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WTF! Is this true?

>mfw he comes back an wins another one for ferrari

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has he been in a come since 2014?

define "conscious"


this will make normies paranoid about secret super expensive medical treatments for millionaires normal people can't get

Oh look, it’s another “tabloid makes uncited claims about Schumacher being in a non-vegetative state and gets the shit sued out of them” episode

when he wake up, he ask his wife to shut up, make a sandwich and show him the dvd of wc 2014.

How was the new Star Wars movie?

more like tabloid misleading people for clicks
the nurse just confirmed soemthing that happened months ago
schumacher didnt 'wake up' he was already wake before going to france

potato has evolved into..genetically modified potato!

I thought he was dead, has science gone too far?

American behaving, he is moaning things with a weird voice and empty eyes

you better get ready for it

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should have replaced Vettel two years ago desu

what if one day he uploads a youtube video, talking and what not
that be cool i think

>you've gained 2000 maniaplanets since you've been away!

>'conscious as fuck' is now a medical term
lmao the world is ending fucking zoomers

>*wakes up*
>*sees current state of ferrari*
>*right back into potato*

just woke up from anaesthesia, doesn't mean he is "conscious"

at least he's not woke

>conscious as fuck


able to silently cry again when he sees the lake outside his home

able to receive sustenance from a feeding tube

He's conscious af

he took some time off the clock to beat the rock. now remove vettel please

He hoovered up Hubert's soul last week, and half of Correa's. Add that to Bianchi's he harvested a few years ago and he's growing stronger.

Stem cell therapy is just a smokescreen.

he can feel when the nurses beat him off now

Soon woke af

everyone already knows those exist, why do you think every billionaire lives until he's 95 while cycling through 22 year old "models"

>stem cell

Schummy is dead, what a shitty treatment that is, expensive.
Somebody call a chiropractor and this guy will get on his feet by 90 days.

Why do they refuse to let this nigga go? They hid him for five years because he's too fucked up, likely a vegetable. That's no quality of life whatsoever. And now he's "conscious" probably like the Schiavo broad was "conscious". Whatever fancy stem cell ass injection treatment they invented is doubtful to do anything.

This is like something out of an Outer Limits episode

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Glad that old cunt is a cabbage

Fuck him cheating cunt

means he can finally blink his eyes to his wife requesting machines to be upluged and end his suffering

Did they try turning him off and on?

Do you guys think Michael's wife is fucking guys on the side?

christ, how this has no >you yet is beyond me; top tier post

She went back to her ex Frentzen

yeah ofc

>you’ve been in a coma for six years
>thank you for keeping me alive miss
>did you just assume my gender
>*gets sued for emotional damages*

Based and trackmaniapilled.




maybe everybody should cylce through 22 year old models

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Even if he comes back from the coma, he'll never gopro again.

Would he be allowed to drive a car remotely via mind control? Is an brain a athlete?

What if it's like that south park episode and god needed shcumi to win f1 race against satan

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Yea Forums ""humor"" of everybody
look at the absolute state of this board

German humor at its best

Terry Schaivo was some literal who. Schumi won a mountain of cash over his career. They can use that to fund every mad treatment and just see what happens.

outstanding post

Hi Eddie Irvine

and we try our best !

Yea Forums ""humor"" of everybody
look at the absolute state of this board

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>Michael Schumacher 'conscious' af

fucking millenial headlines

what will be his first words in his first public appereance?

>villeneuve was better than me

gimi :-DDDDD


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it's appalling

Sloth love chunk

Kept you waiting, huh?

Understands that the US legal system is just a facade for modern slavery through for-profit-prisons and amendment 13.

Faster than Vettel on the simulator

häkkinen should drive a wooden stake through schumi's undead vampire heart already

the virgin wokecel vs "conscious" Schumi


he won't make a public appearance cause then everyone would see what a drastically better healthcare you get with more money

Knowing how you end up, would you rather live the life of Michael or Ralf?

did the stem cells give him a baby brain?

It's better to burn out than it is to rust

t. Neil Young

Michael will live the second part of his life as a genetically enhanced post-human

consciousness is an illusion dude

Only Mick.

Did she actually?

he requested a big blunt of dank weed by saying "ayyy lmao"

he knows now

Consciousness is the only thing that is evidently not an illusion

consciousness is a spook

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Can move his weiner without external stimulation.

Yep right there next to his bed.

"so what has happened since December 2013?"

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>on the side
Doubt she has to be too secretive.

>Damn, i've been a vegetable for the best part of a decade, how many league titles have Liverpool won since my accident?

we walked on the moon michael, the fucking moon !

*does the zoomer dance*

*back to coma*


you mean completely paralyzed and mentally retarded but at least you can look around? id rather be dead

>completely paralyzed
>mentally retarded

He doesn't know any better... people in white suits change his poopoo, some famialiar woman looks over them constantly, and some guy comes to watch vroom vroom something

>Michael Schumacher conscious af

But are we ready for him?

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he took the bogpill

>Morbidly obsese american pissed off at light banter

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>The mirror

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Quality Street is now half the size


Eric post my dude!

>oh boy corinna i can't wait to hear all about the things i've missed in the f1 in the last few years
>vettel is in a ferrari now? truly he is my heir,has he caught up to me in world championships yet?
>no? who could possibly beat a german in a ferrari?
>no corinna,it's mclaren not mercedes. mercedes is the shit car i drove in for a laug-
>you're telling me lewis hamilton has won the wdc in that shit car for the last 5 years and is about to catch up to me?
>he didn't win all of them? that's good to hear,i thought for a second ferrari was now irreleva-
>R-Rosberg won one too?
>there's only been one ferrari win in monza in the last five years and it wasn't even vettel?
>kill me

he knows Epstein was murdered

He said "nine eleven was an inside job by the MIC to further advance laws that control the population while keeping them scared so they feel the need of the government and conveniently erase trillions of debt from the military by targeting the precise area on the pentagon where an investigation of such activities were taking place, using a missile disguised as an airline jet"

Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

sick Papa Roach lyrics, brah


>Michael Schumacher 'conscious' af
Nice, he's pretty conscious then

This. So much this

Learn to read you silly britbong af-ter

He asks for race war and to go full 1488 mode.

>he doesn't know about german humor
>criticizes humor anyway

Epstein isn't even dead

Do you guys think he will win the F1 again?