Are french people celtic or germanic?

Are french people celtic or germanic?

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They are French. White flag waving, croissant eating and ass fucking subhumans.

What are Germans?

>0/2 World War record

70% germanic
20% slavic
5% mediterranean
5% subhuman (african/asian)


>slavic not under subhuman

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your currently best and perhaps best of all time football player is Slavic, so have some respect



>tfw your capital is less white than the capital of gyppostan

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Subhuman pic related?

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>vassal of cockroaches during centuries

Cockroaches that outnumbered us 15 to 1, yes.

Cope harder, when are you going to stop losing at everything and win something?

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>Oh no France has won something yet again ! Quick yell nigger at them !

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I was in Ljublijana this summer, I swear to god girls are more naturally attractive than french

Nando de Colo and Fournier are 2 of their 3 best players. They're also missing their best playmaker Heurtel.

Doesn't sound very hard to me

Yeah I'm thinking France got BLACKED

Ah yes, the pure white nation of Brazil.

Better than being Chile'd, our French blacks fight tooth and nail for our country

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We all know Croats are not ethnically slavic

Croats are the oldest European people and homogenous
Not slavic, Mediterranean etc.. Just Croats.

France should rename their country to Gaul
it's a cooler name with much more respect to their history

croats are actually minoans from ancient crete

cockrorats are disgusting insect. fact

Literally everything we know about Croat genetics says otherwise. Why are Croats always the most self-hating Slavs?

Eternal losers, doomed to try over and over to destroy Europe but never fully succeed.

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