
How on Earth is this mutt so good?

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he poo in loo


I'm so jealous

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mutts peak in their teenage years

Trinidad genes

He's from Trinidad, constable
Isn't that pure blood niggers though? Sancho is much more than a standard pacebabby

Went to Germany to enjoy proper training

Like Dembele amirite?

Dembele was mentally retarded tbf


Have you seen Sancho's interviews. He speak like an autist, barely able to find words and string them together languidly

He's a savant like Kante

Dumbele propably can't even open a banana without help. No traning can help him.

He was shit against Bulgaria tho

he didn't even start and was good against Kosovo when he did

tbf, he's 19. Barely a man doing interviews for an international audience.

Mutts are the future

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He was born in Camberwell which is an utter poverty stricken shit hole and he's a footballer so I doubt he's going to be exactly well spoken

CHO is better

Why does he make her seethe so much?


Is that a protein supplement?

in rupturing his achilles maybe

Bundesliga is a meme league

typical woman mad chad doesn't notice her

tushy better

The bundesliga is even worse than Ligue 1

Big fan of watching Chelsea reserves senpai?

She's desperate for his attention.

He’s playing to be signed by Kloppo

Kek. Cope. Ps it’s not.

He is a street hustler.

You can have him next season. That'll be 150 mirrion plus tip.

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It's just to get in the clickbait news, "Alex Morgan SLAMS Ronaldo in scathing tweet!"
As usual the only way women can make themselves relevant is to attach themselves to successful men.

>150 mirrion
Pounds sterling that is.


love how hyped he is despite never playing and constantly injured. Sancho shits all over him

Hes a worse Bundesliga Sterling. You need someone making runs in the final third for him to pick an easy pass for assists.

>le tap in after Sterling does all the work man
Cant wait when Utd spend £150m on this fraud.

To be fair, people who say he is shit has to remember that Sterling was largely shit for England for 45~ games and then he got to a similar level of his club for England. Sancho is not a bad player to be around.

>(additional 50 million to be payed in the event you sell him)
How the FUCK do they keep getting away with selling shitters?

>yfw England wins the Euros and Sancho becomes the first 200m+ player

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>mutts and niggers need to bend the rules as far as legally possible in an unsportsmanlike manner in order to win

Walcott mk2.

Based retard

good post

What is this character called?

Ungubwe (Pronounced Oon-goo-bway)

Wasn’t Neymar over 200m?

it was 220 million euros maybe in pound it was less than 200 million



Why would he want to go to United? I am no Dortmund shareholder, but United would probably be a step back, except for money alone. But yeah, maybe they try and if Sancho wants... Someone has to pay 250 million or whatever, selling players for tons of money is the only thing Dortmund usually doesn't choke at.

Implying Sancho wants to play in that rat infested dump called Old Trafford

Familiar surroundings for a London lad.


>an Indian attempting to look down on anyone else