Antonio Brown Releases post-sex video and more


Showing off his CLOSE and consensual relationship with the braindead cum dumpster

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Fuck roasties, based Toni brown dabbing and raping on em.

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>incidents in 2017 and 2018
Civil suit invalidated.
>Yea I got assaulted in 2017 but I'm such a roastie I came back for more
Lmao like pottery

>we watched christian videos together and met at bible study

how can people listen to music when they fuck? especially with a male vocalist. how is that not considered strange behavior?



>he doesnt slather himself with semen before sex to create a pheromone frenzy

loe test

While she “shouted ‘no’ and ‘stop,’ Brown refused and penetrated her.”

While she “shouted ‘no’ and ‘stop,’ Brown refused and penetrated her.”

>meanwhile putting on her socks in bed with him




>puts socks on calmly in bed with him




While she “shouted ‘no’ and ‘stop,’ Brown refused and penetrated her.”

While she “shouted ‘no’ and ‘stop,’ Brown refused and penetrated her.”

>meanwhile putting on her socks in bed with him


I'm not sure what this video is supposed to be proving

SHE PUTTING HER SOCKS ON HIS BED after taking his cock

Are you dumb as fuck?

His "trainer" was really helping out on his bed

How can one man be so fucking based?

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For now not much, but in her statement she claims that their relationship was only professional which this video proves otherwise. So we know she is lying about at least one thing

She claimed she was screaming and shouting on the bed during the rape

here we see them chilling and her putting her socks on calmly.

You know what's crazy? Only like 10% of the people who now think he's a rapist will care about him being innocent.
He'll always be a rapist now, even if he proved his innocence 2 hours after the accusation.

Typically when you are misleading in a sworn statement to authorities they start to doubt everything else that comes out of your mouth.

Yeah, he will lose every single possible endorsement or sponsorship for the rest of his life over this.

Women and cunts are pure shit. No due process for illogical emotional cunt bitches and their beta cuck faggot army.

Imagine thinking a random thot would accuse a multimillion dollar athlete of rape for anything other than a cash grab

That clip doesn't look like it proves post fucking to me. She's his trainer, that could be post workout. Possibly some kind of stretching session?
Also him pulling her onto his lap doesn't prove anything either.

I'm on board with it being bullshit, I know it is. She's some thot who got thotted. But I don't see what this is really showing me that's supposed to blow my mind. If you got all these vids, why not something more detailed? Longer? Why these clips edited together to try and look like it might be something?

Yeah I know, im on AB side on this one. But in court you can only use this to dismiss the "professional relationship" claim and go from there. Its a win for AB nonetheless


>some type of stretching session on the bed

For sure, totally, my wife loves our black masseuse a lot too and always does the massages in our bed with the door locked. Luckily I'm a feminist and believe women so there is no way they fuck.

This story is literally 3000 years old

>be roastie
>have husband
>decide to fuck Chad
>husband finds out
>claim you were raped
>Chad banished from kingdom

I'm sure AB, after her shouting and crying, decided to take this video of his rape celebration. Just so happens she took her socks off during the impromptu rape.

While he was holding her head down into the mattress she reached back to take off her socks and is just calmly putting them back on post-rape because of PTSD. The same reason she kept coming back.


I gave ur mum a stretching sesson last night m9

She claims 1 rape happened

So we must assume the video of them on the bed post sex is the rape.

This means her story: He forced me down and raped me with my head in the mattress must have happened

So in bed, she took her socks off during that rape
She then calmly grabbed them post-rape while they chilling and put them on.

So during the horrific screaming crying rape
She took her socks off while he held her face into the matress
Now is putting them back on, not crying or screaming.


All I see is him behind her wearing shorts and no shirt while she's sitting there facing away doing something. This dude wears no shirt probably while going to the DMV so that doesn't really tell me much. He's laying on a bed while she's sitting on it, but that doesn't tell me much either.
Is the argument here that if she sits on a bed and a dude lays down behind her that she doesn't see, that means they fucked? Was she sitting there silently crying after he pushed her face down and fucked her? Maybe, I don't know.

I actually don't even know if that's the same chick. Behind side profile? I guess.



his jersey will sell out among black men, theyll support him the way they support oj, just as an FU

The actions that have to happen

She comes over to use the bathroom
She is grabbed and raped while held down into the mattress by her head

Somehow her socks have to come off in the bed
She has to post-rape, grab those socks, sit up, and put them on calmly

This is all after screaming and crying for him to stop

He then relaxes in bed, with only underwear on, and grabs his phone to record post-rape sock putting on with a big smile.

How she got to the position, the state of the blankets, etc is literally impossible given her story of the rape.

How do you think a trainer and athlete end up in bed together like that without fucking?

Dude, I've had LOTS of women in my bedroom that I have not fucked. Even ones that sat on my bed.
I don't even know that's his bedroom, that could be a spare room. Is that for sure a bed or just an elaborate pimpcouch of some kind? I don't even know.

She was his trainer, so I'm guessing they were working out ALL THE TIME and they might have done work outs anywhere in the house. I just don't know what's happening there. The 1 second vid is supposed to imply that it was post sex, and that somehow (if it shows this) that the sex must have been consensual, and I just don't see how that is proven.

you're a faggot

If your personal trainer gets on your bed and you are in your underwear they fucking


>She also had asked him to invest $1.5 million into her company and after he found out that $300,000 of that money was going to be invested into land that she had already owned her self he backed out, Find it a bit convenient she does this now

Everyone knows he is innocent

It's just mind-fucked libtards and cucks pumped full of prozac and aDHD meds that are mentally in another dimension who care. The media types know it's bullshit too but have to pretend or they get fired.

It's all just a dumb circus play.

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I'm fairly sure AB is the type of dude who wears nothing but his underwear like 95% of the time.

nothing can stop 19-0, not even rape

what is this even proof of?

that OP is very interested in him

he's black

Honestly this looks like 'shit AB would set up with a friend to post to try and prove he's innocent without any actual proof'.

Like, if you have vid of this chick saying she's gonna fleece him for cash (tryna comeup), then okay - post it. Why post AS IF you have this info, but oh it's on my backup phone which is at x location I can't get to right now. Wtf? Just go get it, don't post this frauded up conversation like it proves anything.

Get your reddit spacing ass out of here.

That AB had someone else write some messages for him and posted it to undercut the accusations.
That nigga is fuckin illiterate. These messages don't even look like ANYTHING he might have written. Compare these to the earlier texts posted which required a 'jive to english' translation. Also *clap* I didn't *clap* hardly *clap* see *clap* one *clap* emoji. Not black person confirmed.

you guys think he will be taken out of the games from getting arrested or some shit? That'll wreck my fantasy team

It was never a possibility that some ghetto nig bitch would put together the word "no" if Antonio Brown propositioned or made a move on her

and it's civil court to boot.. LOL

Holy shit how low test are you

It really makes me think that there is a preprogrammed response for every instance of a woman lying.
>>why didn't she go to the cops
>well lots of women don't want to because it's so dangerous
>>why did she wait until this opportune time
>well lots of women are so shocked by the experience that it takes this long
>>why did she try to get money from him in a civil case instead of pursuing a criminal case?
>well women don't want to go through the trauma of a criminal trial and also it's too hard to convict him
>>what about this video that shows she lied in her accusation
>her being in a relationship with Brown and lying about it does nothing to discredit her, lots of women lie

he didn't get arrested the whore didn't even go to the cops she's suing him

Other than the fact that their relationship might have been more than profesional, what the fuck are you guys trying to prove here? These videos don't show anything. You can have consensual sex one day and in another that same person rape you. I understand giving AB the benefit of the doubt until some form of truth comes out, but cut with this bullshit, just as bad as the "libtard" media you guys always complain about.

to start she said they didn't have a relationship that was more than professional

>You can have consensual sex one day and in another that same person rape you.
That isn't even close to what she claimed happened though

Did you even read what I wrote?

I understand, maybe she thought it was a good idea not to include that (case in point this thread), but if the allegations are true then it wouldn't really matter if they fucked a ton before the incidents

The only way I can think to describe this behavior is “niggerific”

Men like you belong on a cross

it matters a bit in terms of credibility that she lied in her allegation

>maybe she thought it was a good idea not to include that
You don't just get to lie during legal proceedings because you feel like including certain facts wouldn't be a good idea. Her lawsuit filing states:
"Ms. Taylor never dated or had an interest in any romantic relationship with Brown. Their relationship, as far as Ms. Taylor believed and behaved, was that of a ‘brother-sister’ type.”
and that is clearly not the truth based on the videos that were released. This isn't a little white lie either, but a complete misrepresentation of the nature of her relationship with AB. Unless she provides some kind of hard evidence I don't see how her case can have any validity at this point. If you're going to ask us to believe that someone is a criminal based on nothing but your word, then it's on you to make sure that your word is credible.

It is a brother-sister type relationship we're going off the Neymar model lol.

I honestly don't know of a single person who actually believed these allegations. This was worse than Kavanagh in terms of obvious bullshit accusations just to try to knock a guy in the public eye

lifetime ban would like to see his reaction

I understand your points and sincerely am not up to date with all the facts atm. But other than the video in the bed, which does not prove any sexual relationship, these videos don't really demonstrate anything. Some people are just really comfortable physically with other people, that might have been the case. Again, I'm not saying AB did it, but just that these videos don't really exonerate him.

>Some people are just really comfortable physically with other people
people who are fucking

Dude, have you ever had any intimate friend? Someone you can hug and put your arm around and not be anything sexual? Just because people act that way around each other doesn't mean they are fucking.

The videos on their own? Sure they don't. But her lying about the nature of their relationship, the fact that she has tried to extort money from him before, the fact that the money they asked for him to "invest" in her business was to pay her debts(30k) and use another 300k to buy back properties and items her mother had repossessed/foreclosed on, ect.

Innocent or guilt, this fool a fiend for the clout.

>thought it was a good idea not to include that
what is "lying by omission"?

And where did you get that info?

Wasn't aware that was in the lawsuit, that was my mistake. But still, videos don't prove that sex occurred.

A masseuse is a woman so you're probably right.

In a statement from AB's legal team.
Someone told this girl there would be no consequences from filing this civil lawsuit against him, and they were dead fucking wrong.


I don't even like AB but fucking good for him, that bitch should be in jail after this.

He said she said case at this point, if that info turns out to be true then she is fucked but it could also be some bullshit AB's legal made to try and clear him. If official documents of those things surface, then it will definitely be another case.

Mark Davis' plan BTFO. I hate AB, but I hate lying thots more.

Free AB.

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Fucking whores

They got it mixed up she shouted ‘no, don’t stop’

Why is rape even illegal

christcucks ruined the world

The Dolphins will be filling rape charges against the Patriots after AB catches 4+ td passes and the Pats win by 70

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these videos don't mean anything

Will Antonio brown have a live sex celebration with Tom Brady after his first touchdown, bros???
Y-you know, a-as a j-joke haha

Imagine having a mother and posting this

>Woman claims throughout her lawsuit filings that she and AB had a completely professional, nonsexual relationship
>Videos clearly prove they were fucking
She lied.

>AB nigs out on Steelers
>gets traded for a bag of peanuts
>signs massive deal with Raiders
>nigs out
>gets cut and loses guaranteed deal
>signs with Patriots
>gets rape allegation thrown at him
>gets told by his lawyers to avoid social media and lay low until the trial is over
>Patriots now have a version of AB who is forced to focus on nothing but football and keep his head down

These fucks are going 19-0 without question. I can't even be mad anymore, it's too exhausting

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All according to keikaku

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>>Patriots now have a version of AB who is forced to focus on nothing but football and keep his head down
>These fucks are going 19-0 without question. I can't even be mad anymore, it's too exhausting

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I almost hated AB even as a Pats fan. But now I flat out support the dude because of this bullshit. This dumb roastie was clearly fucking him to get his money, then went nuclear when he out played her and backed out. I pray he counter sues this bitch and bankrupts her.

user you are a legend. I kek'd heartily. I don't even care about a perfect season, just a dominant super bowl run would be fucking hilarious enough just to watch the seething meltdown.

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Yes please

Hahahahaha look at this fucking retard

>She's black
Wow, unexpected

God you're right. it's all so tiresome. but like you said it's too exhausting to be mad anymore. might as well just ride it out.

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AB is single handedly raising interest in the league through this whole saga. Last season had no stories for the casuals

you are the biggest faggot I've ever seen on Yea Forums
and I frequent /hm/

Based AB


Women are women

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why do butts look so good?

Any girl he could ever want and he choses this chimp. To each his own I guess

Have sex

Yeah it’s called the friend zone and you obviously have a lot of experience in it.

Bitches have lied guys into prison for years and not punished for it. Nothing will happen to her

This next level white knighting

>But still, videos don't prove that sex occurred

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>Dude, I've had LOTS of women in my bedroom that I have not fucked. Even ones that sat on my bed.
This guy has had sex one or two times max and thats being generous.