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Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck anyone who isn’t me


Sometimes it's just really the shits being a Minnesota fan

I appreciate a team wanting to establish their players and keeping them around long-term but for fucks sakes... maybe they are ahead of the pack and they can tell the salary cap will increase so much that 7.5 for a talent wise second pair dman won't be that much come 2022 or so

I know you fags like to meme on Minnesota but man... we've had it rough for years. Honestly all of our professional hockey history. The fucking North Stars, the cucking of us out of the North Stars because a cheapskate wanted taxpayers to pay for a new arena. The same owner that couldn't keep his dick in just his wifes hole.
It's a fanbase and state and region that really doesn't deserve to have all of the losing coin flips.

I've always been an anti-tank dude, I thought that shit was beneath coaches and managers making millions. But I just want that lucky lottery ball this year. Just a chance at it. Be in the bottom four, roll the dice for the ball that comes with a chance at a franchise 1C.

Nobody expects anything from this squad.
It's a team without any consistent top end talent and that's been the case for like near a decade after Gaborik left.
Our best player is Eric Staal who I love and knew he would shine. But Eric Staal is not going to be getting 75+ points a season at this stage.
The other hopes we have rely on Parise somehow someway becoming the tasmanian devil at the net and in the corners but nobody believes that either.
Mikko Koivu is shit and always has been. Complete fucking plug. When the only boast people have about Koivu is his fucking faceoff percentage which is basically league average yet motherfuckers want to hang his jersey up in the rafters after he retires is such a joke.

Suter is Suter. I don't give a shit about le minutes on the ice. I want difference makers and he isn't one.

None of this is an overnight fix. Or a fucking 3 year fix.
Boys, I'm the kind of tired that sleep doesn't fix

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I don’t play hockey because there’s no beer league equivalent near me.

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I don't play because nobody has invited me to play :(

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I don't play hockey because I stopped playing when I realized I wasn't going to be the next Joe Sakic

this thread is about watching pro hockey, not playing it
fuck of to /fit/

My opinion is relevant because I have played hockey at a decent level.

Found the sunbelt zoomer cantskate

t. can'tskate retardo

>he cant even skate
>he's still extremely asspained about it

Imagine not even being able to skate and still enjoying watching other men skate.

sunbelters are based and floor hockey is still pretty sweet when there's no ice available

I have an opportunity to play in an amateur league with a buddy of mine, problem is they need a goaltender and I enjoy having working knee cartilage. Would you join?

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>playing beerleague goalie
you must be a terrible skater

just play as a stand-up goaltender lol

It's called stand-up style user. Dont bend your knees; use your stick and leg to kick away low shots; come out far and cut off angles; hasek sprawl when you dont know where the puck is.

stand up goalies are better because only fags go on their knees

I am, their last tender had a kid and can't make Friday nights

I quit my senior year of high school because the coach told me I wasn't going to play varsity and offered me to play JV instead. I'd be the only senior playing JV and I remembered all of my early high school years we would always joke about "lol senior playing JV"

So I quit. After a couple of weeks a close buddy of mine who made the varsity squad came over and was all emotional because he would get maybe two shifts a game. I didn't have the courage to tell him I quit because of JV being waived in my face because i was still too embarassed about people knowing that. So I just sat with him and tried taking his mind off of the thing.
The coach did the same thing with a bunch of the seniors that year. 1-5 shifts a game, giving the younger guys a lot of playing time. Coach probably saw the young kids had a good chance at winning state in a couple years and wanted them to get as much ice time as they could in early

In another universe I would have had the courage to play JV and maybe after a few weeks of my buddies sitting on the bench they would have came and been JV all-stars with me instead of what happened to us all.

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>sorokin has 50 career shutouts in the KHL

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Being goalie is boring and thankless.
They hate you when you suck and treat it with indifference when you pull a rabbit out of your ass.

Try to be a skater if you can.
But if you can't do that I would say go be the goalie just so you get out of the house once a week and do some bro shit

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Playing beer league goalie is awful. Either you're on a good team and just stand around all night or you get lit up for 9 goals and nobody even tries by the end of the night.

still thinking about benis

Good times it sounds like, they suck pretty bad in the league so I am probably not going to improve it with standup style.

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saturday night post moosic

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I can’t skate because I have MS

I can't skate because I grew up in rural Kentucky.

Than stop posting here cantskate

odds i get drunk

I had some brutal coaches too. I quit when I was 16 so you outlasted me

No u


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People discussing hockey with southern accents makes me cringe so hard.

>did you just hang up on him


I thought he was pretty goo.


that's why I always try to find a snet broadcast
canes, panties, stars tv is the suck

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just watching that as i saw this post lmao

beautiful pass from Bennett

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das pretty rude of a mick to do that since their accents are simmilar

don't joke about that I have a friend with MS

how do I get a slut gf like this?

>canes, panties, stars tv is the suck
John Forslund is from Massachusetts, and Steve Goldstein is from New York City. Neither of them have any regional accent.
Don't know who the Stars have in the booth, though.

I love it. I like all accents. The aussie accent in the AIHL broadcasts is so great

at least you lads have dope team colours.

australian accent is cringe as fuck trust me on this one

Money and low standards
I assume you have only one of those

all hockey fans are welcome!! this sport is small enough already we don't need to start excluding fans

I really like the show Letterkenny but I’m halfway through season 5 right now and have watched 3 bad episodes in a row.

Does it get better lads?

I also have grown tired that Wayne can never be in a bad light. He’s always the hottest, most manly, etc.
Kind of wish there was some good “humbling” episodes

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fuck that


I haven't seen it

kill yourself.

That sucks bro. He’s in my thoughts, he didn’t deserve that hand he was dealt but that’s how life can be for any one of us. That buddy is the strongest dude you know, honestly.

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im poly and im bi

samoan or tongan? or the elusive niuean?

Alfred...get my blanket


It’s on Hulu... definitely recommended by me honestly. Best comedy kino out there right now outside of like IASIP and South Park but I haven’t seen last season of SP
I’ve only seen the TV show but I guess it started as just some YouTube shit that took off


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Its not in the way you hold me

Its not in the way you say you care

Its not the in the way youve been treatin my friends

Its not in the way you look or the things that you say that youll do

Hold the line,

Love isn't always on time

Woaaah oh oh

Hold liiiiine

Love isn't always on time

Woah oh oh

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>its always sunny in reddit
>reddit park

Anybody have the clip where the other player fakes taking swings at J.M., and he starts dancing away like a scared little girl?

no lad i have a gay relationship with multiple twinks at once

remember to leave some food out for your house hippo

I feel pretty awful for him, it's in the early stages.

otherwise known as your mum lmao

only connection I have to toto is that I was listening to "I'll be over you" when I heard that my cousin had a miscarriage. Looked it up and the song came out the same day same year she was born. life is eerie that way

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based vice city soundtrack

shoo shoo not for you


At least respond to the post kiwi
And better yet give your top 3 active comedy tv shows right now just so I can confirm that you aren’t just some contrarian tard on the contrarian website like I think you are

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i only watch hockey

I got a six pack and nothing to do

I got a six pack and I DONT NEED YOU

Send him a text sometime.
He could really use it and I think it would be good for you too. Maybe even tonight if you got the courage.

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rugbys pretty cool too

gayest arena in existence, the only seats are behind the net on the opposite end of the rink

I only buy craft beer, IPAs, etc because the higher alcohol content honestly.

But Sam Adams 76 is literally the best beer you can buy that comes in a 12 pack of cans. Highly recommended.

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Johnny's a lover not a fighter

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>I only buy craft beer
end your life

Found myself at a cricket arena this summer

I work at a craft brewery. I only drink based Genny Cream Ale

Read the rest of the sentence faggot.
I’m not above crushing Naturdays and Bud heavys. But if I’m just chilling at home wanting to get my buzz on I like to mix it up

Im going to miss off season /hoc/

thinking about how gay and stupid this post is

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Any beer lower than 7% isn't worth the money or calories desu

Nah you just want to feel cool and talk about your special boy beers with your faggot friends.

if it give you an erection, drink a light lager and call emergency services

its called a pitch. now you can impress your friends with your cricket knowledge

im excited to actively root against the redditlina hurrishits and making randy cry lads


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craft beer dude is also the skatelet

>yes goy, buy our watered down beer, good goy

I don't know if we have that in Canada, I haven't seen it. I usually get Busch Ice because it's strong and cheap or I go with Old Style Pilsner

Arena sounds a bit better teabeehaitch

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imagine not watching the sphl

welcome back

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imagine not hitting this dude with ya boy user

Looks like we got a badass over here

Thinking about Labatt Ice 3 24oz for one dollar a piece desu

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Tell him to check out the Ultimate Zapper from zap.intergate.ca
The site looks cheesy as fuck, but it's legit. I've bought both the XE and QE2 models, and have noticed an improvement in my overall health. I don't have MS, but a shitton of digestive issues, and they have improved a lot since I started using it. Some of the testimonials on the site talk about how people with MS have seen an improvement, or put it into straight remission.

And what do you drink then, faglord?

DUDE check out this onions-harvest craft beer I bought from whole foods! Its an IPA made from cruelty free onions beans! Come over and play smash bros with me while I nurse a single beer for 3 hours!!!

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i ONLY drink speights, pride of the south

fuck it, make it a case

Well, they have Jake Gardiner on their team now. So they should do worse this season.

Guinness if they have it on tap, greygoose and water if they don't.

thats a transgender if you didnt know btw

>Grey Goose
Vodka is shit

am I fucking banned on here too, testicles 123 123

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Whole Foods doesn't sell beer ya liar. Hey everybody this guys a liar!

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Horrible thread

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Premium vodka is based. Shithouse vodka is shit.

gonna smoke some hash and eat 9 cans of ravioli

I'm going to get shit faced on what ever I want and I don't care what /hoc/ has to say about it

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Tripfag is back? I sleep

this is a test post. do not reply to this post.

fuck am I ripped boys oh fuck yeah


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>yeah bro I only drink labatt and natty
>I gotta smash like 12 of them to get a buzz but it's cool

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you should be banned for this facebook tier meme

You mean like this?

Goose is alright, I usually have Skyy and carbonated water

saturday night's for the boys

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I'm more of a tequila guy myself

This is a bully ted post, please (You) this post and tell ted to clean the grill

>drinking regularly enough to get fat

I prefer to shotgun my Guinness

Tell him to clean the whole apartment, shit is nasty

you sound like a faggot

the time has finally come lads
in His Knight and Love

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You drink like a faggot.

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got 4 shirts at the concert tonight

old shannon unironically looks way better

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man im so blazed i put the milk in the food pantry xD

>tfw you literally just put someone to bed

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>4 shirts
>from the same band on the same night
let me guess, you actually unironically wore a shirt of the headliner to the show as well?

>no u
quite epic my dude :^)

are you the user that said earlier you weren't going to get overly drunk?

for me? its the city of little canada, minnesota

there were 4 bands ya knob


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You said I sound like a faggot I said you drink like a faggot. These are two different things, retardbro.

You can tell the kid has a different father

>buying shirts for each supporting band
let me guess, you actually unironically wore a shirt of the headliner to the show as well?

no I didnt actually

>going to a show
let me guess, you actually unironically wore a shirt of the headliner to the show as well?

hmmmm yeah
feeling good

>they can't afford 4 shirts

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pretty desperate for attention

let me guess, you actually unironically wore a shirt of the headliner to the show as well?

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oh, well have at it then chief

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>doubling down on the "no u" argument

based gif

posting my laines

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you know "The Chadrick Hattrick Patrick" is playing in the swiss league this year right

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It would be no u If I just said you sound like a faggot, but its not because I said you drink like a faggot with your faggy ipas.

no he isnt

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>Call you a faggot
>No YOU'RE the faggot
>no see it's not a "no u" cause I included another word
keep projecting faglord

Sounding like a faggot and drinking like a faggot are different things, retardbro.

Remember when that Canadian tried to tell me you can "pay at the door" with your credit/debit card with dominos?

>"A Canadian team winning the cup? Those were the days!"

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he's playing with SC Bern right now ...

>his country doesnt have basic mobile payments

sure, man
whatever you say

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no he isnt and youre a faggot

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I just did that yesterday.

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why are canadians so retarded and refuse to admit when they're wrong? it's almost as if they're upset they haven't won a championship in 26 years.

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there's finnish articles posted in the last thread saying he's practicing with them and youre a bigger faggot

22 canadians just won the cup

why are you so dumb

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who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada?

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Considering his contribution to the Jets last year, that might be for the best.

nighty night /hoc/ :3

>for the state of Missouri

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22 canadians just won a championship last year


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*clap clap* *clapclapclap*

training camp already started and the jets don't have cap space. he's playing for SC Bern this year sorry m8

who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada??

>for St Louis
we heard you

shall begin getting drunk lads


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a little bit belligerent tonight are we

Are all Jets fans retarded? There must be something that attracts these people to the team.

more like "misery" amirite lmao rekt

fucking tremendous if true

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based that's >my new team

/hoc/ sure is moving fast for a Saturday night

alcoholics, so close

>Are all Jets fans retarded?
Short answer: yes.

>Are all Jets fans retarded?
is this a trick question?

turns out canadians arent upset, and 22 of them just won a championship last year


who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada?

Who is your team, lad?

Threadly reminder that Nevada has ZERO cups and has produced ZERO nhl players.

*clap clap clapclapclap*

thinking about those preseason games last year between boston and calgary that were held in slanteye land

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Thinkgen about belmont

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any cups not won by my team I dont acknowledge

I just want to see >my team win 1 Stanley Cup and I can die happy

that was peak comfy desu

same desu

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>training camp already started
people miss training camp all the time
>training in europe
people do this all the time. pekka rinne trained with sc bern for a week last year. nylander skated in sweden and austria before he was signed
>jets dont have the cap space
if marner is worth 11 mil, laine is worth 8 tops in which case they do have the space

the problem is they want to sign connor and laine at the same time to avoid revealing their hand and getting offer sheeted beyond something they can match

later queers

For each /hoc/ offseason you survive, you become stronger. You also have the mental scaaaaars to prove it.
Show me your war face /hoc/

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keep seething pusy

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jets are up shit creek with a turd for a paddle and you're a delusional hobbit

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22 championship winning canadians, only one single american. (only registered 7 points in the 26 playoff games)


>me every offseason

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now I'm always smiling

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remember the synctube?

randy at the bottom

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who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada?

who is your team, lad?

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one of those 22 championship winning canadians also won the conn smythe trophy.

Just lit a candle and turned on my salt lamp.

Not, I

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>15.5 mil cap space
they will lock up connor for 7x7 or maybe slightly higher and they will end up bridging laine for ~8. kevin cheveldayoff currently low balling laine for traditional bridge deal price tag of like 5.5-6 mil

he will sign for 2 years for between 7 and 8 after which time he will still be an rfa and we can see how he develops and whether he is worth the big long term contract. it wont be a problem because 1. cap is going to increase dramatically after new tv deal and 2. dustin byfuglien will be a ufa and probably walk freeing up almost 8 mil

who is your team, lad?

what a fucking fag

who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada??

whichever one makes you seethe the most tbph

who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada?

who knew that canada is actually in st louis, missouri?

great year for canadians, 22 of them just won the championship, a massive number compared to the last couple years

i didnt know that about st. louis

i don't think St. Louis exists

why do we even let americans play hockey anyway?

I know twenty two Canadians, like at least that many

who knew that st. louis, missouri is actually in canada?

What the fuck is a “Canada”? I hate skating

St. Louis is a little town in PEI

why do we let anyone play hockey anyway?

St. Louis, Canada

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has anyone ever actually seen st. louis to confirm its NOT in canada?

cool place, that's where the undisputed best coach in the league is from

Elton John invented the nation state of St. Canada-Louis in Missouri, Kansas

I didn't even know there were more than 22 canadians in the world

it was actually louis armstrong, he played his trumpet for so long in one spot that people formed a city around him until he died

wtf the swedish national anthem is the worst anthem I've heard in my entire life

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Is bill playing tomorrow for gayrizona?

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Go Islanders!

St Louis is actually named of Louis of the band Louis and Clark. They were the first band of the 1800s to include a drum set.


more like taint louis lmao you guys like that one?

another QMJHL chad defenseman in the works

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>Are all Jets fans retarded?

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another isles delusion in the works more like

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reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being retarded and that /hoc/ is a retard friendly general

>jets fan admitting he's retarded
wew lads

Nah I like this kid. Him and dobson look like studs to me. Big body, can skate and has a pretty good shot. I think he can spend 2 years in the Q, and then join bridgeport

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Wrong. /hoc/ is for many people, but not retards

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just because we let jets fans post doesnt mean were retard friendly

gonna make some burgers

It’s 11pm

god speed, brother

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im not retarded, i have an extremely high hockey iq. i am just reminding /hoc/ that there is nothing wrong with being retarded and that /hoc/ absolutely is a retard friendly general

shut up, retard

i'm drunk

name one hockey player

shut up, retard

>tfw survived 2 lockouts

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patrik laine :DDDD

burgers a part of a growing boys diet

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>We are two days into training camp, and after 40 minutes of scrimmages, Malcolm Subban still hasn’t allowed a goal. #VegasBorn
my nigga

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why hasn't /box/ bullied kipshit out of their genny?

malcolm subban was born in pooronto

I obviously meant Charlottetown Islanders of the Q

>team scrimmages
Literally useless metrics

imagine being born in cuckland

/hoc/ is a big brain general

yeah charlottetown islels exist. Do they have any notable alumnis?

they can keep him

NZ is a pretty cool guy. I don't like the jets but I appreciate that he cheers for a leaf team

this just means that lil nibba is desperate
he knows that he has to put on a good showing or this is probably it for him

Thanks mate.
I never got the tards that memed “le Christmas colors”
It’s a good look and the only team I think in all four major sports leagues that uses that color combo.

he has 4 teams though, one being the w*ld

Sprong is gonna be good

it's either him or sparks this year

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1. Winnipeg Jets
2. Montreal Canadiens
2. Ottawa Senators
3. Minnesota Wild


cringe is just a code word for triggered desu

for me it's the Newfoundland Growlers, winning the Kelly Cup in their 1st year in the ECHL

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well at least you aren't a canucks fan

So I heard you faggots like burgers

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>3/4 teams are canadian
>the final one is minnesota

for me it was the cape breton screaming eagles until they changed their name to cape breton eagles like a bunch of faggot cucks

amazing team

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reminder that minnesota is unironically the best american state

wasnt there a player on this years bloos who was on them?

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Prince may be the greatest music artist of twentieth century, but Minnesota still sux,

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I heard some prospect was on the blues. I don't follow the Q too closely so I can't name him

oh right sammy blais

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looks good to me

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>replying to that brown piece of trash

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reading about thunder bay, canada seems pretty grim lads

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based retard

what did he mean by this?

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Does anybody have that iceberg picture with the different layers of weird music that get weirder the further down you go?
Asking because I'm slipping into shit like post rock, dark ambient, and fucking field recordings. Send help.

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go to Yea Forums buddy

look up meditation frequencies

Check out the new Lana Del Rey album, it's the best album released in years no bullshit.

Hiatus Kaiyote isnt that bad, and I like their shit. Good band I recently found

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hide post

what if bulju was black?

What if Bulju "were" black, user. It's subjunctive.

You ever get woken up by your neighbors having a shouting match at midnight
and I don't mean "the walls are too thin in this apartment" neighbors I mean "they live across the street but ran out of their house just to yell and piss everyone else in the neighborhood off" neighbors

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no because i am not a black american and live in a good neighbourhood

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i didnt hear anything. he said she walked into a door and i believed him.

I'll have you know I'm white sir
for real though I don't live in some gated community but this neighborhood is generally pretty nice I don't know how the everloving fuck these pieces of white trash managed to move in here because this isnt' even the first time this has happened with these two

prolly section 8

that used to be my family desu

>listening and believing
based canadian

jk nz is weird because you have traditionally low and high income areas but also you will randomly have a super shit house next to a nice sprawling brand new home so there are poor people everywhere parking their cars on the grass and having late bbq parties on tuesdays and shit

I only listen to real music like Toby Keith and Garth Brooks

for me, its Wheeler Walker Jr

let me know when your listening and watching osciliscope music

based cowboy larper

honestly might get there

one of the best songs ever desu

but you know someday sooooon we're both gonna saddle up, and it'll be riiiiide cammmellll riiiiiiiiiiide

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He's got some great songs


rewatching parks and reddit lads

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Okay, it's not bad.
You have to have it on really low volume, because otherwise it gets painfully sharp and just sounds like radio feedback or something. And it could definitely use some other elements / instruments to go with it. But there's definitely something there.

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having an ice cream sandwich lads

For me, it's Plastic Beach.


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>11 AM: based steelers
>2 PM: based raiders
>2:30 PM: based golden knights
>5 PM: based clash of champions
What a time to be alive.

For me, it's Chilly Beach

best gorillaz album

extremely based

for me, it's despising the gorillaz
absolute and utter despicable TRASH music

It's okay user, we can't all have good taste

My luxurious black (and peppered grey) hair almost goes down to my waist, how jealous are you bald hairlet fags?

... girl?

What instrument in Dragonforce do you play?

male organ

I play guitar on about a scale of 1/5th of an actual Dragonforce lad.

big game tomorrow

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wake up Norge
wake up binlan

huomenta from sunny finland

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Based. How are you planning on leveling up?




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It worked!

Huomenta, Finland!

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hockey tomorrow

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bulju 1+1

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hyvaa huomenta Timo. Time for morninkoffee?

binlan, I'm curious. Who is the greatest Finn of all time?

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what about that finnish farmer who rekt countless russian squads using only a hunting rifle in WW2?


>Simo Häyhä isn't #1
>he's not even listed
That list is SHIT.

Who are you guys cheering for tomorrow?
Sasha Banks or Becky Lynch?


>#5 is the first female president
that's the meme here

If I could grab bustipate I'd never let him go. Id squeeze like kitty and hold him to chest and never let him run away from jets. Sammy and paint king Pate love eachother together forever

Häyhä is a legend but there are far more important ww2 veterans than him


Sammy love patty goal score number one love forever :)

>He is believed to have killed over 500 men during the 1939–40 Winter War, the highest number of sniper kills in any major war.

Sounds pretty based to me


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Sammy andGOAT goal maker patrik hattrick line love eachother elite athlete don't cry Because it's over smile because line chains paint

I swear to god >we'd better win that meaningless playoff game.

Pate scores game winner!

oispa (wish i had) saskia kivennäisvesi(mineral water) from natsi siwa(lidl)

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Laine hates Tim Horton because it's over rated shit

two sunbelt teams open hokkei preseason

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Here's what it's like to be an American hockey fan:

Imagine you're in Japan, and you're watching a Japan-based basketball game. Every single player on the basketball court is black, very black, and clearly from Africa. Wide noses, big lips, long dreadlocks. All of them.
They hit long 3's, do 360 dunks and generally light it up and put on a show.
The Japanese man beside you says "Ha! See? I told you that the Japanese were amazing basketball players!"

You think to yourself "The players in the game are clearly not Japanese, and yet this man pretends that they are because they're being paid to play in Japan. He actually believes that Africans playing basketball in Japan makes Japan good at basketball."

and now you understand what it's like to be an American "hockey fan" who cheers for "American" teams and believes that it's an "American win" when St. Louis wins the Stanley Cup.

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chicken cordon bleu for dinner tonight lads:

what i do is i take a couple of chicken breasts and pound them flat with a tenderizer and season generously with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder. i bang a few slices of swiss cheese on there and some peppered ham fresh from the deli. roll it up tight in some glad wrap and let it set in the fridge for at least an hour.

after its set i dredge the chicken in egg, flour, and panko bread crumbs then i shallow fry them in a pan for a few minutes a side until nice and crispy golden brown.

while theyre frying i make a roux in a saucepan using butter garlic and flour and then whisk in a couple of cups of milk and let it simmer until it thickens up nicely then slap some dijon mustard and parmesan cheese in there and season with salt and pepper to finish it off.

slice the cordon bleu and drizzle with a healthy serving of the sauce alongside some steamed vegetables or some nice little roasted potatoes or something


I'll never be able to see that lady without thinking of conan o'brien

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Canadian cope knows no limits.

Reminder that most people in this thread weren't even born yet the last time Canada won a cup

I was about four months old.

reminder that the NHL is heading towards another lockout so who fucking cares

i was six

i was about 6 months. fucking zoomer.

I like you

The Last time Canada won a Stanley Cup, Zaire still existed.

[citation needed]

I was 2

The last time Finland won a gold medal-

oh wait

The last time Canada won a cup, DOOM didn't exist

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look at all the truly elite scoring talent in the league

the nhl is a russian league

The last time canada won a cup, Bill Clinton had yet to have sexual relations with that woman.

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delete this

the last time Canada won a cup, Spongebob didn't exist yet

doubt it. The Russian strategy back then was to zerg rush with green troops.

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>*clap clap clapclapclap*

>*clap clap clapclapclap*

imagine finding that attractive

i wish i could be a mountie

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that beauty blonde burger brock boeser

can they all just naturally talk to squirrels or is it part of their training?

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where did the call the mounties meme come from? i missed that one somehow.

are all mounties 11 feet tall or is that just a myth?

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anons cousin got blowjobs from an underage hockey team

Remember that one Canadian user whose cousin coaches youth hockey but also fucks the little players' mouths and has been doing so for months if not years?
user stopped by a little while ago just to tell everybody that the next youth hockey season was about to start up and that his cousin is still coaching. And that he hasn't said anything.

We're trying to shame him into doing the right thing and turning his cousin in.

would you say that hunting rogue chinamen is a regular part of a mounties day to day?

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still do

Oh okay, I remember seething over that poster for >muh family shame. Thanks lads.

>storm surge

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If you insist.

>nontraditional hockey market

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You've been heard.

imagine the conversation a few years ago in nashville
>hey so (hehe) get this (chuckle) the redwings do that octopus thing who knows why they do it anyway (hehe) so okay. so thats a fish thing but we have catfish here (giggling). so we throw our catfish on the ice instead of an octopus. itll be great. itll play really well on social

>caroleddit hurricucks

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enial kirtap

cheeky 2am omelette with muenster, onions, and sausage


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Who's got next?


i'm healthy at any size lad



>he thinks whole foods is super natural and hippy
>doesn't realise outside of n/a whole foods is closer to your stand supermarket

kek, why is north america so unhealthy?

don't we all lad

it's not only the duty of a mountie but the duty of everyone to hunt rogue chinamen