Sup cracka

sup cracka

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Based AB

h-hello ab... p-please don't hurt me

sup rapist

Is he the craziest player in the league since TO?

I don't get it. These people are swimming in willing pussy and still they rape.

Greetings Antonio. You've learned your routes right? Can't wait until we play together.

Why is he so based and loveable?

sup nigger

neggo cracka

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whatchu gon' do bout it?

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God I wish that were me

my nigga

so it's true then, the Irish are just a bunch of white niggers

Yea Forums told me the rest of the world didn’t care about or know anything about american sports. What gives?

lose weight ya thong-wearing fatty

They're not watching the sport they're just shitposting.

So....all of Yea Forums ever?

>you want to be on this team. call him a cracka

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I'm watching the game tonight. Rooting for Tampa because I like them and Cam is a pussy ass little bitch, I hope he loses and cries about it. I'm a Gnats fan btw
We ain't even white, we brindle, we are the blacks of Europe