Why are black people so bad at basketball?

Why are black people so bad at basketball?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-12 15-59-11.png (617x147, 13K)

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>wait till they realize curry lebron durant aint never playing for their fascist country again

black americans don't respect their nation, so they don't care when they play for the national team


Walmart stopped selling guns so they can’t shoot anymore

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But they are both black?

low iq

>beat usa
>it doesn't even matter
>none of this matters

you won the "we told you we could do it" cup

we sure showed plumlee and co. how to do it


>the best basketball players in all of Serbia
>A bunch of literally whos
Most Americans don't even know this is a thing.

wow that's seethe

Yikes, that's a cope.

Zoinks thats an excuse

>a bunch of literal who's
>a bunch of NBA stars
see I can do that too

Well you're going to the pre-Olympics unlike Cr*atia :)

Of the top forty players in the NBA, not one was on the team. See you in 2020 when we take gold.

this our b team actually


Really? So does everyone not give a shit about this? I thought it was just us.

all my carz is foreign
all my broadz is foreign
money tall like bogdan

most of the teams didnt bring their best player

In all honesty, FIBA's biggest failure as an organization is failing to attract the American audience by letting the IOC allow professionalism in Olympic basketball

Had they grabbed the Olympics by the balls the same way FIFA did to it, the World Cup would be seen as the biggest tournament for the Americans as well. The fact that there's, in theory, 2 world cups, it undermines what FIBA considers the official tournament since they have lost the biggest audience (i.e. Americans) to the Olympics

If Blejica stayed injured and Guduric got shot we would be winning this tournament. This was easily our best lineup since 2002 and thats counting meme players too

Ben Simmons and Exum aren't playing for Australia, Pau, Mirotic, Sergio Rodriguez and Abrines for Spain, Shved for Russia, Teodosic for Serbia, Heurtel and Lauvergne for France, everybody for Canada...most countries have important players missing

an ex-yu team would be able to beat USA A team if they had chemistry

Are you even qualified ?

shame yu is no more. we'd completely dominate team sports right now

>we'd completely dominate team sports right now
Certainly not pétanque sir.

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You’d murder each other in the locker room before that could happen

I thought the US was good at basketball. Was I lied to?

>playing sports
>for free

You're not good if you're doing that.

Serbs are dangerous.

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Post A team then

how stupid can you be
USA is a leftist paradise, at least in big cities

Isn't this just the preliminary tournament to the Olympics?

Yeah but orange man bad, many people really don't want to be associated with the devil.

Literally pay no taxes at the expense of the poors wageslave cucks that spend all their monthly salaries

Teodosic, Markovic, Nedovic, Milosavljevic, Kalinic, Micov, Macvan, Kuzmic etc etc... a lot of key players missing.

just missing teodosic means we have our b squad, he is the brain of this team.
basically a player-coach, you can hear him every time during timeouts he yells at players and tells them what to do in the next attack
we missed his leadership so much in this world cup.

>tfw not a serb
>tfw you're a fucking loser instead

I wish I were dead.

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Doesn't matter man, the Olympics are what counts

Probably we will be the 8th team but I'm happy. No one cares about basketball here in Poland and we already achieved that much.

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see y'all in Tokyo. Gold medal game.

First we gotta qualify, hopefully our A-team actually comes, and these fuckers actually want to play instead of moping around

>No one cares about basketball here in Poland
Same here. Beating USA barely made the news.

Your nation have a few players in the NBA and no one giving a fuck about basketball in France?

No. It's like every sport but foot and rugby was a niche.

No. Defense.
No. Team. Play.

Thats it.

Dont even listen to him. Only one missing there was Teodosic. WIth him we would actually have good offense against strong defense from Spain and Argentina.

So, Teodosic not included this is the strongest team we had since 2002.

i take it you've never seen an NBA game?

Pop better resign in shame, we need Coach K.

murrilards are overrated, besides their own spors nobody else plays (armegg) they aren't that great compared to other nations in the world.

For example, if swimming didn't gave that many medals at the olympics, the murrilards would be below China, Japan, S. Korea, Russia, Germany etc...