
>shit league, great NT
>great league, shit NT
>great league, great NT

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>england great league
That's how i know you are bong druglord on cocaine trip ro your banana factory

Italy did worse than England last world cup lmao

>engelel great league
>boosted by nogs, mudslims and foreign coaches

soul soulless

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t. Giampierinho Di Macaco aka "Espageti"

>shit one team league
>shit national team that can't even qualify for the world cup
Cope more

Ah yes, the almighty and competitive league of Canada and their powerhouse NT.

I don't remember seeing Italy's NT last world cup.

EPL coefficient #2
England national team FIFA rank #4

Ligue 1 coefficient #5
France FIFA ranking #3

Serie a coefficient #3
Shitaly FIFA rank #16

*flies away*

What has that got to do with anything? Fucking brainlet

Italy WC = 4
Englel WC = 1

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>FIFA rank #4
lmao he cares about fifa ranks

>4 WCs

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>muh history
Is Italy the Manchester United of international football?

is England playing Euro 2020 after Brexit?

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AC Milan

Are Norway and Switzerland?

>great league

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it's just bants m8
I'm sure football is coming home next year
just hang in there chap

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>Final : Italy 4- 2 France
No ?

>great league, great NT
Until like 10 years ago, sure.

Why can't poles stop seething over us lads?

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Italy will be, but only if they avoid bankruptcy.

>shit league, abysmal NT

what happened that Premier League replaced Serie A as the greatest league ?

>Final: Germany-Switzerland
wtf is this shit

I find most brits insufferable too but for fuck's sake Europe let the PL throw a complete dabfest on them last year in the CL

even the europa league was just arsenal and chelsea cruising past every other team

They forgot Hungary.

>shit league, shit NT

>great NT
>not even /elite/


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Italy got the civil war vibes.

No ac milan are like the liverpool of Italy and juve are utd, juve win more leagues and domestic but milan win more international

Nt team with a future : France
Championship with a future : France

Nt with no future : englel, ritalia
Championship with no future : eplel, shitty a

About 10-15 years back Italy was spoken in the same breath as Germany, and Brazil. They are on the cusp of being irrelevant at this point in time.

inb4 50 years of hurt.

USL is elite

>Nt with no future : englel
Uh sweaty, think again

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>no man like jlinz

N'gubu u stoopid!

>Whatever ngubu IS top tier ngubu like french ngubus
Lmao how clueless one can be.

>Italy great NT
2006 was 13 years ago

Most likely to win Euro 2020 with or without Mbappe.

>fifa ranks
m8, we all know your ranking is inflated as fuck. I mean, our shitty national team was top 10 back in 2006 because we played a shit ton of easy concacrap games - that tells you all you need to know about how useless fifa rankings are

>ghastly league, shit NT

watch our league though

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Italy wasn't even in the last world cup