is important, I'm just an idealist so I want to jump straight to the point where the guys can just do whatever the fuck they want with me ever having to know about, it just feels forced but maybe it has to be for now
Like if one of my favourite players, jack conan say, came out after world cup I would just be like..... "and", I just wouldn't get why, like who gives a fuck

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Scoop it up, put it on the roof, a few months supply of steak dinners

Which code is more bogan?

Absolutely league
Leaguies have been well doccumented as literal piss drinkers, and they all have a certain caveman vibe going on
As opposed to our well bred, gentlemenly bunch, pic related

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Report away, we're not a stasi state like the uk were a special police squad break down your door just because we said some mean things about blacks and fags

League definitely, bogans aren't allowed in union except as players if they've already represented Australia in league, and then they're considered mercenaries by actual union people.
That's in Australia, here in Ireland we have skangers and it's the same deal except league is very minor sport here and none of the current league players would be good enough to representative rugby here. Brian Carney would've possibly but he never left playing league.

konbanwa mina-san

He revealed it recently cause one of the English tabloids found out. So he either let the Sun tell everyone or announce it himself

so is this is what i have to look forward to with league lads?

Yeah I agree with you. And as cringe and sjw it is, that's our privilege speaking. we have never been on the sharp end of what a gay elite sports person would be. The regular joe blogs like us doesn't care at all as long as they do what they are paid for well, but the hateful people make sure the gays in this case know they are different and make them feel un welcomed. We are kind of in no mans land in a war of words.
I dont go around supporting gays or whatever group, especially IRL. But I do give a "that's no on" if someone says something cunty, but then i do that whenever someone is a cunt and it isnt specific to gays.

People should just stop being cunts.

Well in part, but the supporter sounds far too eloquent, and I didn't see any drinking piss so it's a ways off the standrad league affair

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Stasi is overrated. They hadn't the CCTV facilities who Scotland Yard and MI5 had and have to spy the crowd.

>we have never been on the sharp end of what a gay elite sports person would be

South Sydney vs Manly, NRL semi-final (actually a quarter final, don't annoy me).
10 bongs, 45 bings.
It might be on foxsports US, not sure.

Where's King Kong when you need him?

*34 bongs

Just went midnight here and it said tomorrow and check my flag lmao

What are the chances one of Australia or Wales lose to Fiji or Georgia?

Wales has a bad record with PI teams so it's possible, but Fiji isn't in best form right now and Wales is so I'm not betting on it.

Fiji can beat Australia in case of an extremely inspired day by pack of backs

Georgia can beat Cymru because of Gatlandball's nature

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Any hope for Tonga in this group?

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0.3% chance they make it out of the pools

Weather forecast is still saying terrible weather for Ireland v Scotland
Still unsure if it will be enough to shit can the game, but still a possibility japan can slip it past the posts.
Other than the group of death this is the next most interesting pool to watch, especially weather forecast wise
And hue 21% chance assuming all games are played, that goes up if that match is split

Took a very solid Welsh today

A draw would place japan in the box seat

They better fucking play that game. It’s ireland and Scotland, storm conditions are a given for both sides.

We were born in the Rain, the Scots merely adapted to it

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I don't understand why too many complainings on stormy conditions for matches. People from Northwest Europe is used to play under rainy conditions by almost whole NH season.

Japans being having hurricanes the last few weeks, If Murray puts up one of his box kicks the ball wont be coming back down

WC starting at end of summer serves to avoid the typhoons season

Typhoons are a different beast

Cant take an irish mans word for the weather he can handle. BOD got a cold in NZ after a match in a mild Wellington evening.

The term typhoon is the regional name in the northwest Pacific for a severe (or mature) tropical cyclone, whereas hurricane is the regional term in the northeast Pacific and northern Atlantic. Elsewhere this is called a tropical cyclone, severe tropical cyclone, or severe cyclonic storm.


So you're saying that if theres a severe cyclone or hurricane it's okay to play?

don't steal my ute gimmick please.

Summer is almost over. No relevant worries now.

Explain the hurricane / severe weather warning that may cancel the Ireland v Scotland game then

yes i mean its much stronger than normal british isles weather

Who had the bright idea to hold a World Cup in typhoon season in a region known for its natural disasters

Nah the hue said that all typhoons will stop as soon as they are told it's not hurricanes season now

>he hasnt played rugby mid-cyclone
absolute state. I even once attempted a drop goal in gale force winds. I missed it but I think that may be more due to me being a no.8 and not the wind

very sneaky of you Nippon, very sneaky indeed

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KEK I remember plenty of dirish flags calling me a cazzie when I said ARG would put 40 points on them. Good times.

they get underestimated by NHers every single time
cant believe most people are tipping france to get to the quarters over them

YIKES this didn't age well

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I enjoyed reading this post

Speaking from experience it seems

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Based El Flair Français

I just realised what today is.

On this day, 4 years ago NIPPON NAZI END THIS APARTHEID


They've won 8 games since the start of 2016. 8 out of 41 games, with half of those wins coming from teams they should obviously beat (Georgia, Japan, Italy x2). I won't discredit insane Argentine WC bullshit but it's hard to see the team from 2015 in this current selection.

*Loses to them again*
You would have to make it past the quarters for that to happen this world cup though

They are, over 3 games, 3 points worse than last world cup.
You would only lose by 20 points this time

>2015 was four years ago

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You both seem upset. Regardless, Argentina have had a pretty shit 4 years. If they make the quarters, their opponents will be either Wales (a team that heemed them in Argentina twice in a row) or Australia (a team that consistently beats them in the RC).

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Scotland got robbed

Pretty much what was leaked to the journos 24 hours ago. Now, we'll have to wait for how Ntamack and both centers are going to play defensively since it's the main worry.

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are you confident you'll beat argentina frenchbro?

Fiji gon get dabbed on

I'm in fact the same french guy who said in the past few weeks this game may end up in a draw since it can go either way and I still stand by that. I can see both sides winning that guy, that's how not very confident I am.

I won't risk too much by saying they should beat them. That game really feels like it's the most important in a very long while, since the '15 QF.

So true, the final should have been Argentina vs New Zealand.

Absolute reddit of a post.

>imaging a Russia x Namibia WC final

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I don't understand his t-shirt

>position you play
>position you wish you played/play


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ABs team to play SA this Saturday
1. Moody
2. Coles
3. Laulala
4. Whitelock
5. S. Barrett
6. Savea
7. Cane
8. Read
9. A. Smitg
10. Mo'unga
11. Bridge
12. Gritty
13. ALB
14. Reece
15. B. Barrett
16. Taylor
17. Tuungafasi
18. Tuipulotu
19. Frizell
20. Perenara
21. SBW
22. B. Smith

I'm surprised Hansen's persisting with the double playmaker formation at this stage. I had thought that this arrangement was done previously to cram game minutes into Mo'unga, and the ABs would revert to the traditional single playmaker model come crunch time.

Fuck off.

Last two digits is number of minutes before Coles gets a card.


ask me again tomorrow and I'll pick new numbers

hes been a bit moody lately

>poo unga
putting the house on south africa before the odds drop

>ABs team to play SA this Saturday
ABs that played SA in TRC
>1. Moody
>2. Coles
>3. Laulala
>4. Whitelock
>5. S. Barrett
>6. Savea
>7. Cane
>8. Read
>9. A. Smith
>10. Mo'unga
>11. Bridge
>12. Gritty
>13. ALB
>14. Reece
>15. B. Barrett
>16. Taylor
>17. Tuungafasi
>18. Ta'avao
>19. Tuipulotu
>20. Frizell
>21. TJ
A Smith
>22. SBW
>23. B. Smith

>Mounga at 10
We're fucked, pack it in boys

Second half they'll probably put Smith at 15 and Barrett at 10 but it'll be too late by then.

>loosies look stronger
>mid field looks stronger
>can't complain about the outside backs
>not mad about the props
>Smith gelled better with Richie but TJ seems to be more on form imo
>literally only back slide is in locking and that will only be an issue ~60 mins in
Not much to be mad about to tell the truth lads

Can't believe the AB's are going to lose to South Africa TWICE this world cup.

Selfish shitter Bridge will fuck it up and we'll be screaming for Rieko.

1. Moody
2. Taylor
3. Laulala
4. Whitelock
5. S. Barrett
6. Savea
7. Cane
8. Read
9. A. Smith
10. B. Barrett
11. Bridge
12. Crotty
13. ALB
14. Reece
15. B. Smith

16. Coles (shit line out throws lately and better impact player than taylor off the bench)
17. Tuungafasi
18. Franks (too valuable to give up completely imo, bench is ideal until he finds his form)
19. Tuipulotu
20. Frizell
21. Perenara (more impactful than smith off the bench and in open games while smith shines under pressure)
22. SBW
23. Jordie or Mo'unga

hope we get fucking throttled and this double play maker instead of competent fullback garbage dies a swift death

Bill M, if they haven't picked by the ceremony tomorrow, kick those bums from the bru. too many people.

one person who doesn't make picks is one person too many

Copy that

Attached: fuckingbums.png (440x598, 39K)

Well maybe not Blue, he's one of the lads

all the rest are cazzie shitters and arguably shouldnt be in the bru anyway, but I'll let it slide

give em until the jap game starts

2bh if I'd known the bru would go to 30, I wouldn't have joined. What's the point in competing against 20 people I don't know?

Stuff that noise, give them till ~1-2 hours before the opening ceremony so Bill isnt caught trying to sort that while enjoying whatever he may have planned. Means he can sort it before he leaves work and get paid to do it

Start another pool and invite the international crew and call it a day

Teppanyaki for me

Doubtful. England are excellent flat track bullies if nothing else.

These are the confirmed /rug/gers.
Unchecked should have to answer for themselves or be ejected.

Attached: rug.jpg (480x706, 194K)

rug meme reference has been around for the last few brus


I'm walking out of the office at 3:30 and going to the pub so they've got 24hrs ha.

All the ones this year from memory

rmr is one lad.

Based fucking Piesank returning after going missing for years though.

iamadooddood is me.

is coming soon

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>stupid fucking Mo'unga Barrett combo garbage again
This makes me nervous. A lot less confident. Was really hoping Hansen had been resting Smith and getting him fired up with the comments so he would then start in the world cup. Apparently that's not true though and Hansen is simply retarded.

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yeah missed him 2bh

OK so updated, rug meme reference in
Singapoo out

Attached: rug.jpg (480x706, 198K)

based BM™

Only participated to two 6N /rug/ brus (while the bru indicates only one, it's didn't count 2017 on my end - won last year's 6N under the x3.jpeg alias on a weird face-to-face tournament in a pool of 9 people) and a fantasy 6N in 2016 (which I also won). Removed the actual Novés avatar since the meme is dead and none of my shit I tried to upload got passed the verification.

In short, only participated on 3 of the last 4 years in the brus / fanatsy team stuff.

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Good enough.
tin duck in, Singapoo out

more like mitre based cup

Bit of footy on tonight lads.

Who's gonna yoink the shield off Pootago lads? Waikato or Canterbury?

why mean to singabased

I dunno it's kind of a hobby I guess.

hate your fucking name Singapoo, also get a pic you utter cazz

Just bbqing with the lads

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If Hansen is still holding back something that'd be strange since one would want to top that pool. If this combo is in fact going to become full kinetic and run riot - well we haven't seen any compelling evidence yet.

This is some intergalactic chess that I can't fathom

this is 'the strongest side' according to him

looks tasty

When was the last time Bender was on the bench?

I reckon he's blowin it

Hansen exposure levels higher than UV index 11.

Nothing like a Brad weber bbq

Just gave it a clean up for Sat m8

Yep, sounds like a tough one ahead. However, dunno what's the Argentine bench is worth outide of Julian Montoya who played during last RWC and Benjamin Urdapilleta who's the Castres kicker.

Picked Argies in a close one

And I was refering to pic related, that I forgot to upload.

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Canada finishing a cheeky third in their group desu

a very long time ago

maybe the last world cup in a pool match or something like that

>this is 'the strongest side' according to him

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Show us ur quarters lads


Attached: QFs.jpg (1479x581, 169K)

>not japan

>Oz heems Englel
>NZ heems Scotlel
>Argies heem Walels
>RSA heems Irelel
top lel

Attached: Reminder.jpg (1196x756, 437K)

You want NZ to be the ones to knock Japan out? WELL DO YOU?

japan making the quarters > scotland making the quarters

I bet you 1 beer that doesn't happen.

>implying they won't finish top of their pool

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hows this for a meme lads
>ireland tactically tank to face >us in the quarters because they're arrogant
>scotland get knocked out
>japan top their group
>japan vs RSA quarter final

Attached: HONORABLE DISPRAY.png (318x319, 33K)

I mean I like memes, but Japan are actually pretty shit.

i mean i want one to happen more than the other

Same, but it won't.


Do you count him being dropped from the team while fit?
He tended to be moved to a wing

What’s the rugby equivalent of "England beat New Zealand by scoring more boundaries"?

They will finish 3rd in their group most likely
If the rain does hit they could snake a 2nd

"NZ poaching players and getting refballed and cheating to 3 World Cups"

>you now remember Germany's hilariously shit edit

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this honestly sounds like a squidge rugby video title.

wtf happened there

number of tries

You guys remember that there was going to be a movie about Gareth Thomas starring Mickey Rourke? I wish that was still happening. With that actor doing that accent and with that material it would have been the greatest unintentional comedy of all time
>Alright, Bethan love? Turns out I've got HIV I have. It's a bit of a bloody nuisance to be honest

doesnt micky rourke look like his face is welded on now

If knockout game is past half time and is a draw is cancelled
>the team with the most tries so far in the game wins
If that's drawn
>the team with the most points from the pool stage wins
If that's tied
>the team with the better point difference wins
If that's tied
>team with the best tries for / against difference wins
If that's tied
>team with most points over all wins
If that's tied
>team with the highest world ranking wins

>is past half time and is a draw is cancelled
what exactly did you man by this

Not scoring a single try but winning by drop goals and penalties oh wait England already did that

bit sick of this Gareth Thomas bullshit 2bh

oh fuck I forgot the first weekend lol.
no one noticed either.

>starting Pocock against Fiji
cant wait to see him for a full 20 minutes this world cup

why do you even bother putting them there then

A game that is after the 40th minute and the scores at that particular interval in time are equal is cancelled


Attached: gorro.jpg (655x719, 76K)

Giinagay, my name is David Pocock

I'm a 27 year old Zimbabwe-Australian flanker (Rhodesian-Australian for you uncivilized racists). I jackal and infringe all rucks illegally and spend my days potshotting Welshmen on the ground.

I train with my bull Sione La'itise every day. This superior species can thrust into my girlfriend because it is larger over a thousand times than my inferior penis. I plan to marry my girlfriend once marriage equality has been legalized, as at this stage it is unfair and racist, and then Sione will be able to fuck my wife every day.

I speak Aboriginals fluently, both Kumbainggar and Warlpiri dialects, and I can unleash my boomerang fluently too. I know everything about aboriginal history and their oil consumption code, which I follow 100%

When I return to Zimbabwe, I am visiting Harare with my wife to attend a prestigious cuckolding gangbang to learn more about their magnificent BBC. I hope she gets impregnated by Tafadzwa or Muwirimi and carries a black baby.

I also fight against climate change, which I protest against around town. I want to get used to protesting it, so we can stop the earth's destruction before the human race (there's only one) goes extinct. I bow to my bulls and remain in chastity as often as I can, and rarely does it impact my performance in the test arena.

Wish me luck in the Rugby World Cup. I can't wait to go straight to Zimbabwe afterwards!

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because fuck you that's why

>field too long
Will go back to the Opening Weekend OP then proceed with mega-OP from Mon

>forgot to change the age

ah fooked it up

I seriously hope that this guy will live up to the hype around him. I'm reading everywhere that Kazuki Himeno should be the future GOAT as forthe n°8s and flankers, that would be simply amazing to see Japan have at least one world class player by the end of the RWC.

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1. Scott Sio (59 Tests)
2. Tolu Latu (15 Tests)
3. Allan Alaalatoa (33 Tests)
4. Izack Rodda (21 Tests)
5. Rory Arnold (22 Tests)
6. David Pocock (78 Tests)
7. Michael Hooper (c) (95 Tests)
8. Isi Naisarani (4 Tests)
9. Nic White (26 Tests)
10. Christian Lealiifano (22 Tests)
11. Marika Koroibete (24 Tests)
12. Samu Kerevi (vc) (29 Tests)
13. James O’Connor (48 Tests)
14. Reece Hodge (37 Tests)
15. Kurtley Beale (87 Tests)


16. Jordan Uelese (4 Tests)
17. James Slipper (91 Tests)
18. Sekope Kepu (106 Tests)
19. Adam Coleman (34 Tests)
20. Lukhan Salakaia-Loto (16 Tests)
21. Will Genia (105 Tests)
22. Matt To’omua (47 Tests)
23. Dane Haylett-Petty (33 Tests)

go fiji lol

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Howya, my name is Davis O’Driscoll. What's the craic?

I’m a 27 year old Chicago Rugger (Rugby fan for all ye uneducated muppets). I watch and discuss all things Rugby on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my knowledge and playing superior Six Nations rugby.

I train with my potato every day, this superior root vegetable can cut clean through the air because of the sound torpedo punt kick and spiral cut-out pass techniques, and is vastly superior to any other root vegetable on earth, especially kumara. I bought my first pair of Rugby "boots" two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Gypsy fluently, both the Ulster and the Munster dialects as well as Gaelic, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Ulster history and their British law, which I follow 100%.

When I get my Ireland visa, I am moving to Dublin to attend the prestigious Blackrock College to learn more about their magnificent culture and their illustrious rivalry with Belvedere College, who can feck off. I hope I can earn a spot on the school's First XV!

I own several caravans, which I live in around town. I want to get used to living in them before I move to Ireland, so I can fit in easier. I bow to me shams and speak Gypsy as often as I can, but rarely does any eejit manage to respond.

Wish me luck in the fookin Emerald Isle!

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>1 day away

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Ya think they'll beat Italy?

>pic related.
Jesus fuck, that Fiji side is fucking stacked. And this is most of their guys who started in the game they won against France last year starting. The bench looks different still.

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>runners-up 3 times
le OOF

based nonu in the order of merit

But where is world number 1 Ireland?

Fuck I wish I'd gone over.

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1995 and 2003 hurts even more than 1999 and 2011, would you believe that?

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this is what we call "doing a welsh"

>9 - 6 at half time
THIS is why NH teams are banned from the semis.

>Yet, they are surprisingly vulnerable against southern hemisphere sides, with abysmal records against New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
Why do people keep saying that Wales have a terrible record against SH teams? New Zealand I'll give but they have won every match against South Africa after the 2015 RWC and they also won their most recent match against Australia.

Imagine the dramatic slump in viewers if they had 6N QFs Jesus

because theyve lost 13 of the last 14 matches against the wallabies cazzie

>Why do people keep saying that Wales have a terrible record against SH teams?

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the best part of that game was Wales being unable to score when Australia was down to 13 men.

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Their world cup record is dismal
Congrats you won some literal don't matter games and didn't get a cup for it

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I'm well aware but doesn't recent record matter more?

Ruck sakes is me kiddo

Yes but pundits prefer to talk about games that happened years ago with entirely different squads

Here is England's run in to the last world cup.
They didn't make it out of pools.

The cup is a different ball game.

Attached: Chrome.jpg (971x1747, 789K)

>Shannon Frizzel
Never heard of her
>Bin Smith on the bench

Are NZ throwing this game so they can avoid Scotland in the quarters?

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>Shannon Frizzel
>Never heard of her
Hes decent but not first choice
>Bin Smith on the bench
He's old and actually past it, he doesn't offer anything but wisdom over our current out side back crop. His move to the wong was a pseudo retirement and he has had 1 good game vs a minnow in the past year.
>Are NZ throwing this game so they can avoid Scotland in the quarters?
The side across the board is stronger than the side that drew with you a month ago (minus Retallick)

I mean, ahhh fuck Shag has fucked it we are going to lose. Woe is us the best team in the world who cant even win a game.

get a pic you fucking cazz

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Miss me yet /rug/?

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Hansen may have Rassie's game plan figured out now but i just find it strange how NZ haven't really figured out what their first XV is by now. it keeps chopping and changing....I think Kolisi is the only change in the starting XV since they last met

I tried but it didn't pass "approval". I'll try another one if it pleases you

superbru is a south african company so give them a ring and tell them to sort their shit out.

unironically yes

How do I watch the RWC tomorrow?

Literally turn on the TV and look at it you munter

Which TV though?

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If you can't work out that the opening ceremony and first game is live on TV1, jesus.

fookin' 'eck

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Is it free to watch all games in NZ or is it like here where only rich people can watch it?

>Millions of South Africans face RWC blackout

Which TV do you recommend for watching the game tomorrow?

This looks like reddit shit, really.

nah they're just showing some games free-to-air an delayed by 1hr

the big one in your living room you spaz

Poors will still pay to watch it but yeah, plenty of people won't be able to catch most of the tournament

>10. Mo'unga


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dont they have internet???

it was only $60. Peanuts.

they're laughing at us lads

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Can't find it, where did you say you put it, again?

I don't see the point of this back-and-forth. Are you trying to be funny?

Yes but you'll still be paying for it unless you find an illegal stream (can't say how difficult this will be atm)

check out this illegal stream

*breaks into your house and pisses on you while you sleep*

Trying to figure out how to watch the rugby game tomorrow mate.

watch it on TV1 on the TV.

Damn, guess it was pretty easy as it turns out

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Cheers brother, have a good one.

forgot about these

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what's artGOD got left to do?

anyone with a half a brain can find a stream from twitter/reddit/facebook

I dunno, you're just shilling yourself.

what a stupid fucking post

Who do I pick in my world cup fantasy team bros? I already know how to tip with the best of them so I'm giving the other competition a crack.

Just Canada I think lad, he was pretty over it all.

Canada, Samoa

Attached: artlad.jpg (726x417, 70K)

literally just walk into any pub and watch it for free


Anyone watching manawapoo vs cunterbury? DOn't think I've ever cared less about a game of rugby.

HATE how the threads are turning over overnight

can i send you some BTC for the Scotland and RSA ones ?

Cheers OP

Once they're all done maybe put them into a zip on MEGA?

Allying with The Potato menace? Yikes

Behold! A man of high class and culture. Diolch butt

of course the bong is a fag hugger, get lost paki

Based post for an Ir*ish flag


If you think about it, Armenians are the Welsh of the Caucasus. Handsome Mountain folk

Need artlad to draw yemmGOD.

The hilarity is this is what exactly happens in Ireland too. It happens nearly everywhere in the West, you just don't read about it because you're blind and obsessed, /pol/tato.

Aight Boomer Joke dad

spotted a blowin lads.

some what now?

artlad will I'm sure

Just took and absolute WELSH of a FRESHIE lads fuuuck

Has Bitcoin not come out in NZ yet?

The set will actually be 21.

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Bender may be past his prime, but he's hardly as underperforming as you nose him out to be. I'm hoping he'll bring his optimal form for the play-offs like Carter did last RWC

I think the match is still too close to predict, but to my untrained eye, Hansen is placing a lot of stocks on this double playmaker system

Why would you give me bitcoins for someone else's work that is freely available anyway?

Lol how much were you gonna give him?

LADS. Is it me or is time slowing down? Feels like it's been ages.

Yeah how much were you gonna pay me saffa

Might be the chemtrails getting to you

>freely available
like tree fiddy

>check the score
>25 - 5 to Manawapoo

Manawatu is absolutely heeming Canterbury

right here you meataxe, now pay me BTC for putting up with your dumb posts

hottest porn vid rn lads?

Relegation time honestly.

Relegate Canterb*ry and So*thland

Josh Mckay is pretty scary lads.


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don't see how that was a try lads.

>*still kicks higher percentages than any NZ kicker*

manuwabased HEEMing the bru

For me it's Farrell 'adjusting' his 'tackle technique'.

>*Hansen forfeits a WC all because BB can’t kick sticks*


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> *rush defends and shuts down your attack*

Attached: Handre_Pollard2_.jpg (640x480, 50K)

>*Stares in Welsh*

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Losing the GSP in the first match of the round is always a classic stitch up.

> *catches the AIDS*

>the mistake and Manawatu wins

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the alternate timeline where otere black didn't break his leg and is the third choice 10

The alternate timeline where Soap dodmt go over seas and is our 2nd choice 10

And Cruden was probably still the second best 10 in the world when he left. Crazy stuff that we're left with Ioane.

reckon joey carbery is gay

Must be the same timeline Piutau played 70 games for the AB's.

my mate once fingered him outside an underage disco in carlow

reckon you're gay mate


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/pol/tato? Gay? Colour me shawked.

Bit gay m8

you'd know, poof

yeah I might be, so what?

Someone at work posted a bru pool on yammer for people to sign up to today, might go play in the kiddy pool. Don't actually know any of the people in it though,

Based Jonny.

Attached: england rugby jonny wilkinson.jpg (3043x2113, 1.63M)

Go in to mog them, m8. Name yourself /rug/ Runs This Shit.

Reckon that’s none of our business one way or the other

>tfw I introduced /rug/ to bru in 2015 with a pool of 9

HOWLING at the recent bru avatar change, you know who you are.

i remembered Irish suppoter drink up all liquor , beer in shinkansen in 2002
Enjoy WC Rugby

Based Nippon Banzai

Does anyone actually care about this weekends matches?

Thank you. You enjoy it too, mate.

Not really t b h. I'm here to shitpost depending on whomstve wins/loses.

I care in that there's sport being played over the weekend which is always a good thing, for me.

>based OP
>forgot the first set of matches
Shan't be applauding him. 3/10.



>please stand for our national anthem
>and again in Maori for those who don't speak English

friendly reminder that all rug threads were branded "/rwc/ formerly /rug/" during the 2015 cup.

Im a recent blow in from /fit/

>please stand for our national anthem
>and again in English for those boomers that cant adjust

Hey welcome to /lgbt/

>noble social justice warrior trying to save dead nigger culture colourized

Mate no1 gives a fuck about niggers not even zoomers

Attached: images (15).jpg (350x250, 10K)

Younger gen x and other younger generations dont care about that and laugh at the boomers and older gen x that cant follow along
It's not about saving the culture or anything like that, its about laughing at boomers like you who cant adjust or learn something new

How does not wanting to sing the shitty Maori anthem mean "you can't learn something new". I know the Maori anthem off by heart, it's just pointless singing two anthems and one in a language not even the Maori people can even speak.

>when singing an anthem is your idea of learning and being educated

English isn't even one of the two official languages of New Zealand, you disgusting honky boomer.

Missalice Island will take it this year.


M8 the WE is not real gold.

thought that was some kind of massage wand for ladies, reckon I needed more sleep or more coffee

Yeah I'm thinking Semi Radradra is literally elite

World in UNION

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el rugbado

sometimes your posts are too high IQ la

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You were doing so well until you put J*pan in the quarters

not him but I've got Japan in the semis

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enjoyed what you did with England there


>"The primary hold of the War Office on the [British] army was control of the purse strings -- not until 1895 did the army have even a voice in financial decisions affecting it -- and often enough economy replaced efficiency. Some of the cheeseparing was absurd. For example, prior to 1896 the night urinals in barracks were in total darkness after 'lights out'; to provide lights, said the accountant-general, would cost £3,000 for the initial outlay and £200 a year to maintain. One result, however, was that the army was extremely cost-conscious, as every recruit quickly learned. At the battle of Abu Klea in the Sudan, when Dervishes broke a British squad, a gunner broke a rammer over the head of a Dervish who was about to spear him. When called before one of his officers the next day, he was sure he knew the reason and hastened to apologize: 'Please, sir, I'm sorry I broke the rammer, but I never thought the nigger's head could be so hard. I'll pay for the rammer.'"

Attached: Quartas de Final.png (1310x404, 51K)

>vs not xs

Those Union Flags flying proud. Keep it up lads.

Alright Canada complete. Only one left. God I'm sleepy.

I'm planning to upload all 20 here once I'm done. Either as individual posts or a zip link. I'm doing it for the occasion so you don't have to pay me, but if you have money to spare just buy yourself or a mate an extra drink and down it for me this Saturday. I'm supporting the ABs, may the best team win

Attached: canada complete.png (2087x1766, 1.11M)

>picking teams that obviously aren't going to make the QFs to make the QFs to try and be unique

cringe and redditpilled. Except the hue, he probably believes it

you could make a lot of money if you made anime based porn based on the results of the games like that Mexican(?) did at the football world cup last year.

accept our money you talented shitter

watching him play gives me a bit more than a semi aha


will neck a brandy and coke for your work on Saturday. I just hope I'm in the thread whenever you upload them

concerning Ireland, it's New Zealand in the quarters or no escape

Henshaw does more for me

>/pol/tato and s**** are gay
colour me shocked

I know you were talking about phoning it in for Canada but that still looks great.

Update on the deer and my car lads. No sign of the animal,guessing it ain't hurt too bad and as for the car.
Minor damage to the driver door in the form of 2 small hoof shaped dents as well as a small tuft of hair protruding from headlight and some blood on the bonnet.

henshaw x ringrose

Attached: p56garry[1].jpg (620x461, 45K)

it almost certainly sprinted off and died somewhere

Das it mayne

>picking teams that obviously aren't going to make the QFs
All these cazzies picking england make me sick tttt

Unluggy uce, venison is fucking elite meat.

Group C is literally the hardest group to call. You cannot easily pick who finishes 1st let alone 2nd as well. Group A is obviously Ireland plus either Scotland or Japan. B is obviously South Africa and NZ walking it together. D is obviously Wales and Australia walking it together.

Brainlet, we all know Arg and Fra are going to be coming out on top

FRA are getting a free pass against ARG due to the level of minor injuries they've got, so the pressure goes back onto the ENG v FRA game. If FRA win that, they're cruising, and ENG get to shit themselves over a (now full strength) ARG side. If ENG win against FRA they play ARG to decide if they want to face WAL or AUS.

Yeah but you still can't say with certainty who finishes first out of France or Argentina.

I didn't say I was, for sure it's the hardest group, and any of the three will make the two. Interesting times ahead.

Right, sorry, the seppo replying to me got me in the wrong frame of mind. It'll be an interesting group for sure. A will be interesting I guess. I hope Japan makes it through simply due to hosting, personally. I'd also not mind Scotland getting through over Direland.

Suddenly Argentina and France are quality sides just because it's the world cup. France in particular are abject.

They’re both “on their day” sides, like Scotland. Most of the time they’re trash (still usually better than T2) but occasionally it all comes together and they destroy the opposition.

The key takeaway here is fuck seppos and fuck direland. I spent a lot of today in the office checking out 2015 /rwc/ threads and jesus wept, direland posting has not improved one iota.


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And look at them since. As pointed out earlier in this thread, Argentina haven't won much post-2015.

Argentina maybe, they have a higher ceiling than France. But talking uop France just because it's the world cup is hilarious. The reason they performed in previous world cups is because they were a much better side then. They haven't even got close to winning the 6N in nearly a decade

Yeah I don’t see either of them beating England unless something dramatic happens.

Feel free to research their record 2011-2015 as a reference point.

France are the only other side in the comp with the pack to actually match the physicality of England or South Africa.

Direland is largely completely shite on Yea Forums. It's either /pol/ shit or poorly researched knowledge on top of general bandwagoning.

>All of these absolute ding dongs with Union Hacks
Cant wait for Englel to fall out in the pool

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If Scotland beat us I'll not be too upset, they'll earn it

Calm down Tyrone.


15. Maxime Medard
14. Damian Penaud
13. Gael Fickou
12. Virimi Vakatawa
11. Yoann Huget
10. Romain Ntamack
9. Antoine Dupont

8. Gregory Alldritt
7. Charles Ollivon
6. Wenceslas Lauret
5. Sebastien Vahaamahina
4. Arthur Iturria
3. Rabah Slimani
2. Guilhem Guirado (captain)
1. Jefferson Poirot.


16. Camille Chat
17. Cyril Baille
18. Demba Bamba
19. Bernard Le Roux
20. Louis Picamoles
21. Maxime Machenaud
22. Camille Lopez
23. Thomas Ramos.


15. Emiliano Boffelli
14. Matias Moroni
13. Matias Orlando
12. Jeronimo de la Fuente
11. Ramiro Moyano
10. Nicolas Sanchez
9. Tomas Cubelli

8. Javier Ortega Desio
7. Marcos Kremer
6. Pablo Matera (captain)
5. Tomas Lavanini
4. Guido Petti
3. Juan Figallo
2. Agustin Creevy
1. Nahuel Tetaz Chaparro.


16. Julian Montoya
17. Mayco Vivas
18. Santiago Medrano
19. Matias Alemanno
20. Tomas Lezana
21. Felipe Ezcurra
22. Benjamin Urdapilleta
23. Santiago Carreras.

Argentina by 13

>World Cup in a day
>dead thread
Might as well move to Yea Forums.

Looking forward to both those back-3 combinations squaring up against each other. Could be an exciting, high-scoring game.

>in a day

Chill the fuck out then Gareth, plenty to come.

>yfw soon
>yfw you won't get it in the name of God, King and St George

Madness Imoff isn't there.

Anyone watching Celtic?

How possible is to have Georgia and Fiji as qualified teams for next phase?

Attached: Grupo D 2019.jpg (660x330, 37K)

honestly hoping to get it with a "based sebbo"

>an a course Celtic

I can't see Australia losing to either so it will come down to whether Howley's departure has any serious impact on Wales.

>it will come down to whether Howley's departure has any serious impact on Wales

It will make them better, i reckon this betting crap is a cover, a lot of players hate the guy

given that georgia just got btfo by scotland home and away it's hard to see them upsetting wales and australia

Well it can't make us any worse. Our attack is probably the worst of any tier 1 nation.
As for Howley, he's a shit coach, there's no way around it. He was responsible for our longest losing streak ever, when Gatland was with the lions, including a home loss to Samoa. He favours players, Lee Byrne wrote about how he gave Halfpenny special preference constantly.

where's huebro to make new bread before the kiwis wake up?

reckon the Halfpenny family realise they're getting constantly mogged by the Penney family

The chad fijian

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fuck off ape

nice, I'm after having a quarter pounder, potato scallop, 3 onion rings and a half portion of chips. Drinking a heineken now

>not /rwc/

Onion rings aren't popular as snacks here by themselves. Normaly onions are used as role player in other snacks.

It's going to be /rwc/ formerly /rug/ once the tournament actually starts

/cyc/ is /cyc/ during Tour de France

Yeah, my onion rings are usually rogue dark elves. I like them with a burger or a steak

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Someone make a real thread.

no, and stop it with the bullying

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NH fucking sucks

Don’t see any bikes here mate
