Other urls found in this thread:
Disprove that the Holocaust isn’t fake or at least exaggerated
Brendan Schaub Smith & Wesson retirement plan
Reminder that if you don't lift with your back, you are a fat manlet who's never hit the gym like a real man.
You want me to disprove water isn't wet too?
Playing both of those together was kino as fuck.
Sad to see Luke announce his retirement on Ariel’s show earlier today. He will be missed.
water isn't wet though
Me and the other guy from Richmond VA could unironically kill every motherfucker in here. Come try me motherfucker
Let's roll, motherfucker. I'll let you start from mount. @ me location if you aren't a bitch.
I'll tell you what's wet, your mom when she gets a load of this guy right here
Who /ZhangGang/ here?
Bad motherfucker conference
My mom eats nothing but chocolate and smells like fish, so I'd imagine she'd like a Swede.
Has anyone else on heem been catfished?
Me and coral would fuck you up
Uhm, this a MMA thread.
*Regains Dignity*
>3:45AM 'You can't invite a guy over at midnight and not expect him to want sex'
Boom roasted
Reposting this from the last thread. Already recycling content.
You aint bout shit but you keep runnin your mouth you bout to catch that fade son
Nigga I black out fo I tap out bitch bout to take your arm home w me
Fuck you bong I'll fuck you up not even playing
/zhanggang/ for life since the tecia fight my guy
Name ONE (1) solid british fighter
>Protip: you can't
based WOW poster
@me location then, homie. Don't keep jawwing like some female ass bitch. I promise you will regret it, motherfucker.
lmao this just reminded me Chael was unironically on the Apprentice and went and cut a computer cable and tried to act as if nothing was wrong
leon edWards (the capitalised W is for win btw)
that lad leon edwards is pretty good
>VIRGINia nigga thinking he can heem florida niggas
*laughs in gator*
Pick em heem
>Till/ Gastelum
>Corey Anderson/Johnny Walker
Correct picks: Masvidal, Lewis, Walker, Gastelum
Luke retired?
Fell in love with her when she had that kino sub over Jessica Aguilar where she was literally squeezing all the blood right out of her, then when she wins she starts celebrating by doing loads of no-handed cartwheels covered in her opponent's blood with a massive smile on her face. Wish I had the webm.
>tried to act as if nothing was wrong
Chael did nothing wrong
Kamaru snoozeman showed him who the real nigga was, you can't deny this. Dude would get served by Woodley and MAGAd by Colby. Pretty sure George Masvidal would give him the soda with the three piece
Darren Till.
Just how flushed is Till now? Both he and fatselum got heemed in their last fight, not sure who's the turbocan and which one is the hypercan
diaz beats masvidal. he’ll realize there’s no easy ko and quit
I went back and reviewed the evidence, you are correct
>loses to the current champ who unanimously 50-46'd the former champ
>this means Leon is doo doo
based tonyposter
Imagine when the best fighter of your country is a hyped up TURBO CAN with one eye who only became champ on a superfluke
Literally no one else that even remotely matters.
>Michael Bisping
>Dan Hardy
>Darren Till
>Leon Edwards
>Ross Pearson
>Jimi Manuwa
Why is England so low-test, guys?
>that pic
>unholy digits
checks out
Till is quite literally flushed and should have been given more of a tune-up fight on his middleweight debut.
Walker will have some cool moments early on but gets taken down and wrestlefucked for 3 rounds.
Ivanov by boring split decision. Not confident about Lewis anymore.
Masvidal and Diaz will be close but Masvidal will let the occasion get the better of him and not put the foot on the gas and lose a unanimous decision.
Tyron is the GOAT WW
Is it just me that thinks that Masvidal gets a gigantic heem finish? No way he'll get a flying knee but I'm seeing a repeat of the Till performance.
How good is Corey Anderson?
>'Tyron is the GOAT WW'
Hi Tyron, drive safe
KG (way faster, Till is very susceptible to counter punching, and his chin may be cracked)
Beastin' 25/8 (Grinds the meme out to a decision)
Blagoy (iron chin, great cardio, Lewis can't hang with him)
Diaz (Masvidal is good, but doesn't have 5 rounds in him)
Masvidal is the BMF on the planet, he will heem Diaz and light a blunt while Dana wraps the belt around his waist. Screencap this.
based christian_9367
That fight's gonna go the distance, #CholoLove will prevail.
Literally no one picking Till, and he was supposed to be the next Jon Jones after the Wonderboy fight
>The Gorilla
The only guy who crashed harder than Till has gotta be Cody Garbrandt
*sideview mirror gets smashed by motorcycle fag*
Word of God confirmed.
I fucking hate masvican so fucking much
UFC's fault for rushing him after barely squeaking one out against Wonderboy. That said not many people thought Masvican would simulate his death like he did.
cuz australias a bum
*quotes me and posts redditjak*
Hey guys so a chick is ghosting me.
We hung out Friday and Saturday. Date and just hung out.
>I went by her place Tuesday and texted her, but she didn't answer. Told me she had the phone on Do Not Disturb.
>I asked her if she wanted to hang out Thursday. She said she had to study so she didn't think she could
>On Wednesday I asked her if she wanted to hang out on Saturday. She said what I was proposing definitely sounded fun and she'd let me know. She didn't respond on Thursday or Friday.
>On Saturday I texted her and asked her if she wanted to do what I proposed. She said she had some chores to do with a friend but shed let me know, but she didn't want me to wait on her. The activity I was proposing was from 4-8 more or less. At 5 she told me she couldn't go.
>No text Sunday from either of us
>No text Monday from either of us
In MMA terms, how bad is this? Have I just been gadooshed? I don't feel like she's heemed me, she definitely hasn't knocked me out, but it does feel like she's outpointing me.
generic tough guy wigger tryhard who got extremely lucky.
t. Amerispic
Don't they have a mexican as their champion
How hard will teacucks seethe when Till gets flushed AGAIN by a fat manlet?
That dude is p4p best translator in the game. He reminds me of the "wow very fantastic body" guy.
cut your losses
Cry more Askrenfag
who are you quoting?
>BAD MF'ERS!!!!!
Utterly gadooshed and eternally CTEd, you're forever an incel now. gg faggit
thot by decision. don’t dwell on it it happens to the best of us
could this whore heem you?
I'm in the bottom of Round 5, way behind on the cards right? I feel I might be able to get the gadoosh but it's not looking good
that fight is pretty make or break for till...his last chance
O M G. He has his hands behind his back! That's is so motherfre*kin badass! What a gangster!
Damn Chile why you gotta do me so cold tho
what weight class
Notice how she's ignoring you and you're obsessing over it? Ever try turning the tables? Think about it.
Gaethje is one of the only real ones left
if her ass is real i'm guessing 135lbs
She's already stuffed all your takedown attempts and completely outclassed you on the feet. Any chance you had of getting the g-g-gadoosh was in the first two rounds.
It's tawlf b, but it's time to move on
Honestly don't wanna see one of my /heem/ bros waste his time on an underesving hoe, if she doesn;t wanna go ouit she should say so instead of fucking with you. Shelve that cunt until she sends you a random late night message for a booty call.
>favorites: anal giving
No for sure, it's just really weird.
I'm telling you with the texts she seems super fucking interested and has a ton of excuses.
>'Hey - I'm really sorry I can't make it today. Had a stressful fucking day and I don't think I can go out tonight. I'm sorry.'
>'Hey! I'm really sorry I missed your texts! Wish I had known you'd stopped by!'
But the actions when I spell them out like I did above, it's obvious I'm getting heemed.
I deleted her number, so I can't contact her now even if I tried.
So I guess I got heemed? Was I BTFO like askren?
UFC has gone full meme with that "belt" it ruined the fight for me. At least the rest of the card is pretty good.
Who is more deserving…Tony Ferguson, GSP or Conor McGregor?
piss off Chael
bite the pillow and don't disturb the neighbors
Let's talk about Justin Gaethje’s power...
Obviously Paul Felder
unless she’s got good kicks i’m tapping this hoe
Why is Cain Velasquez returning to the Octagon?
for sure dustin poirier is a beast
Run of the mill decision. You win the story and the war by moving on though.
lets be real, he’s not
Have sex.
You're a side bitch. She's getting dicked down by chad but wants you for a "safe pick" on the side. Just chill and wait for her to call you, which may never happen. Start hanging out with other women so you increase your value and cause her to be jealous, or alternatively just find a different bitch.
t. bet on Dustbin
Will Conor McGregor fight the winner of Cowboy vs Justin Gaethje?
Motown Phaggot BTFO
Khabib Nurmagomedov's pending retirement from MMA....
that's me
Can I just say
I love you /heem/
From the bottom of my heart.
Not even being ironic.
Every single fucking day I get a smile from this board. I can't say that about anyone or anything else. The baste posts, the cazzies, the GOAT rankings, even the 'AHHHHHHH I'M COOOOOMMMMMMMIIIINNNGGGGGGG" memes. You guys are the best. Thank you.
You mean Gaethje? I doubt it. I think Poirier is more likely. More cazzies know Poirier than Gaethje.
tbf i only pick up heavy boxes using solely my lower back tbqhfamalam
Dump your Romero folders, lads!
Not me. Fuck all Bolsanaro supporters and fuck all scouser subhuman scum.
me and san pedro dockbro ready, faggot
Did you just make this up?
>Bolsanaro supporters
In england?
>please I'll be quick
>I'm sorry
I'm sure she was soaking wet there my guy
plz dont describe your own mother based on her soiled panties you fap to
you lost your touch long ago, spams.
Is the winner the unironic natty MW GOAT?
And can either stop Natty Paulo?
Potato potato
I only use my back when deadlifting heavy and bend my back when squatting heavy. Making mad back gains. My disks will be so strong.
I am fascinated by Khabib Nurmagomedov…
What? I did -5134 not -5152, mods can verify
And fuck off anyways
No. Why would Memebender be the goat if he won? He has 1 or 2 good wins.
Did JBJ proclaim to be the GOAT? I think he actually has a compelling record to say so, roid or not but I'm asking since blacks are so quick to proclaim GOAT status as DC and TWood have
Bc he isn't winning, Whitaker's obviously winning, and he has some huge wins
>And can either stop Natty Paulo?
I can se whittaker winning but adesanya get's slapped by paulo. He seems to think that Costa gives a shit about getting jabbed, or that his reach will matter. Costa will walk this nigger clown down and KO him, simple as.
easy peasy I'll just take some samples from the gas chamber and dig up a few graves
oh wait that's fucking illegal
Literally NO ONE says DC and TWood are GOATS anymore
DC had a legit claim till Stipe 2. TWood just hyped himself really, he was never going to surpass GSP.
With Jones it depends on how much your decision is influenced by his extracurricular activities.
Nathan Wood
Jon actually has the resume to back it up. He was the youngest champ in ufc history and is 14-0 in title fights (unless you count DC 2 as a NC then he's 13-0). Only GSP and Silva even come close. In reality, Jon is in a league of his own. He became champ in 2011 and has never lost a title fight.
>Whittaker's obviously winning
I think you'd be surprised
yes, it's just you
He lost to gustaffson
Why the fuck are you so addicted to escorts, I'm so fucking curious as to what you look like
webm of the gaethje heem ? And fuck the jannies on sp. Get banned for "doxxing" when I haven't even done anything related to that. Blanket banning nigger.
did you say please and tell her you'd be really quick?
Never gonna make it dawg
What rounds did Gus win?
Gaethje is Heempilled
He's a nightmare for both of them desu, I think he'd run right through either one
Bispin was okish
Seriously though Nathan Wood will be champ screencap this post
Jon has a stellar resume' but there's a pre-USADA and post-USADA resume', sort of like BC and AD with Christianity
>April, 2016 - W vs. Ovince St Preux - stripped of title after testing positive for clomiphene and letrozol
>July 2017 - W vs. DC - Win overturned after testing positive for turinabol
>December 2018 - W vs. Gustaffsson - good win
>March 2019 - W vs. Smff - good win, but Smiff is a can
>July 2019 - Split Decision W v. Santos - looked shitty, couldn't walk out of the cage, Santos got his knees dilapidated and was still fucking him up
Even before USADA, before the first fight with Cormier, he had a fucked up testosterone test.
And his brothers have gotten busted in the NFL multiple times.
I just don't think you can call him GOAT if these are the rules. If you want to make everyone use steroids, and see what happens, fine, but with these rules, he can't claim to be the GOAT.
I know bruv I'm toast
Above average since I got fit, nothing special though. I like the fact that there's no emotions evolved. As gooby would say, it's simply business.
His pre-usada resume is still goat worthy and he was fighting other juicers. He ran through the whole division. But I get where you're coming from. GSP is probably the Natty goat since he never popped anyways.
I unironically think that the drug test fails coming before or around the fights with cormier, show that deep down, maybe way deep down, jones was afraid of cormier
Reminder that 1 year of the 2 year layoff Khabib had after the rda fight was pre-usada and he came back from the layoff much bigger. All I'm saying is look into it.
>Above average
Nah he was more scared of rampage. Rampage had him shook at the staredowns. He was also so scared of rumble he did dumb shit to get suspended and avoid the fight. This is why he was super friendly with rumble. Jon is just a terrible matchup for DC.
Yup. Khabib doesnt have the resume but is more dominant and doesn't test poz. GSP Does have the resume and has never tested poz but isnt undefeated.
I'd still say GSP is GOAT considering all factors. Dont look at my flag guys this is my unbiased opinion I dont know what you are talking aboot
Based gaethje doing the ref's job for him
it will be boring shit
It's between GSP and Jon for me desu.
Not sure which way to swing it, Jon's not lost but has the PED thing and lower competition. GSP has lost but also got the belt at 2 classes and avenged his losses.
And I get where you're coming from too, certainly Jones is an understandable pick for GOAT.
I feel that Jones was the first fighter of the modern era at LHW. He was bringing next level techniques and fight IQ to the division and to the UFC as a whole.
But how competitive was his division, really?
>1 Andre Gusmao ??
>2 Stephan Bonnar - a fan favorite, but a turbo can made famous by TUF 1
>3 Jake O Brien - 4-3 in the UFC
>4 Matt Hamill - another can beloved by TUF
>5 Brandon Vera - he's solid but not Jones Level
>6 Matyushenko
>7 Bader - Bellator elite tier, but the definition of UFC gatekeeper
>8 Shogun Rua - solid win
>9 Rampage - solid win, but Quinton had no ground game
>10 Machida - solid win
>11 Rashad Evans - solid win, not on his level
>12 Vitor - solid win, but he's kind of ***shh* a can
>13 Chael - Sonnen shouldn't be at this weight
>14 Gustaffson 1 - epic fight
>15 Texeira - not in his class
and then it's Cormier 1.
Fuck I don't know. Is he great? Definitely. Next level skills and fight IQ. Is he the GOAT. I say no, too many violations, and is it fair to say competition wasn't as stiff as it may have seemed?
>dont look at my flag
Khabib was not more dominant that Jon lol
Considering what the average around here is then yes.
No he didn't have him shook at the staredowns.
Listen Jones was supposed to fight/fought Cormier three times, every time a shadow of steroid/other substance use looms over the fight.
I'm telling you, he was afraid of DC. And you are right though, he IS a terrible matchup for DC. So it's kind of unwarranted. But there is such a thing as irrational fear.
I just heemed myself lads, took a bong hit and stood up to go get a beer, thunk; be careful out there
You saying that unironically made it worse.
To be fair Jon said rampage was the only guy to intimidate him during a stare down. And we also don't know when Jon started juicing. Once you start you really can't stop because your body becomes dependent on it. It's hard to say he was scared of DC vs being scared of fighting natty. It's like saying Brock was scared of the people he fought because he juiced, or trt Vitor, or Ubereem, or trt Hendo. Once you start you need the juice. The thing that gets me with the steroid conversation is they don't teach you skill. Brock, the reem, vitor, Hendo were all never as skilled overall as Jon. Nor was someone like Bob Sapp who basically maxed out on steroids.
Jon fought trt Vitor he was not a can during that time by any means lol of his peak wins only Chael was a can. Even Bader is still considered a good fighter though.
Walker v Jones
Colby v Khabib
Costa v Whittaker
Do I need to spell it out to you?
Anderson will expose Walker as a Pereira tier meme.
Walker's calmness and eternal happy demeanour is unsettling.
Also he's not a pumped up middleweight
The Goob already holds a W over Khabib in the third. Can GSP and Tony say the same?
The Vitor Belfort Jones fought was the 35 year old Vitor that already had 9 losses on his resume'.
It wasn't the 20 something hyper turinabol animal that resembled Natty Paulo
Nate exposing Jorge for being a hairlinelet and incel joker poster.
What weight for Colby Khabib?
170 after colby heems usman of course
whatever Khabib wants I guess knowing he wouldnt want to fight on Colbys terms.
reckon theyd both walk around at a similar weight, who would you pick at both weights?
>a downie and a cuban hoodrat spouting non-sequiturs
Barboza is the real 155 champ
Then Colby wins.
And I don't even want to discuss it.
Read above for arguments against Jones.
And for GSP ---> Serra and Hughes.
I'm a Colby fanboi so I pick him, but Khabib beating him, natty, with an undefeated record - IMHO the #1 GOAT contender
Has there ever been a more reddit pairing?
If they even show up, it will something like this:
>Eyy, man... I don't like to talk. Let's just shut the fuck up and do this.
>Yeah, for real, homie. Imma just let my fists do the talkin' ya know?
Post yours stats lads:
202cm reach.
I don't know it's a weird match up, two wrestlers that like to grind it out. Maybe they end up just striking in which case Colby wins easily or maybe they end up scrambling non-stop in which case khabib could sub him.
Why the fuck is Nadia CANseem Co maining over literally anybody? Both Raging Al and the coalburner are bigger names
>Colby wins
Lel. Khabib all around has better grappling than Colby. Khabib has a better top game, better clinch, way better off his back, more takedowns, it's not even close. All Colby has on him is striking volume and maybe a little size. Khabib absolutely clowns le maga man.
6'3 90kg never measured my reach
>believe any lie jews tell you
Lose some weight fatty
Can we expand and include more important categories?
>Dick size (flaccid)
>Dick size (erect)
>Net Worth
>FOTN bonuses (career)
>Number of fades caught
>Lifetime sex partners
221 kg
3.5 meter reach
I would literally rape everyone in this thread
What's colby's finishing rate?
She isn't retard
330 lbs
60" reach
leon edwards and jimi manuwa arent british
she isn't, Google has it wrong
0.0% not counting cans
No? where they from
So why is everyone saying colby's gonna finish khabib?
Absolute unit
I'm a neet
like 50 bucks
What the fuck does this mean?
not my fault you're a framelet, when I was a skelly in school I was 83 or thereabouts
How is that fat for 6"3 especially if theres any muscle
neither one is anywhere close to goat retard
Over 9000
dunno my reach
michael bisping isn't british
subsaharan africa
>'What the fuck does this mean'
Catching a fade is what you're going to do when I run into you on the streets b
Oh yea then who is, McDonalds man? one good khabib win
they're dominating actual sports like boxing
its all about sex appeal, Dana knows his audience is full of coomers
>Implying great Britain isn't all sub-Saharan africans
imagine thinking ducking faggot cherrypicker khabib would ever agree to fight colby in a million years
You could kill it at 125 just based on your height. How's your jitz?
Prime Kevin randelman no usada heems the entire ufc roster
Ferguson (2019)
Gaycheese (2020)
Unironically, a full training camp, no staph infection Kevin Lee could heem anyone on the roster from middleweight and down.
Ufc is stupid thinking the audience only cares about coom-worthy women fighting. Wmma is shit because 90 percent of fights are just two broads trying to hip toss each other every round and looking hilarious because of lack of skill
Step to me in my favela and I mug you and steal your passport so you're stuck in this hellhole
Oh for sure getting strangled by Warlley Alves is a munster
How does Prime Ace fare now?
lol, there is no chance that dweeb is co-maining
When exactly is the ferguson fight going to happen in 2019? 245 already has 2 title fights
I'll fuck you up, break Neymar Junior's foot, and submit Natty Paulo all in the same night no problem
>one legged whiskey salesman
>heemed by afromentioned whiskey salesman in one round
>a realtor
>le spam kicks man
>heemed by emmit
>ducked tony and eventually lost to him
>retired by gatecheese
I believe you
It's happening maple
Oh nice, fuck Google
need some ufc provocateurs with a decent following to get the colby khabib train started
thanks bro
>first ever champ champ biggest superstar in the sport
>solid contender interim champ
>new York tough
>highlight reel heems for dayz
>according to TUF contestants, 'a bad motherfucker'
>literally the scariest guy in the UFC
>actually a Mexican albino
the only thing you'd submit to Natty God Paulo would be your butthole you lil bitch
Bad tummy announcement next week
Can someone explain to me how can a professional fighter who prepares to fight khabib only train lazy jab and sprawl? In what state or consciousness one should be to do it?
Rate this card
I'm giving it a D- are you serious? This shit is ridiculous. I'll probably stand outside buffalo wild wings with a beer brought from home and watch, I ain't paying for this shit. Whitaker and the Memebender? Fuck that. This should be a Fight Night on ESPN
I'll submit your butthole
'In what state or consciousness'
Based ruskis
name one khabib win
when you realize you can't you'll know why that always happens
Wish someone could get the fucking Colby Usman train started but Usman is too busy milking his title prestige in Morocco or some shit. Literally the biggest faggot in the Organization
On paper Randleman has one of the most deceptive records ever
small and inoffensive
very very large you'd be surprised b
I'm comfortable
14k car 42 pence in the current account
2 chavs that tried to sell me shit weed
VW golf bluemotion
Vitor submitted rumble the fight before and then knocked out Bisping and Rockhold the next two fights. Vitor also popped for steroids in the Jon fight.
He literally hasn't defended his belt ONCE.
Anyways who ducked who in the Usman vs colby fight?
I'd heem you with a brap then steal your phone
Worst card since 234, which also happened this year. The absolute state of 2019
Colby sort of, he wanted more money which is understandable really when snoozeman does nothing to sell a fight and would get PPV points.
At least that's my take, fuck the jewFC, tight bastards
2020 seems like the year of /Heem/, conor coming back, khabib vs ferguson, jon jones vs stipe.
>Most recent fight
Conor's coming back Dec 14. They will move the card to Dublin, just for him... Jones style.
They probably lowballed colby based on ratings of his fight night vs lawler. Not his fault they cant put together good cards or promote the bad ones
kinda of a bitch move T B H.
Robert will get revenge for Palestine
literal basedjak lol
bit harsh really it was a shockingly bad card and his walkout and performance was very decent
yeah kind of
at least he's going to cuck usman out of PPV money by fighting on ESPN+
Charlottesville gang VA we in this **** heavy
the reason they don't wanna pay Colby much money is because they know nobody wants to watch him (who would be a literal who, if he didn't have his annoying gimmick) and Kamaru "Fake Nigerian" Snoozeman fight, both of them are boring as fuck
Yeah but we got a meme belt instead of a real belt main event so in reality we're the real losers. Usman was offered Masvidal for the same card and Masvidal accepted, but Usman turned it down. So it's really Colby and Usman's fault.
>Luke COCKhold
>tfw you boy died before you
kill me bros. It's not fair. He was the chosen ;__;
> more money
well he didn't even get the SAME money
they offered him less to fight usman than to fight lawler. It wasn't a serious offer, they did not expect him to accept it, they expected him to decline.
And this isn't about pay or ratings anyway, they don't want him getting ratings, they are deliberately sabotaging him because of a red hat. That's why they put his fight against lawler on at the time slot.
>Ferguson becomes double champ after ending the Khabib meme
>Natty God costa beats whittaker or, as I hope, slaps the skinny clown adesanya and becomes goat undefeated MW
can't wait lads
Nice flag dork
Cejudo could realistically fight Cruz for title would be based and they've brought back drawls despite coming off a loss before.
145 is meh at the moment Holloway will beat volkanovski with ease and then we're waiting on a clear contender to emerge between zabit and yair
155 is laid out for the next year easy, the fights now make themselves. If UFC fucks it up they are a can organization
170 should be easy but for some reason the black champions are and have been little divas. Somethings gotta give soon
185 gonna be cool in 2020 because Costa will fucking murder whoever wins 243
205 worst division all time atm worse than heavyweight
Heavyweight bad skill wise but always entertaining bangers, Ngannou rising
2020 should be great for fights if anyone knows what they're doing
>title shot after 3+ years removed from a career defining ass whooping
loll yeah so based xDD
>They don't want him getting ratings
Uhh why? Colby getting ratings means more money for them. I think it's more they don't need Colby because he doesn't get ratings. They had him co-main on the Whittaker Romero 2 card which also had cm Punk, that's a lot of exposure. Don't pretend they don't like him because of Trump because Dana loves Trump and the ufc made a documentary about their good relationship with Trump. Colby turned down a title shot for 228, then turned down one for 233, and now turned down another.
He didn’t turn down anything for 228 and he turned down another stupid interim fight for 233
>"Give me that belt. I’m getting bored. They send me up to 170, I’m going to tell them that I’m up there to collect rent."
Based Tony
> Uhh why? Colby getting ratings means more money for them.
Politics over profits in the #resistance era.
You thinking that liberal jews care about money and only money is not real.
> I think it's more they don't need Colby because he doesn't get ratings
they don't want him getting ratings and are willing to lose money to prevent him from getting them
>Dana a known trump supporter
>Dana a known money loving jew not wanting more ratings
yeah I'm gonna call a doubt on that one senpai.
dana isn't running shit
wme rabbinites are
Good thing I'm gonna have sex tomorrow lads. It's been like four or three weeks, I'm dying over here.
Stop saying the ufc is trying to blackball Colby because of Trump it's stupid victim mentality bullshit. Dana is close with Trump.
(UFC documentary on relationship with Trump)
(Dana White on his three hour dinner with Trump)
(Dana White giving a speech at the rnc for Trump)
either december or khabib's coach said he will fight by february
>Committed to his heel character
>Invests his money into escorts to pose with him for Instagram
>His set is a chair under a Trump photo
I bet you the Colby POV of this scenario is
>Him actually sitting down with a pen and paper to list the Pros and Cons
>Sheepishly calling an escort service for the first time and explaining it's not for sex as if they care
>Damn... I hope they aren't mad about the MAGA hat
>"So is it OK if we just do a video for my Instagram"
>"Here's a little something for the spanks. Buy your kids a Happy Meal."
>Extremely forced smile, impossible to register as a human smile but more like an AI robot
I want to watch this movie
I will continue to say it, and WME shills can't stop me.
Basically early 2020, a fight to start of the greatest year of UFC fights
take a shower, jorge
Dana got caught on video playing poker with his gook mistress in frame and his wife saw it most likely. He will bury Colby.
Bad News in it
I'd bet that colby isn't even a Trump supporter and just does it for the gimmick.
He was offered Woodley at 233 you caz
Woodley recently said Colby talked himself out of this title shot. And he absolutely did turn down a title shot for 228.
>Thinking Jews only care about money is not real
lol the cope. Why don't the cancel Dana then? It'd be easy to do.
he was offered a short camp fight while injured and not cleared by UFCs own doctors and woodley used him not taking that fight as an excuse to never fight him for the rest of his life
Hey guys I missed last weekends card
Can you tell me who won the stories of the fights? I can't find this information anywhere, you'd think they'd list basic stuff like this but shows you the state of MMA journalism desu
He said he didn't vote for Trump. It's 100% to piss people off because it gets heat in Oregon. If he was from the south he wouldn't even think supporting Trump is a big deal.
tristan connelly won all the stories
you are not a real person if you think that liberal jew #woke bullshit is designed to make money, just a shitskins jew worshipper.
Huge if true
Pereira won the story and anyone that says otherwise is a virgin and a beta
Woodley offered to fight him twice. He lost the belt at 235 so I doubt Woodley was the one dodging anyone. Woodley fought a dude who clearly outmatched him. There's no point in them fighting now because Colby has said multiple times he wants Usman and the title shot now, but he just turned down that fight.
>Woodley offered to fight him twice
never happened.
he pushed to fight usman instead.
>He said he didn't vote for Trump.
wait really?
see? this guy is a beta
>Say Jews only care about money
>"Wow you're a Jew worshiper how dare you question Colby"
>"No I don't know what controlled opposition is why's that relevant?"
Based schizo poster. You know Trump's son in law is Jewish right? This is him watching Trump in the background.
who's you fav brazil fighter?
I just posted links for the 233 fight here and the 228 offer was well publicized
I've never seen a Jewish person, however they are so scummy that I hate them anyway
You worship jews and you should stop.
155-160 fit, 175 walkaround
75" reach
He even referred to it as a "maga gimmick" himself on the jew show not long ago
>trump made /pol/ more jewish friendly
Yeah i'm thinking he's jewbased
of all time Anderson Silva and Vanderlei Silva, right now Natty Costa
you posted woodley ranting on Instagram live
Colby was completely ready to fight at ufc 233 or any other date after September, but Woodley refused claiming his hand was hurt.
??????? Lmao wtf, who the fuck actually non ironically likes this faggot then?
I supposedly worship Jews yet you're defending the guy who reps an Israeli puppet and didn't fight because he wasn't given enough shekles.
You don’t remember this?
I think you're responding to a mentally ill person user. What's your take on kikes though?
Man drama faggots love him because he's supposed to be like a wwmeme heel. He literally walked out to wwe music his last fight.
>over 600 fighters
>every pay per view looking like more like a boxing card
>1, maybe 2 good fights The rest are 'literally who??'
What did UFC mean by this?
"UFC President Dana White took another swipe at Woodley this past weekend, questioning when the champ is “ready to fight anybody ever.”
"I don’t want to be remembered as a guy that lost a fight to Colby Covington, or anybody else, because he knew he wasn’t 100 percent, or wasn’t given the chance to at least go through the physician that performed the surgery on his hand to get his clearance,”
You posted a link showing that dana said woodley was refusing to fight, and then woodley defending that saying that he was injured.
Woodley refused to fight Colby Covington after UFC 228.
Your links dont even say that, dumbass. Woodley got pushed back to 235 and Dana offered an interim fight between Colby and Usman with the winner getting Woodley at 235, Colby turned that down, not a direct fight with Woodley.
>And he absolutely did turn down a title shot for 228.
Which is why Dana isn’t even denying Colby saying the UFC doctors wouldnt clear him.
I don't know many tbqh, but I'm not really a fan. I'm sure some are good people, but too many of them are in Hollywood, banking/finance, television, etc. Not to mention the US donates a ridiculous amount of money to Israel and Israel was caught spying on us recently.
BJ penn? more like BJ peen
He wasn’t registered to vote. Its not like he voted for Jill Stein
Insutling the king? That's a permaban
didn't texas want to make it illegal to talk bad about isreal a while back, or was that fake?
Time to introduce the ufc b-division, separate company technically so they still get corporate status and are entitled to their own tax write offs.
They wanted school teachers to take an oath to Israel
Very interesting. The conflicting reports have made it somewhat difficult for me to definitively tell who won the story
I don't know about that specifically, but stuff like that happens a lot
what state do you live in askren fag aussie
install rumblr right now and send location right now so i can finish you with a flying knee in 5 seconds
How about I show up in australia and install a fuckin boot in your ear?
>The jews control both the left and the right
Is it because they own all the banks?
Don't get it twisted: Anyone saying Tristan won the story is a virgin low test beta.
Is that shooped?
There is no left or right. Both sides exist to pretend they are fighting each other. They both have the same amount of control
Got super liked on tinder by a pre op pre hormones trans. What did they mean by this ? That's a man, man
Do they look like a female, also do they have a nice butt?
sorry we don't let muzzies in aus even if they have a swedish green card
Well unless the Leaf defends his case, I will be forced to say this is correct and Pereira won the story
Yep money rules everything. They also own the federal reserve, which is the central back in charge of our money supply and doesn't have to answer to any branch of the government. They supposedly also balance (((private))) banking interests with the centralized responsibilities of government. There's a picture of the last four US presidents all visiting Israel to touch the Jew wall or whatever, but I can't find it right now.
Right, you just settle for Zhang's wang
This is correct
Who are you guys picking in the Walker vs Anderson matchup?
chinese might be racist overly patriotic dictator loving cowards but at least their is no chance they will declare holy war and blow us up
Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Anderson grind out a win. He's unirnoically looked decent lately and he'll probably use a wrestling heavy approach which will mitigate some of Walker's offence. We've not seem him go past the 1st round in the UFC too so his cardio might not hold up after being held up against the fence for 5-10 minutes
nah they'll just buy everything and become jews 2.0
>"Where Hogda fine ass at"
Based "Muh Bawlz wuz hawt" man
No they look like CopperCab kek.
That's a good take. Walker is explosive and powerful, but he hasn't proved he's more than a meme fighter yet. This will be a big test though. I think Anderson will win and then lose his next match against a contender and continue to be stuck in LHW purgatory.
I did not care for MacDonald vs Lawler 2
oh no
Peahead vs Ben Askren who wins
I could see that, depending on the matchup for Anderson after. He might have turned a bit of a corner. I'm surprised they even made this fight. Anderson is the type of guy you'd think they'd want to keep Walker away from because he can halt the momentum with a grindy, boring fight. At least if he lost in a more exciting bout he'd still have some of his hype.
Explain yourself
>Using meme units
>jew pic
>satan digits
I feel evil in this thread.
On the plus side if Walker wins his hype levels will be out of control, but yeah grindy fighter matchups are bad if you're trying to hype up a prospect but I'm glad they made the fight it's an interesting matchup. Hopefully if Anderson wins it's because he turned a corner like you said. I could see them giving him Jan or Smiff if Anderson wins.
The problem with Anderson is that he's a total chinlet, he got booped by the ghost of jimi canuwa and Walker hits 10 times harder and 100 times faster than that, I just don't think Anderson survives long enough to implement his wrestlefucking.
even if Walker stuffs only a couple of take downs he should still win.
>Synagogue of Satan digits and pic
If you go back and watch is, it's actually a very slow, boring fight. At one point the crowd was literally booing the lack of action. That's right, le greatest fight ever was literally being booed. Massively overrated based on one flurry at the end of round 3, le meme stare, and Rory breaking his nose and turtling which gave the impression that it was some kind of nonstop war. Oh, and the blood. Casuals love blood. Take away the blood and it's an extremely mediocre fight.
who wins a magomedsharipov vs. henry cejdudo super fight?
That's a good point, but I'm not sure how Walker's takedown defense is. It is possible he wins off some meme knee when Anderson shoots though or maybe he has solid takedown defense, but I don't think it's been tested in the ufc before. It's a really big test for Walker. If he wins this he's undoubtedly legit.
The leaf wont defend shit because he is, in fact, a virgin low test beta.
They only bood round 1 though didn't they? Rounds 2-5 were exciting and it was cool to see Lawler almost get finished and power through to get the finish. Plus both fighters flushed eachother this fight. However, I would rank Sanchez vs Guida, Hunt vs Silva, and Shogun vs Hendo over this fight just to name a few. Still a great fight though.
>le cutbabby backflips xD
Utterly mogged by a virgin leaf, little crying bitch gets his jaw broken, enjoy your 20k you fat monkey soup eating fag
Yeah I agree, it'll be interesting to see how it goes. If Walker can handle it or even just get another quick KO, it'll do a lot for him. Jan got booked to face Souza, he'll probably get a title shot if he wins that because it's LHW. Smiff isn't a bad shout, honestly I'd see him beating Anderson though
I heard Anderson say he literally turned himself into a chinlet for the Manuwa fight because he got so shook. He said he was so shook of the power that he told himself if he got touched once he'd get KO'd, and then he got touched and mentally and physically self heemed. Sounds like he basically visualised himself being heemed in that fight.
I don't think he's a complete chinlet, Walker could test it though you are right. I just think Anderson will go to the wrestling quick and be able to avoid some of the big power shots, especially if he can slow Walker down.
We'll see how this whole thing plays out
Fuck you Khabib
Have a look at Marina Shafir's Myspace page. The whole site is still a goldmine for great old pics
How come Elias gets cut but Pereira gets to stay?
Cody Garbage has a pretty entertaining Myspace
>Cutting a guy who just had fight of the night
Because Pereira actually tries to fight. He KO’d Roberts stiff in under 2 minutes in his first fight. Elias runs away and hopes he can just tap you and outwork you a little more to steal rounds.
Abdul accusing dustin of greasing
Just as I was about to accept Pereira won the story, a new challenger entered the fray.
Seems like this really was a difficult one to tell who truly won the story. I take it this debate raged on /heem/ all night?
Dana have you ever considered a transgender division? Or three? Being at the front lines of women's rights gave you a bird's eye view of what the power of an even playing field can do, when are you going to extend those rights to the many transgender folk among us?
Based will do
Why can't he just say YES god dammit, is he scared about the CURSE?
he didn't, he said there is a trick, not that Dustin used that trick
probably just trying to make conversation with Putin and tell him shit. I think you;d hear if he legit accused him of that, plus subs aren't the best way to understand shit
anybody miss Eddie Bravo scoring fights?
Ben Askren is still my boy at press conference and interviews
and he certainly wins the rematch
He brought it up immediately after khabib said that dustin was slippery after the first clinch
We’re all cheering for based little heem them next weekend right?
I think what a lot of people don't consider is that he was actually winning that Masvidal fight before the knee
Till was also winning against Masvidal before the KO
Askren wins 999/1000 times
Lil heemin
Joanna is so fucking hot man
jesus fuck how gross are British women John-jay-check to be hot?
Idk yair is a bit of a heemer himself tobh. But stephens almost always wins the story so...
This is my favorite /heem/ meme
I think he'll win. I don't really rate Yair. Odd matchup if they're trying to build him. He was getting tagged a bunch by KZ, Stephens is likely going to heem him
>britbong standards
God damn Rin looks fucking jacked
She cute
No, no she is not.
>hides face
well, at least she knows her place
Based little heem them
>Askren returns to the Octagon before Masvidal does
Uhhhh tell me again who won the story??????????
Checked your quads. The intern doing the UFC photoshop shit needs to either be hired or let go because seeing two fighters with 100% face size disparity is fucking terrible. Diaz is not the Jolly Green Giant FFS
I picked that picture for a reason tbqh. She's a butter face fer ser b. Nice body though. Would bang.
You guys just don't get it, do you. It isn't solely about her face, it's how she carries herself and her mannerisms, she's not as pretty as Macedo or Lipski or even Paige IMO but she carries herself like she's a supermodel, her confidence and individuality aswell as her temperment make her more appealing and attractive than any other woman in the UFC.
>Diaz is not the jolly green giant
Cazzie take tobh
Askren was literally about to get up a choke out Masvidal like he did to Lawler
Unshopped version
O dam
She's an entitled crybaby and you can tell her pussy reeks
They don't get it user, save your breath
>used to be all self deprecating and uncaring about being considered pretty
>bogs herself with implants
she's flushed
It sounds like a meme but personality does have a lot to do with attractiveness
It's never gonna happen lads is it.
Me in the back
Dana what are you gonna do FOR TRANSGENDER RIGHTS?!?!
fucking kek, that shit had me worked up, solid video mate
Tell you what about latinas?
"Go back to the jungle, where it's your home."
What did Joanna mean by this?
imagine if you didn't know, one second you're getting a whale of a blowjob and the next second you've got a cock slapping you
In many ways, the women's strawweight division ended with champion Joanna losing.
>*Gets wet*
You're opinion is trash, sorry, everyone seems entitled when they lose, even when they win, there were people literally calling Cerrone entitled for wanting to fight with McGregor after he beat Hernandez. If you are in the fight game you ALWAYS have to consider yourself the best and the most deserving of being at the top, because if you don't believe you are the best what is the point of being a prize fighter. She is just confident and knows what she wants.
Also, I bet she takes very good care of her pussy, you 100% know that shit is shaved bald. Tell me I'm wrong.
What did I miss
Something close to your heart, Brazilbro.
latina blowjob with a little surprise cock slap at the end
I present to you this:
Womens straw weight is the only relevant womens division where there is more than one person who could feasibly hold the title
i will teach her big lesson in how to respect the best champions
spic tranny sucking a dudes hawlg then slapping hawlgs together
>ywn have Joanna yell at you in a foreign language you don't understand where your only option is to try and out-awlkward her as she stares you down
Feels bad man
Lightweight is spicy man, please give us 4 man tournament for the undisputed king
Was she hot? Cmon stop teasing me post it
Personally I don't like the implants but if she feels more confident and happy with herself with them who are we to question it?
Based and redpilled, britfren
Joanna has that special thing most girls don't have, that is SOUL
It is not that I would give JJ the pipe for having the hots for her, I would give JJ the pipe to REWARD her
I know who 3 of the 4 are. Who is the 4th man?
Just go to the archive, you stupid tech illiterate fuck.
What if the UFC built its own octagon shaped arena?
shut the fuck up nerd
>but if she feels more confident and happy with herself with them
It's very obvious that she does.
based coral
I’m going to have to ask you to get on my guard
Khabib vs Ferguson
Mcgregor vs Gaethje
Would be based
Never noticed that, Luke must've got his chin split open by someone in the past and didn't have it stiched up properly, I have the same shit on my chin, hair doesn't grow over it properly.
you're just mad because you're too fat to backflip
Is there a word for cringing with a massive erection
In many ways the true fight would be between the friends we made along the way
Yes, I agree 1000% mate. Sad that she divorced her husband recently, could tell it really hit her hard. She needs some good dick in her life, just for her being her.
Then leave her be, no?
It's an Awlkward-boner b
Probably makes you look more handsome.
post your fav /heem/ vid.
Guess who's making the next thread. Yep, that's right. Me. Right here. This guy.
>this Schaub dicklet tucks
Santino is a faggot
Joanna is such a megacunt. Glad she got her just deserts.
I hope so, mine is a little smaller than Luke's though, not really as noticeable.
He's the definition of a forced meme
You one of my old instructors at east wind?
no he's not
why is his head so big bros
10/10 based and heempilled
Cunts are unironically the only thing that make wmma bearable. Ronda was a cunt and made BW fun. Joanna was a cunt and made SW fun. Rose got the belt and just stopped fighting and the person that got it after her just handed to some Chinese chick.
It's a high stakes game, Conor, Colby, TJ, Joanna of course and many others do, they play a game where they act arrogant (even if they don't believe it) and it draws eyes because controversy and starting altercations makes people look but when you lose it makes you look all that worse, people love to root against someone and Joanna takes initiative and give the people something to hate, low T people hate her (same with how Pereira had people seething even though the sole reason the fight was entertainign was because of him) because they need someone to root against. She has personality that brings something to the division, let's be honest would you rather have another Dustin Khabib press conference or another Conor Khabib press conference, only low T lazy slouches like to watch showmanship, aka snoremanship.
If you've ever cheated on a test you shouldn't have a problem with dudes who try to juice. If you've never cheated on a test you're a faggot nerd.
>t middle school faggot
Absolutely Based and Heempilled. We need to preserve this general from the low T faggots trying to invade it.
>Y-yu dont think that I pretty user?
>B-but your mom made us on this date
Have a degree bud and I cheated at times in college and I would do it again because too much money is on the line to care about "muh integrity"
I would literally choke your life away from you if you ever called me a faggot to my face. No, I'm not joking.
What's your Linkedin I need to hire you!!!@!!
What fighters are their own head coaches? Only person that comes to mind is T ferg.
It's deeznuts . Com
I'ma fire roast em
I have never cheated on a test because I have a genetically god-tier memory.
Technically that's cheating as well. Tests are meant to test your understanding on the material, not how well you can memorize the material. That's no different than writing the answer down on your arm.
Where is this from? Are you a vidya character or something? Looks like a perk kek
I'm not him but I've memorised old tests in classes where professors never change the tests and I was able to make an A that way. Wasn't that common though, but was worth it until he made the final different.
>Nadia Kassem
user, I...
Why is everyone whinging about this card so much? As a general rule australian cards suck, but this has at least 2 fun fights and a decent amount of name power.
Pretty sure he's from Melbourne