8 games, 14 goals & 5 assists

>8 games, 14 goals & 5 assists
Yeah, I know our league is shit still not bad

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He looks so fucking creepy

Someone paint some eyebrows for this man.

I like suomi face

he kinda looks like an albino African

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My brother :)

Shut the fuck up

Mon dieu

another day
another hattrick

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el diablo no norwegian


he shoould try growing a beard and wearing sunglasses

sami gang

bottom text

Based Pukki

Is he the Danish CSGO player?

Attached: dane csgo player.png (800x625, 447K)

La Creatura Nordica

Is he fast? Isn't his first touch dreadful?

Dios mio

What phenotype is this?

Magisk will be happy to know we've found someone uglier than him

sacre bleu

What the fuck is that thing? It looks like a chad that got fucked over big time by fetal alcohol syndrome

his first touch is decent, not great but ok. he is fast, but more importantly strong and aggressive as fuck, and kicks the ball REALLY hard. I cannot overstate how important kicking the ball really fucking hard is to his game

Isn't that how ppl in your country look like?

the horror of hartberg

Manbeast Haaland will be in a top club next year.

Marsch is unlocking him

Attached: JesseMarsch points.jpg (1065x460, 85K)