Does Kobe Bryant hate little girls?

Does Kobe Bryant hate little girls?

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>coaching girls basketball
christ what a fuckin waste of time

>its real
holy fuck this is based

easier to rape

srsly tho, why does everyone forget Kobr is a rapist?

White women always lie about rape

4th place faces lul
> bitches when they try to hard work

Not a rapist, just an adulterer

holy shit this is real LMAO

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>4th place 'winners'

growing up 4th place didn't get you anything. dangerous thinking promoting mediocrity. good on kobe to shame them

How sensitive are you fucks? He's making light of that fact they're all holding trophies yet look miserable.

holy based

>4th place winners
Why do american love these pity prizes?

why do the girls all look alike
is this a mormon family thing?

Because he's not. Kobe is just an adulterer. He forgot to send the girl flowers the next day and the girl felt cheap and decided to get payback.

Kobe literally admitted that she didn't consent to it

a nonconsensual sexual encounter is rape

>a player who's team
Shouldn't it be whose?

Wtf how tall are these little girls?

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>willingly go into a man's hotel room
pick one

thats Kobe entire point 4th place is worthless...time to bus in some sisters from the hood kobe

No 11 looks like she has a wicked cross


arent that the cigs that nigs roll the blunts with


Better than liking little girls desu.

It’s 2019.... otherwise you’re a pedo

Exactly. It's light-hearted and funny. Based kobr.

Had an Iraqi buddy get false accused by an Iraqi girl and he beat the charge cuz the day it happened he recorded himself fighting with a cop for speeding

No, dummy. Newports are menthol cigarettes.

Holy fucking based, I take solace in the fact that every man no matter the race or religion is united worldwide in hating women

shooting bricks on the court and in the bedroom


You're thinking of swisher sweets, newports are menthols.

those are swishers and backwoods ya nerd

for me, it's black & milds

why the fuck is kobe coaching a bunch of white girls

>Page 10
yea, im thinking ill bump this thread for know actual reason

All white team wtf is mamba thinking

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Mamba jr is literally infront of him. Also looks like he already made her cry

This is bullshit honestly.You can make them competitive while not fucking their psychology up aka Jürgen Klopp and these are fucking kids too.


He's trying to damage control on twitter. He even posted a video of himself dancing. Kobecucks btfo.

Btfo lol. Also he's already blocked comments on this IG post.

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why are they all white? Damn Kobe forgot about the hood and now only hangs out with rich white people and coaching their kids?