German humour

>German humour

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Other urls found in this thread: beaches&FORM=HDRSC2 beaches&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=wales beaches&sc=8-13&sk=&cvid=8A2D508E9D0A4CF68FA6755155C518C5

why does it always seem to be grey and overcast in britain tho?

The whole country isn't Scotland. Southern England has the exact same climate as northern France. Hell, it rains more in Milan than it does in London.

Aren't parts of Germany like that?

Also it is because their is a weird wheather phenomenon that causes clouds to gather over the British Isles. Some weird air pressue thingy caused by Atlantic ocean and Europe

>southern England has the exact same climate as northern France
which is cloudy and grey

>Hell, it rains more in Milan than it does in London.
he didn't mention rainfall, only overcast weather

it's worse than north of france and normandy isnt known for having a good weather

>le english weather is shit meymey

Ah yes Ingerlund, known for it's pristine beaches, sunny weather, warm summers, and mild winters.

Why visit tropical Hawaii, or the sunny Spanish Islands when you can jump off the cliffs of dover?

Foreigners genuinely think it's grey and rainy 365 days a years. As if we don't have actual, distinct seasons. It's baffling. I blame American movies and TV shows.

Can't handle some grey clouds and rain for months at a time during winter? Dark by half 3 in the afternoon? Pussy.

>Aren't parts of Germany like that?

i think the north-west might be a bit like that (although not to that extreme), but definitely not here in the south

We are an island, of course we have amazing beaches. And in the summer we get a pretty constant 25-30 degrees. Our winters are just brutal, it dark by about 3.30/4pm and it's cold and wet.

Britain is an island therefore naturally exposed to more rain and where there is rain there are also clouds.

Also there is a difference between the amount of rainfall and the number of rainy days.
Britain doesn't even get that much rainfall overally over a year, but it does have a lot of rainy days.

Basically, it often rains in Britain, but usually only a bit for a few hours a day which can make the whole day cloudy and "grey" however.

The Balkans, Northern Spain and Northern Italy are actually the most rainy regions of Europe by total rainfall in a year, but each of these regions have fewer rainy days.
Basically, it doesn't rain as often there, but when it rains, then all hell breaks loose and it rains for the whole fucking day (a similar effect can be for example seen in the Caribbean and Florida)

The more you know.

I’ve lived in Sheffield and it was genuinely overcast with slight rain almost every day I was there

>pristine beaches, sunny weather, warm summers, and mild winters
Nice strawman. No one ever said this. We're just countering the common stereotype that it's overcast and rainy all the time. It's really not. As someone who's travelled to more than thirty countries, our weather is comparable to pretty much all of Northern Europe. Maybe slightly rainier in the early months of the year due to being situated near the edge of the Atlantic, but that's about it.

Teletubies helped the zoomers know its not 365 days a year and when it the sun comes out it is nice.

>we have amazing beaches

No, the UK really doesn't. Australia and Hawaii have amazing beaches, not the UK.

I'd rather live in our weather system that have to deal with 40 degree heat in Aus. I lived in NZ for a few years and when it used to get around 35 degrees it was game over, it was just uncomfortable, and it barely changed at night time.

You said
>english weather is shit meymey
Which implies that it isn't, which it actually is. You aren't countering any stereotype by >le greentext

>You said english weather is shit meymey
That wasn't me. beaches&FORM=HDRSC2

These are just in Cornwall, they might not have 10,000 people on them but they are only a drive away for us. You're never far away from a beach in the UK if that's what you're into.

In florida it rains for 30 minutes then becomes sunny then rains for 30minutes and goes back to sunny.

Then I ain't arguing with you Nigel

Not bad, but it's tiny and close to the rockface, I've been to worse but for me that isn't 'amazing'.

I'd rather have a strong surf as well.

i love a rainy night, such a beautiful sight
i love to feel the rain on my face, taste the rain on my lips
in the moonlight shadows

Loads of surfers in Cornwall. And there are beaches all over. I like the fact that you find isolated little beaches here with golden sand and nobody on them. Check these out from Wales. I bet you can't lie on a beach in Australia and have a castle behind you that's 1000+ years old. beaches&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=wales beaches&sc=8-13&sk=&cvid=8A2D508E9D0A4CF68FA6755155C518C5


Pic one

we shipped all the unlikeable germans to america a long time ago, so no worries m8

>be Brit
>pride yourself on muh banter
>get assblasted when someone makes fun of the weather

Attached: brit throwing a wobbly after taking the mickey.jpg (468x725, 97K)

Jokes on you I’m only 16% German

It's like that in Wales

Like I said to the Australian, I could not live in the middle East. I couldn't function in 40+ degree heat. I would much rather put a jacket and a hat on and be able to walk around feeling warm, that having a pair of shorts on and nothing else and be sweating my cunt off.

As a filthy EU migrant I've actually been quite surprised by the British weather. I assumed it would be constantly cold and wet here but it's really just extremely mild. You get a couple of weeks a year when it's genuinely hot and a couple of weeks a year when it's genuinely cold but for the vast majority of the time the weather's just unremarkable.

'cause i love a rainy night

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More like it rains while its sunny for 30mins, then gets overcast and rains some more, then goes back to sunny.


Yeah its what ur used to. Don't mind UK weather (just the wind in Swansea) but I'm used to the heat so I prefer it

Why are Germans such assholes on vacation? Seriously I travel a lot British people are fucking awesome and Germans are dicks

>Nothing personal kid

Attached: germany2_2992424b.jpg (620x387, 87K)

Your country is shit. Shit weather. Shit ugly women. Shit food. Street shitting immigrants.

weird opinion 2bh

I think a lot of people would argue the opposite, at least in Spain (where we mostly go to each summer)

Idk I was on a Mediterranean cruise recently and the British people were so much fun and easy to get along with and the germans just stuck together and hogged the pool and basketball court

they rise up at 6 am just to do this

It's not weird at all, other countries despise your arrogance but you're oblivious to it due to said arrogance.

Isn't it like that in Australia most of the time?
You are an island, too.

as opposed to your locals who shit themselves in walmart

you talk like a real frenchman you must be cajun
new world cousin !

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I thought NZ was fucking cold like Argentina since it is close to the Southern Arctic pole?

>on a Mediterranean cruise

ah yes, that explains it

only our worst (and oldest) people go on cruise ships, they are looked down upon here but they don't care

cruise trips should be forbidden 2bh

And always around 4 pm

Take it as a compliment when said by an Am*rican. Of course those cunts will prefer obnoxious retards from fellow shithole nations like Britain.

They have very similar seasons to the UK but a lot more reliable, and it's a lot warmer in summer. Apparently their ozone layer is thin too or something so it's a really hot 30-35 degrees, it fucking burns.

yikes no need to get personal, we are allies

I was in Germany and had so much fun. Germans come off as arrogant but it's just their personality. They are really friendly and fun and they are easy to talk to. They also are very interested in your life. I talked to this one German couple about my hometown in New Jersey for like 3 hours at a bar and they never lost interest. They just kept asking me questions

you do realise brits speak english too ?
it's probably a factor of why could talk to them so easily

humid too? it is the humidity that makes that worse

I should add that I speak German btw

I'm german and I'm funny

Fuck off you kraut cunt, we're not falling for your bullshit.

it is only easy when they speak with the received pronunciation or whatever you call the geico's gecko speak . some accents are really hard to understand and things can get awkward.

Yeah it's close, especially at night.

Take off your proxy Hanz

cockney is easy and anyone who goes full rhyming slang is a tryhard wanker
west country and welsh is easy, no-one speaks like a farmer
brum is just annoying to listen to
yorkish is fine
scousers are wankers anyway so just take hearing the whiny accent pop out as a sign to leave
geordie and scottish are the only hard ones, but luckily, none of them have anything important to say

When I was in NYC I was nervous about speaking English with my accent until I realized that like half of the people there speak English with an accent as well.

Also it makes you more interesting to Americans.


Which is actually brilliant. Go to New York and there is only 2 weeks a year in spring and Autumn where the weather is nice. Way too hot and humid in summer and way too cold in winter

Most New Yorkers barely speak English anyway

>t. New Yorker

I actually like grey weather and would love eternal greyness. Super comfy.

Don't worry about the accent, you guys are fine. Never mind what Yea Forums has to say.

it rain roughly the same in coastal northern Portugal as it does in london too
the difference is that here it pours hard for 4/5 months and there its always gray and raining in small quantities throughout the year


Believe it or not there is actually the NYC accent. But it seems to be disappearing. Only old people speak it. And yes, also because there are so many ethnic groups with their own accents.

did you succeed in what you tested?

lack of vitamin d, probably why they can't win shit on the international stage

We are the only country in the world to win 3 different world cups.