Tfw new glasses

>tfw new glasses
>will probably never play sport again

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Contacts, nerd.

just take them off la

Chess, bro

myopia can be cured with hard work and dedication
t. 20/20 vision Chad

How risky is laser eye? I used to just need glasses for tv or at lectures etc. It’s now got to the point I need them all the time really, so I can read signs and see peoples faces properly. I’m burning money on contacts anyway.

welcome to inceldom, brother

google lasik suicide

explain please mate

they'res practically no risk. if you have astigmatism it's especially worth it.

Can't do lasik of you have a flat cornea

>How risky is laser eye?
How would you like some of that permanent double vision and bad vision at night?

>not going full Davids mode

Just smoke weed!

guy youre responding to doesnt live in a third world shithole where surgery is conducted by people who have an IQ of 70 lad

I did it here in 'mania and turned out alright,went from -4.50 to damn near perfect eyesight,so basically it fixed my vision
bear in mind doing it in the uk is like twice the price so it will bring even better results

I got lasik at 21 because my doctor said it would be fine. My vision is now good enough to play sports without glasses , but I need to wear them most of the time if im driving, reading, watching TV, etc.

Please consider rephrasing your post, it's hard to read sentences made by 70 IQ people.


Forgot to add I'm 25 now and I don't recommend getting lasik as young as I did.

>*sentences written by 70 IQ people are hard to read.

Isn't the age limit 25 to have LASIK?

Legit eye doctor here. Minimal risk unless you have a very high prescription or underlying pathology. Get a comprehensive eye exam and tell them you are interested in LASIK, they will tell you if youre a good candidate

No, you can have Lasik at 18 if you want but it's not recommended.

What other threads does the eye doctor post in?

Brap threads

This is the only one. I immediately jumped on the opportunity to answer a question about eyes

Probably some fucking weird shit. And I’m honestly okay with it.

based brap lover eye doctor?

what kind of eyeglasses does user wear?
I have these, quite normal

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So not even the occasional perro caca or ngubuposting thread? You just lurk until a discussion about eyes comes up?

Oh well. Have a good day doc

Aimed for that 50s-60s intellectual look

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i've been wearing these ones for 5 years

Attached: ff.jpg (680x680, 28K)

I got ray ban vision
the gold spots are barely visible irl though

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mine are very similar. These but they are navy blue

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I have a friend who used to play football wearing his glasses, I don't know how he never broke them. Nice digits btw

ive accepted it a long time ago. my vision is too bad for contacts

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I guess thats possible if its in very early stage and there is only eye muscle weakness

>tfw ridiculously short sighted
I actually cannot function without lenses/glasses. Lucky I have blue/green eyes and the lenses make my eyes pure blue 24/7

none (yet)

Enjoy being ostracized and crippling social isolation.

>eyelets posting on my spee

have you tried trying harder to see properly without glasses

>tfw want to wear sunglasses
>cant because im blind as shit

>tfw actually have 20/15 vision

When I went for a retinal scan for the first time, the Opthamalogisr discovered I had insanely good vision, better than the average person's.


Any of your other guys here with shit vision actually like the /comfy/ feeling at the end of the day when you take off your glasses, lose all focus and everything around you turns like a beautiful looking oil painting and you can just relax, not having to give a shit or focus or anything?

Growing up glasses upset me, n I always went "The minute I turn 26 I'mma get lasik and be a pilot" cause your eyes stop growing around then. Now that I'm close I feel a bit different and feel like I'd miss the chance to just zone out once in awhile.

does anyone feel like they look uglier than normal without glasses

just stay in reddit for now on

you zoomers disgust me

were you even born when this commercial was made?

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Get prescription sport goggles. Done. Excuse gone.

just get prescription goggles like Stat or use contacts like dwade

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lmfao imagine not having perfect vision ahahaha
niggas out here needin DLC just to see straight

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Love it when people link studies they don't even understand

Fucking kek

I got lasik and so far so good, i was blind af and my cornea was thin so they werent sure at the start if they could do it

No I actually feel I look much better without them, but its not worth not being able to see anything

Cool as fuck

lmao sup nerd
*smacks your glasses off your face*
*stamps on them*
*takes your wallet*
*pushes you over*
thanks for lunch NERD, same time tomorrow foureyes

>tfw Keratoconus on left eye


if we were at the school, i would bully you

you've never bullied anyone

Lennon look

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TF you talking about?

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Is it risky if i train boxing and spar ocasionally???