This man literally held a team talk when his team was close to winning their first PL title ever...

This man literally held a team talk when his team was close to winning their first PL title ever. He said: "this does not slip now".

Then, in the title-deciding, match of the season, he LITERALLY slipped over, costing his team the title.

He never won the PL and Liverpool are still yet to win the PL.

Attached: Steven_Gerrard_3290268b.jpg (620x387, 197K)

Other urls found in this thread:

come on user don't be such an ABL, you have to remember his other immense contributions other than that unlucky blunder

Based. Fuck Scousers. wasn't enough.

some stories just write themselves

>Stampy G

What a joke of a player.

No-one remembers Gerrard for that stamp. He's remembered for the slip.

Not a single user on Yea Forums has anything against Leicester.

Liverpool have won eighteen English Premier league titles and are the most successful team in North West Europe.

Super Frank: 1 CL trophy and 3 PL trophies

Slippy G: 1 CL trophy AND 0 (zero) PL trophies

LMAO What a joke of a player.

Attached: chelsea21.jpg (533x401, 52K)

4 PL titles

three: 2004/05, 2005/06 and 2009/10

never ceases to amaze me desu. the irony.

Classic abl seethe, only a cuckold doesn’t know Liverpool feed on this user.

Attached: 41226F7D-E74A-4CAB-B63F-74EFD8FF7FFD.gif (220x176, 62K)

literally who?

0 Premier League titles. 18 league titles.

Liverpool have never, and will never, win the Premier League.

>Changing the name of a tournament makes it a different tournament

Liverpool have never won the Premier League.

It literally is a different tournament though. The premier league separated from the first division, and the first division later became the championship. You should know that

Scouser not human

that's very unfortunate
i hope his career recovered from such a dark moment and i hope his team eventually won the league :)

It is nobody would claim Schalke was german Meister either

Imagine if something like this were to happen again but with Gerrard as Liverpool's manager. Something like having a 2 point lead on the number 2 with only 1 match to go and Liverpool loses their final match against a bottom table team while the number 2 wins their game.

Would be the best day of my life.

Nice digits, fellow ABL

Attached: gERRARD HEAT MAP_1.jpg (968x645, 31K)


very noice


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Reminder Stoke literally let Gerrard walk the ball into the net in Slippy's last game ever when Stoke we up 6-0

Stampy G not withstanding, but the referee was a total moron here. Should've called in a yellow on the first challenge and thus not allowing it to escalate.

this guy is the best US poster on this board
based "nobody mentioned Leicester meme"
utterly based

The PL started in 1992 friend and Liverpool have never (not even once) finished in first place



Attached: La.jpg (720x249, 53K)

Imagine blaming Gerrard's slip for Liverpool not winning the PL.

Grow up.

Friendly reminder that the likes of Blackburn Rovers and Leicester City have won the Premier League while Liverpool have won it a grand total of ZERO times.

>ynr people born on the day of the slip are now halfway through high school

Attached: 0_British-Royals-attend-Crathie-Church-Balmoral-Scotland-UK-19-Aug-2018.jpg (615x409, 37K)

They literally would've won the league if he didn't SLIP. After saying to his teammates "this does not slip".

Really makes you think

Everyone on Yea Forums has a soft spot for Leicester. Stop bringing them into this conversation.

Blackburn were well funded at that time. Sutton and Shearer didn't come cheap.

Also a reminder that it was Liverpool fans that caused the continental ban which resulted in the decline of the first division and forced them to dissolve

>calling a horse a cow makes it a cow

I don't care about Liverpool, Everton are the classier side.
All competitions are ran under the auspices of the Football Association, just because a different company runs the competition doesn't make it a different tournament. Is 'The FA Cup with Budweiser' different from 'The Emirates FA Cup'?
Checked, but I don't get the reference.

Step your game up Livercucks.

Attached: ashwin.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Have 6 lads


>Different company
It's not like a new owner just came in, or a new company brought it though, the premier league literally separated and formed something new

yeah so much more well funded than liverpool has been under klopp..........


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Schalke only won their titles in the Nazi era so everybody mocks them for never winning Bundes like Neverkusen

Liverpool will never win the PL.

>Blackburn were well funded at that time.
liverpool have spent one billion pounds on players since the prem started lol