Will we ever see someone better?

will we ever see someone better?

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Mental midget

Hahahaha Like Nigga Open Your Eyes Haha

football has become a shit sport for fast players
running is easy, playing football is not


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Is this all you guys talk about? Are there any other players in this semen slurping sport?

your mom everyone likes to play ball with her

No. His level of talent and consistency will be almost impossible to replicate.

t. Retards that only watch YT highlights and shitty image stats from B/R and sandnigger pages.


I think when Lingard reaches his prime we will see him become greater than both messi and ronaldo.

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>B/R images

BR is the absolute laughing stock of our media and yuros and muslims eat it up

This doesn't even make sense. Messi's highlights BTFO Ronaldo's


Literally and objectively half as good as Messi.
Also, a homosexual.

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>rapenaldofags only have stats as an argument
>get BTFO by stats
>"th-those don't count!!!"

Top kek so THIS was where alfonso got the “0.61vs 1.21” shit he keeps spamming

>In the first seasons, Messi and Ronaldo's scores are very close to each other," says PhD student Tom Decroos , who helped with the research.
>"From the 2015/16 season, Messi has stepped away from his eternal rival."
So they were literally tied in 2015, then messoy went on to win the legendary Expected Value Rating Cup played at a Belgiumeme university.
Meanwhile, Ronaldo carried his team to a Uefa Champions League threepeat, top scorer, top assister, and won 2 International trophies for Portugal.

The absolute state of self-inserting manlets.

No one who enjoys and loves and understands football prefers Ronaldo over Messi.
Messi is fun to watch and has a spirit and enthusiasm that people love and relate to as he reminds them of the player they dreamed of being as a child playing football in the streets, and he's had this throughout his entire career.
Ronaldo had it similarly in his early days, but has been nothing more than a flat-track tap-in merchant for 7-8 seasons now and is utterly boring and insipid to watch. People respect him; his work ethic and committent, but there is nothing about his game, no real appealing ethos that brings pleasure to people in the way Messi does in the game.

Football will miss Messi when he retires. Opta Sports are the only people that will miss Ronaldo.

>literally a record breaking goal-scorer for over a decade
>not consistent
Get back to eating crayons.

yes. good post.

>player they dreamed of being as a child playing football in the streets
Ah yes, they didn’t dream of scoring Tsubasa-esque (TSUUU?) bycicle kicks in the biggest stage, or going all the way and winning a trophy for your country while scoring with sick heel flicks.

Yeah great post, as an american I’m sure you relate with dreaming of making it big in ”””soccer””” while playing in the streets with your friends as a kid.

>turd worlder misses the point


>can’t argue
>resort to this
I missed the part of Messi’s enthusiasm? Yeah, the sulking pecho frio who quickly drops his shoulders and quits infects us all with his enthusiasm.

Messi could be more exciting to watch but that doesn't make him better. No one cares if he dabs on huesca or valladolid every week. Every time he's needed by Argentina in a WC or by Uefalona in the CL he's always walking the pitch with his head down and produces nothing of value for them. If a player can only shine against shit teams then maybe he's not that good after all.

>can’t argue
>resort to this
Let’s play. Have sex, incel

Ronaldo didn't carry his team. He was a very important piece of that team, but that team at large was very good, and to say Ronaldo "carried" them is to downplay the contributions of players like Marcelo, Modric, Navas, Ramos, Bale, etc.

Is there any particular reason why you're so upset and angry at the fact I agreed with the Brit's post? Why get personal and throw insults around? Can you not handle differing views and opinions? Do you see this board as your own personal Ronaldo hugbox where you and other dull underage children scream TSUU like some rabble of South African retards with vuvazelas all desperately trying to outdo each other at seeing who can be the most obnoxious loud cunt? Grow up.

Well that's the turd world Portunonce well and truly BTFO.

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>implying I got personal
>it was I, who directly addressed what was written, that couldn’t handle a different opinion
Keep stroking the brit’s dick and pretending like Messi has charisma that ignites the kid’s hearts, while he’s actually the soulless bug type.

sums up ronaldo fans. it's always about gimmicks, image, posing and smirking. they're interested in the brand that is ronaldo. they don't care about football.

ok missifags

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>implying I got personal
That's exactly what you did here.
You're obviously very upset that someone would agree with a post you don't so you had a little tantrum and got personal. Yea Forums is not your little Ronaldo fan club. Get a grip.

what about assists? what about hockey assists? what about la liga?

Reddit the post, did you copy and paste that from your r/soccer subreddit?

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Good post. Very true.

messi is clearly the better player overall, but the champions league man... ronaldo is the champions league GOAT and there will never be another

pretty much

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Their La Liga stats are super close. Their UCL stats are not close. Their NT stats are not close.

2009-2018 La Liga:

(292 games, 311 goals, 95 assists)
goal ratio: 1.07
g+a ratio: 1.39

(309 games, 329 goals, 124 assists)
goal ratio: 1.06
g+a ratio: 1.47

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One day, yeah. Messi is a lifetime tallent, tho. We are lucky to witness him just like our grandpas did with Pelé and our parents with Maradona.

Messi, however, has his entire career documented, so I'd bet all my money the big 3 are cemented just like it is and is mankind is vanishing before someone take his place.

subtract penalties

>Reddit the post, did you copy and paste that from your r/soccer subreddit?

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>competitive matches
>andorra, san marino, faroe islands, gibraltar, lithuania, luxembourg and 20 more like that
I'm sure Messi would love to play vs them every year like Ronaldo do.

faroe islands is a powerhouse la

Doesn't explain the massive gap between him and the next closest European (28 goals). Is Messi at least the best of his federation by far as well? (pic related should say 93 instead of 88)

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>Doesn't explain the massive gap between him and the next closest European (28 goals).
In qualifying games?

This. As much as influential is Ronaldo outside of the game. Messi defined the decade of football his/her generation wanted to see.

I wish you ameristats would fuck off and actually watch the games. portugal won a Euro final without ronaldo. Argentina wouldn't even qualify for the world cup if not for Messi

It absolutely does. Ronaldo is an amazing stricker sticking around for 15 years now. If you want me to compare him to the likes of Lewandowski I'm not falling for it. Not tomention he has a nice team around him for years now.

>scores a hat trick in a huge cl elimination game against atletico madrid with a team about as talented and youthful as emiliano sala's casket.
>boring untalented tap in merchant
>messhit chokes on hendersons fat cock to the king of chokers liverslip
messhit fanboys are delusional, you're system baby is useless without an elite supporting cast. There's a reason why he has never achieved any meaningful international success.

>a homeless brazilian mop, croatian midget that beats his wife to cope with his manlet insecurities, navas, le foul the shit out of the striker so i don't get exposed man, and a literal white ape don't count as good players. If the team and players were as good as you say, then why did the team implode the minute ronaldo left. Absolute state of spee poster implying florenspico didn't buy modric a balon d'or to spite ronaldo.

Had he only started his career in 2009, and retired last year, he'd still be the highest all time European in competitive matches scorer.

NT competitive 2009-2018

55 games, 49 goals, 13 assists
goal ratio: 0.89
g+a ratio: 1.13

70 games, 29 goals, 22 assists
goal ratio: 0.41
g+a ratio: 0.73

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You must be about 17yo are you?


>>a homeless brazilian mop
Stopped reading. You either didn't watch the games or are a memer and not worth being taken seriously


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imagine the greasy fat mexican sat smashing his keyboard spewing this crap out

Absolutely fucking based


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>ronald scor many tap in and penal so he goat!1

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excuse me sweatheart but he scored a bicycle goal one time

o twain


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desu she was probably traumatized by her parents force-feeding her vegetables when she was younger. Probably brussel sprouts or some other bitter green vegetable.

>apologizing for that lardmonster

yes, i've seen a couple better

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jay liggy my niggy....

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yes, my son

>all these seething replies
Oh no no no

They're like a cult. If Yea Forums had usernames I bet my right hand all of tgem would have names like "GODCR7" or "CHRISTIANOJUVE" or shit like that

>Twain on another mad rampage where he replies to himself multiple times on multiple proxies to make it seem like people actually support this 0.61pilled mental midget

If you truly love football, you appreciate the profiles of both players and admit that they've brought a lot of good things to the game.
You also know that Berbatov was better than them.

Have sex

>as an american
>getting personal
Brainlet. Go back to plebbit so you don’t get your fee-fees hurt

Stop embarrassing us, please


You need to understand the difference between Messi and Ronaldo.

One was born with a talent. He started his carrer at one of most stacked teams. He barely needed any hard work to get there. He was surrounded by legends.

Ronaldo had to work his way out of Sporting CP earning the attention of one of the best managers in football to ever exist. He worked to get his place among the best. His teachers laughed at him because he had a dream to be a football player. He had family issues throught his childhood. Yet he kept fighting to be among the best.

Some can say Messi is better. I understand. But the biggest thing is that Ronaldo took the shine from an era that was supposed to be Messi's. Messi is extremely unlucky to be born in the same era as Ronaldo. This is a good example of how hard work beats talent.

Ronaldo has inspired his nation to dream bigger by taking them to become champions for the very first time.
That's the end game of a Football player, to become something more, a hero. Ronaldo has that, but what has Messi done for his fans? What has Messi achieved?
Dribbling some PSV defenders isn't worth a second thought. Being technically skilled barely means anything. Winning 10 championships for his club is good, but outside getting the praise of a couple hundred thousand affiliates, no one will get that happy for that.

What Ronaldo has and Messi hasn't is an entire nation that idolizes him as the player who allowed them to proudly show their jersey with their national team's colors. Argentina has that too, but in Maradona.

>spirit and enthusiasm
What? Messi is a robot with 0 personality and you can see him crumble when his team aren't performing for him. Ronaldo when put in the same situation just works twice as hard.

love how much pure unadulterated seethe this very true post has created.


Ronaldo is the Patrick Bateman of football, while Messi is Rain man. Both are autistic in their own way.

This guy tells the truth

Absolutely fuckin based, sport is more than results. Ronaldo is undoubtedly more than just a football player. Messi is one of the greatest football player ever. Ronaldo is a Legend. He inspire people, it goes beyond football.

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I'm a Ronaldo fan, but I can't deny that Messi is the (slightly) better player.


Reminder Messi still hasn’t won an international tournament despite having a great team around him.

Messi hasn’t won a trophy with Argentina. He is a system baby.

>You need to understand the difference between Messi and Ronaldo.

one is a rapist and one isn't.

2 > 0

Reminder that Griezmann has a World Cup and is therefore better than both Messi and Ronaldo.

Griezmann needs other trophies though. If Griezmann wins the UCL he will be better than both of them.

>muh one had talent so he didn't work
I don't understand this. Do you faggots actually think Messi was born this skillful?
It takes endless hours of training to achieve the level of ball control he has. Ronaldo certainly does more physical training but to assume that Messi doesn't work is retarded.

Reminder that Yank opinions on football are utterly irrelevant.

incorrect, as usual. Do Americans ever tire of being wrong?

Messi and Ronaldo are both so fucking over-rated. I'll name a few genuine better football players;

Eden Hazard, Son Heung-min, Bernardo Silva, James Milner, Jadon Sancho, Mohamed Salah, Raheem Sterling.

I cringe so hard every time I read a Yank post.

Messi carried Argentina to a world cup final and set his teammates up to win, not his fault they couldn't finish

peak autism

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who cares, only faggots like soccer, gay sex is more masculine than soccer


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Messi is literally an Excel sheet disguised as a footballer

completely soulless, statpadding midget

>great team
>couldnt even qualify to wc if was not for him

Now I see the flag and get it

Messi shit the bed that final as well

>carried Argentina to WC final
>0 KO goals, 1 KO assist

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No it would not. When arguing who is better, trophies are meaningless until stats are taken into account. Ronaldo and Messi have stellar and somewhat close stats (??? Ronaldo dominates in UCL and NT, but Messi slighlty edges it in Liga). The tie breaker is then trophies and accomplishments. Greaseman never enters the conversation because he does not have the stats to back it up.

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Dude, you know there are other positions in football other than attackers right? Not everyone is in position to score goals and yet they are still impactful.

Greaseman was the primary offensive force in Atlético, and their lead forward. That's why he was the top scorer for the past half-decade for Ateltico. He primarily plays CF and LW. Ergo his job is to score and assist. Which he does so very very well, just not in the same universe as the other 2.

The GOAT is the GOAT when they are against weak or strong opponents. They are the GOAT when their teams need them most.

Messi aint it.

the next goat is probably already born. Maybe she already knows it herself

>player they dreamed of as kid
Why would anyone dream of being a 5'5 midget when you could be a 6'2 GOAT

Genuine boomer here.
Maradonna was the greatest.

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>Ronaldo certainly does more physical training but to assume that Messi doesn't work is retarded.
Literally who said Messi doesn't work? Are you fucking stupid or what? kys

If you care for the beauty of the sport, you prefer Messi. If you are like Basketball/baseball/etc.fans who sees players as statistics, you prefer Ronaldo. Simple as that.


I certainly won't. Because I won't watch the sport once he retires. It's going to be filled to the brim with pacey ngubu.

Messi is statistically a better goalscorer than Ronaldo

>150 less games played
>20 less goals scored
>50 more assists
And still ronaldofags claim some shit like that lmao

Only if you look at career as a whole, because in Ronaldo's early years he played midfield far from goal and thus he was not prolific. Messi started as a forward close to goal right from the get go. His first 4 years skew his stats, but do you look at any time frame since such as since 2008 (year they've been the 2 best in the world), Ronaldo has better and higher goal scoring stats. Pic related is their UCL stats while Ronaldo was in Madrid for example.

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I'm Scottish. Our fans association gave Maradonna an award for his services.


messi has been dropping deep for the majority of his career while penaldo played a few seasons as a youngster on the wing, that's not ''midfield far from goal''. sure he had more crossing duty early in his career and spent less time in the box but you are still retarded and messi has been much more supportive for much longer. americans should really stop posting about football.

Messi's has been dropping deep since Xavi left you dumb fuck. Messi literally has over 100 games more than Ronaldo as a center-forward.
Ronaldo played as a traditional winger in Ferguson's 4-4-2 you nigger, that is essentially midfield.

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While I do agree americans in general should stop posting about football he is not wrong. And you admit it yourself. Half of his career was feeding goals at MU, that's a fact. He started pumping up goals when he went to Real. And look how many goals he scored while he was there. Do you see the difference?

We already have.

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Messi's the only player in history to win multilple trophies or league title or be top scorer or CL or be the top assister or score the most free kicks or provide the most key passes or through balls or anything in all of Europe and still be denied the ballon d'or because he doesn't market anything for UEFA. Remember when he won his last one he put it away and took pics with his family, while Ronaldo wins it and they rent out a room in the eiffel tower for only madrid players, then cart a replica of a king's throne so he can pose on it lol.

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>Ronaldo wins it and they rent out a room in the eiffel tower for only madrid players, then cart a replica of a king's throne so he can pose on it lol.
kek did this really happen?

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ITT: Triggered seething zoomers


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