What is the most popular sport in your country?

what is the most popular sport in your country?

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Competitve eating

Womens footy

crab cock

Coompetitive eating

grabbing and fondling sweaty men under the pretence of trying to get a ball off them to put through some goal posts

You play that too!!!!????


Sopa de macao

higher ups in the bbc having their way with little girls and not being convicted for some 30-40 years afterwards

partying on rooftops
followed by ducking when hearing gunshots while partying on rooftops

Attached: 7e3d6bb0570e6c8a34c27532eea69483[1].jpg (800x600, 90K)

trap sex

Hate britANOs

>your flag
uma delicia...
but actually probably one of the rarest ive seen.

>yfw you'll never enjoy life this much

Attached: 1520810242725.jpg (229x253, 13K)

thank you based ameribro

Shooting Muslims.

Tranny chasing

Sheep shagging

canceling people, places & things

Womens hockey for men

Is inflation a sport?


Competitive beaver


competitive shooting

>google macao
>10 sq miles
jesus fuck, what?

>Population density
>55,270.3/sq mi
How do these people live like this?


Favourite sport is binge drinking & opiate abuse

an horse

I doubt this guy is actually in Macao. Or from there. It's Chink Las Vegas. Anyway, you should demand to go back to Portugal. Show support for Hong Kong you fuck.


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Poor guy. I was in int thread.

link to thread?

>tfw no 3rd world gf that you can impregnate, then claim you are going to the shops to buy smokes then leave the country

ur mom



me on the back

competitive molotov throwing

camel jockey

isn't camel curry/stew quite popular over there?

do you have Portuguese ancestry?


based alabaƱil Paraguasho
