How do I achieve a body like this?
How do I achieve a body like this?
diet, exercise, and discipline
by saying sorry after they say slavery
eat clen
tren hard
test ur limits
anavar give up
commit felonies and get on welfare
black paint
shit it's a nigwalker
Attack jussie smollett
Eat your greens and stay in school.
By eating white pussy
PPL la
Do black guys actually worship white chicks and eat their pussies?
>workout every day for 3 to 8 hours
>follow diet perfectly down to every macro and micro
>also cycle on roids whilst pretending you don't
more fried mars.
have elite athlete genetics and lots of fast twitch fibers
Be American i.e. black
by stop being a cuck but seeing as you made this thread that would be unlikely
what's their average IQ?
Whatever the typical American IQ is as they are the average American
grow up
Ni-grow up?
Trenbolone Acetate
Testosterone Enanthate
Lift weights
Most likely 100
u forgot the AI's negro
nice one
500mg testosterone in the butt a week
Trenbolone would work on top of that too
Do for 12-16 weeks
Truly a clown world. I fucking love it.
It does 90% of the work, everyone telling you the opposite is a dirty skank
When you're on roids you don't even need diet or to train half as hard to blow up a natty's physique
and just be myself?
The body in the middle is attainable natty (aesthetically at least, you won't have his strength and speed) if you're a sub 6' gym rat with a naturally thick build. The other two are only possible with elite genetics and a 55 gallon drum full of mixed steroids.
represent Safrica in rugby and you'll just get huge
become French
Wtf is wrong with you americans?
Have a father who played in the NFL, that's a good place to start.
Be black and fuck white girls.
image being that weaklet in the middle
Africans on average have leaner bodies better suited for athletics/running. It's easier for them to gain muscle and better muscle definition compared to other groups.
Unironically PEDs
Go back in time and convince your mom to bang the trashmen. Note - this will not work if you already resemble your trashmen.
deb8able. i’ve been eating white pussy for 4 years and look like a DYEL baby fat teenage boy
Scumbag. You can't take roids forever. Once you stop the cycle these are the symptoms
Trouble concentrating
Lack of appetite
Decreased sex drive
Joint pain
Muscle aches
Decrease in blood pressure
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Drug cravings
yooo she needs to chill. shameless
Reem bless
why this thread is still here with only 50 comments after 3 days
Be on a 13:50 diet