
>jet win cup

Attached: joker.jpg (1200x630, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


...and than you woke up

Attached: 1548991871082.png (270x270, 11K)

real sipping hours

Attached: 32342.png (225x225, 9K)

Attached: 1566360553449.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

Rarely get lobsters where I live. Crab is the best I can do!

jet wins the cup i say to johns then ur playstation shut off lol



wow new thread already?
season must be about to start


fine, I guess crab will do.

Attached: 1565981620831.jpg (467x700, 56K)


still seething I see

f i s h

for me its dover sole and walleye

Attached: 29810569.png (761x761, 763K)


Attached: DeI0GY9VMAALciE.jpg (1200x1200, 177K)

I’ll give you twenty dollars if you can guess what I shoved up my bum
Hint: it wasn’t a hockey puck

canned fish steak

The Japer is a /Yote/ fan he would never root for >Jest

aho wins the hart next year
cap it

Your sisters toothbrush because she is a fucking bitch

>literally a jester
he is clearly a jets fan user

Never heard of that but I’m sure it’s disgusting.

We’re gonna get the next year right?

be careful what you say around here about canned fish steaks

I've heard from a sailor that NZ don't have any skerries and you can basically take your boat anywhere without worrying you'll run into something. This true?

Attached: merke-undervannsgrunner.jpg (1024x683, 124K)

idk im not a sailor

Why, you think I can’t handle myself in these rough waters hombré?

hoc doesn’t get gets anymore

Attached: 1563657362765.png (1083x1250, 882K)

Top 5 captains

>1 Crosby
>2 Wheeler
>3 Tavares
>4 luongo
>5 Messier

>using a sunbelt retards bingo
I shiggy diggy

>no ovechkin
>no chara

Oh I'm sorry, was there a snowbelt retard's bingo? Didn't fucking think so fatso.

I hate the sunbelt so much I’m planning to move to Yellowknife

/hoc/ is for frens

>ovechkin leadership
>team look. pass me. look. see me in game and pass me. ok.

you're right, kuzi carried ovi to that cup


Attached: 1541400272576.jpg (966x979, 224K)

It's just bants (toxic masculinity) norge, don't be so sensitive.

be real lads. whos getting farty from cans of preserved seagoods tomorrow

I actually don't eat tinned fish because that's disgusting.

your self imposed limits on your life are disgusting

Attached: 1496384022958.png (536x476, 116K)

why isn't hockey?

Attached: pavfelski.jpg (1242x698, 71K)

Patrik Laine.... Stanley Cup.......??

As an arizona coyote???

zoom zoom zoom

Attached: 1550900995000.jpg (1080x1080, 174K)

thinking about benis

Patrik Laine fanclub beer league team? We can drink in dads garage

Attached: 1549158925116.jpg (1000x1000, 44K)

Look like it just me and you poopeeland

Laine and Connor would obviously never want to actually leave the beautiful Manitoba beaches. I'm sure they will stay

Attached: newzealand2-ejo-021817_5fd18170ea1b4e692cfa00f5704a68da.fit-760w.jpg (760x941, 233K)

Heading to Grom'Gol lads.

Nice quads, friend. Unironically kys. Kys means friend by the way

Attached: 1567602961146.png (300x263, 309K)

bout to gank some bitch in Grom

Attached: laughing fat guy.png (185x273, 8K)

Attached: 1549155001863.jpg (548x634, 96K)

Kys friend :)


I still haven’t reported my cousin

Attached: logan-couture2.jpg (433x600, 66K)

Attached: 1548813942411.png (762x800, 272K)

my dad told my mom he would come back from the store 20 years ago. do i keep waiting?

>Literally every team is reddit
>The absolute state of Finnish goaltending
>Imagine your cunt not winning a Stanleyc up in 26 years lmao
>I'm a lifelong knights fan btw
>Knights should relocate to Chicago so I can properly root for them :)
>62 wins

Good luck for the rest of your card, m8

Attached: FortniteJets.png (1424x801, 1M)

yah yah yah

>my dad told my mom he would come back from the store 20 years ago. do i keep waiting?

Attached: black1545962330416.jpg (852x480, 30K)

>Literally every team is reddit
Pretty reddit post, m8

>t. Reddit

Patrik Laine based. Sunbelt cringe

>t. Reddit

Attached: 1545362274571.jpg (3024x4032, 886K)

Whole fucking lot of reddit in this thread. Shant'd've'n

Drop the fuckin puck in sick of this shit already FUCK

Get ready for the simultaneous sip in 17 minutes.

Attached: 1550901170504.gif (200x325, 223K)

>t. Reddit

i miss the old laine


*grips and sips out of sync*
Nothin personnel, kid

jist had an out of sync sip lads

Attached: 1565609886112.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Jesus fuck, can some more people post in this thread so I can samefag some more???

go to bed randy

Whom'st'd've'm Randy?

This is the vid.

randy bo bandy
>mfw i am the liquor


thinking about pierre mcguire inside the glass

Attached: randy bobandy.jpg (500x500, 40K)


>might HEEM people from /hoc/ i see while walking home lad

>nothing personel kadirova

Attached: Hiirikoski slapshot to the tailbone (2).webm (1920x1048, 2.99M)

>be leaf military onions boy
>get punched in the face

Attached: captain leaf.jpg (620x349, 21K)

stop deleting my wojak posts

poo peeland

Attached: 1543014409471.webm (404x720, 1.15M)


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Attached: 1565304860852.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

what do ovi o's taste like hoc

Attached: ovios.jpg (1536x2048, 466K)

Thinking about cereals.

Is there a /hoc/ fantasy league?

just fell asleep

Lads, is it gay if i want Patrick kane to rape me while toews video tapes it? Because I've been having this fantasy for years now

Fapped and came hard to this thought every night for the last 8 years.

Is Russian league worth watching?

No. Watch the GET league.

Is this GET league?

Watch your own league

Attached: S.A.D. Majadahonda.png (116x120, 31K)

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Attached: Sumendi H.H..png (126x120, 23K)

too many swedish flags in a row if i'm honest

in stronk poland we trust

shit, wrong reply to the wrong reply Wodka stronk!

To be honest, Norway is a disgrace in the world of hockey. A winter country with all the possibilites of being a hockey powerhouse, but instead they've chicken out and devoting themselves to long distance skiing, a sport only they are interested in but can only beat other countries by doping.

In 200 years, the only thing the hockey history books will have on Norway is a notice of when Espen Knutsen killed a 13-year old girl.

Attached: ski il - ishockey.png (124x120, 26K)

Too many flags in a row if I'm being honest.

Let's not forget that Mats Zuccarello is a top 10 NHL player this decade fren.

Attached: frens.jpg (630x425, 84K)

KHL probably. The Zhenskaya (womens) is ok as well. Not anywhere near CAN/USA quality though

You forgot Barkov


Attached: Frog Headphones.gif (250x201, 104K)

>0.69 PPG
>ZERO All-Star appearances
In your dreams Harald

Attached: 1526056219242.png (1000x847, 863K)

shit statement, but cute puppers.

breddy gud :DDD
How about a classic?

hoc theme song

i'm waiting patiently and sipping

Attached: 2f99cad896214db3b6d9b6f24a35c9b6.jpg (1920x1081, 129K)

hello how are you




that's not how it goes

good morning atlantic bros




nope try again.

first of all FUCK jack hughes and FUCK new jersey devils!




mitch marner was a mistake



look at the body language. He's lying. Why would he lie like this?

because he's a nice gentlemen

second of all FUCK kakko kappo and FUCK >rags!

my nigger

Attached: 1545813107775.png (440x658, 793K)

Never done it myself, but it does seem pretty based.

Attached: 1530895162187.png (672x792, 316K)

Hockey and heavy metal, that's what I like

flamers, mount up!

Attached: 4dnamUd.png (483x664, 768K)

>the Americans are back
Gonna be a shit thread, me thinks.

Attached: 1566076210477.png (1075x1040, 1.82M)


Ran out of coffee last night, and just got some more. Looking for a fren to sip with.


Countries I'd sip with
>New Zealand

Counties Id NEVER sip with

tick tock
sign the fucking contract zoomie

Attached: Zoomersnewcontract.webm (776x436, 2.9M)

just fell asleep

Attached: your opinions are SHIT.jpg (614x676, 61K)

go knights

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 752K)

go knights but the opposite

go norge

Attached: norge.jpg (320x301, 26K)

Reminder that the Knights (pronounced Nights) is opposite of days (agent of the sun)
Knights are literally opposite of sunbelt

Attached: 1507346001941.png (500x600, 93K)

>reside in the desert
someone didnt give these knights the memo that the sun is strongest in their home

>living behind enemy lines
Truly respectable

Attached: 1512969847401.jpg (1200x802, 386K)

Only three days until we get to watch >our team lads.

Attached: vgkdab.png (720x791, 243K)

I don’t watch apehoop, did any NBA players go play in the yurope tournament when they lost to the frogs? It sounds like it was 100% literal whos. Why are floorsqueak players such gigantic pussies? Top tier NHLers go to the meme tourney every year, and that’s after an 82 game season that is actually physically strenuous. But these niggers are too scared of injury?

the american team was comprised of 100% nba players

the best player on both the us and french teams were from the soon-to-be champions utah jazz

Oh right flyers were up 3-0 last night at one point and lost to the isles prospects lmao

>pre-pre-season games
its fucking nother

Would any of the players have been on the Olympic team if there were a lockout? In any given year at the meme skoda cup, nearly half of team USA/Canada is Olympic caliber. The only reason there aren’t more is because half of the NHL is still playing relevant hockey.

What are your opinions on New York? How do you feel about the city?

Go rangers





just woke up
and was reminded how btfo my team was in the playoffs

Attached: 5C294A94-1086-4441-9DE7-7ADACDC52A06.jpg (749x421, 43K)

For me it's York

Attached: York.jpg (690x365, 79K)

>tranpa gay lbgtning



>it was 3-0

>getting btfo by a filthy grill

Attached: 0-3.jpg (827x636, 74K)

Attached: 1540683224457.png (912x905, 1.23M)

how much with the >rags spamming redditors be seething when they win the metro this season? easily the most improved team this offseason and have to be considered cup contenders

>have to be considered cup contenders
terrible bait

I just read your post about New York




>not a cup contender
you memelords have rotted your fucking brains

>none of those 3 have ever been past round 3
>cup contender


Attached: 1542330399075.jpg (1024x768, 84K)

surely the team in the lead here went on to win the game and subsequently the series, right?




2024 Stan Lee Bowl champions

terrible centre depth

reminder that jacob trouba actually fucking SUCKS and i cant wait for >rags fans to realise the gravity of their 8 million dollar mistake and stop sucking his mediocre cock

>only 3 of those players signed on 2024

Wrong nationality and team. If Sebastian was a Canadian and playing in Leafs it would be totally different.

>8 (eight) million (million) AAV

Attached: gaycob poopa.png (1264x391, 53K)

offensive defensemen are a meme

>swedish goaltending
>cup contenders


>he cant handle someone pointing out his shit team


hockey in 2 hours lads

Attached: 543345345.jpg (1143x797, 90K)

just remembered cake farts

how many will he score?

i just want to protect his smile

frick off randy

Your mom contends for the tender contents of my cup

he only shoots and scores and score then will come

hes mediocre defensively as well. poopa is now 5th highest paid defenseman in the national hockey league tied with brent burns and john carlson. he is paid more than the likes of shea weber, kris letang, dustin byfuglien, and norris trophy winners victor hedman and mark giordano. do you honestly believe jacob fucking trouba stacks up against these guys? >rags absolutely shit the bed on this one, he is worth 5 million absolute max

is bulju shoot retarded?

Kärpät LOL , HPK FTW!

>trouba and kakko are trash

Attached: 7ECA79D5-824B-45A9-9145-FD762E1CCF13.jpg (550x543, 83K)

Absolutely nothing except your mom



Attached: 128731014372.gif (250x185, 348K)

Finnish league is barely hockey

CHL isnt a finnish hockey league

>Watching children or fake CHL
Hate to see it

love of the game man


Attached: darn tootin'.png (640x640, 969K)

nhl is so fucking tone deaf. posting this pic after all the shootings weve had?

Attached: 1211B3A7-EE86-4404-8EF5-91FEF6FEC758.jpg (1024x575, 55K)

>love of the game leads you to watching substandard product

yes user, cause its not only watching the top echelon of talent

>matthews, eichel, hughes
name ONE (1) nation that can stop the usa at the next hibernian olympiad

>Barkov, Aho, Kakko, Bulju
Finland, you mongrel.

Attached: suomileijonataisteluilme.jpg (458x682, 133K)

>bust, bust, bust, bust
based retarded finland

>0 combined playoff series wins
>think theyll win when it matters


Attached: canada_1280-640x360.jpg (640x360, 80K)

malkin bounce back year desu


bounce back right in the trash can

never, at least not in vivint smart home arena.

>1.05 P/g is considered bad for Malkin
>not a top 100 player all time


>going to entirely fix the shithole known as rangers defense

dont tease the retard

his 1.06 p/pg last season wasnt even good enough for top 20 in the league

hes getting old, his glory days are behind him

they were too scared to do the world cup and the olympics in back to back years

>Sam edition
Yikes. See you next one.



Is Karpat playing today?

Attached: in.png (461x433, 331K)

read the thread gay boy

I wish i was that nose

>the virgin rangers rebuild

Yep. Kärpät vs HPK. First game of the Liiga is same as the last game of last season. Game 7 rematch.

they have some good prospects

imagine spending a majority of your cap on the next yashin and meme defenseman like trouba. yikes!
adam fox isnt striking my fancy. Rangers should be smart and draft CANADIAN, but they want to be eurofags instead lol

I've been busy this morning, faglord

Made some noodles

Attached: 20190912_172229.jpg (5312x2988, 2.85M)

latvia more like shitvia


thinking about tinned fish steaks

I have a webm for that and I don't know why.

Attached: latvia ravioli.webm (480x480, 1.66M)

Latvia more like basedvia

Based peļmeni

Attached: 1539788468836.jpg (1000x800, 78K)

Ladies and gentlemen, I've found it. THE post.

1 hour to hockey

Attached: olli3.jpg (540x360, 20K)

Attached: Spray_.gif (640x360, 2.18M)

In the time it took you to write that post and attach that image, you could have easily Googled "Liiga scores". Maybe even twice.

Eliza Taylor?

Bulju party!

While I'm sittin here goin... ok well I got a big dick. I gots the big muscles. I play a mean guitar. How the FUCK do I not have a girlfriend? I'm excellent with kids and I'm excellent with animals. I'm excellent with elderly people. How the FUCK do I not... have.. a gi- ya know I'm sayin? Like I'm sittin there scratchin my head goin ok a lot of chicks would kill to have a dude with big muscles or a huge dick so what the fuck. And most dudes don't have.... 7000 plus subscribers on YouTube... I'm just sayin. A lot of it's an intimidation factor because they see me as a YouTube celebrity and they're thinkin "ohhhh he wouldn't talk to me" ... really? You'd be surprised.

Does the last year of Puljus ELC slide or does he need a new contract next season?

what does ELC stand for?

entry level contract

electric lady cum

imagine the smell

Attached: zip zap.png (1232x1080, 2.86M)

Take your trips and leave sunbelter

e-lectronic cigarette. he’s asking about pulju’s juul

Pulju would NEVER go near those deathtraps

go flames go

Attached: Lanny ring.jpg (365x520, 332K)

Party buljus in the house tonight!

Based trips

Attached: 1551363425592.jpg (640x360, 265K)

easy living carefree

you know I'm old enough to remember back to simpler more innocent times when the worst thing you'd hear about the news was hijacked jetliners flying into buildings.

Attached: sip.jpg (210x251, 15K)

no flames no

Attached: 1540557317070.png (1151x617, 857K)

you already denied your interest in delicious, tasty canned fish products. theres now a restraining order barring you from being within 100 meters of this meme

Even that wasn't that bad; we got to watch TV in class all day.

Thinking about finnish tacos

need a recipe?

No, im making em now lad. Thanks though

whoa, it's been forever since I last saw Armenia is /hoc/

Attached: &turk.jpg (211x308, 12K)

got a solid hangover lads

Football team sucks again lads

>the ni-gits

thanks Norm

It was probably genocided

Attached: $15000.jpg (362x456, 44K)

And that's a GOOD thing

thinking about the 99999 get that /hoc/ will once again get

Are you the concertfag?

yes i am, concert was great, marinara is even hotter irl

>tfw coltsfag
Why Andrew why

Grease has been gone alot too, lately
parole meetings, prolly

Attached: (@_@) (2).jpg (331x473, 44K)

Attached: kaktsov.jpg (1536x2048, 327K)

>no grease
>no hue
>no polan
>no binlan
today is a good day lads

>no binlan
Where do you think we are?

Attached: 1566157133204.jpg (676x581, 54K)

>the size of that forehead
Is kapoo a western finn?

a man can dream lad


the season is almost here
it's time for /hoc/ unity
only with the snowbelt and the sunbelt united can >we defeat the non-white menace

Attached: benis.png (300x239, 142K)

/hoc/ runs Yea Forums

That'll do.

Figures. Ugly worsterners

Attached: Screenshot_20180412-164333.jpg (696x422, 140K)


Attached: wow.jpg (375x350, 15K)

Yea Forums belongs to /hoc/

yes flames yes :D




that guy is a real jerk!

Attached: jack.gif (400x318, 2.61M)

Attached: 1565114743572.png (422x700, 544K)

>caca poopo

Attached: 229-2294873_11164821-pee-pee-poo-poo-biz-hd-png.jpg (840x628, 103K)

>had Finland warn me that hockey was coming up
>still missed the first half of the first period
I feel shame.

Attached: look at that smile.png (770x674, 663K)

What compels someone to spam the same images day in and day out?

Attached: tenor (4).gif (220x293, 201K)

For me it's Chelmet Chelyabinsk

Attached: Chelmet.png (313x207, 69K)

are you watching Liiga?

Attached: flag.png (887x500, 721K)

Attached: F322730E-FABA-49CB-BD07-F7AD8D1C5F54.gif (275x226, 633K)

I am now.

Attached: 1540685502901.jpg (258x366, 18K)

very nice

pic related, me now that hockey's back baby

Attached: 1473884643690.jpg (657x527, 31K)

Is UK hockey spoken about in here? I need to vent about the shambles of the Leeds Chiefs rink being delayed AGAIN. I just want to watch local hockey.

Attached: PhotoPictureResizer_190912_170542393_crop_1440x1583.jpg (1440x1583, 269K)


>went to dentist
>tv on the ceiling so I can watch in chair
>change it to nhlnet
>watch jets game, laine scores five on some shit team
so glad the off season is ending soon

Attached: 1493601304979.jpg (400x400, 27K)

that's a shame

>yaltala paltala
>miya paya kaya yaya
>mallay stallay
>palla sama talla yama
This is a hoot.

Attached: per.png (373x350, 222K)

what is it about boston, and being too much of a micro-rat for your own well being

Attached: brad-marchand3.jpg (400x225, 87K)

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Attached: 1553830821563.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

i follow Fife when I can be bothered
so what's happening with the current season?
can't the Chiefs play somewhere else?

Attached: 1557394540126.jpg (1080x1090, 606K)

Why would you ever cut to a reporter with a separate cameraman when you could set the guy in front of a greenscreen for the sake of pulling off some meme-tier graphics?

Attached: interview.jpg (887x499, 104K)

they keep showing pulju but I have no idea what they're saying
are they being nice to /our lad/?

Attached: 1508842042255.jpg (1357x1920, 191K)

Thinking about bonaqua

what are we watching, link me


rumor has it that the entire ice surface at Oulu is frozen bonaqua

onhockey dot tv

Attached: 1560407443303.jpg (250x202, 8K)

Attached: 1542919676991.png (900x546, 1.02M)

business idea: top scorer in nhl has golden helmet, top scorer from each team has silver helmet

Attached: 1538419075846.jpg (480x328, 21K)

ok but what are we watching

vegas please go


not some shitty fucking euro league that's for damn sure

gayest shit i ever heard

one day you'll realize my genius

do they broadcast steelies games at onhockey?

Attached: 1546482046347.png (270x270, 10K)

too much emphasis on individual merit in team based game
its works for cycling because its you vs everyone else
not the same in hockey

>tfw you realize that you're never going to get that 11x8 contract that the strange man downtown kept assuring you of and that you're going to have to go back to Liiga

Attached: live.png (559x499, 285K)

I don't think so. Even AHL games are rare, unless it's the AHL playoffs.
But as leagues get more technologically-adept, they might start streaming more and more games, maybe even ECHL gamees.

there's only 1 Liiga game on right now, which one do you think?

no news break on the morrissey signing?
everyday this place slips a little deeper

tbqhwyf leagues are retarded how hard can it be to stream a fucking game, you could even ask a fucking kid to stream it with a cellphone lmao

we are 15 days ahead of everybody else in the world of hockey lad

Not our fault that none of us follow Winnichug.
Consider it >your job to break that news.

is collecting hockey figurines based or cringe

>Consider it >your job to break that news.
what makes you say that

Sorry, I forgot everyone in this thread is autistic and socially retarded and can't give a proper answer to the simple question "what are we watching"

except this guy but i still had to ask twice.

I've watched AHL games on there before

let's find out

so close, Jesse

depends on what kinds of figurines and whether or not you post videos online of yourself painting them with cum imho

Bulju is simply shit

finally coming around, are ya?

Pulju is like the McDavid of this league

i'm glad we don't have hot-glue posters in /hoc/

rundown on this antonio brown shit so i can just find out what's happening and ignore handegg from there on out?

How dare you.
The man does nothing but generate scoring chances.

Attached: very fast bulju dekeing at incredible high speed.jpg (884x496, 62K)

he makes 99% of fans SEETHING, so he's /ourguy/

strawpoll looks weird now

>Jets overpay some literal who and still refuse to sign Laine


fuck off to >>>/nfl/ and ask them

based contrarian

i like the patriots for that reason too so they're a good fit

he's either got a lady that wants his money or he raped a chick
he was always shit in Pittsburgh, I never watch Pats games
couldn't care less
come watch ice hocker with the friends, user

Try asking in one of the 10 NHL threads ok sweetie. Training camps start today, off season is over. No more faggot NFL and CFL talk.

agreed strawpoll.com/2y22z34e


Attached: tfw no pet car part.webm (720x480, 2.96M)

the absolute state

Which state, there are 50.

Pulju seething because he didn't get any points on that goal.


>the liquid state of Oulon Karpat

Give Tieksola more ice time

>the liquid state of Oulon Karpat is pretty cool guy. eh kills buljus and he doesn't affraid of anything

Pulju abut to break down in tears because he's not getting in on the scoring

karpat is just to good, ewe guise
it's not fair

>pulju finally gets a shift
>other team scores immediately


I was given a figurine of my favourite player as a birthday present and it's sitting on a shelf by my TV. I was thinking about buying maybe 2 others from ebay to go with it. But I'm worried once I start collecting I could become like Shannon and turn into a manbaby

Attached: Blues.png (513x580, 593K)



Just don't coordinate with your jersey and you'll be fine

ayy lmao



at least its not a massive overpay like trouba
like 2 mil over where it should be

german humour is on another level, how can /hoc/ even compete?

it's a slippery slope user

>But I'm worried once I start collecting I could become like Shannon and turn into a manbaby
you already are one, embrace it

Rags can afford it

no team can afford to pay a dman in excess of 6 mil per seaon

Why doesn't this retarded liiga website have an english version

hol up

Attached: ayo.png (798x812, 1.12M)

I like how the on-ice ads are all angled towards the camera

the rags can

how many rings does this fine gentlemen have?

good consumer

>leddy night as well be traded
Dobson soon

It has

probably cause they weren't expecting foreign fans
>or aren't welcoming them at all
Binlan, what the story here

Attached: en.jpg (510x258, 17K)

no one is gonna want to take on that contract

having explosive diarrhea for the third time this morning lads

Yeah I found it, I'm just blind

it's more aesthetic


Attached: 1510709283450.jpg (1564x1564, 639K)

Attached: download (58).jpg (193x261, 8K)

Sending thoughts and prayers.

you need some kaopectate lad

but I'm trying to get a gf too


put some more mayonnaise on your pizzas, oulu scum

it was 2-0


Attached: HPK.png (500x500, 52K)

>most dangerous lead
we could have warned them!!!!

>tfw I've had 90% less diarrhea since I stopped exclusively consuming frozen pizzas, sweets and energy drinks
really makes you think

think positively, at least you're not constipated

no it doesn't, shut up

are you still drinking the same amount of beer?

imagine the smell

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wtf why isnt bulju dominating against these liiga shitters

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puck luck

it turns out he's just shit

he's just not very good

I bet I could light it up in the finnish league

how would you lads describe "conscious",there is a big brain debate over here


i could fuck the league up even drunk as fuck



Never mind dat nigga was out of the crease

good goal

perfect example

I am to assume "big brains" means never checking the dictionary

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Holy fuck finland, is this the deciding goal in a championship game? Just make a fucking decision already.

The stream keeps lagging


>finnish refs


tendie was outside the paint

vegas/sharks game 2 all over again

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thinking about benis

>finnish video effects

it's finnish hockey so that's good because it's a requirement

When is the league going to step in and do something about the avatarfag problem?

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just going to leave this here

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is this a new thing?

hit me with dat stream link

there's bad blood over the questionable call in finals game 7 so I guess the league tries to be extra careful now

onhockey dot tv

read the thread you fucking idiot

spoonfeeding retards only leads to more retards asking to be spoonfed

this place used to understand what that meant

what do you mean

what happened to the good youtube stream

The season just started too, right? I suppose they are setting the precedent for what constitutes goaltender interference.

Gonna go get a pizza, lads
wish me luck

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there are so many try-outs currently

This place also used to be a thriving hockey community with fans of every team and actual discussion about hockey, now it's just the same 10 autists shit posting all day and night.

>sbisa only islander on PTO
yeah he is done chief

that's correct
this isn't r/hockeystreams
retard should fuck off politely and in order

I was looking for the unlisted youtube links you turbo nigger

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is it fair that history will always remember crosby and ovechkin as the premier talents of this era just because they arent drunken rapist cabdriver beating hooligans?

yes it is

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>off season

PTOs have always been a thing, this year there are so many because there are a ton of over the hill 30+ free agents that no one wants to actually sign. The rest are fringe NHLers at best that get invited because they have NHL experience, and MIGHT be a better option than prospects who are not ready.

I appreciate the question

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>is it fair that history will always remember crosby and ovechkin as the premier talents of this era just because they arent balding?

they'll be remembered as great because they are the best

>posting about and discussing a game you are watching
>not providing a stream for the rest of the thread to enjoy

Maximum faggotry, but I expect nothing less from a thread filled with greedy selfish zoomers

Hello, I'm from the Church of Dialing it back about 15%, and I'd like to talk to you about Squirrely Dan

iirc the reason why sbisa made the islanders roster was because they didnt know if someone like toews was ready for the roster. However at seasons end, sbisa was a glorified 8th defenseman and could be replaced by a 19 year old like dobson soon

I see

suck my ass, maplefucker

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what a goal from narvik lads

I can currently bet on estonian league soccer but not liiga hockey

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If your team doesnt draft CHL your teams a joke

Attached: CHL stats.jpg (1024x700, 179K)

nice defense, HPK

nice pass from jokinen
desu I forgot he still played

find a better bookie

it's legal here now I need a better sportsbook

>thread filled with greedy selfish zoomers
a true boomer would have the means to find a link himself, its the zoomer way to demand handouts

Yes you idiot, what the fuck did I just say

Topi Niemelä desu

someone made one and didnt link it

bad boy bulju

nobody calls the sportsbook a bookie. a bookie is a shady guy with a baseball bat

im back


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they destroyed his confidence

He's too dumb to even be a good hockey player, which is saying something

It's no better during regular season.
I still blame soccer for shitting up Yea Forums in general.

>"please pee in my drink mr. pulju"

>Edmongolians in charge of Finngolians
Look at the divergent paths of Pierre Luc Dubois versus Pulju. He needed more development in the minor league including puck sense and awareness.

I was at the rink. Best moment was when Bulju totally offsided his whole team having a great momentum :D

Edmonton ruined this kid so bad. Fuck them and let hoki gods never send another finn into that shithole.