/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Vasseur'd Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:
Aldo Küste left wir, vithout his technical wissen ve vill kampf in ze zukunft

Masi: "We will now fix the red flag delay situation"
Third DRS added at Singapore
Wurz: "FIA should work on the runoff situation"

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Other urls found in this thread:


got some moretti finally yo

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Threadly reminder to
>Stop Being Poor

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Good morning, you fucking idiots.

Imagine getting pegged to this

And when she says she is about to cum she pulls it out, pushes the plunger and instead a prank bang comes out of the end.

She then slams you in the face with a custard pie.

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>how to kill a meme

3rd for the toyota kaboooooom

I have a feeling that by new engine regs come a rule will be introduced that only electric engine can be used in the pits

oi m8 I've got a phone with a glass screen. I'm rich ya know.

Well Simon, you had your chance to get with Olivia's sister and you missed it

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Who is Olivia and why did I have a chance?

>Simon's fantasy

>Who is Olivia

Damn, I didn't think the tackling in the Euro's was hard enough to get a concussion.

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>check Empornium for torrents
Oh for fuck's sake

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O yea I had a concussion. I never paid much interest in the Ticktum affairs though.

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reminder that ricciardo is unexposable

Imagine waiting for the get to spam your gimmick.

And failing.

You missed some fun with Olivia sperging on multiple websites and Australia getting so far into her mind that he may as well open a luxury hotel.

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lads i really appreciate the effort, i really do

but its just not enough, im gonna be honest its getting harder to deal with the pain of general inadequacy and isolation of mind with the continuation of my alcoholism and constant withdrawal symptoms while im trying to do well in my university degree course that I'm not completely suited to in personal skills but take because it will help me in life.

while it would most likely help me to find a girl i can hold and be happy with, now i simply want to gain personal happiness through success through the sheer force of will in my own glorious endeavours. i can only hope a kind user or two will aid me in this journey i shall take through the entirety of life itself to deliver me from the evil of my own mortal soul and place me into the palm of a god of our own creation so that we can create our own lives and our own glories like our ancestors once did before us.

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O damn she got mad. Kind of nice she sticks up for her man that hard though I guess.

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have sex
t. sex haver

>reach OUR dream
>dans having been able to drive an f1 car
if you're over 18, not excessively tall or fat, anyone can find some odd track with a few random 90s F1 cars to drive. Does Olivia want to bang all those people?

reminder dickbum brought his playstation on a romantic getaway with livvy (that she paid for)

oh no im drunk again and hungry

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>>reach OUR dream
It's fucking funny how she has repeatedly called people "losers who have never achieved anything" etc during her sperg outs, while meanwhile she has accomplished literally nothing in life other than sucking the right dick.

*her rich family

Does stroll have autism? Which f1 drivers have autism?

They all have autism to some degree

you now remember the greatest corner of all time

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>mfw Liv removed all her bikini bottoms from Depop after repeated claims of knicker selling

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>actually replying
>actually replying with your official account
>actually having your girlfriend fight for you on instagram

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It's very funny when it backfires though.

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Both Force India left the track, era penal

I unironically just opened the new thread, immediately made my shitpost then left
Then get wouldve been nice I guess but it wasnt intentional
and a good 3am to you yoo, seth
doesnt look like pouhon or blanchimont to me

swing and a miss

Someone please get the 5s for Seb, he needs them


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he back

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>it's gonna be another /f1/ gets everything but the get episode

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I fucking hate, that if a track has a corner which is slow speed, so totally safe to crash there, but the layout somehow exposes shitters and they get neutered over time because the crying avout it from the lowly shitters and the brainlet fans.
They removed Singapore sling, they neutered montreal's exposer turns, and so on

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nah we own this board

sorry :(
/heem/ owns /f1/

Baha owns licking bums

/heem/ hardly owns a place on Yea Forums
Man drama should go to the man drama board

Love to German Hookers

what a faggot

how do you find a woman who genuinely cares for you


Dont try to get in their pants and just be friends with them

They don't exist.

Date me instead.

find a sweet girl who is a level below you looks wise (unless you are a

Get time soon boys

im a 8 or 9/10 I have been told


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'ate hamilton, love seb and anime simple as

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Digits for Seb. Also Hanna's bum

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hey at least i got a 5 right h-haha

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/f1/ wins


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ah fuck

i fucking hate germans



/f1/ with the clutch again

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god you are such a faggot i honestly hate germans

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>Come back for a couple of days
>get a get for /f1/
>get a get for sophia

Get fucked Carrie cunts

>That fucking tight spread

>The state of the rest of Yea Forums

im 30% german so im ok with this


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Wow, I love this

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this is why /hoc/ should be the only place allowed gets. What a fucking waste

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Seethe harder

W series BTFO

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what a shit get

How more /OurGirl/ could she possibly get?

Cringe and thotpilled

dubs and stroll wins singapore


>Sophia causing other generals to seethe
BASED Sophia

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Queen of Yea Forums


her macau gp death was sealed with this get if she decides to enter

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Just remembered Sophia is actually racing this weekend.

We got Carrie (3rd) and Patricija (2nd) last weekend. Time to finish off the German Trifecta of podiums with a win.

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only dubs jeez

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5555555 GET

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>"I wasn't really afraid because, for me, it was a normal crash," Floersch said. "When I saw the video, I was quite shocked as well, because it looks horrible and, all the flying parts

>I have one big crash now and nothing really bad happened. So it doesn't scare me, no.

This is the kind of responsible pro mindset that you want to be next to on the track

>"I wasn't really afraid because, for me, it was normal sex," Floersch said. "When I saw the video, I was quite shocked as well, because it looks horrible and, all the flying cum

>I have one big fuck now and nothing really bad happened. So it doesn't scare me, no.

This is the kind of responsible pro mindset that you want to be next to in bed

>When you no longer go for a gap, you are no longer a racing driver.
t. the F1 GOAT

Shit get but at least it's /f1/'s get


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I approve of this.


>Imagine waking up with a lot of congratulations messages because of a get in honor you.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihren Ziffern

Toto is out of control.
Someone needs to stop this man.

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Hamilton confirmed on pole by .750s quicker than Leclerc, Bottas to be 10th, Vettel gets stuck in Q2 starts 13th

There's no doubt Vettel is gonna win this!
Reverse 2017 season incoming!!

gimi podium 2020

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is it even likely at this point that Vettel is allowed to waste space at Ferrari and be a danger to other drivers AGAIN next year?

surely him being allowed to race in F1 in 2020 is less than 50% chances by now


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Infant imagine being this delusional

>waste space at Ferrari
>a danger to other drivers
Are you mistaking him for Leclerc?

t. vettee


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>implying the ferraris are that far up the grid


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listen to Toto

that was so bad that im still in denial

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hover wheels WHEN

Max's fault lah

Imagine leaving one of the top 3 for a pay increase, I'd give my left nut to drive professionally, and if I were at that caliber, I'd want to win not French DNF all the time


Senna most definitely.

At the time, RBRs own installation issues with the engines had cost more DNFs than anyone else on the grid.

I hope so, it would make me happy

*clears throat*

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fucking wasted get

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Every phone has a glass screen you fucking idiot

Nice. Shame these watches cost as much as a house.

How much?

hey i saw that post today lets follow eachother :))

you guys ever got this in gt?

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I wish I was as good looking as Kimi

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I wish I was as good looking as Heikki

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Apparently $1,063,000


I knew Richard Milles were expensive (they're usually six figures, like $100,000 - $200,000 or more). $1 million is a fucking lot though. Consider that a Hublot (favoured by Bernie and many footballers) only costs around £5k - £40k usually. And Rolexes can be had for like £5k or less.

This copy was definitely written by him. Totally. No way it was written by a PR person.

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Me and Richard Mille
All that waffle

>Rolex for £5k
That's if you can find the rolex you want new. Second hand they jump up a good 50% or more depending on the model and wait lists are several years long.

Fuck that, not even if I had the money

Eternal reminder /f1/ owns Yea Forums.
The one and only RELENTLESS general.

Ok you got me to stop in the middle of the street those are some fucking digits this would prabably be the biggest achievement of my life

>Every phone has a glass screen
Where's the glass screen on this one?

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as the soon to be father of a bastard half german child, all i can say is, BASED

>when you no longer go for a gap between her legs, you are no longer a racing driver
>t. Stirling Moss

>bastard half German child

There is still time for a last minute, shotgun wedding.

It's the proper catholic thing to do...

Just imagine the fucking state of an /f1/ stag do...

just IMAGINE the fucking STATE of your f1 2000 championship

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Just got back from a month in the mines lads. Got the last months F3, F2 and F1 races ready to go.

Any races in F2/3 I can skip. Ain’t got time for that.

Skip Belgium F2. Nowt happened

>Just got back from a month in the mines



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Bad news, someone's knocked up your favourite German prostitute


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The most BASED get on these god forsaken threads.

Is there food on the table tonight?

That puffyness fuels my life.

Like I just want to play with it, flick it side to side while going BOING.

>all the other god forsaken generals and.Yea Forums in general seething at Sophia

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I ate dinner, rub one out, take a long hot shower, come back and all you have done is Sophia post? Fucking weak /f1/.

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Cap some of the good Seth's lad

well endowed post my friend

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Vettel needs to be taken out of the car for the safety of other drivers......hes not good enough to safely compete in racecars anymore

Why bother watching the singabore geepee? It'll be HWL.

There's always the chance for "OH NO NO NOOOOOO"

Or a infinitesmally small chance that Buttass grows balls, attacks Hamilton and crashes them both out because he's shit

Max might cause another start crash and take out Lewlew this time.

V8 Supermemes can't handle the banter :D

Nah. He's just not the same max anymore. Crashstappen is dead

Waters too:

>t. CAMS

>when you have to figure out new ways to fuck your Bathurst campaign year on year

Whincup is nothing if not creative, even if it did stem from resurrecting a classic Bathurst fuckup.

>/f1/ meming Kill Bill into reality

Verstappen literally crashed both of the last two races

what is the worst late race driver error by a potential race winner in F1 history?

has anybody ever just straight ran off on the last lap while leading by purely making a driving mistake?

Vettel in Montreal 2011

Mana as Gogo Yubari pls. More than willing to play as the drunken business man.

of course its yet again Vettel making a massive driver error.....something really needs to be done about the danger that guy puts other drivers in

series ban?

>muh iconiscalsim
>muh heritage

There is no room in sport for corners like this that consistently KILL people for the bloodylust satisfaction of others. PARABOLICA IS ON THE LIST TOO. You are all jsut lucky that PERONI SURVIVED.


If SPA and MONZA don't want to change, then THE CALENDAR CAN.

Mansell Canada 1991
>Nigel let the revs drop too low while waving to the crowd, which killed the hydraulics that powered the gearbox

You got baited, you dumbcunt.

Hamilton China 2007


The scene writes itself.

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tyres were dead, 100% McLaren's fault

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Lolling out loud at all the buttmad boomers in speedcafe comments :D

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carrie, sophia and patricija enduro team when?

Rate this man

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Montoya in Australia 2003, was in the lead 10 laps from the end and spun on its own.


Could have happened at Tesseside24h in a proper /f1/ entry

>/f1/ will never have a rich oil sheikh patron who sponsors memeteams like sophia x keita x carrie enduro team for Funburgring or Spa 24h

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$150m up for grabs in lotto tonight. It's gonna be me


inb4 toto finds this general and makes HWA Racelabs a memeteam that sponsors and gives seats to whoever /f1/ happens to take interest in



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Great post

Would this make Toto the good guy?

I'd rate him higher but still parodise his unterhunding

No, tseg these


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Is Kubica's F1 return really just a plot by toothpastes to make themselves look like better posters?



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Why does this man make a polish faggot mad?

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Weichai... power



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>scrambles for a STR seat
Where else can he go?

BASED good guy Romain BTFOing the haters

Afla with Gimi I guess.

WEC, Formula mEme or maybe DTM if nothing else works out


dude got owned hard, blown out bro

honestly there is some meme drivers that shouldnt be taking up spaces on the grid of the finest racing cars on the planet



based polish journos were right. also, haas are simply insane keeping these 2 morons, they won't achieve anything with them

Maybe he'll find a nice chinese girl to comfort him tonight

so who is the gilf enthusiast at haas? is it gene or gunther?

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It's just for safety


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>insulting Gio the Nazi

Also lmao @ polish retards spammign haas/alfa facebook page to announce kubica
They dont know a single shit. There was no polish journos in f1 after Kubica crippling. Now they dont know or understand a single shit. Im still better watching f1tv than polish broadcats where commentator makes a mistake every 3rd sentence. Ofc they're gone too after kubica leaves after this season

and finally
>GROSSman still in Haas
For what purpose, he even fails at leaving pits

How will the HIDF ever recover from this?

She looks good for a 55-year-old.

I'm convinced Grosjean has some sort of dirt on Gene or Günter

>Fate shit
Good thing that Hamilton will win the current and next season then

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>be Gunther Steiner
>hear that /f1/ got 5555555
>refuse to be outmemed
>announce Grosjean

>They dont know a single shit
show me then any other hack who said it would be fat john and it would be confirmed today

He has a contract for 2020
Ferrari didn't even announce that they took their option on Leclerc (but they will)


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>He thinks Ferrari can't buy Vettel out of his seat by paying the fine for ending contract early
based retard

Tough luck nigga, there is still Formula mEme

>tweets from 18.09
Those retard were shilling Kubica in Haas for like month or more. They changed their mind when they got literaly TOLD yesterday and TOLD week ago by Gunter saying that he only considers Hulk and Fat john as 2nd driver

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2017 was Vetlel and Raikkonen's fault but okay

>paying 10s of millions to lose a WDC
Actually that's something Ferrari would do

>unironically blaming gimi for 2017 singabore
based retard


Someone post the image, I don't have it saved

Vettel in Montreal 2019

>be Nissan
>hire a tiny girl to make your toy SUV look like a big proper SUV
Clever bastards

they did this by dabbing on KIMI just to take boomer ass Alonso LMAO

more like Alonslow

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No room for him there, it will be GIO or Kvyat

You can add Retardo and Yikesannonen to your little list there matie.

Solid hypothesis


Their only option would be Ricciardo (he has a clause in his contract to facilitate being called by merc/ferrari iirc) or an high risk gamble with Hülkenberg then
Everyone else is taken or not even remotely good enough in their eyes

More like "stubs." Also, a Juke? Confirmed for shit taste.

god she has such magnificent legs
what a woman

I only see both ferrari squeezing him desu ne

so haas were were in conversation (less or more serious) with several drivers, but then they narrowed their choice to 2 drivers and finally chose rogro, ok. still, only sokół&gutowski said it is done yesterday, so why are you sperging about it?

i only follow gutowski (don't take him very seriously, though) and he was always cautious about haas-cube thing

Digits confirmed she's an ugly dwarf.

carrie confirmed for a beautiful young woman

solve status: peace at last

Reminder that both Haas and foreskindia drivers have podium finishes while mclel and reno do not

Did your mum ever tell you not to look in gift horse's mouth?

>Did your mum ever tell you not to look in gift horse's mouth?

It would have been more helpful, I suspect, if she'd told him instead never to finish in a German whore's box.

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But what if his mum was a German prostitute back in the day and he is following in his father's footsteps?

What information does Fat John have on Gene Haas that forces him to keep employing him?


>tfw balding

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aerodynamically efficient

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half way there boys.

>both drivers

I feel bad for Gio if and when he loses his seat for Hulk.

Ferrari has no business to do with Hulk, I'd say that he should be fearing Kvyat more

Situation not looking good for the HIDF

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Who is this Goddess?

From the current grid Grosjean probably looks the least as a person who drives in F1 lel
The cooking stuff he does suits his face and body language more desu

Another Tax fraud

A white trash german

Carrie Schreiner, a race driver for HCB-Rutronik Racing Audi #8

Haas machines are secretly built in Vietnam, Romain found out and threatens to leak this to the IRS.

Are these shots of Carrie with the juke are official promotional thing and she is sponsored by Nissan now, or she just got a new car?
If the first, where does nissan officially racing with a manufacturer team or as an engine supplier?
Besides SuperGT of course

Imagine Carrie in the joint SuperGT DTM series with a Nissan GTR

insta posts sponsored by nissan

yo this looks cool

yet you wanted one with a plastic screen, you fucking retarded idiot.

He's obviously replacing Vettel at Ferrari you pillock, or Haas would have picked him up. It's obvious - Alfa or Haas wouldn't be able to say anything because of their Ferrari links; if it wasn't to the Scuderia then Haas would have made a comment.

Why can't anything be good anymore.

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i am not sure if youre pretending to me a retarded monkey, but they have a prototype entry in the WEC

New Enforcer and The Dude is out

and apparently forumla e

Imagine all the Anime Carries this would spawn

you guys think that if i show a girl kimi memes shell like me

Just spam her W I D E Kimi memes

Based boomers


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>kubica and orlen see no progress for the williams team for 2020 and despite having a 1+1 contract, like Sirotkin last year, they will not renew the contract for 2020 as Williams are in survival mode. Kubica and Orlen will continue in F1 in some capacity (reserve driver) for 2020, but not with Williams
t. Polish journo

lil chub who art in thou heaven forgive me please for I have sinned because I couldn't get your murderer, that fucking cunt grosjean sacked, amen

please come back

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>Roland's shirt
Holy fucking bants
How will Ryan ever recover?

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Okay, next rokit phones leaves, williams dies and leafifi father buys the team for one pound

>Calsonic Carrie!
I like the sound of that

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>inb4 Kubica uses the option and Willy is forced to sack Russell




never forget lil chub

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FIAMG would backflip and allow 3 car teams in that instance.

Why didn’t you guys tell me? RIP Uber

>Got offered permanent contract after being on job 3 days

If you use the London Underground, Paris Metro, Delhi Metro or the Seoul Metro be very afraid

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>did you hear about the blind prozzie?
>well, you've got to hand it to her

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>how is fucking a prozzie like bungee jumping?
>you're dead if the rubber breaks

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DO NOT less the prozzie aussie see this.

>what do you do when your cat's dead?
>play with your neighbor's pussy instead

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relentless intermission

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Based zoomers


>theres a secret line that connects all those cities

Everyone does, I don't know why they bother putting it in the game

>You like Crofty's commentary? Haha user, you're so dumb!

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fucking THOT

Like you can talk you literally stupid skank, go sperg about >her emails some more.

That woman loves face slaps and degradation.

A very truthful atatement
Too bad she scrubbed the internet of this photoshoot

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>that bikini
we are getting close to wicked,weasel territory

Like you can talk you literally stupid sperg, go sperg about >muh retardo haha geddit it's ricciardo but he's a retard hahaha some more

PS: bullying is not okay to use as an excuse as an adult.

>tfw you trigger someone without even trying

>they are still going

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>tfw it dawns on you that re-signing grosjean was a mistake

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Is he the most powerful man in Formula 1?

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Seriously though has any F1 driver in history stolen a living for this long without being a certified pay driver?

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Ah yea of course!

He won races and constructors champs at least

>less than 24 bongs to FP1

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Hanna is definitely more a “Murray’s commentary on Formula 1 97” kind of girl, I can tell

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don't stare at me like that Hanna

I hope the thunderstorm materialises for friday testing so it fucks the tyredata

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>it's not me, it's you

Release him

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>tfw you remember that Hulk is apparently quite a big twat in person

Wanted him out of a seat for years

She's getting an Abortion?

it's a hyperloop tunnel financed and built by the pedo cabal.


I hope that mining lad has caught up with all the /f1/ pregnancy gossip.

And he is a friend of Epstein if you catch my drift
hulk hugs little girl dot webm

yeah hollow earth is real

Um sweetie where else do you think the shapeshifting lizard people would live?

Aont no hollow earth because ain't no globe earth dont fall for the cloud peoples lies


I already gave you advice a few days ago that should have been enough if you followed through

kinda wish i didn' happen because now I have an unsatisfiable fetish to breed

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He's unironically team boss material
I can see Renault ran by fucking Big John of all people

What does he say when his driver crashes all the time though?

Just imagine how the female drivers feel when they race on their period
Imagine the gush of blood pouring out of their pussies everytime they brake thanks to the G forces

Hanna absolutely has had to abort a one night stand baby.



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>Isaakyan fills in for Korea

Hollow earth gp for 2021?

Will it be his fucking time in Singapore?

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This guy


If Verustapperu-san takes out Mercs and Arubon-san takes out Ferraris then maybe

Sweet and somewhat ironic given the conditions

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it was his time in monza that's enough

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Does HugeBear have a replacement yet?

This enforcer & the chode episode with Story and Dane is fucking elite lads ngl.

Nice shitter m8

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lads im thinking of appropriating alexis BOSS posting into my rtriu gimmick

>tfw no African GP
imagine the bastards THAT would spawn

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>a fucking churka


Are those enormous hands or is she smol?

Hamilton would become so Obnoxious if there was a GP in sub Saharian Africa

>S5000 racing at Bathurst


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I'm thinking KYS.


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fucking kek


>best fans in the world

more like ASS lmao

His Instafeed would become even more unbearable. Constant #Blackexcellence

Fucking hilarious shade thrown on the Nissan by Paul Morris
>The top 10 looked good to me, you've got Mustang, Mustang, Holden, Mustang, Holden, and Heimy in the Nissan there somewhere

Actually a backhanded compliment to the kid though, fucking hell he's a wasted talent at Nisshit.


A real shame he didn’t get to stay with Ford - what happened with Super Black Racing was a great shame in general, really.

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>He also quoted an article that likened the sound of current F1 cars to “a vacuum humping a goat.”

the fuck is a high speed test

oh shit lmao


>Wearing Ant Pedersen's overalls
The team owner of Super Black is a massive fuckwit, and is not to be trusted by anyone, ever. It was pretty fucking bizarre for the young talent to get several top 10's in his debut season, and then get chucked out of the car before the season ended by the guy replacing him in the car next year.

I've no beef with Chris Pither who drove in 2016, I mean he scored a pole position in what was his first full time season, but which of the two are currently racing full time?

Andre absolutely crushed it in the enduros when he got called up to BJR when Ash Walsh fucked himself up, you really have to wonder how much coin Stanashit was bringing to table for Tickford to sign him over Heimgartner, but listening to the current Enforcer and The Dude podcast, it's pretty clear that everyone in the room considers Tim Edwards to be a massive fuckwit, so there's also that.

>Robert Kubica announces he will leave Williams at the end of the season. Hasn't worked out this year but still an incredible story that he made it back to race #F1
>Jacques seen laughing in paddock

Kubegod OUT

good riddance
retard shouldve never returned, at least that way he couldve saved himself from getting exposed this badly

Nyck to Williams

I haven't Poland get this BTFO since 1939

So basically russlel and latifi next year at willy?

he scored a point at least. By hook or by crook, Russell BTFO.

Have a guess who is gonna be Sophia's teammate this weekend...

That's right. It. Is. DICKBUM


>The Englishman, a few weeks after leaving the Junior Red Bull program due to inappropriate behavior (according to paddock rumors, physically attacked his engineer in the Japanese Mugen Super Formula team last June in Sugo, which immediately eliminated him from the projects of Helmut Marko who had also allowed him to try the Red Bull F1)

Fuck you Dan, you super mega cunt.

>outscores his teammate
i'm thinking he's based

Sophia wins lol

That GP2 Leaf gets the Seat. Lafaggot or whatever his name is, the one that did some FP1 for them

>"decided to leave"
You can't push me!

That Smug Schuhmacher meme needs to include Sophia then

Odds on Sirotkin returning to williams?

>2018: rumoured STR driver for 2019
>2019: literally Florsch tier career
The >fucking state of his career is pretty amusing.

>super mega cunt
kek you sure showed him.
Based KubGOD getting to phrase his exit as he pleases.



I have also decided that I am not going to drive for Williams in 2020.
>this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact I'm not good enough for F1 and don't belong in the car

So brave. Congrats on being a dad though

Neither does Latifi but there you go.


>Dan is gonna get beaten by David Schumacher

My fucking sides

Please fuck this up as well Dan, it's just too entertaining

>Going down 2 steps on the Carrer ladder because you are a massive Cunt


When you thought the fun was over he comes back.

What will happen if Sophia beats him?

>physically attacked his engineer
yeah, "super mega cunt" is correct.

Fucking hell, Ted Kravitz Youtube video upload out of nowhere


He'll punch a hole in his bedroom wall

This is even more autistic than the notebook.
I know that doesn't sound possible.

BASED Lew Lew.

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ez like Poland in 1939

You guys might need this this weekend

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holy autism


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jesus fucking christ

you now remember hulk would have been a multiple gp winning MWL driver by now if he hadn't signed for lenault a few weeks/days before rosberg retired.

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/f1/ OWNS Yea Forums

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God I hope we get Olivia defending this behaviour.

200% BASED

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Top Kino would be Olivia talking shit about Sophia

>F1 FIA diffuser regulations

Subaru: Fuck the police comin' straight from the underground A young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown

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Imagine being the first choice for the best seat on the grid but you signed your career away to some brainlet baguette team which subsequently drops you two years later. JUSTenberg'd

and then Sophia fights her

>bigjohn and son of magnus have a drive for 2020
>hulkamania doesn't

>waits for options
>shuns Haas
>only option left is Williams
Lache alle Lacher.

Unlucky in gambling, lucky in love, right?

oh, now I remember the Austrian commentator to repeated say on TV that he doesn't expect bigjohn to be in f1 in 2020, and wurz sort of kinda through the grapevine agreeing
they're gonna eat their words tomorrow during p2-broadcast lel, can't wait.

>according to paddock rumors, physically attacked his engineer in the Japanese Mugen Super Formula team last June in Sugo
it was obvious that something like that happened.

>Physically attacking engineers
No wonder Marko fired the fucker ASAP
Being on good terms with engineers is unwritten rule in motorsport, this is the reason why Grosjean is still able to get F1 seats even though he's an overbraking shitter

>14th october renault confirms hulk
>2nd december rosberg announces retirement
not really

De Vries joined Mercedes in FE

Zero, he left because the Williams was to shit for his sponsors last year, so he's certainly not coming back after the results of this year

What the fuck is wrong with Kubica's face?

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>Neither does Latifi
According to the F2 rankings and his super licence points and the money he'll bring to the team he totally deserves a shot at F1 in the worst car of the grid

Press F for Kubica's career

Those are some big boy threads

Despite actually racing single seaters, in the past 7 years (238 races), Latifi has
>no pole positions (except 1 reverse grid 'pole')
>7 wins (4 from this season)

>Kubica announces retirement
>A few posts

>Ticktum returns to shit talk Prema
>Loads of replies

Imagine being that fucking irrelevant in F1.

How low will he go?

I predict midfield European Truck Racing Championship in 2021

>imagine being Honda during that season

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Kubica will remain in F1 though. Not as a driver, but it's not retirement. /f1/ is obsessed with Ticktum so it's no surprise.

>Mattia Binotto says Alfa Romeo driver Antonio Giovinazzi needs to feel the "confidence" of Ferrari
>Ferrari believes Giovinazzi is well-placed to prove himself over the rest of 2019.
This is what I said since days, Nico has no chances at Alfa

>Imagine being from the Philippines


is Ferrari trying to create a Barrichello for Leclerc?

It must be hot and warm

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>two black men.jpg

Horner said Gasly will race inRB untill the end of season

>oops I did it again

they were probably thinking: "wow, if our engine was as good/reliable as a mercedes, we could have won the championship!"

even back than this was already true

>hot and warm
pick one

I don't even think that GIO is fast enough
A Barrichello must be able to win races but to miss the little thing that makes their teammate win the WDC
Also Mini Schumi is coming in 2021, so Ferrari only uses Giovinazzi to make Alfa understand that they have control of the second seat
I'm sure that Ferrari will not let Alfa choose their pilot even for just one year, because they fear that Alfa might try to retake the control of the seat for ever, rebel, or break ties to Ferrari

>this is an actual product in the official F1 merch store

Bernie is rolling in his gilded grave

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>Kubica retires from F1

I hope that Williams will finally die after this season.

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>tfw I sent Mercedes that exact quote on a picture of Bottas and asked if I could have some Merc staff sign it
>tfw I got nothing back


>Kubica out
>Grosjean out
who's next?

so now you're building a harem of impregnated whores?

Can Hulkenberg being booted out of F1 because he was too cocky to accept a 1 year deal be added to the exposure charts?


kurwica not having a seat in 2020 isn't exactly surprising

Wow, they actually unironically care about the point.
Legit fucking sad.

>Also Mini Schumi is coming in 2021
unless ferrari find themselves in a red bull situation, mini shumi will never race at ferrari. he's just a name, not much else.

I meant moist, sorry
Since when do we trust in what RB says?

>Grosjean out
Dumb cunt.

It's probably just for the memes

is this a phrase, someone's name, city/town or someone smacking their head on a keyboard?

>“This is just to do some racing really – that’s the main thing,” said Ticktum. “I haven’t been in a race since Sugo [the Super Formula round in June], and this is a very good opportunity to do some racing with a good team. It came out of the blue and it’s very last-minute.”

>Ticktum is also hoping to return to Macau in a bid for a hat-trick of triumphs in the Far East classic, which this year is switching over to the new FIA F3 Championship cars.

>“I can’t say anything, but I very much hope so,” said Ticktum. “We should know more in the next couple of weeks.”

Oh for christ sake he is still going on about Macau.

A city

Unexpected post.

>return to Macau
Maybe he meant Olivia.

>I haven’t been in a race
hasn't been in olivia either

keep grosjean
delete MAG

That's not even the correct amount of punctuation symbols

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Fucking kek


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If he manages to win Macau then the would have actually managed to from go up from Regional F3 level to FIA """"F3"""" level this year
I'm sure that he'll be able to find an other Olivia to *sploosh* into

What the %^*@!^ are you talking about?

That's the only thing that they can market about Bottas since he doesn't say funny things on radio often

If he wins Macau for a third time that's quite an achievement, but what's even more of an achievement is being such a cunt that noone wants to give you a drive despite being a three-time Macau GP winner.

I don't think there will be Williams in 2020 season anyway.

>If he wins Macau for a third time that's quite an achievement
not really. if you're a talented driver you aren't in F3 long enough to have the chance to do that.

I wouldn't include his first """victory""" in anything called an achievement.

You have a point.

>inb4 Hulkenberg to Williams

good point desu

You also have a point.

So, he's just a cunt then.


>we're 14 months away from a Williams pole position

>now you remember that mercedes had planned to sign Hulkenberg, but he already made a contract with renault.

He would have been second in that race iirc

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Quite the opposite.
The only driver to win Macau more than once and becoming an F1 driver has been Patrese.
Even winning Macau didn't made much of a note lately as the last winner to debut in F1 has been Takuma-kun

Third, Sette Camara and Hasburg killed themselves while fighting for P1 on the last turn